Adsorption of Picric Acid from Aqueous Solution by the Weakly Basic

The presence of nitrophenols in wastewater is of great environmental concern. Therefore, it is important to separate picric acid from wastewater strea...
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J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 3290–3296

Adsorption of Picric Acid from Aqueous Solution by the Weakly Basic Adsorbent Amberlite IRA-67 Hasan Uslu*,† and Go¨ksel Demir‡ Beykent University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Chemical Engineering Department, Ayazag˘a, I˙stanbul, Turkey, and Bahc¸es¸ehir University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, 34349 Besiktas, I˙stanbul, Turkey

The presence of nitrophenols in wastewater is of great environmental concern. Therefore, it is important to separate picric acid from wastewater streams. In this study, adsorption of picric acid was studied from aqueous solutions by using a weakly basic adsorbent (Amberlite IRA-67) at three different temperatures (298 K, 308 K, and 318 K). Adsorption of picric acid was investigated in terms of equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamic conditions. In the equilibrium studies, 1.00 g of Amberlite IRA-67 was determined as the optimal amount. The most used isotherms, Freundlich and Langmuir, were applied to the experimental data. The Langmuir isotherm gave good results with R squared values over 0.99 at different temperatures. In the kinetic studies, pseudofirst- and pseudosecond-order models and the Elovich equation were applied to the kinetic experiments. The pseudosecond-order model was fitted to this adsorption system with an R 0 0 squared value of 0.996. In the thermodynamic studies, ∆Hads ) -21.204 kJ · mol-1, ∆Sads ) -200.043 0 J · mol-1 · K-1, and ∆Gads for different temperatures were calculated.

n(RN) + AHn T R(NH+)nAn-

1. Introduction Organic impurities even in low concentrations may be an impediment to the use of water purification techniques. Therefore, a major focus of research has become the removal of these impurities and policy debate in relation to polluted water treatments.1,2 An environmental problem is the presence of nitrophenols in wastewater streams. Nitrophenols are usually found in effluent wastes from explosive industries, textile industries, and photodegradation of pesticides, and so forth.3,4 As a consequence of increasing stringent environmental regulations, many methods such as adsorption, chemical oxidation, photodegradation, biological degradation, and solvent extraction have been studied to remove phenolic compounds from industrial wastewater streams.5-10 Particularly, adsorption methods have been used for the removal of organic compounds from wastewater streams.11 Activated carbon, as an adsorbent, has been employed many times for the removal of phenolic compounds from wastewater because of its low cost and the ability to regenerate by thermal means.2,12-15 Weakly basic ion exchangers are also used for the removal of acids from wastewater streams. Liu and Ren16 studied the adsorption equilibria of levulinic acid. Uslu17 reported the removal of formic acid from wastewater streams by adsorption using Amberlite IRA-67, a weak anion exchanger. He reported that Amberlite IRA-67 is an effective adsorbent for the removal of acids from aqueous solutions because of complex formation between acid and amine. Acid (such as picric acid) adsorption on Amberlite IRA-67 is a neutralization reaction shown by the following equation, * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +90 535 622 07 40. † Beykent University. ‡ Bahc¸es¸ehir University.

where n ) 1 for picric acid and an acid-amine complex is formed. RN denotes a tertiary amine; [AH] represents picric acid formation in the acid-amine complex (R(NH+)nAn-). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate adsorption efficiency of Amberlite IRA-67 for picric acid from wastewater 0 0 , ∆Sads , and streams. The thermodynamic parameters, ∆Hads 0 , were calculated. Regeneration was not within the scope ∆Gads of this study.

2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials. Picric acid (2,4,6-trinitrophenol) (purity > 97 %) and Amberlite IRA-67 were obtained from Merck Co. Amberlite IRA-67 is a weakly basic gel-type polyacrylic resin with a tertiary amine functional group. It was used without further treatment due to its high purity. 2.2. Equilibrium Methods. Five different concentrations of picric acid were prepared for the equilibrium studies. These concentrations were 4.00 g · L-1, 6.00 g · L-1, 8.00 g · L-1, 10.00 g · L-1, and 14.00 g · L-1. The concentration 14.00 g · L-1 is the maximum solubility of picric acid in water at 298 K. The known amount of adsorbent is presented in Table 1, and a 15 mL picric acid solution was prepared; equilibration studies were carried out in a thermostatic shaker. The period for equilibrium was determined as 90 min. The samples were shaken for 120 min, and the optimum amount of adsorbent was determined as 1.0 g for IRA-67. After equilibration, an aqueous phase sample was titrated to determine the amount of picric acid by NaOH (0.1 N) with phenolphthalein as an indicator. Each experiment was carried out at three different temperatures (298 K, 308 K, and 318 K). Adsorption isotherms were applied according to an optimum amount of IRA-67. 2.3. Kinetic Methods. The kinetic experiments were carried out in a 250 mL stirred cell. The cell was equipped with a

10.1021/je100088u  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/06/2010

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2010 3291 Table 1. Experimental Results of the Adsorption of Picric Acid onto Amberlite IRA-67 at Different Temperatures (298 K, 318 K, 328 K) initial conc.

equilibrium conc.

equilibrium conc.

equilibrium conc.

removal of acid

removal of acid

removal of acid 328 K


amount of IRA 67

298 K

318 K

328 K

298 K

318 K

g · L-1


C (g · L-1)

C (g · L-1)

C (g · L-1)




4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 14 14 14

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25

1.10 0.83 0.55 0.20 0.16 1.94 1.61 1.28 0.85 0.80 2.85 2.59 2.24 1.98 1.89 3.79 3.51 3.14 2.77 2.71 5.91 5.61 5.25 4.66 4.59

1.21 0.95 0.69 0.29 0.26 2.08 1.70 1.35 0.97 0.93 2.96 2.67 2.38 2.07 1.99 3.90 3.65 3.29 2.91 2.87 6.02 5.72 5.36 4.75 4.68

1.30 1.04 0.78 0.38 0.36 2.17 1.76 1.44 1.05 1.01 3.07 2.76 2.45 2.13 2.09 3.99 3.72 3.37 3.00 2.96 6.14 5.83 5.44 4.84 4.77

72.50 79.25 86.25 95.00 96.00 67.67 73.17 78.67 85.83 86.67 64.37 67.62 72.00 75.25 76.37 62.10 64.90 68.60 72.30 72.90 57.78 59.93 62.50 66.71 67.21

69.75 76.25 82.75 92.75 93.50 65.33 71.67 77.50 83.83 84.50 63.00 66.62 70.25 74.12 75.12 61.00 63.50 67.10 70.90 71.30 57.00 59.14 61.71 66.07 66.57

67.50 74.00 80.50 90.50 91.00 63.83 70.67 76.00 82.50 83.17 61.62 65.50 69.38 73.37 73.87 60.10 62.80 66.30 70.00 70.40 56.14 58.36 61.14 65.43 65.93

fish agitator and was rotated at high speed [(1100 to 1200) rpm] to prevent bulk diffusion as a controlling step of adsorption kinetics as suggested by Azizian et al.18 The volume of solution was 15 mL, and the amount of IRA 67 was 1.0 g as in the equilibrium experiments. At appropriate time intervals, samples of 1 mL of solution were taken from the vessel and analyzed by a titration method with 0.1 N NaOH and phenolphthalein indicator. The kinetic experiments were carried out at a 14.00 g · L-1 concentration of picric acid, which was the maximum solubility of picric acid in water at 298 K; each experiment was repeated twice, but the average values were used. 2.4. FTIR Analysis. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis has been done with a DIAMOND ATR module of the Nicolette FTIR equipment. Information on the nature of possible interactions between Amberlite IRA-67 and picric acid has been obtained by FTIR spectroscopy. Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectra of Amberlite IRA-67 after (a) and before (b) adsorption. The broad and strong band at 3337 cm-1 is due to the overlapping of -OH, aromatic C-H, and NH2 stretching vibrations. Also, the peak at 1635 cm-1 was attributed to the stretching vibration of the amine group N-H. After adsorption, the stretching vibration peaks at 3337 cm-1 and 1635 cm-1 were shifted to 3295 cm-1 and 1630 cm-1, respectively, and the NO2 groups of picric acid appear at 1560 cm-1 as an asymmetric group and 1259 cm-1 as a symmetric group. The results indicated that the adsorption could be carried out by ion exchange between Amberlite IRA-67 and picric acid via hydrogen atoms.

3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Equilibrium Studies. In this study, first, the period of the equilibrium state of the adsorbents was determined; the effect of the amount of adsorbent on adsorption was investigated. Second, the effect of initial acid concentration on adsorption was determined. Finally, Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applied.

3.1.1. Effect of Amount of Adsorbent. The effect of adsorbent dose on the extent of solute adsorption was investigated by varying dose from (0.25 to 1.25) g IRA-67 for each initial picric acid concentration from 4.00 g · L-1 to 14.00 g · L-1 at different temperatures of 298 K, 308 K, and 318 K. It was observed from Table 1 that, as the dose increases, the amount of solute adsorbed increases as well for each initial acid concentration, but the percentage removal of acid decreases. The maximum adsorption capacity was reached in 1.25 g of IRA-67, but after 1.00 g of Amberlite IRA-67, the capacitiy of adsorption increased very slowly. Hence, 1.00 g of adsorbent is the optimum amount for this adsorption study. 3.1.2. Effect of Initial Acid Concentration. Different initial picric acid concentrations (4.00 g · L-1, 6.00 g · L-1, 8.00 g · L-1, 10.00 g · L-1, and 14.00 g · L-1) were studied. It is observed from Table 1 and Figure 2 for increasing initial acid concentration from 4.00 g · L-1 to 14.00 g · L-1 that the adsorbed acid concentration decreased. The removal efficiency, which is defined as the amount of acid adsorbed from aqueous solution onto the adsorbent, decreased from 96.00 % to 56.93 % with increasing initial concentration of picric acid. This may be explained by the saturation of accessible exchangeable sites of the adsorbent. 3.1.3. Adsorption Isotherms. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were studied to find the equilibrium characteristics of adsorption. The Langmuir equation,18-20

qA )

KAQoCe 1 + KACe


where qA and Q0 denote the adsorbent-phase concentrations of picric acid and saturation capacity, respectively. Ce is the equilibrium concentration of picric acid. KA is the inverse of the Langmuir constant.


Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2010

Figure 1. FTIR spectra of Amberlite IRA 67 after (a) and before (b) adsorption.

The values of KA and Qo are determined by the following equation into which eq 1 was transformed.

Ce ) -KL + Ce

Qo qA

KL )

1 KA


The values of KL and Q0 are determined from the intercept and slope of the straight line by plotting a graph between Ce

and (Ce/qA). The calculated parameters of the Langmuir equation are presented in Table 2. The Freundlich isotherm was used in this study as a second isotherm.21-23

qA ) KfC1/n e


A logarithmic plot linearizes the equation by enabling the exponent n and the constant Kf to be determined,

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2010 3293

Figure 3. A plot of effect of contact time on the adsorption of picric acid at 298 K.

Figure 2. A plot of effect of initial acid concentration on the adsorption of picric acid at 298 K.

log qA ) log Kf + (1/n) log Ce

dq ) k1(qA - q) dt



Integrating eq 5 with the boundary conditions t ) 0 to t ) t and q ) 0 to q ) q gives the following equation:

The values of Kf and 1/n at different concentrations were determined from the slope and intercept of the linear plots of log qA and log Ce. The results of the Freundlich equation are presented in Table 2. The obtained linear plot with a good correlation coefficient confirms that the Langmuir isotherm is a suitable isotherm for the adsorption of picric acid onto Amberlite IRA-67. The R squared value is over 0.99 for each studied temperature in this study. However, the Freundlich isotherm does not obey the results of adsorption at each temperature. Especially, at 298 K some deviations were observed with the Freundlich isotherm. 3.2. Kinetic Studies. 3.2.1. Effect of Contact Time. The effect of contact time on the adsorption of picric acid by Amberlite IRA-67 was studied for a period of 120 min for initial picric acid concentrations of 14.00 g · L-1 at 298 K. The Amberlite IRA-67 dosage was 1.00 g. The effect of contact time on the removal of picric acid is shown in Figure 3 and presented in Table 3. The uptake of adsorbate species is very fast at the initial stages of the contact period, and thereafter, it becomes slower near the equilibrium. In between these two stages of uptake, the rate of adsorption was found to be nearly constant. This is obvious from the fact that a large number of vacant surface sites are available for adsorption during the initial stage. After a lapse of time, the remaining vacant surface sites are difficult to be occupied due to repulsive forces between the solute molecules on the solid and bulk phases.24 3.2.2. Adsorption Rate. Various models can be used to analyze the kinetics of sorption processes. Lagergren25 suggested a rate equation for the sorption of solutes from a liquid solution. This pseudofirst-order rate equation is




qA - q ) -k1t qA


where q and qA are the grams of solute absorbed per gram of sorbent at any time and at equilibrium, respectively, and k1 is the rate constant of first-order sorption. The pseudofirstorder equation was used extensively to describe the sorption kinetics.26,27 If the adsorption kinetics obey a pseudofirst-order model, then a plot of ln(qA -q) versus t should be linear. Figure 4 shows a plot for adsorption of picric acid on Amberlite IRA-67. The constants of eq 7 were obtained from Figure 4 at different concentrations and listed in Table 4 with the coefficients of determination, R2. As is seen clearly from Figure 4 and Table 4, the fitting of the experimental data to the pseudofirst-order model was not so good. Although the coefficients of determiTable 3. Effect of Contact Time on the Adsorption of Picric Acid at 298 K amount of Amberlite

equilibrium conc.

initial conc.



removal of acid


g · L-1


g · L-1



14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

8.70 7.68 6.64 6.06 5.63 5.15 4.66

37.857 45.142 52.571 56.714 59.785 63.214 66.714

15 30 45 60 90 105 120

Table 2. Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherm Parameters of Picric Acid onto Amberlite IRA-67 Freundlich parameters temperature

Langmuir parameters



log Kf

298 308 318

1.63 1.42 1.19

KL -1

mg · mg

42.65 26.30 15.48




1.48 1.39 1.23

0.972 0.958 0.987



mg · L-1


0.0314 0.0259 0.0212

31.84 38.61 47.16

0.0428 0.0315 0.0250

0.994 0.999 0.998


Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2010

Figure 5. Linear plot of pseudosecond-order kinetic model at 14 g · L-1 initial picric acid concentration and 1.00 g of IRA-67.

Figure 4. Linear plot of pseudofirst-order kinetic model at 14 g · L-1 initial picric acid concentration and 1.00 g of IRA-67.

nation are good, as can be seen in Figure 4, there is a deviation from this model especially at elevated times when t is more than 90 min. Another model for the analysis of sorption kinetics is the pseudosecond-order model. The rate law for this system is expressed as

dq ) k2(qA - q)2 dt


Integrating eq 7, for the boundary conditions t ) 0 to t ) t and q ) 0 to q ) q, gives

1 1 + k2t ) qA - q qA

Figure 6. Linear plot of the Elovich model equation. Table 5. Thermodynamic Parameters for Adsorption of Picric Acid onto Amberlite IRA-67 at Different Temperatures (298 K, 308 K, 318 K)


where k2 is the pseudosecond-order rate constant of sorption. Equation 8 can be rearranged to obtain a linear form,

t 1 1 + t ) 2 q q k2qA A


0 ∆Gads


0 ∆Sads

0 ∆Hads

K 298 308 318

kJ · mol-1

mol · L-1

J · mol-1 · K-1

kJ · mol-1

-20.716 -20.626 -20.685

1.868 · 10-7 1.375 · 10-7 1.091 · 10-7



(9) 3.2.3. EloWich Equation. The Elovich model equation30 is generally expressed as:

A plot of (t/q) versus t gives a straight line with the slope of 1/(k2qA2) and intercept of 1/qA. So the gram of solute sorbed per gram of sorbent at equilibrium (qA) and sorption rate constant (k2) can be evaluated from the slope and intercept, respectively. The pseudosecond-order model was recently applied to the analysis of sorption kinetics from liquid solutions by Ho and McKay.28,29 The values of qA and k2 were obtained from the slopes and intercepts of plots in Figure 5. These constants with the coefficients of determination are listed in Table 4. As can be seen in Figure 5, this model fits these experimental results very well.

dQ ) R exp(-βQ) dt


where R is the initial adsorption rate (mg · g-1 · min-1) and β is the desorption constant (g · mg-1) during any one experiment. To simplify the Elovich equation, Rβt . t is assumed and by applying the boundary conditions Q ) 0 at t ) 0 and Q ) Q at t ) t equation becomes:

Table 4. Obtained Constant for Pseudofirst-Order and Pseudosecond-Order Kinetic Models at 14 g · L-1 Initial Picric Acid Concentration pseudofirst-order kinetic model C0 g · L-1 14.00

Elovich equation R 1002

β 5.18

R2 0.973



g · g-1

min-1 -2

1.42 · 10


pseudosecond-order kinetic model R2




g · g-1

g · g-1 · min-1





3.46 · 10

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4. Conclusions It can be concluded that the use of Amberlite IRA-67 for the adsorption of picric acid is feasible. The use of IRA67 for the adsorption leads to the removal of 96 % picric acid from aqueous solution. The applied isotherms, especially the Langmuir isotherm, showed good results to predict data with an R squared value of over 0.99 at different temperatures. The reaction rate adopted to pseudosecond order. Thermodynamic studies show 0 ) -21.204 that this adsorption process is exothermic (∆Hads -1 kJ · mol ). Acknowledgment This work was studied in Beykent University laboratories. We are grateful to Beykent University for supplied chemicals and other equipment. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Yas¸ar from Istanbul University for FTIR analysis.

Figure 7. Plot of ln KL against 1/T.


1 1 ln(Rβ) + ln(t) β β

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A plot of Q versus ln(t) should yield a linear relationship with a slope of (1/β) and an intercept of (1/β) ln(Rβ) (Figure 6). The constants are listed in Table 4. 3.3. Thermodynamics Studies. 3.3.1. Effect of Temperature. The effect of temperature on the adsorption of picric acid onto the Amberlite IRA-67 was studied at 298 K, 308 K, and 318 K. Table 1 shows the results of adsorption efficiencies at different temperatures. It can be seen from the experimental results in Table 1 that the adsorption capacity of the IRA 67 is decreasing with increasing temperature. As related to the temperature effect, the thermodynamic parameters have been calculated for this adsorption system. The free energy change of adsorption ∆G0ads was calculated by using the equation: 0 ) -RT ln KL ∆Gads


where R is the universal gas constant and T is the Kelvin temperature. KL is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the adsorption process. It was determined by plotting ln(Ce/qA) versus Ce and extrapolating to zero Ce as suggested by Khan and Singh.31 The other thermodynamic parameters, like the enthalpy 0 0 and the entropy change ∆Sads , were calculated change ∆Hads from the slope and intercept of the plots of ln KL against 1/T according to the following equation: 0 0 ∆Sads ∆Hads ln KL ) R RT


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Received for review January 27, 2010. Accepted July 23, 2010.
