Adsorption and Oxidation of Formic Acid on Smooth Platinum

Adsorption and Oxidation of Formic Acid on Smooth Platinum Electrodes in Perchloric Acid Solutions. S. B. Brummer, and A. C. Makrides. J. Phys. Chem. ...
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Adsorption and Oxidation of Formic Acid on Smooth Platinum Electrodes in Perchloric Acid Solutions

by S. B. Brummer and A. C. Makrides Tyco Laboratories, Inc., W a l t h a m , Massachusetts

(Received December !i? 1963) $?

The adsorption and oxidation of formic acid on smooth platinum electrodes were studied in HClO, solutions by anodic and cathodic chronopotentionietry and by potentiostatic techniques. The oxidation rate a t each potential was determined as a function of electrode preparation, pH, and forrnic acid concentration. Anodic pretreatment activates an electrode for the subsequent oxidation of HCOOH. However, the oxidation rate a t any given potential declines with time because of the slow adsorption of a substance which intcrferes with the oxidation of HCOOH. The kinetics of adsorption and the extent of adsorption of the blocking substance were determined a t a series of potentials. The equilibrium adsorption decreases with potential above 0.36 v. and is essentially zero a t 0.70 v. The rate of oxidation of HCOOH is first order with respect to the free surface, the HCOOH concentration, and the pH. The oxidation rate increases with potential according to a Tafel type relation (slope 60 mv.) up to potentiah of about 0.4 v., but the rate is independent of potential thereafter. The current plateau is not controlled by diffusion. A mechanism for oxidation is suggested in which the slow step is a nonelectrochemical dissociative reaction of HCOOH.


Introduction The electrochemical conversion of formic acid to C02, one of the simpler organic electrooxidations, is of considerable interest because formic acid appears either as an interniediate or a by-product in the oxidation of methanol and formaldehyde. Despite this interest, the mechanism of the reaction is not well understood. One of the first extensive investigations of the oxidation of formic acid was made by Muller and his coworkers who virtually 100% couloiribic efficiency for the reaction


+ 2H+ + 2e


They also found that the current on smooth and black noble metal electrodes increased with potential a t low potentials, declined somewhat as the potential vias further raised, and again increased a t about the oxygen evolution potential. The limiting current a t intermediate potentials mas not controlled by diffusion of HCOOH to the electrode surface. Muller and coworkers1-3 also observed potential oscillations during The Journal of Physical Chemistry

anodic galvanostatic experiments in solutions containing HCOOH. To account for these results, Muller and Tanalia3 proposed the following mechanism: at low potentials the sequence of reactions HCOOH,,I, --+ HCOOH,d, HCOOH,d, --+ Hz COz



+ 2H+ + 2e

(2) (3)


was postulated and reaction 3 was assumed to be the slow step. At more positive potentials platinurn oxide was presumed to be formed on the surface and the rate of ( 3 ) declined due to the lesser catalytic efficiency of the oxide. Eventually, another process, the direct discharge of forinate ions, viz. HCOO- +HCOOaa,

HCOO,a, +Haas


+ COz

(1) E. Mdller, 2 . E l e k t r o c h m . , 2 9 , 264 (1923). ( 2 ) E. Muller, ibzd., 33, 561 (1927). (3) E. Muller and S.Tnnaka, ibid., 34, 256 (1928)

(5) (6)


took over and the current again increased with potential. The potential oscillations were explained3 by assurning that the current can be supported a t a lower potential as soon as E L s becomes available (see reaction 6). However, it is difficult to see why the above mechanism should lead to oscillations unless the concentration of Hads were suddenly raised. Normally, one would expect this concentration to be very low since reaction 7 is fast. Another difficulty with the proposed mechanism is that the decline in the current on plat& num commences a t about +0.45 v. us. H J H + (in the same solution), which is well below the potential a t which even monolayers of oxide are formed on platin ~ m .Therefore, ~ inhibition of reaction 3 due to oxide formation is unlikely a t these low potentials. Herasymenko5 did not observe a maximum in the current-potential curve as found by Muller, et al., but he did find a limiting current. The initial rise in the current at low potentials was assumed6 to be due to the oxidation of adsorbed formic acid molecules on active sites on the electrode, and it was postulated tha,t the current stops increasing when the rate of electrochemical oxidation exceeds the rate of formic acid adsorption, this last being a nonelectrochemical step. This implies that the formic acid coverage decreases as the potential is raised. It wds also suggested that formic acid may be oxidized at high positive potentials without prior adsorption. Herasymenko5 found lower currents in the presence of chloride and bromide ions and attributed this effect to the replacement of HCOOH on the electrode by these anions. Schwabe6 has also suggested that the exclusion of formic acid from the double layer by anioii adsorption is responsible for the po tential-independent limiting current. However, the results of Conway and D~ieciuch~suggest a possible difficulty with this interpretation. They studied the anodic process using pure HCOOH a8 solvent and also found a limiting current in the intermediate potential region. I n this case only formate ion is present in the solution. If this ion is preferentially adsorbed a t positive potentials, the existence of a limiting current iniplies that the discharge of the formate ion is not as easy as the oxidation of the HCOOH molecule. That this may be the case is suggested by the observation that in basic solution (where HCOOH dissociates) methanol is converted almost quantitatively t o HCOO- which does not easily react further,* whereas in acid solution the yield is almost entirely COZ.


Conway and Dzieciuch’ do not, in fact, attribute the limiting current to anion displacement of adsorbed HCOOH. Instead, they assume a mechanism of the type shown in eq. 5-7. They account for the limiting current by postulating that reaction 6 is rate-determining and that the coverage by HCOO. radicals increases to unity a t the start of the current plateau and stays at this value until ai1 alternative reaction takes over at a higher potential. The presence of numerous lo supports the side products in Kolbe electrolysess~ theory of free radical intermediates in the oxidation. Schwabe6 studied the decomposition of formic acid to COz and Hz and found a maximum in the rate a t about pH 4.2. From this he concluded that HCOOH itself, and not HCOO-, is the reacting species although the situation must be more complex to account for the maximum. He also found that the reaction is selfpoisoning. He found no evidence for the reaction HCOOH --+CO

+ HzO


which suggests that the poisoning agent is not CO. However, a monolayer of adsorbed CO, which has been postulated in connection with the self-poisoning observed during anodic oxidation of HCOOH (see below), could not have been detected in these experiments. Schwabe suggested that the rate-limiting step for the anodic oxidation is the decomposition to Hz and COz (reaction 3). The current falls in the intermediate potential region due to exclusion of HCOOH from the double layer by anion adsorption and then increases due to an alternative process, uix.


+ HCOOH +2HzO + COZ+ 2e-


Another possibility is that the formate ion is discharged directly a t high, positive potentials. Breiterll studied the oxidation of HCOOH in 1 N HC10, on bright platinum using cyclic voltametry and chronopotentiometry. The chronopotentiometry (both anodic and cathodic) was performed during a slow (30 mv./sec.) potential sweep with sufficiently high current densities to eliminate diffusional effects. Thus, he was able to measure the extent of adsorption (4) H. A. Laitinen and C . G. Enke, J . Electrochem. Soc., 107, 773 (1960). (5) P. Herasymenko, Ukr. Khim. Zh., 4, 439 (1929). (6) K. Schwabe, 2. Elektrochem.. 61, 744 (1957). (7) B. E. Conway and M. Dzieciuch, Can. J . Chem., 41, 21, 38, 55 (1963). ( 8 ) M . J. Schlatter, “Fuel Cells,” Vol. 2, G. J. Young, Ed., Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, N. Y., 1963, p. 200. (9) K. Clusius and P. Holeman, 2. physik. Chem., B35,261 (1937). (10) K. Clusius and W. Schanzer, ibid.,A190, 241 (1941); A192, 223 (1943). (11) M .W. Breiter, Electrochim. Acta, 8 , 447, 457 (1963).

Volume 68, Number 6 June, 1964


of an organic spccics (hc suggests that this is HCOOH) on the electrode. He found a maximuin adsorption of 260 pcoulombs per true ~ i i i(210 . ~ pcoulombs for H atorn adsorptionI2). He also found that in the anodic sweep, with (HCOOH) = 1 M , the adsorbed charge was constant up to -0.8 v. but declined rapidly with further increase in potential. It will be shown below that these ineasurements involve a kinetic displacement of the adsorption equilibria and, therefore, are not directly pertinent to the steady-state oxidation of HCOOH. Ruck and GriffithL3have also investigated the oxidation of forniic acid by cyclic voltammetry and with anodic chroriopotentionletry. Their most important result was the discovery that the chronopotentiograln is a functioii of the time the electrode has been in contact with the solution, but they did not make a detailed investigation of this phenonienon. Slott14 investigated the reaction with chronopotentiorrictry and also examined open circuit potentials. He found that after anodic pretreatment, the open circuit potentid of the platinuiii electrode went through a minimum which was close to the hydrogen potential. He assumed that this was due to the decomposition of HCOOH to HZ and COZ. After the miniinurn, the potential rose in such a way as to suggest displacement of adsorbed hydrogen produced by reaction 3 by another species. He also found a "wait-time" effect in which the amount of oxidation possible decreased with increase of wait-time. He suggested that the adsorbed species which caused poisoning of the electrode was CO, but offered no proof of this. Recent results'j using cyclic voltamnietry indicate that the peaks for the oxidation of CO and of HCOOH are similar and that the extent of adsorption during the oxidation of thesc two substances is also comparable. On the basis of these results it was concludedL3that the poisoning agent is CO. RIIunson1R used chronopotentiometry to study the HCOOH oxidation and observed that the rate-limiting step is a pre-electrochemical reaction. The rate of this step reaches a maximuin at a pH just less than 5, which suggests a mechanism similar to the decomposition to HP and COZ, as observed by SchwabeSe However, Nunson discounted the possibility that oxidation involved the direct oxidation of Hz, formed from thc HCOOH by decomposition, because the HCOOH oxidation rate is much less than the H, oxidation rate at the same potential. He suggested that some other step, comnion between the two reactions, must be responsible for the observed pII correlation. From the foregoing, it is clear that despite considerablr interest in this important reaction, our understanding of its mechanism is still inconipletc. The The Journal of Phijsicnl Chemistry

S.B. HRUMMERA N I ) .A, C. ~ I A K ~ U D E S

only adsorption measurciiieiits are those of BreitcrIl which, uiifortunatcly, do not refer t o steady-state collditions. The kinetics of adsorption have not bcc?li iiivestigatcd and, indeed, some basic inforination on the steady-state current-potential behavior is not available. In the present study, rneasurenients have beell made of current-potential curves as a function of electrode preparation, pH, and HCOOH concentration. Also, studies of the adsorption kinetics aiid of st,eadystate adsorption have been inadc with anodic and cathodic chronopoteritionietry .

Experimental The electrochemical cell was constructed of I'yrex glass and was of conventional design. The central compartment contained the working electrode and had sufficient volunie to niinirnize concentration changes during an experiment. The reference electrode was a platinized platinum cylinder inimersed in the test solution which was saturated with purified hydrogen. J'oteritials were measured through a Haber-Luggin capillary, with a 0.15-cm. 0.d. The counter electrode was also a platinized platinum cylinder and was connected to the main compartment via a coarse-fritted disk. All electrodes were mounted in such a way that only glass and Teflon came into contact with the solution. The platinum working electrodes were of 99.98% purity and were cylinders with an apparent, area of 1-2 ~ 1 1 1 . ~ . They were polished on silk with wet c r - A I 2 0 3 of particle size 0.3 p , and were then mashed with chroniic-sulfuric acid, triply distilled water, and portions of the test solution. The electrode area was estimated by cathodic charging in 1 N HCIOl solution (at -50 nia.!cni.2), from +0.5 v. us. HZ/H+ in the same solution, while on the anodic part of a slow triangular sweep (0.3 to 1.25 v.). This method has been used by Breiter" and gives excellent reproducibility if the solution is not stirred. All results are reported per real ~ 1 1 1on . ~ the basis of a H-atom coverage of 210 pcoulonibsi~ni.~ a t 0.0 v.12 Solutions were made up with triply distilled water (once froin alkaline perinanganate) and were usualli 1 A4 with respect to CIO1-. Different acidities (in the pH range -0.33 to +1.3,5) were obtained by adding (12) F. Q . Will and r,A . Knorr. Z . Elektrochem., 64, 258 (1960). (13) 11, 1'. Buck arid L. I t . Griffith, J . Electrochem. S o c . , 109, 1005 ( 1 9B2). (14) 11. Slott, Doctor of Science Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jiinuary. 1963. (15) Califorriia 1tese:irch Corp., Richmond. Ciilif., "Investigirtive Stud,. I(e1ating t,o Fuel Cells," Report S o . 10, Jiiri. I-April 30, 1963, Coritr:ic:t DA-49-186-ORD-929. ( l e ) I < , A . Miirison, General Electric Research Labs, Schenectady. N . Y . , Summ:iry Report No. 1, March 31. 1962, Contrwt D A - 4 4 009-1',NC-4863.


appropriate quantities of XaOH to 1 M HC10, (both Baker A.R. grade). The working and counter electrode compartments were flushed with a continuous slow stream of purified KZ. Connections were made with Teflon tubing, and the stopcocks, required to control the rate of gas flow, had Teflon barrels. The formic acid was Baker A.R. grade. Potential control was maintained with a Wenking fast-rise potentiostat. Switching to a galvanostatic circuit, for cleaning and for chronopotentiometry, WBS achieved with a Western Electric 275 C mercur,ywetted relay, activated by a microswitch. Current transients were measured across a 0.1% General Radio Co. decaderesistancbe box with a Sargent SR recorder. Potential transientr; were observed on a Tektronix Type 535A oscilloscope using a Type D vertical preamplifier. Unless otherwise stated, all measurements were made in an oil-filled bath maintained at 40 f. 0.2". Potentials are reported us. Hz/H+ in the relevant solution.


somewhat more when the solution was stirred. The cleaning current density and. the duration of the pulse did not affect the subsequent decline of the current. A standard cleaning procedure was selected as 50 rna./cmezfor -1 sec., with stirring during the anodic pulse and for 10 sec. afterward. By this procedure, results reproducible to -10% were obtained from run to run in freshly prepared solutions. The reproducibility tended to be better in the more acid solutions. It was observed (Fig. 1) that the rate of decline of the current was a function of the potential and was greatest at the lower potentials.

Results and Discusslion Current-Potential Curves. Current-potential curves for the oxidation of HCOOH have been determined for platinum, 1--3,6,7 but a careful quantitative study in atid solutions, particularly on the bright metal, is not a'i ailable. Most of the reported work is qualitative in nature and/or has been performed with black eleatrodes. Thus, simple information flor the order of the oxidation with regard to pH and HCOOH has not been firmly established, nor has any quantitative treatment been made of the Tafel line observed at low potentials. The major stumbling block in obtaining such information, despite reports to the contrary,' is the irreproducibility of the current-potential behavior. Preliminary experiments indicated that variations in current-potential behavior up to one order of magnitude (in current) are possible and that the Bystem responds sluggishly to changes of potential. It was believed that the reason for this sluggishness and irreproducibility was the slowness of the adsorption characteristics of the system and, therefore, a t each1 potential under study, one should adssorbfrom the solution onto a clean electrode. To test this idea, the electrode was 'lcleanedJ' anodically (1-5 sec. at real current densities of 25-200 ma./cm. z, and then returned to poteiitiostatic control. Its behavior was then observed as a function of time. After this electrode pretreatment, the rate of oxidation declined with time, at first rapidly and then more slowly. The rate of decline, during the initial period of decay (1 min.), was not affected by stirring the solution, but at longer times (1-10 min.) the current decreased



Figure 1. Decline of rate of oxidation, a t various potentials, ae function of time since cleaning for 1 M HCOOH in 2 M HC104.

Experiment showed that cleaning the electrode by cathodizing it with large current densities gave results similar to those obtained by anodic cleaning, providing that care was taken to remove the evolved Hz. At 0.7 v. the electrode was cleaned both anodically and cathodically. The agreement between the subsequently observed oxidation rates was sufficiently good to permit use of cathodic pretreatment for potentials above 0.7 v., where anodic pretreatment leaves a heavy surface oxide. I n Fig. 2, the current-potential curves, taken at different times, are plotted for 1 M HCOOH in 1 M Clodat pH 1.0. I t is observed that, during the first 3 min., the apparent Tafel slope, b, decreases from a value of 106 mv. to -60 mv. and, thereafter, remains constant. In Table I, data for a number of systems are presented. Notwithstanding that the current is still decreasing slowly, little variation is seen in b, as determined a t 5 and 10 min. after activation. It is reasonable to assume that the slope a t 10 min. is essentially the limiting slope, Le., b , a t t .+ m . In molar HCOOH, b-, tends toward 60 mv. In more dilute solutions, someVolume 68, Number 6

June, 1964



plateau is not directly affected by stirring (not a diffusion-limited current) nor is the potential of its commencement a significant function of pH or of time since activation. Table IT gives the pH dependence, ( b log i/d pH), of the oxidation rate in 1 M HCOOH at 0.25 v. vs. n.h.e., a potential which falls within the Tafel region at all pH values. An example of a plot of log i us. pH is presented in Fig. 3 ; it is seen that the linearity of the

, , , , , ,

l a25



, 0.65


, , 0.73


Figure 2. Log current us. potential for oxidation of 1 M HCOOH at p H 1.0.


what larger Tafel slopes are observed; in 0.01 M HCOOH, the plot is so curved as to preclude the meaningful evaluation of a Tafel parameter.







Log current us. pH for 1 M HCOOH a t 0.25 v. N.H.E. Currents refer to 5 min. after

Figure 3. us.

Table I : Tafel Slope (in mv.) a t Various Times after

cleaning the electrode.

Activation pH

-0.33 -0.33 -0.33


$1 .o +1.45 fl.55

Conon. of HCOOH, M

1.o 0.1 0.01 1.0


1.0 1.o

15 sec.

30 sec.

1 min. 2 min. 5 min. 10 min.

62 64 43 45 Indeterminate 73 78 106 109 85 70 70 65

70 50 slope 75 77 75 58

80 70

60 63 83 87 (plot not linear) 85 75 .. 72 59 58 65 58 61 63 60 57

Whatever the reason for the apparent change in the current during the decay after activation (the change of Tafel slope suggests, inter alia, a change of the reaction mechanism), it may be postulated that bt,, refers to the mechanism of the reaction in steady state of the electrode surface. The general observation is made, in general agreement with previous observations,1 - ~ ~ 5 , 7 that a limiting current, independent of potential, is observed at potentials higher than about 0.45 v. This The Journal of Physical Chemistry

plot is reasonably good. From Table 11,it is apparent that ( b log i/d pH) is about + l . O and is only slightly dependent on the time after activation. In the limiting current region, ( b log i / b pH) is independent of the time from activation, and is about +0.2; however, the plots show considerable scatter. The order of the reaction with respect to formic acid, in the concentration range 0.01-1.0 M , and at times Table I1 : ( b log i / b P H ) ~". . a~t ~Various Times after Activation

15 sec. 30 sec. 1 min. 2 min. 5 min. 10 min.

+1.35 +1.30 +1.23 $1.10 fl.03 +1.10 .-


after activation in excess of -2 mim., is close to unity over the whole potential region. Before discussing the electrochemical parameters, b and ( b log i/E,pH), and their variation a t short times after the activation, the extent and kinetics of the adsorption process on the platinum electrode from formic acid solutions will be considered in detail.

Steady-State Adsorption The extent of adsorption of oxidizable species may, in principle, be determined by passing a large anodic current through the electrode and by estimating the charge corresponding to any transition periods which may appear in the cl~ronopotentiogram. A potentialtime curve in 1 M HCOOH is presented in Fig. 4 . This curve, obtained by switching rapidly from a potentiostatic to a galvanostatic circuit, is seen to comprise four regions. During AB, the (electrode potential rises steeply, corresponding to double layer charging.


N -







1 I In

’ 1.0-





- AA



1 rn sec

t ( m i Iliseconds) Figure 4. Anodic chronopotentiogram for a’xidation of HCOOH adsorbed from 1 M HClOd a t 0.2 v .

I n the region BC, the potential is alrnost independent of time, although the exact point a t which it merges into the more steeply rising part C D is rather indefinite. Finally, the potential becomes steady, no doubt as a result of the evolution of O2 and the oxidation of HCOOH on an oxide-covered electrode. The shape of the anodic time-potential curve is similar to that reported by Breiter.” Presumably, the region BC corresponds to the oxidation of adsorbed species on the electrode. It may also include a con-. tribution from surface oxidation and from oxidation of species diffusing to thie electrode. That the latter is not important is shown by the fact that charge, QBC, is independent of the anodic current density. The indistinctness of the arreef and the possibility of con-


comitant surface oxidation pose some difficulties in evaluating the extent of adsorption from the charge corresponding to the BC region. I n order to overcome these difficulties, Breiter” compared the anodic trace he obtained in pure HClOd with that in HCOOH. The two curves coincided in the potential region DE and thus, by comparing the transition times for the region AD for the two cases, the adsorbed charge for HCOOH can be ~alculated.’~The major assumption here is that the total extent of surface oxidation of platinum is the same in the presence and in the absence of HCOOH. This assumption was supported from measurements,l 1 carried out by cathodic chronopotentiometry, of the extent of surface oxidation a t various potentials during the anodic triangular sweep. I n our experiments, we did not observe the coincidence of the parts DE of the traces; this suggests that the assumption about the extent of oxidation of platinum in the two cases is probably not justified. We estimated the extent of adsorption directly from the region BC of the trace, applying no correction for surface oxidation. There may be a small contribution to qBC from surface oxidation, but the evidence on this point, as presented by Breiter,ll is not conclusive. His determinations of surface oxidation were made during a slow (30 mv./sec.) anodic voltage sweep and, by his own account, the electrode was (a) already bare when it reached platinum oxide potentials, and (b) was a t these high potentials for some seconds before the cathodic charge determination. These conditions are far removed from those holding during the initial parts (AB and BC) of an anodic galvanostatic pulse. In the latter case, the electrode is covered with adsorbed material which must be largely removed before surface oxidation can commence. Furthermore, the regions AB and BC of the anodic pulse refer to times of the order of a few milliseconds, whereas the experiments quoted in ref. 11 deal with a surface which had been at these high potentials for a few seconds. Therefore, it is probable that surface oxide formation can be neglected during the stage corresponding to BC and that this arrest can be attributed entirely to the oxidation of an adsorbed organic species. The surface coverage can also be determined by cathodic galvanostatic pulses. This method relies on the observation that essentially a monolayer of H is adsorbed before hydrogen evolution begin^.^^,^^ Hydrogen adsorption commences at -0.35 v. and is complete in acid solution at -20.0 v. The extent of adsorption (17) 8.N. Frumkin, “Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering,” Vol. 3, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N . Y . , 1963.

Volume 68,Number 6 June, 1964



of an organic substance can be determined from the difference between the charge corresponding to a monolayer of hydrogen and the charge actually observed, by assuming that H adsorbs only onto free surface during a cathodic pulse in HCOOH, i.e., that H does not displace the adsorbed organic substance. This assumption is supported by the observation of e H values ranging, under various conditions, from BH 0 to @H = 1. If there were a marked tendency for the adsorbed organic molecules to be displaced, one would expect to see discontinuities in the range of OH observed; specifically, one would expect BH + 1 independently of the initial state of the electrode. The question whethem' an organic molecule (HCOOH or some other organic molecule resulting from its decomposition or reaction a t the electrode) or H adsorbs onto bare sites as the potential decreases is answered by the observation that on a bare surface, i.e., one formed by anodization at high potentials, the H coverage is the same as that found in the absence of HCOOH. Therefore, it is possible to obtain two independent measurements of the extent of adsorption of organic molecules, one directly from QBC and the other from the cathodic-pulse experiments. In order to compare these, some assumption must be made about the area (or number of equivalent hydrogen sites) occupied by each adsorbed molecule and about the number of electrons involved in the oxidation of each adsorbed molecule. The results suggest that the following possibilities can be entertained for the adsorbed species: (a) adsorption of formate radicals (one-electron oxidation), one radical per site; (b) adsorption of formic acid or of formate ion (two-electron oxidation), one molecule or ion per two sites; (c) adsorption of formic acid (ttvoelectron oxidation), each molecule occupying an area of 14 h.2 7 J 1 ; (d) adsorption of some other organic substance resulting from formic acid with a ratio of 1 electron (for anodic oxidation) per surface site. Adsorption of formate radicals is unlikely since the maximum observed charge ( q = 210 pcoulornbs/~m.~) from anodic pulses would imply that a formate radical occupied an area of about 7 h.2, a value considerably less than the estimated cross-sectional area of a formic acid molecule (-14 A.2). Since it is not possible to arrive at a choice between the remaining possibilities on the basis of the adsorption data alone, the question of the identity of the adsorbed species will be deferred until data on the kinetics of adsorption are presented. It will be assumed for the moment that a charge of 230 pcoulombs/cm.2 corresponds to a monolayer, this being approximately the value obtained under assumptions (b) through (d). Thus, we take 0 = QBC (pcoulombs/


The Journal of Phwical ChemistVy


~ n i . ~ ) / 2 3from 0 the anodic runs and B = 1 @H from the cathodic runs. Because the coverage was a function of the time the electrode was kept a t a fixed potential (see below), it was necessary to adopt a standard technique in measuring 8. The electrode was prepared with an anodic pulse in the usual way and returned to the potential of study. The solution was vigorously stirred with N2 during this pretreatment and for 2-3 sec. afterward to remove any O2 evolved during anodization. The e measurement with an anodic pulse was made 2 inin. after the electrode had been kept a t the chosen potential. For the cathodic determinations of 0, the final coverage was estimated from the 0 us. t curve and also from an extrapolation of the equation describing the adsorption kinetics (see below) to infinite time. The agreement between these values was good (5-15%) ; but generally, for reasons which are discussed later, it was preferred to use the latter. The results of these determinations are presented in Fig. 5 which shows that 8 is close to unity at low potentials, begins to decrease at about 0.3 v., and decreases essentially to zero a t about 0.7 v. This is in contrast to the observation of Breiter" that 0 remained close to unity up to about 0.8 v. in 1 M HCOOH.

























POTENTIAL ( V I Figure 5. Coverage as a function of potential for 1 M HCOOH in 1 M HCIOa at 40'.

Figure 5 also shows that suggested mechanisms of the reaction which account for the limiting current in terms of a limitingly high coverage of an adsorbed species (in particular, HCOO' ; see, e.g., Conway and Dzieciuch7) cannot be correct. It also seems likely that the adsorbed species is nbt an anion (uiz. HCOO-) since the


extent of adsorption decreases as the potential becomes more positive. However, if the source of the anion were an uncharged species (e.g., HCOOH), its surface concentration might still decline at anodic potentials. A further point of interest is that the values of 0 determined a t 0.40 and 0.45 v. were constant in the concentration range 0.05-1.0 M . At 0.01 M the coverage is lower, but only by a few per cent. This insensitiveness of e with respect to HCOOH in this concentration range will be of importance in interpreting the mechanism of the reaction.

Adsorption Kinetics It was thought that an explanation of the decline in rate as a function of time after activation might be found in terms of slow adsorption onto the electrode, particularly since the initial rate of decline is much greater in the potential region where the total extent of adsorption is highest (Fig. 1). Adsorption kinetics were determined by measuring 0 as a function of time after activation by using the cathodic-charging method. Measurements were taken in the region 0.35-0.70 v. Adsorption is indeed slow (see, e . g . , Fig. 6), the total extent of adsorption at a given potential being scarcely reached a t 2 min. after electrode cleaning. It was also found that the extent of adsorption increased more rapidly, and to a somewhat higher final value (-0.050.10 unit of e), if the solution was stirred. The effect of stirring becomes important only about 45 sec. after




(9) Equation 9 leads, a t long times, to a Langmuir-type isotherm. Integration of eq. 9 yields

a = (1



2 0.4-

a W

> 0.3



2 a 0.22 v)

0.0 O . 1

+ );




cleaning. It is thought that this effect arises from the presence of small amounts of impurity in the solution which, at longer times, can successfully compete for the remaining free surface. The major known impurity is CH&OOH (0.3 mole %), but independent experiments showed that this material is not significantly adsorbed, even when present a t concentrations far in excess of its concentration in the formic acid solutions. The results presented in the figures refer to unstirred solutions which probably represent more accurately the behavior of the HCOOH system itself. It is seen (Fig. 6) that adsorption increases, at first rapidly and then more slowly, in the first 150 sec. after cleaning of the electrode. The fa& that adsorption is so slow demonstrates strikingly the necessity of controlling carefully the time for which the electrode is in contact with the solution before a measurement is made. It also indicates clearly that the results obtained from cyclic ~ o l t a m m e t r y ~are ~ ~ ~WlY ~~~5~~~ qualitative and may be misleading. The adsorption kinetics were tested with an equation of the type






I 0[







and y is a constant. A typical example of the fitting of eq. 10 to the adsorption data i s given in Fig. 7. This figure shows that over most of the range of time and 0, the data are represented well by this equation, although a t times less than 15 sec. after activation, a systematic curvature is observed. This could be due to oxygen evolved in the activation process which may interfere with the adsorption process. However, the deviation is probably more fundamental than this since the main plot does not extrapolate to 0 = 0 a t 1 4 0. At times in excess of about 80 sec. after cleaning, positive deviations are observed. It is probable that the influence of impurities becomes important at such

TIME (SEC) Figure 6 . Adsorption of HCOOH from 1 M HC104, at 0.45 v., as a function of time.

(18) A. L. Juliard and B. Shalit, J . Electrochem. SOC., 110, 1002


V d u m 68,Number 6 June, 196.4










not charged since a significant change in kinetics with coverage, expected for a charged species, is not observed. Constants for eq. 10 are given in Table 111. The desorption constant, k', is sensibly independent of the concentration of HCOOH and, more surprisingly, of potential. It might have been supposed that the main desorption process is via oxidation, in which case its rate should be potential dependent. If we take a mean rate of 1.2 x sec.-l and assume that a monolayer is about 200 pcoulombs/cm.2, we find a desorption rate (at a monolayer) equivalent to 2.4 pa.,' It is interesting to note that this is considerably higher than the rate of oxidation under the same conditions of CO, which has been ~ u g g e s t e d ~as ~ , 'the ~ (blocking) adsorbed species in the HCOOH system. The adsorption constant, k , decreases a little as the potential rises (as indeed it must if e is to approach zero at high potentials), but by no means is the decrease sufficient to suggest that a cathodic discharge reaction is the rate-limiting step in adsorption. The adsorption constant increases approximately logarithmically with increase of HCOOH concentration.



Figure 7. Fitting of eq. 10 to adsorption data for 1 M HCOOH in 1 M HClO, a t 0.45 v.

Relationship between Extent of Adsorption and Rate of Oxidation

long times and, therefore, that the most reliable value for is obtained by extrapolating the plot in the manner indicated. The plot fitted the data, within the above limitations, for adsorption a t 0.35, 0.40, and 0.45 v. It is not possible to examine the equation below 0.35 v. because hydrogen adsorption on platinum is appreciable in this range. At 0.5 v. the equation apparently was not obeyed. The good fit obtained with eq. 10, which may extend right through the Tafel region of potential, suggests the validity of Langmuir conditions for the adsorbate. Thus, the adsorbate almost certainly is Table I11 : Constants for Eq. 10 in 1 N HClOl a t 40" k' Potential,


0.35 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45


HCOOH concn., M

X 10-2



1 .o 1.o 0.1 0.05 0.01 1 .o 0.1 0.05 0.01

9.2 5.7 3.3 4.3 3.2 3.8 3.2 2.5 1.95

1.19 1.37 1.36 1.35 1.57 1.61 1.76 1.85 2.38

-0.38 -0.19 -0.26 -0,16 -0.13 -0.07 -0.08 -0.05 -0.05


The Journal of Physical Chemistry




7.8 4.2 2.4 3.2 2.1 2.4 1.8 1.3





1.4 1.5 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.1

The relationship between i and % is shown in Fig. 8. It is a general observation that the oxidation current falls as the coverage increases. This indicates that the adsorbed species is not electrochemically active but rather that it poisons the main reaction. At 0.40 and 0.45 v. the current is directly proportional to the free surface (1 - e) in the range investigated, 0.2 6 0 6 0.8. It also seems that at 0.35, 0.40, and 0.45 v. the intrinsic rate of the reaction per unit of bare surface is the same. The observed ultimate rate of the reaction is higher at 0.45 v. than 0.40 v. because the coverage ultimately attained at 0.46 v. is lower. At 0.50 v., i still varies linearly with % over most of the range investigated, but at low values of 0, i decreases more rapidly with increasing 0. At 0.60 v., where the i-0 relation was observed in the region 0 < % 6 0.2, i decreases very rapidly with increase in 8. This rapid variation would be expected if the most active sites for oxidation were blocked first. A result, which is at first surprising, is that at a given e, the activity of the electrode is higher at 0.35, 0.40, and 0.45 v. than at 0.50 and 0.60 v. That this is necessary to maintain the self-consistency of the data follows from the fact that whereas Oequ'lib declines with increase of potential, the rate OS oxidation (in the POtential region above -0.50 v.) is independent of the potential. The apparent decrease in the activity of



HCOO- ion, an impurity from solution, or a by-product of the reaction. On the basis of the anodic charge determinations of q made by Breiter’l and of those reported here, we can reject the HCOO’ radical (or for that matter oxalic acid which might be formed from this radical). Carbon monoxide, formed from the catalytic decomposition

A 0.35V 0 0.40V



0 0.50V X O.6OV

N -

E 6.0Y




I - - -

z W

a 3















Figure 8. Oxidation of HCOOH in 1 ,VI HClO, a t various potentials as a function of the coverage of the electrode.

the electrode with increase in potential may be explained by assuming that as the potential rises, the (uncharged) active species is excluded from the double layer by Clod- adsorption. This would also account for the fact that the total extent of adsorption decreases as the potential rises. It is clear from Fig. 8 that the explanation for the long term current-time transients after the electrode cleaning, reported above, lies in the slow adsorption of a blocking material on the electrode. The fact that thiti effect is still important a t higher potentials, where eequilib is small, is probably due to the much greater activity of the very first sites on which adsorption occurs (Fig. 8). The s u g g e ~ t i o nthat ~ ~ the activity of the platinum electrode is related to a half-reduced oxide, which acts as an “electron bridge” for oxidation, does not seem to be applicable here. This suggestion cannot be reconciled with the substantial activation of the electrode observed from cathodic treatment nor with the dependence of the reaction rate on the coverage of the electrode by an adsorbed organic species.

Identity of the Adsorbed Species Some controversy exists about the identity of the adsorbed species. The possibilities which readily come to mind are HCOOH itself, CO, the HCOO. radical, the

+ H20


has been p r o p o ~ e d ~ ~ and 8 ~ 5 is thermodynamically reasonable.6 The evidence in favor of CO includes the observations15 that during cyclic voltammetry with CO and HCOOH the charges corresponding to adsorption are similar and the oxidation peaks for the adsorbed material are found a t about the same potential for both substances. The evidence given in ref. 15 is thought to be incomplete. The fact that the oxidation peaks during cyclic voltammetry almost coincide is not really surprising since this potential is in the region of surface oxidation of the electrode. Adsorbed species are almost invariably oxidized in this potential region if they have not already been oxidized at a lower potential. The reported coincidence of the charges may be due to an admitted arbitrariness in the charge determination. l5 I n the present work it has been observed, using anodic transients, that the charge corresponding to complete coverage with CO (-340 pcoulombs/cm.2) is higher than for adsorption from HCOOH solutions (210 pcoulombs/cm.2). I n addition, the anodic trace has a grossly different shape (cf. Fig. 4 and 9). Other

$1 w- I.5
















t (milliseconds)

Figure 9. Anodic chronopotentiogram for oxidation of CO adsorbed from 1 M HClO, a t 0.2 v. (19) S.W. Feldberg, C. G . Enke, and C. E. Bricker, J . Electrochem. Sac., 110,826 ( 1 9 6 3 ) .

Volume 68,iVumber 6

June, 1964


arguments against CO as the blocking species are less conclusive: BCO does not decline until the potential tends to -0.8 v. (cf. Fig. 5) and the rate of its adsorption ia much faster than the adsorption rate observed here. Cilmanz0has shown that the CO adsorption kinetics are controlled by diffusion. Xeither of these arguments is conclusim if the source of the CO is HCOOH itself, decomposing on the electrode. Another argument against CO is the value of the constant k’ in eq. 10. This specific rate constant is higher than one expects for the nonelectrochemical desorption of CO, even at very low partial pressures, and is also much higher than the rate of oxidation of CO at the relevant potentials. The possibility that HCOO- may be the blocking agent is suggested by its known unreactivity (albeit in alkaline solutions)8r21and also because infrared spectraz2 indicate that HCOOH is adsorbed from the gas phase on platinum as HCOO-. The arguments against it are that e tends to zero as the potential rises, which would not be expected for anion adsorption, and that eq. 10, which contains no interactive terms, appears to account satisfactorily for the kinetics of adsorption. The first of these arguments would fail if HCOOH were excluded from the double layer, as it evidently is, at higher potentials. I n addition, one may doubt the sensitiveness of eq. 10 to detect interactions in the adsorbate and, thus, to exclude the possibility of HCOO- adsorption. However, it is still difficult to understand why adsorption froin solution would be so slow if the adsorbed species were the formate ion. The possibility that the adsorbed material is an impurity is also not supported by the experimental observations. The main impurity, CH,COOH, did not adsorb. In addition, the impurity concentration is expected to be proportional to that of HCOOH, and yet the constant k depends approximately on the logarithm of the concentration. Blocking of the surface by adsorption of HCOOH itself is unlikely. It can be postulated that HCOOH is adsorbed in two different modes : in the first, it oxidizes very rapidly; in the second, it is firmly held and does not oxidize. We might consider that the former involvcs dissociative adsorption with splitting of the C-H bond, while the latter mode involves adsorption through the carbon-oxygen double bond. However, if this were the case, we would also expect CI-E3COOH to be adsorbed firmly, whereas in fact it is adsorbed very weakly. The most likely possibility, then, is a product of a side reaction which is adsorbed to a coverage of -200 pcoulonibs,’cni.2 This product is not charged and is The Journal of Physical Chemistrv


difficultto oxidize but is removable under drastic oxidiz ing conditions. For example, one might suggest BHCOOH + CHO I

+ H20



COOH Experiment shows that this compound is strongly adsorbed from dilute solution, does not oxidize below about 0.50 v., and, even at high potentials, oxidizes very sluggishly. Its maximum surface coverage is -170 pcoulombs/cm.z.

Mechanism and Conclusions All the electrochemical parameters derived in the Tafel region change with time since the kinetics of adsorption are different at different potentials. I n this event, it seems justified for purposes of obtaining mechanistically-significant information to wait until the electrochemical parameters have become timeinvariant (3-5 min. after cleaning), even though the current is still decreasing slowly with time. Accordingly, the mechanism suggested below refers to the steady state which is approached after about 5 min. from cleaning the electrode surface. It is useful, at this point, to summarize the main findings of the present research and to indicate the experimental observations which must be explained by any useful mechanism of the reaction: (1) cleaning the electrode anodically (and to a large extent cathodically) results in a greater rate of oxidation of HCOOH; ( 2 ) the decline of the rate of oxidation with time thereafter is greatest at lower potentials; (3) at any potential, the rate of oxidation is in direct proportion to the clean surface area of the electrode; (4) the adsorption of a blocking agent is slow; (5) the identity of the blocking agent is not clearly established, but it seems likely that it is not CO, HCOOH, HCOO’, or HCOO-; (6) the extent of adsorption decreases as the potential rises and is essentially zero a t 0.70 v.; (7) different sites on the electrode are grossly different in their activities toward HCOOH oxidation: (8) the extent of adsorption is not very sensitive to HCOOH concentration; (9) b,, is -60 mv.; (10) (b log i / b pH) is -1.0 in the Tafcl region; (11) (b log i/ b P H ) is~ -0.2 in the limiting current region; (12) the order of the oxidation with respect to HCOOH is first over the whole region. The following mechanism may be suggested to account for these observations (20) 8. Gilman, J . Phus. Chem., 67,78 (1963). (21) T. 0 . Paveln, -4nn. Acad. Sei. Fennicae, A59, 11, l ( 1 9 5 4 ) . ( 2 2 ) K. Hirota, K. Kuwata, and S. Asai, N i p p o n Kagaku Zasshi, 8 0 , 701 (1959).




~ ( H c o o H ) ~ . ~ .[ oep ~



K(H+) exp -

(3 -




H ~fast , H ~ +~ e If it is assumed that the active surface area, 6.4, is divided between free sites, OF, those covered with hydrogen atoms, 8 ~ and , those covered wrth some adsorbed blocking substance, BP, then 9F ==

oA - oH - ep


From (16)



i(HCOOH)doub1elayer SF



where k is a rate constant, and reaction 16 is assumed to take place only on free, active sites. BA is taken to be independent of potential, and eP was shown above to be independent of potential in the Tafel region, although not a t higher potentials. If BH is determined by the equilibrium H++e=H


and if, in HCOOH solutions, it is given by

where K is the equilibrium constant of reaction 21 and $ is the potential of the electrode with respect t o a hydrogen electrode in the same solution, then

It is clear that eq. 23 offers an approximate explanation of all the presently known facts. The Tafel slope, dE/d log i, is approximately 60 mv., and ( b log i/ b pH), is about 1.0 in the Tafel region. I n addition, when OH -+ 0, as it is for E , ,> 0.35 v., a limiting current is observed. The order of the reaction with respect to HCOOH is unity, via eq. 15, and this'equation also accounts for the apparent decline of the surface activity as the potential increases. The slowly adsorbing substance is formally included as ep, and the fact that ep is not very sensitive to concentration indicates why an order of unity with respect to HCOOH is observed even in the Tafel region. I n the limiting current region, the pH dependence is small and may reflect some second-order effect on the rate of reaction 16. Substantiation is given to the postulate that reaction 16 is the rate-limiting step from the observation of hIunsonl6 that the rate-limiting step is pre-electrochemical, and that it reaches a maximum a t about the same pH (5) as for reaction 3 . Therefore, the mechanism given by eq. 15-18 appears to summarize satisfactorily all the observations which have been made on the electrooxidation of HCOOH in acid solutions. Acknowledgment. The authors thank Niss J. I. Ford for her skillful experimental assistance. The authors are grateful to the Office of Yaval Research for financial support under contract Sonr-3765(00).

Volume 68. Number 6 June, 1064