Additions and Corrections-Thermodynamics of Concentrated

Publication Date: December 1950. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free...
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Dec., 1950



Richard C. Gilmore, Jr., and W. J. Horton. The SynMarshall Gates. The Synthesis of Ring Systems Related to Morphine. 111. 5,6-Dimethoxy-4-cyanomethyl- thesis of 1-Hydroxycyclohepta[ delnaphthalene. 1,2-naphthoquinone and its Condensation with Dienes. Pages 733 ff. The authors write: “In every case Pages 228 and 229. Forrnulas XI and XV should be where -cyclohepta [delnaphthalene is mentioned, it should be -7,8,9,10-tetrahydrocyclohepta [de] naphthalene, to conform t o Chemical Abstracts nomenclature.”-W. J. HORTON. 0 I(. J. Palmer and Merle Ballantyne. The Structure of ( I ) Some Pectin Esters and (11) Guar Galactomannan. Page 737. In col. 2, text line 1, for “Table 11” read “Table I.”

XI Also the formulas for the azine of coniporiiitl XVI should have the structure


N /‘

QOT cr-r,o/

Robert F. Raffauf. Furans. 11. Ultraviolet Absorption and Molecular Structure. Page 754. In the legend of Fig. 1, for “n” read “c.” Omit 8 on Formula I, change e to right side of Formula I, second resonance form, and insert e in place of - on Formula IV, second resonance form. In Formula VI, place the o on the a-carbon. Page 755. In footnote (12) for “with” read “when.”ROBERTF. RAFFAUF. William S. Johnson and Robert P. Graber. The Stobbe Condensation with 6-Methoxy-2-propionylnaphthalene. A Synthesis of Bisdehydrodoisynolic Acid. Page 931. In col. 2, line 27, for “H” read “CH,.’’WILLIAMS. JOHNSON.

Charles A. Burkhard. The Reaction of Mercaptans 0 HC-COOCzH5 with Alkenyl Silanes. CH, i Page 1078. In Table I, Compound VIII, Formula CiY .-MARSHALLGATES “( CH&3iOSi( CH,)3( CHZ)SSCHZCOZH,” should read ”( CH3)sSiOSi(CH3)2( CHz)aSCH2COzH.” Compound IX, Hussein Sadek and Raymond M. Fuoss. ElectrolyteCHa)sSCHzCOzCzHs,” should read Solvent Interaction. I. Tetra-butylammonium Bromide Formula “( C2HsO)aSi( “( C Z H ~ O ) ~CHZ)~SCHZC~ZCZH~.”-CHARLES S~( A. BURICin Methanol-Nitrobenzene Mixtures. HARD. Page 304, Fig. 1. The methanol points should be a t - log K = 1.42 and 10% = 4.46. W. von E. Doering and Jerome A. Berson. A RePage 305, Table IV. For To. 1, K = 0.038 and a = examination of the Diisohomogenol Structure. 4.46.-R. M. Fuoss. read ~” Page 1120. In col. 1, line 26, for “ C Z Z H Z ~ O “C22H2807.” John D. Roberts, Richard L. Webb and Elizabeth A. Page 1121. I n col. 2, line 17, for “C, 68.37” read “C, McElhill. The Electrical Effect of the Trifluoromethyl 68.87.”-JEROME A. BERSON. Group. Marshall Gates, R. B. Woodward, W. F. Newhall and Page 409. In col. 1, text line 29, for “CIHiONHa” read “GHloNF3.:: In text line 35, for ‘‘CsHlONFs” read Rosemarie Kiinzli. The Synthesis of Ring Systems Related t o Mqrphine. IV. N-Methylisomorphinane. ‘‘CgHloNF3. Page 1144. In column 2, the next t o last line of the dePage 410. In Table IV, data line 2, for “P-CH8” read scription of the preparation of 4-cyanomethyl-1,2-naphtho“P-CF3.”-JOHN D. ROBERTS. quinone (XV), (16%) should read (6l%), and in the fifth Martin J. Schick, Paul M. Doty and Bruno H. Zimm. line of the description of the preparation of 9,10-dioxo-13Thermodynamics of Concentrated Polystyrene Solutions. cyanomethy1-5,8,9,10,13,14-hexahydrophenanthrene 1 1.5 g. should read 15.9 g.-MARSHALL GATES. Page 531. In col. 2, line 13, the thermal expansion R. A. Day, Jr., A. E. Robinson, Jr., J. M.Bellis and S. B. coefficient of cyclohexane should read “0.00123,” instead Till. Oxidation Potentials and Ultraviolet Absorption of “0.0123. ” Spectra of a Series of Normal Ketones. Page 532. In col. 1 the number in line 7 of the text Page 1379. The authors write: “The data on the ultrashould be -1 X m~le-crn.g/g.~. In Table I11 the heading of the third column should be “Bz X lo4 mole- violet absorption spectra of the aliphatic ketones are not cm.a/g.2” and the heating of the fourth column should be reliable, because the ketones were not spectroscopically pure. Rice (Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), 91A, 76 (1914)), “B3 X IO3 m~le-cm.~/g.~.” in an article which we carelessly overlooked, proved The values given of the virial coefficients represent our when a saturated aliphatic ketone showed absorption best estimates assuming that the higher oirial coejkients are that on the ultraviolet side of the carbonyl band, a highly abnot zero. If we had attempted t o fit the data in the best sorbing impurity, not removed by distillation, was present. manner with only three or four coefficients, somewhat Chemical purification seems t o be necessary in order t o different values would have been found. remove this impurity. No quantitative significance We regret having omitted a reference t o the work of should be given to our results. However, the qualitative George V. Browning and John D. Ferry, J . Chem. Phys., conclusions which were made in our article seem t o be valid. Rice reported that the wave length of maximum 17,1107 (1949) .-PAUL DOTYand BRUNO ZIMM. absorption shifted from 275 m p for acetone t o 282 m p C. F. H. Allen, Jean V. Crawford, R. H. Sprague, Eleanor for di-n-propyl ketone. The only significant changes R. Webster and C. V. Wilson. 3-Azabenzanthrone Dyes. he found in molar absorption indices were between acetone Page 586. In Table I, data line 8, for ‘ ‘ C Z ~ H ~ O F ~ N(17.1) ~ O ~ ”and methyl ethyl ketone (19.4). All larger ketones showed a constant value of 21.2.”-R. A. DAY,JR. read “C~HI~FSN~O,.”--C. F. H. ALLEN.