Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants for ... - ACS Publications

Petroleum Recovery Institute 100, 3512 33rd Street N.W., Calgary,. Alberta T2L 2A6, Canada. This chapter reports adsorption data for a number of surfa...
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7 Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants for Hydrocarbon-Miscible Flooding at High Salinities Karin Mannhardt and Jerry J. Novosad Petroleum Recovery Institute 100, 3512 33rd Street N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A6, Canada This chapter reports adsorption data for a number of surfactants suitable for mobility control foams in gas-flooding enhanced oil recovery. Surfactants suitable for foam-flooding in reservoirs containing high salinity and hardness brines are identified. The results of adsorption measurements performed with these surfactants are presented; surfactant adsorption mechanisms are reviewed; and the dependence of surfactant adsorption on temperature, brine salinity and hardness, surfactant type, rock type, wettability, and the presence of an oil phase is discussed. The importance of surfactant adsorption to foam propagation in porous media is pointed out, and methods of minimizing surfactant adsorption are discussed.

The Significance of Hydrocarbon-Miscible Flooding Hydrocarbon-miscible flooding refers to an oil recovery process in which a "solvent", usually a mixture of low and intermediate molecular-weight hydrocarbons (methane through hexane), is injected into a petroleum reservoir. Several mechanisms contribute to oil recovery in this process: displacement of oil by solvent through the generation of miscibility between solvent and oil, oil swelling with a resulting increase in oil saturation and therefore in oil relative permeability, and reduction of oil viscosity. When solvent and oil remain immiscible, a reduction of gas-oil interfacial tension leads to improved oil recovery. Depending on temperature, pressure, and oil and solvent composition, the injected solvent may be completely miscible (first-contact miscible) with the oil or may develop multiple-contact miscibility by continuous



mass transfer of components between the solvent and the oil during flow through the porous medium. Two processes for the development of multiple-contact miscibility are distinguished. If the oil is poor in intermediate (C to C ) components, natural gas that is enriched in these components may be used as the solvent. Continuous transfer of the intermediate components from the solvent to the oil during flow through the porous medium leads to the development of a zone of solvent-oil miscibility. This process is referred to as condensing gas drive. For oils that are rich in intermediate components, a lean gas may be used as the solvent. In this process, referred to as vaporizing gas drive, multiple-contact miscibility is developed by continuous transfer of intermediate componentsfromthe oil to the gas. Solvent injection is usually followed by the injection of a cheaper drive fluid. The solvent slug may be displaced miscibly with another gas, for example, natural or flue gas, or immiscibly with water. Most of the world's enhanced oil production comes from the injection of a gas or vapor phase into a petroleum reservoir (Table I): 83% in Canada, 99% in the United States, and 99% in all other countries (i). Injected gases are usually steam, light and intermediate hydrocarbons, or C0 . Large density and viscosity contrasts between displacing and displacedfluidsin gas-injection processes result in poor sweep efficiency because of gravity override and viscous fingering. As a result of the widespread application of gas-flooding and the large potential for increasing the oil recoveryfromgas-injection schemes by improving the sweep efficiency, interest in mobility control foams has risen sharply over the past decade. The proportion of enhanced oil production that is caused by hydrocarbon-miscible and, to a lesser extent, immisciblefloodingis evident from Table I. Hydrocarbon-flooding dominates in Canada, where it accounts for 81% of Canada's enhanced oil recovery (EOR) production. Although steam-flooding is the most commonly applied EOR process in the United States, oil productionfromhydrocarbon-flooding is significant and has increased by more than the production from any other EOR process over the past 2 years. In countries other than the United States and Canada, most of the oil recovered by hydrocarbon-flooding comes from Libya, but hydrocarbon injection is also applied in the Soviet countries and in the United Arab Emirates (7). Table I shows some statistics on the types of reservoir subjected to enhanced recovery operations. Most EOR projects in Canada, particularly hydrocarbon-miscible projects, are being conducted in carbonate reservoirs, and hydrocarbon injection in the United States is mostly in sandstones. As will be evident from this chapter, the type of reservoir rock is of significance to surfactant propagation during foam-flooding. 2



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


11 T

h ο σ\ *0 CM j

σ\ vo vo + τ-i Ι rH +

I +


σ \ co vo σ \ vo

lO J>


H O t ^ O O




is -ο




00 vo ^ CM












LB 21% TDS









Electrophoretic mobility (l^crrrVV ) 1

Figure 16. The effect of solid surface charge on adsorption of anionic and amphoteric surfactants. Key: SS, Berea sandstone; LS, Indiana limestone; and Dolo, Baker dolomite. (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 12. Copyright 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers.) may be enhanced by complexation of the surfactants' anionic group with lattice cations or divalent cations in solution (12). Surfactant adsorption generally causes a change in the electrophoret­ ic mobility of a solid. Electrophoretic mobilities of the solids used in the



adsorption measurements of Figure 16 were measured before and after equilibrating them with surfactant solutions. In Figure 17, the change in solid surface charge caused by adsorbed surfactant (surface charge of solid with adsorbed surfactant minus surface charge of solid without adsorbed surfactant) has been plotted against the surface charge of the clean solid (12). Adsorption of the anionic surfactant causes an increasingly more negative change in surface charge for solids with a more positive surface charge. Similarly, adsorption of the cationic surfactant causes a positive change in surface charge, as would be expected from electrostatic interac­ tions. With both amphoteric surfactants, the change in surface charge depends on the type of solid. Sandstone surfaces become less negative with adsorbed surfactant, and carbonate surfaces become more negatively charged. These trends seem to indicate cationic behavior on sandstone surfaces, and more anionic behavior on carbonates. Amphoteric surfac­ tants evidently adsorb by a complex interplay of mechanisms that cannot be resolved into contributing factors from the available data. Displacement of the plane of shear caused by adsorbed surfactant may contribute to the changes in electrophoretic mobility plotted in Fig­ ure 17. For example, a small negative change in electrophoretic mobility (corresponding to a reduction of mobility from a positive value to zero) is


* ί η ο Ε


ο 2



Ι * Δ ο •


ο γ*


Cationic (DTAB) Betaine Sulfo-betalne Anionic (DPES/AOS)

!> ^ δ >ι.ο

2 5 t$t

ω boo Φ







(3 ' -2.5

1 -2.0


1 ' -1.5

I -1.0


I -0.5








Electrophoretic mobility of solid (1CF cm V V ) 4



Figure 17. Change in particle electrophoretic mobility with adsorbed an­ ionic, cationic, or amphoteric surfactant. Key: SS, Berea sandstone; LS, Indiana limestone; and Dolo, Baker dolomite. (Reproduced with permis­ sionfromreference 12. Copyright 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers.)



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


indicated for the cationic surfactant-limestone-2.1% TDS brine system. However, because the trends observed in most of the data obtained with the anionic and the cationic surfactant follow the expected trends, the effects in Figure 17 probably are dominated by changes in surface charge caused by the adsorbed surfactant rather than by a shift in the plane of shear. Effect of Wettability and Residual Oil on Adsorption. The surfactant adsorption data discussed in the preceding sections were derived from experiments carried out in clean, oil-free rocks. The presence of an oil phase may cause additional mechanisms of surfactant loss and may also alter system wettability toward more oil-wet by adsorption of petroleum heavy ends on the rock surfaces. Hydrocarbon- or C0 -miscible flooding may promote wettability alteration by deposition of crude oil heavy ends. Because both EOR processes are candidates for foam-flooding, the effect of wettability on adsorption of foaming surfactants is of some interest. As has been discussed, surfactant adsorption mechanisms differ on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. In addition, oil may coat at least part of the solid surfaces in an oil-wet system and prevent a water-soluble surfactant from accessing the surface. On the other hand, an oil film coating oil-wet solid surfaces may provide a significant amount of oil—water interface where the surfactant may adsorb. This section discusses experimental data illustrating the effects of oil and system wettability on surfactant loss by adsorption. Surfactant adsorption was measured in clean and in wettability-altered Berea sandstone cores. The wettability-altered Berea sandstone cores were prepared by adsorbing asphaltenes, which were precipitated with pentane from a heavy crude oil and then dissolved in methylbenzene, in the sandstone cores. After treatment with the asphaltene in methylbenzene solution, the methylbenzene was displacedfromthe cores with nitrogen, and the cores were dried. Surfactant adsorption was measured by surfactant-flooding clean and asphaltene-treated rocks that contained either no oil or water/flood residual oil. Because changes in wettability may depend on crude oil composition, three different oils (dodecane, a light crude oil, and a heavy crude oil) were used. The heavy oil contained 12 mass % asphaltenes, and the light crude oil had a low asphaltene content (0.2 mass %). Adsorption levels of an anionic and an amphoteric surfactant (DPES-AOS and betaine), both suitable for foam-flooding at high salinity conditions, were measured. Both surfactants are highly water soluble, and phase behavior studies ruled out partitioning into oil as a mechanism of surfactant loss. To characterize the systems in which adsorption was measured, the wettability of clean and asphaltene-treated quartz crystals and Berea cores was assessed by several criteria. Water-advancing contact angles, meas2



ured with all three oils against clean quartz crystals immersed in brine, ranged from 32 to 56°, a result implying water-wet conditions. With asphaltene-treated quartz crystals, dodecane gave a water-advancing contact angle of 142°- 163°, a result indicating a change in the wettability of quartz to oil-wet (121). Figure 18 shows relative permeabilities to water at residual oil saturation, measured by waterflooding clean and asphaltene-treated Berea cores that contained different oils. The low end-point relative permeabilities to water in the clean cores indicate that water-wet conditions prevailed regardless of which oil was present. The significantly higher end-point relative permeabilities in the asphaltenetreated cores signify a shift toward more oil-wet behavior (122,123). Waterflood recoveries were similar in the clean cores with any of the oils, and recoveries were higher in the asphaltene-treated cores (Figure 19). This kind of behavior has been associated with mixed-wettability systems (124-126), defined by Salathiel (125) as systems in which the small pores are water-wet, and the larger pores form continuous oil-wet channels that allow efficient displacement of oil by water. All three criteria used for wettability assessment (contact angle, end-point relative permeabilities, and waterflood recoveries) indicate more oil-wet conditions after asphaltene treatment. Figure 20 contains adsorption levels measured in the water-wet and mixed-wet sandstones in the absence and in the presence of residual oil. Similar trends are observed for the anionic and the amphoteric surfactant. Adsorption levels in the water-wet cores are essentially the same in the absence of oil and in the presence of any of the three oils. In a water-wet system, the solid surfaces are surrounded by water films. As long as water-wet conditions prevail, the aqueous surfactant solution is in contact

Figure 18. Relative permeability to water at residual oil saturation in clean and wettability-modified Berea cores containing different oils, calculated relative to the effective permeability to oil at irreducible water saturation.



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


Figure 19. Waterflood recoveriesfromclean and wettability-modified Berea cores containing different oils.

Figure 20. Surfactant adsorption levels, expressed as packing densities on the solid surface, in clean and wettability-modified Berea cores containing different oils.



with the solid surfaces, and adsorption is unaffected by the presence of an oil phase. In the mixed-wettability cores, adsorption is affected only slightly by the presence of oil. The compensating effects of a decrease in the accessible solid—water interface and an increase in oil—water interface could be the reason for the relatively small effect. The most notable effect of the asphaltene treatment is the substantially higher adsorption density on the more oil-wet rock. Surfactant adsorption is higher on hydrophobic surfaces than it is on hydrophilic surfaces, afindingthat is consistent with literature data. The adsorption levels in Figure 20 are expressed as a packing density in the adsorbed phase or as the amount adsorbed per unit surface area. In addition to changing system wettability, the asphaltene treatment reduced the specific surface area of the Berea sandstone from 1 to 0.2 m /g. A reduction in specific surface area caused by asphaltene adsorption also was observed by Clementz (127), who attributed the decrease in surface area to blockage of the microporosity and interlamellar spaces in the clays. Although the more oil-wet rock has a higher affinity for the surfactants (Figure 20), it also provides less surface area for surfactant adsorption. The absolute amount of surfactant adsorbed or the amount adsorbed per unit mass of solid may be lower on the asphaltene-treated than on the clean sandstone, as with the amphoteric surfactant (Figure 21). Therefore, a change in wettability toward oil-wet that is caused by deposition of crude oil heavy ends strongly affects surfactant adsorption but is not necessarily detrimental to foam-flooding. 2

Minimizing Surfactant Adsorption This section discusses three approaches that may be used to minimize surfactant adsorption: matching surfactant type to specific reservoir rock type based on surfactant ionic character and solid surface charge, application of surfactant mixtures, and sacrificial adsorbates (128). Most reservoir rocks have a relatively small specific surface area, on the order of 1 m /g (Table VII), when compared to materials used in adsorption columns in the chemical industry that have specific surface areas of several hundred square meters per gram. The enormously large solid surface present in oil reservoirs comesfromthe sheer size of the reservoir volume. It cannot be eliminated, and therefore at least some adsorption of surface active materials is inevitable. Even a cursory look at the consumption of chemicals illustrates the importance of minimizing surfactant adsorption (128). A small section of a densely drilled reservoir typical of older oil reservoirs that are prime 2



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


Figure 21. Surfactant adsorption levels, expressed as mass of surfactant lost per unit mass of rock, in clean and wettability-modified Berea cores containing different oils. candidates for tertiary oil recovery processes is typified by afive-spotpattern of an injector and four producers that cover an area of 10 hectares. Assume a thickness of the oil-bearing zone of 5 m, a rock grain density of 2.6 g/cm , a porosity of 0.2, and a remaining oil saturation of 0.4. This brings the mass of reservoir rock to 1,040,000 metric tons. Even at what may appear to a chemist or a chemical engineer to be a nominal adsorption level of 1 mg of surfactant per gram of rock, 1,040 metric tons of surfactant would be adsorbed at the solid-liquid interface. This corresponds to consuming 26 kg of surfactant for 1 m of potentially recoverable crude oil. At $4.00/kg of surfactant, $104 would be spent on the surfactant for each cubic meter of oil remaining in place. This example demonstrates that the value of the recovered oil would just cover the cost of the injected surfactant. Of course, additional costs are encountered during surfactant or foam injection. It is thus imperative to reduce surfactant adsorption by at least 1 order of magnitude to have any chance of economic success. 3




Sweep improvement processes, such as foam-flooding, have an economic advantage in that the injected surfactant is not expected to permeate throughout the whole volume of the reservoir. It is sufficient to sweep only the zones in which the injected gas isfingeringthrough. Such zones are typically generated whenfluidswith high mobilities, such as hydrocarbon solvent, C 0 , or steam, are injected, or are inherently present in highly heterogeneous or fractured reservoirs. 2

Matching Surfactants to Specific Reservoir Solids. As mentioned, EOR field applications that use gas or solvent injection are being conducted both in sandstone and in carbonate reservoirs (Table I). These two types of rock have vastly different bulk composition (Table VIII) and surface electrochemical properties (Figure 9). Not unexpectedly, adsorption levels of different types of surfactant on these different rock types can be very different (Figure 15), and this difference has a significant impact on surfactant and foam propagation. As an example, some of the adsorption levels in Figure 15 will be applied to the layered reservoir in Figure 8. The anionic DPES-AOS adsorbs at 0.11 mg/g on sandstone from 2.1% TDS reservoir brine. At this adsorption level, the surfactant can propagate 369 m in the upper, highpermeability layer. The betaine is comparable to the anionic surfactant in terms of gas mobility reduction. However, it adsorbs at 1.3 mg/g on sandstone from the same brine and would only propagate 109 m in the highpermeability layer. In a limestone, on the other hand, the betaine would travel 223 m compared to 205 m for the anionic surfactant. Measurements of mobility-reduction factors showed that the surfactants for which adsorption levels are shown in Figure 15 are equally effective in generating mobility-control foams in porous media. Selection of Table VIIL Mineral Composition (Weight%) of Rocks Used in Surfactant Adsorption Measurements Mineral Quartz Feldspar Dolomite Calcite Kaolinite Illite Chlorite and illite—smectite

Baker Indiana Berea Sandstone Limestone Dolomite 85-90 3-6 1-2 5-7 1 trace

SOURCE: References 12 and 120.


trace 98

99 trace trace

trace trace



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


the most cost-effective surfactant then hinges on properly matching surfactant and rock in order to minimize adsorption. In terms of adsorption, the following surfactant selection criteria can be derived from the data in Figure 15: The anionic surfactant is the best choice of the three surfactants tested for foam-flooding in sandstone and dolomite reservoirs. In limestone reservoirs, the sulfobetaine is the surfactant of choice. In the presence of divalent cations, which are present at relatively high concentrations in carbonate reservoirs, the sulfobetaine exhibits the lowest adsorption level on limestone. Its adsorption is also the least sensitive to divalent cations. Adsorption levels of ionic surfactants are determined to a large degree by surfactant—solid electrostatic interactions. Figure 22 shows the frequency of adsorption levels measured with surfactants and solids of like charge and with surfactants and solids of opposite charge. The data represent those measurements from Figure 6 for which information on solid surface charges was available. On the basis of Figure 17 and the discussion on the dependence of surfactant adsorption on rock type, the am(a) Surfactant and solid of like charge

Adsorption (mg/g)

(b) Surfactant and solid of unlike charge

Adsorption (mg/g)

Figure 22. Distribution of adsorption levels measured with surfactants and solids of like and of opposite charge.



photeric surfactants were assumed to behave like cations on sandstone and silica and like anions on carbonates. Clearly, adsorption levels for surfactants and solids of like charge cluster around the lower values. For oppositely charged surfactants and solids, there is more spread in the data because of the complex adsorption behavior of amphoteric surfactants. However, adsorption levels are clearly higher than for surfactants and solids of like charge. A knowledge of surfactant and solid electrochemical properties can thus aid in the proper selection of a surfactant for a specific reservoir. However, making assumptions about solid surface charges can be dangerous. Sandstone surfaces are often assumed to be negatively charged, and limestone surfaces are assumed to be positively charged. The data in Figure 9 show that these assumptions are not necessarily correct, particularly in the highsalinity and high-hardness brines encountered in many petroleum reservoirs. Solid surface charges depend not only on the type of rock but are extremely sensitive to pH, salinity, and hardness.

Surfactant Mixtures. Another promising approach to minimizing surfactant adsorption is through the formulation of surfactant mixtures. The mechanism of adsorption reduction in surfactant mixtures is based on a unique property of surface active substances: the formation of micelles (129-134). The pseudophase-separation model for surfactant solutions (84, 132, 135) states that a surfactant solution above its critical micelle concentration (CMC) consists of two pseudophases in equilibrium with each other: singly dispersed surfactant monomer molecules and micelles. When the surfactant solution is in contact with a solid, the adsorbed phase constitutes a third pseudophase (40). Strong experimental evidence suggests that surfactant adsorption takes place from the surfactant monomer phase but not from the micelles (84), behavior that leads to competition of both the micelles and the adsorbed phase for surfactant molecules from the monomer phase. Adsorption from a surfactant solution above the CMC then depends not only on the affinity of the surfactant for the solid surface but also on its tendency to form micelles. If a mixture can be formulated such that at least one of the surfactants is incorporated into micelles preferentially over the adsorbed phase, then the micelles act as a sink for the surfactant and thus prevent it from being adsorbed. In a solution containing a single pure surfactant, the monomer concentration and therefore the surfactant adsorption remain constant above the CMC because any additional surfactant is incorporated into micelles. In a surfactant mixture, the distribution of surface-active species in the monomer and micellar phases depends on their relative tendency to form micelles. The more hydrophobic components are incorporated into micelles preferentially, and the more hydrophilic components become en-



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


riched in the monomer phase. The composition of the phases and the monomer concentration of each surfactant continue to change with increasing overall surfactant concentration above the CMC (129, 132, 136—141). The monomer concentration of at least one of the surfactants may actually decrease with increasing overall surfactant concentration above the CMC, and this decrease will, in turn, lead to a decrease in adsorption. An example of adsorption isotherms for a surfactant mixture with ideal mixing in the micelles is shown in Figure 23 (134, 142). Similarly shaped isotherms were modeled by Trogus et al. (129). The isotherm for one of the surfactants, the more hydrophobic one, exhibits a well-defined maximum. Ideally, the properties of the mixture would be such that overall adsorption from the mixture is lower than the sum of adsorption levels measured for each surfactant by itself (129,134). The potential of surfactant mixtures in lowering adsorption has been discussed in the literature (129—134). However, experimental work with surfactant mixtures has not advanced sufficiently to establish predictive capabilities for the formulation of surfactant mixtures with low adsorption levels. Two examples of experimental results obtained with commercially available foam-forming surfactants are shown next to illustrate the concepts. Effluent profiles obtained from a core-flood performed with a mixture of two surface-active components ( C and C ) separated from a commercially available sulfobetaine are shown in Figure 24 (115). The points represent experimental data, and the lines were obtained by simulating the core-flood with a convection-dispersion-adsorption model that is based on the surface excess concept and takes into account monomer-micelle equilibrium (115). Because the mixture contains different homologues of the same surfactant, the ideal mixed micelle model 12


Figure 23. Examples of calculated adsorption isotherms of two pure surfactants and their mixture (134, 142).








Throughput (PV)

Figure 24. Effluent profiles of tracer and C and C components of a sulfobetainefromBerea sandstone. (Reproduced with permission from reference 134. Copyright 1991 Pergamon Press Ltd) n


was found to adequately describe this surfactant mixture (115, 137, 143, 144). The C component is more hydrophobic than the C component. On the basis of considerations of solubility and batch adsorption measurements with homologous series of surfactants (40, 76, 84, 145, 146), one would expect the C component to adsorb more strongly and therefore to elute from the core later than the C component. The results in Figure 24 show just the opposite. Similar observations have been made by other authors (130, 147, 148). The explanation lies in the mixed micelle behavior of the surfactant mixture. Although the C component has a higher affinity for the solid surface, it also has a lower CMC and therefore a higher tendency to become incorporated into micelles, and this condition prevents it from being adsorbed more strongly. The second example involves a mixture of two different types of commercial foam-forming surfactants: anionic and amphoteric (7). Unlike the mixture of the previous example, an anionic-amphoteric surfactant mixture probably does not follow ideal mixed micelle behavior (138). The results of three core-floods, performed separately with each surfactant and with a mixture of the two surfactants, are summarized as follows. The anionic surfactant adsorbs negligibly when used either by itself or when mixed with the betaine (at least at the low salinity used in these particular core-floods). Betaine adsorption is lowered by about an order of magnitude by mixing it with the anionic surfactant, from 1.7 down to 0.2 mg/g. The first example illustrates that in micellar systems, the adsorption process may be dominated by monomer—micelle equilibrium. The second example provides experimental evidence that it is possible to lower adsorption by mixing surfactants. When using surfactant mixtures, loss of the desirable properties of the mixture by chromatographic separation of the components during flow 1 8

1 2

l g

1 2

l g


Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants



through the porous medium may pose problems. Much concern has been expressed about chromatographic effects in mixed surfactant systems, but available experimental data are insufficient to determine the severity of these effects. Some discussion in the literature suggests that chromatographic separation of components can be controlled by adjusting surfactant concentration, composition, and chemical structure (130, 134, 147, 148).

Sacrificial Adsorbates. The idea of preflushing a reservoir with cheaper chemicals in order to block the adsorption sites and reduce subsequent surfactant adsorption has been extensively studied. However, an inherent problem with all reservoir preflushes is that it is extremely difficult to place the sacrificial chemical in the same zones that will make contact with the surfactant that follows it. This problem can be attributed to a change in fluid mobilities caused either by the higher viscosity of the injected fluids or by the fact that residual oil is being mobilized and moved ahead of the surfactant bank. In fact, the function of a foam is precisely to change the flow pattern to previously unswept areas. Effectiveness of sacrificial adsorbates is based on two basic assumptions: No significant desorption of the sacrificial agent takes place when the surfactant solution makes contact with the surfaces with the preadsorbed materials, and the sacrificial agent adsorbs on the same adsorption sites as the surfactant. Information on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption of sacrificial agents is not readily available because these materials are typically complex mixtures of waste products such as lignosulfonates. In the example that follows, typical adsorption—desorption kinetics of surfactants are examined with the assumption that similar behavior may be exhibited by materials considered as sacrificial adsorbates. Assuming a rate equation for adsorption—desorption kinetics, the rate constants of adsorption and desorption can be estimated from surfactant effluent profiles measured during core-flooding (10, 115). For surfactants suitable for foam-flooding at high salinity, rate constants of adsorption were found to be of the order of 0.3 to 10 h™ , and rate constants of desorption were of the order of 0.001 to 0.005 h" , assumingfirst-orderkinetics (7, 10-12). Using the adsorption model described in reference 10 and rate constants of 1.0 h" for adsorption and 0.001 h"" for desorption, the dependence of surface excess adsorption on time can be calculated during adsorption and desorption cycles as shown in Figure 25 (128). Although the rate constant of desorption is lower than the rate constant of adsorption by several orders of magnitude, Figure 25 indicates that significant desorption from the solid surface would occur over several days or weeks. If sacrificial materials desorb anywhere near the rates typical for surfactants, their usefulness 1






Time (hours)

Figure 25. Illustration of the kinetics of adsorption and desorption, calculated assumingfirst-orderkinetics and rate constants obtained from coreflood experiments. (Reproduced with permission from reference 128. Copyright 1991 Royal Society of Chemistry.) would be severely limited in field applications where their protective action has to last for months or even years. The second uncertainty associated with sacrificial adsorbates is illustrated by experiments in which several surfactant slugs were injected sequentially into the same Berea sandstone core. First, a slug of anionic surfactant (AOS 1416) was followed by brine injection and then by another slug of the same surfactant. The resulting effluent profiles are shown in Figure 26. Some surfactant adsorbs during thefirstsurfactantflood,as indicated by the separation between the surfactant and tracer profiles. On the time scale of the experiment, the surfactant does not desorb appreciably during brine injection. Consequently, almost no additional adsorption occurs during the second surfactant flood: The surfactant and tracer profiles coincide. This kind of behavior is exactly what one would hope to achieve with a sacrificial agent. However, when the sequential slugs contain different chemicals, the situation changes drastically, as illustrated by the next core-flood. Figure 26 also shows the effluent profile of a nonionic surfactant (alkylphenylethoxy alcohol) that was injected into the core containing the preadsorbed anionic surfactant. Material balance calculations indicated that the nonionic surfactant adsorbs as much as it would in a clean core despite the presence of the anionic surfactant on the solid surfaces. The anionic surfactant that was adsorbed during the first two floods is recovered completely. The reverse sequence of core-floods is shown in Figure 27, where the nonionic surfactant is followed by another slug of the nonionic surfactant, and then by the anionic surfactant. As expected, adsorption of the non-



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants

Anionic surfactant (AOS 1416)

c g

Nonionic —-E3 surfactant —θ (Triton X-100) - - Δ —

Anionic surfactant (AOS 1416)

ta ν-


Tracer Anionic surfactant Nonionic surfactant


c Φ ο c ο ο

Τ3 Φ Ν


Ε 0.0 4= 0


Throughput (PV)

Figure 26. Effluent profiles obtained during sequential core-floods with an anionic and a nonionic surfactant. C Ο


Nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100)

1 4

Έ Φ ϋ



1 0.8


—Β Tracer — θ — Anionic surfactant — Δ - - - Nonionic surfactant Anionic surfactant (AOS 1416)

Nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100)







Ο 0.2 0.0



AA/-k moAl


Throughput (PV)

Figure 27. Effluent profiles obtained during sequential core-floods with an anionic and a nonionic surfactant, using the reverse sequencefromFigure 26. ionic surfactant is reduced during the second flood, because the rock con­ tains preadsorbed nonionic surfactant. When the nonionic surfactant is followed by the anionic surfactant, 80% of the previously adsorbed non­ ionic surfactant is desorbed and recovered. The anionic surfactant adsorbs at a similar level as it would in a clean core. A similar sequence of corefloods with an anionic and an amphoteric surfactant was previously described (128). The core-flood sequences in Figures 26 and 27 show that the two sur­ factants displace each otherfromthe sandstone surface. Adsorption levels of both surfactants are unaffected by the presence of the other surfactant on the solid surfaces. Clearly, materials with the adsorption properties shown here would not be effective as sacrificial agents. However, one sur-



factant might be used as a desorbing agent for the other provided the chemical used as a desorbing agent is significantly cheaper than the primary surfactant. From the previous discussion, it may be seen that many uncertainties are associated with the use of sacrificial adsorbates. Although preflushes with sacrificial adsorbates may show some improvement in chemical flooding processes (149), it remains to be demonstrated that the additional costs related to sacrificial materials can be fully compensated for by lowering the requirements for the primary surfactant.

Summary Many hydrocarbon-miscible floods are run in reservoirs containing brines of extremely high salinity and hardness. Surfactants that may be used for mobility control foams at such conditions are commercially available. The effectiveness of foams generated with these surfactants was illustrated by way of representative mobility reductions factors measured in oil-free porous media. One of the factors that determines foam propagation and foam-flood economics is surfactant loss in the reservoir, most importantly adsorption at the solid-liquid interface. Adsorption levels of foaming surfactants, mostly those suitable for high salinity conditions, cover a wide range and lead to vastly different distances of foam propagation. Therefore, selection of a surfactant with minimal adsorption levels for the reservoir conditions of interest is crucial. The dependence of adsorption of some foaming surfactants on temperature, brine salinity and hardness, rock type, wettability, and the presence of a residual oil phase was illustrated using a large amount of measured adsorption data. Possible adsorption mechanisms were suggested. The experimental data together with the mechanistic information may provide guidelines for estimating surfactant losses to be expected during foam-flooding. Three methods of minimizing surfactant adsorption were suggested: matching surfactant to reservoir conditions based on the information provided in this chapter, sacrificial adsorbates, and surfactant mixtures. Although much effort has gone into the formulation of sacrificial agents, considerable uncertainties are associated with the use of these materials. Surfactant mixtures provide a promising means of reducing adsorption. Theoretical and experimental information that sheds light on the mechanisms involved and demonstrates the effectiveness of some surfactant mixtures in reducing adsorption is available, but knowledge in this area has



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


not advanced sufficiently to allow the formulation of mixtures with low adsorption levels.

List of Symbols c h



Q r i r


i AG„ AG„


AG dec AGH AG.solv }

AP,brine-gas surfactant—gas

surfactant concentration thickness of the layer into which foam is being injected thickness of layer i permeability permeability of layer i mobility-reduction factor mass of surfactant injected pore volume surfactant adsorption per unit volume of reservoir foam quality, or volume fraction of gas in a foam radial distance radial distance in layer i radius of an injection pattern pore volumes of foam injected free energy change associated with adsorption at the solid-liquid interface free energy change due to chain-chain (hydrophobic and van der Waals) interactions between surfactant hydrophobes in an adsorbed surfactant layer free energy change due to nonpolar interactions between surfactant hydrophobes and a solid free energy change due to surfactant adsorption by covalent bonding free energy change due to surfactant—solid electrostatic interactions free energy change due to hydrogen bonding free energy change due to solvation and "desolvation" of adsorbent and adsorbate pressure drop measured across a core during simultaneous injection of brine and gas pressure drop measured across a core during simultaneous injection of surfactant solution and gas (foam) porosity

Aldrich Shell Shell Rohm & Haas Sherex

Enordet IOS 1518 Enordet LXS 810 Triton X-100 Varion CAS

1 6

DTAB IOS 1518 LXS 810 Nonionic surfactant Sulfobetaine

1 4

Amide-modified alkylbetaine Amide-modified alkylbetaine Diphenyl ether disulfonate and C _ α-olefin sulfonate mixture Dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide C _ internal olefin sulfonate C _ linear xylene sulfonate Octylphenylethoxy alcohol Amide-modified sulfobetaine

Albright & Wilson Stepan Dow


1 5

1 0

l g

l g

Empigen BT Stepanflo 60 Dow XS 84321.05

1 6

1 6

C _ α-olefin sulfonate C _ α-olefin sulfonate Alkyl toluenesulfonate Amide-modified alkylbetaine

Shell Shell Sun Refining Albright & Wilson

Enordet AOS 1416 Enordet AOS 1618 Suntech IV Empigen BT

AOS 1416 AOS 1618 ATS Betaine (same as Betaine 1) Betaine 1 Betaine 2 DPES-AOS 1 4

Chemical Name


Trade Name


Appendix. Abbreviations of Surfactant Names



Adsorption of Foam-Forming Surfactants


Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the following companies for granting permission to include in this chapter data collected under private contract: Amoco Canada Petroleum Company, Calgary, Canada (Figure 6, Table IV); Chevron Canada Resources, Calgary, Canada (Figure 6, Table IV); Chevron Chemical Company, Calgary, Canada (Figure 6); and STATOIL, Stavanger, Norway (Figure 6).

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for review October 23, 1992.


revised manuscript March 16,