Addressing the needs of the majority - American Chemical Society

Addressing the Needs of the Majority. Robert E. Laurie. Ecole Sainte-Anne, 715 Priestman, Fredericton, N.-B., Canada E3B 5W7. Recent literature abound...
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Addressing the Needs of the Majority Robert E. Laurie Ecole Sainte-Anne, 715 Priestman, Fredericton, N.-B., Canada E3B 5W7

Recent literature abounds with papers concerning various problems encountered by chemistry teachers at the university and high school levels (1-5). Unfortunately, the introductory high school chemistry course is often neglected from this healthy debate. It can be argued that the introductory high school chemistry course is the most important of all chemistry courses. Since an all too high percentage of grade 11students will either drop out, not attend a &ve&ty or choose another faculty, the introductory high school chemistry course may be the onlv Droner time to educate the students about chemistry. The vast majority, unfortunately, will make their first chemistrv course their last. In ordcr tochange the perception that chemistry is hard, boring, and useless, it is imperative that the high school introductory chemistry course bc made relevant to the ytudent. Only then will it become interesting. To do this we must address adequately the needs of the students. Because many students are convinced that they don't like chemistry even before the course starts, how can we justify preparing them for future chemistry courses?

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Much has been said about the Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach (6). Few would argue against the importance for future generations to be scientifically literst.3

Teachers should emphasize various applications of chemistry in the students'dally lives rather than abstract theories a n d mathematical operations often learned by rote andlor using simple algorithms. Students not only would be more motivated. but thev also would become ---~ ~~~, more educated citizens. In an artirk dealing with high school introductorv chemistrv courses. Streitbereer (6)has described a metho2 incorporating STS in the clakrkm. In the province of Alberta, the ALCHEM program and its spinoffs,STSC 10 and STSC 20, can serve as examples for other jurisdictions. These programs make the mostbf local industries that apply various chemical concepts, procedures, and techniques. Abundant examples concerning local resources are included in various parts of the ALCHEM nroeram such as writine and balancing eauations. calculating percentage yields, and applying laboratory work. The ALCHEM oroeram is proof that chemistni can be relevant and interesting. Although emphasizing STS issues is a necessity, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of presenting only the obvious issues such as acid rain and the ereenhouse of "eveffect. Along with these issues numerous e~am-~les ervdav chemistrv" to which the students can relate constineed. tute & even Because incarporating an STS approach in the classroom requires a significant amount of time, there must be a corresoondine reduction in the number of concepts that are to be Htudiedr~om~ensating for this reduction fs the fact that the conce~tsstudied would be done in meater detail. It c a n k t be argued that such an approach neglects the stronger students who plan to continue in science since ~






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Based on a paper presented at the 73rd Canadian Chemical Conference,Halifax, July 1990.

they, too, eventually will become decision-makers in the society. Let their chemical training start in grade 12. Let their chemical education start in grade 11. Scientific Method

The teacher's instruction should be permeated with some form of "scientific method" rather than teaching it at the beginning of the course simply because it is usually found at the beginning of the textbooks. Problems should be remlarlv and freauently vresented to the students. It 6 important forthe students to realize that a tested, but failed or reiected. hv~othesisis better than no hv~othesis. nowl ledge, and more importantly experience; will have been obtained in the seareh for an answer. This is infinitely more important than emphasizing content and a "right" answer. Perhaps it would be wise to refer to the "scientific method" as the "logical method" or "problem solving method" since the term scientfi may be intimidating to some. Maybe the s t i-m a of its restriction to science would disappeai? The experimental approach should be favored when doing lab work rather than following the good old "cook book" method with its predictable results. both scientific and behavioral. ~ l t h o u i hfollowing a &n procedure is certainly a valuable skill, our students, and indeed all citizens, should be able to follow logical steps so that particular problems relating- to their daily lives may be solved efficiently. The experimental approach is used with at least two Drograms. he first is a lihysical Science propam in the p&ince of Quebec for Sec IV (made 101 students. This course consists of up to 50% lab wirk for the students. Adifferent evaluation method is used for the course to account for the generous time spent in the laboratory. This course trains the student to think instead of following step-by-step experimental procedures. The role of the teacher is to be a "co-discoverer" instead of a "giver of knowledge". The Soeratic method is amply used. The second program, Chemistry in the community or ChemCom, has been developed by the American Chemical Society. It purports to address the problem of scientific illiteracv of U.S. citizens. This new ao~roachmakes the most of societal issues and laboratory activities. We canbe optimistic that its results will be better than that of the variety of curricula now taught. A.


High school texts themselves are often simplified versions of university texts (7).Notwithstanding the quality of these texts, it must be admitted that their use in grade 11often serves to continue the problem of irrelevancy for the students. Fortunately, several recent texts (8-10)are written in a style that does not threaten or intimidate the students. Minimal National Standards for Chemistry

New Brunswick, the only officiallybilingual province in Canada, is unique in that its Department of Education is divided along linguistic lines. There are two relatively independent branches in this Department: one for English Volume 70 Number 3 March 1993


schwls and another for French schools. Both report to the same Education Minister and are free to develoo their curriculum, which is to be respected by all schools under their respective jurisdictions. The philosophy toward chemistry education in both branches is somewhat different. Enelish schools follow a more traditional curriculum in grad; 11. That favored by the French sector is less so. In French schools.. the .made 11 . chemistry course is compulsory. It is not compulsory in the Enelish schools. Hecause of this, the French curriculum is taiibred to meet the demands of a larger, less scientific, segment of the ~ooulation. Eegardless ofihe system orcurricula favored, ifa certain level of scipntific literaw is to be attained by the students, we cannot neglect its measurement nor toierate regional disparities. Minimal national standards to be attained by every high school graduate should be adopted. Such standards certainly would be achieved by different means from province to province and even school to school. This would allow each province the latitude it would want concerning the specific objectives to be included in its curriculum. Each province, and, indeed, each teacher, would have the freedom to incorporate examples from daily life that are relevant to the students. Once again their interest in chemistry would be increased. In New Brunswick's French high schools, minimal standards are measured by administering a "provincial exam" the result of which accounts for 40% of a student's final mark. Each school receives a detailed statistical analysis of the results obtained by their students. Many possible interpretations exist for these results. Among these is that they allow schools and teachers to focus on their stren&hs . and weaknesses. Adopting national education standards in Canada poses a problem because education is a provincial responsibility, not a federal one. The problem may be more important in the United States since 50 states have to be dealt with. The strong American tradition of local authority in education also poses a pmblem. In Canada this tradition is rarely as strong. Scientific Activities Yet another suggestion that would help grade 11 students appreciate and learn more chemistry is to encourage their participation in science fairs, class projects, debates on current issues, chemistry week, etc. All of these activities serve to increase the interest and awareness of the students concerning the importance and ubiquity of chemistry. They also get to participate actively in the course rather than remain on the sidelines as mere spectators. Teachers Finally, the mle of the high school teacher must be discussed. The author fully agrees with Newbold (11)who


Journal of Chemical Education

writes ". . . the teacher is the key component that determines the aualitv of the system". This heLief is corroborated by &orge i t al. (121who found that "teachers have an im~ortantinfluence on the attitudes that the students have toward the subjectz. Dedicated teachers have sus~ectedthis for a lone time. As stated above, the teacher should be a co-discoverer rather than a piver of knowledee. The teacher should create and maintain an environment that is conducive to using the scientific method. Also, it is obvious that the teacher must know sufficient chemistry to be at ease in such a course while having the energy and enthusiasm to lead by example. In light of recent reports these requirements will be hard to attain. Green (13) clearly shows that with the current trends in university enrollment in the United States, the majority of the future chemistry teachers will graduate with a degree in education rather than a degree in science. Because their trainine will be in education rather than in science, they may nothave an adequate disciplinary base to meet the demands of the high school cumculum. The situation in Canada is undoubtedly similar. The future teaching situation is critical. In Canada, a shortage of teachers is predicted during this decade, mostly due to retirement. A shortage already is being felt in some provinces. French, math, and the sciences seem especially hard hit by a drought of competent teachers. If todays' teachers are to be replaced by a young, energetic, and competent group, this group must be trained in sufficient numbers. Because, as Pallrand (14) writes, "teachers are largely responsible for bringing the substance and spirit of science to generations of young people", it is imperative that the present scientific community ensure that the demand for competent teachers is met. Only then can we expect to get on with the other changes that are urgently needed. We cannot afford to continue turning a blind eye toward the majority of our students' needs nor can we afford to continue graduating scientifically illiterate generations.



Literature Cited 1. Carter, C. S.; Brickhouse,N. W. J. C h m Edue 1989,66,22%225. 2. Mitchell, T. J. Chem.Educ lsB9,66,562464. 3. Y a w , R E. S d Tehr: 1 9 s . 53 (1).145. 4. Steiner,R. J Chem Educ. 1982.59.1044 5. Krajeik,J.8.;Yager, R. E. J Chem Edw. 1987.64.433-433. 6. Stceitberger, H. E. J Chem.Edue. I988,66,€&61. 7. Go1d.M. J Chm. Educ. 1988..65.7 . 8CL781. 8. American Chemical S a d e a ChomCom, Chemistry in the Community, KendalWunt, Dubuque, 1988. 9. Perciwl, S.; Wilson, R. C&mktry.AHumon Mnfure;Irwin: lbronto, 1988. 10. Shapiro, B.;Shapim, S.Chemiaby at Wwk;Copp CLarkPitman:Tmonto, 1988. 11. Newbold, B. T. In Widzning f h Smpa of Chamisfry; Takeuchi, Y Ed.; Blackwell
