Additions to Our Open Peer-Reviewed and Open Collections - Journal

Nov 1, 2003 - Notes updates in both the peer-reviewed and open collections of WebWare. Keywords (Audience):. General Public. Keywords (Feature):...
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Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources edited by

JCE WebWare

William F. Coleman

Additions to Our Open Peer-Reviewed and Open Collections

Wellesley College Wellesley, MA 02481

Edward W. Fedosky University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53715

This month we note updates in both the peer-reviewed and open collections of WebWare. Peer-Reviewed Collection Our collection of peer-reviewed WebWare has grown to twenty applications with the addition of “An Aquatic Chemistry Spreadsheet for General Chemistry Classes”. Find this and the entire peer-reviewed collection Only@JCE Online at collection/reviewed/. Open Review Collection Our open collection has been updated recently. •

New WebWare applications have been added for open review.

WebWare applications are now introduced by a Web page that contains information about the application, including what software and/or plugins are needed, along with links to where these can be obtained.

The collection contains tables of contents arranged by subject or chronologically to provide quick access to the newest additions.

Find the open WebWare collection Only@JCE Online at collection/open/.

JCE WebWare and JCE Forums JCE WebWare has been integrated into the JCE discussion forums Only@JCE Online. A discussion topic has been initiated for each WebWare application in both the open and peer-reviewed collections. Links to the discussions are included on the introduction pages. The WebWare forums can also be accessed from the main forum page at http:// We encourage you to read what others are saying about our WebWare applications. Try them out for yourself, then use the forum to add your response to what others have said.

Figure 1. Screenshot from the NSDL Web site at http:// Get to this page by clicking the “Collections” tab on the NSDL main page, then “Science”, and finally “Chemistry” in the list at the left.

JCE WebWare and the National Science Digital Library We are pleased to announce that the JCE Webware open and peer-reviewed collections are the first entries from the JCE Digital Library collection (JCEDLib) to be listed with the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). To find JCE at the NSDL, go to Click the “Collections” tab, then “Science”, and finally “Chemistry” in the list at the left. (See Figure 1.) You may also search for “JCE” from the NSDL main page. Feedback Requested! We encourage you to send feedback to the Journal about your experience at the NSDL Web site. The site is still in its infancy, and JCE may have an opportunity to influence how this resource is developed. To facilitate your input, we have set up a separate discussion area in the JCE Forums at http:// to gather your feedback and share it with others in the chemical education community. You may also write to the JCE Editor, John W. Moore. • Vol. 80 No. 11 November 2003 • Journal of Chemical Education