Advanced Chemical Research at Laguna Beach High School: High

The Advanced Chemical Research program (ACR) at Laguna Beach High School (LBHS) enrolls 20 to 28 twelfth graders each year. LBHS is a suburban public ...
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Chapter 2

Advanced Chemical Research at Laguna Beach High School: High School Seniors Engaged in Authentic Laboratory Research Steven G. Sogo* Chemistry Department, Laguna Beach High School, Laguna Beach, California 92651, United States *E-mail: [email protected]

The Advanced Chemical Research program (ACR) at Laguna Beach High School (LBHS) enrolls 20 to 28 twelfth graders each year. LBHS is a suburban public school in a wealthy area of Southern California. The class ethnicity mirrors the makeup of the school, which is 85% white with a smattering of Asian and Hispanic students. Females make up 33 to 45% of each class. The class meets daily, with greater than 90% of class time devoted to hands-on laboratory work. Students engage in three 6-week training projects during the fall semester and a single 18-20 week original research project during the spring semester. During each project, students are grouped in teams of four, encouraging the development of leadership and collaborative skills. Surveys show that approximately 75% of ACR alumni pursue degrees in STEM fields. ACR alumni have won numerous awards for their achievements in STEM fields, and several alumni are currently enrolled in PhD programs. Survey responses show that ACR has a profound impact on the development of essential scientific skills, including critical thinking, communication, goal-setting, and familiarity with laboratory methods. ACR is a highly successful model of a high school research program that inspires and empowers future STEM professionals.

© 2016 American Chemical Society Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Preface The bulk of this chapter will provide a dispassionate description of the Advanced Chemical Research program (ACR) at Laguna Beach High School. I will present data showing the efficacy of the program, provide details on the course structure, and make suggestions for how such a program can be successfully initiated. However, I would first like to provide a more personal introduction that demonstrates the impact ACR has had upon me and my students. In my youth, I was captivated by scientific research. As an undergraduate in Jeremy Knowles’ lab at Harvard University, I was captivated by the intellectual challenge of experimental research, and each day I eagerly anticipated the chance to use a rotovap, fraction collector, or (my favorite!) a scanning spectrophotometer. My graduate career at Caltech was less successful—I lost the joy of my day-to-day work, and focused too much on the potential significance of my work, which seemed to be of small importance in the world. After 4-years at Caltech, I abandoned my original path of becoming a scientific researcher to begin a career in high school teaching. I have loved my career as a teacher. In my classes, I continually employ creative methods to ignite the excitement of my students. My students are appreciative—they show me daily that the study of chemistry has become an important part of their lives. My work as a teacher is eminently fulfilling, even without a research class. But the creation of ACR has enhanced the richness of my life. I have been able to reclaim my joy of research—a part of my life I thought I had left behind 30-years ago. I am, once again, a scientist. As I read professional journal articles, I become excited about the possibilities of new investigations we can perform in the ACR lab. In my conversations with chemistry professors, I feel that I am treated as a peer. I now have two worlds to enjoy—a thriving career as a teacher, and a reinvented career as a researcher, seeking to illuminate a few small secrets of the universe. In the early days of ACR, I trusted that the program I had created was good for students, but it was not until I solicited feedback from ACR alumni that I learned the true value of this program. Here I present four paragraphs from ACR alumni who have eloquently described the impact of ACR upon their lives:

After accepting Cornell University’s admission offer, Cornell placed me in their prestigious Hunter R Rawlings III Presidential Research Scholar (RCPRS) program based upon my ACR experience. RCPRS funded my undergraduate research on the seasonal variation of the amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, a summer field season in Arizona, and a summer internship with the California Department of Fish and Game. I am currently finishing my MSc thesis at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec on Lake Trout management in upstate New York. At 23 years of age, I have coauthored 3 published peer-reviewed publications, have another manuscript currently in review, and another yet soon to be 34 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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submitted. I have spoken at several conferences, given 2 undergraduate guest lectures, and write a blog for the conservation group One World One Ocean about my experiences in graduate school and fishery science. ACR has had an unpredictable cascading effect on my life, without which, I would certainly not be writing this paragraph from Canada right now. --Melissa Lenker, ACR Class of 2009 It was in ACR that I was first introduced to university-level, scientific research. Unlike many of the classes I had taken before, it began with a specific problem for which there was no known solution. This was a truly unique teaching platform that not only encouraged students to be scholars in chemistry but also to think critically and collaborate in order to solve a problem. This sparked in me a passion for scientific research, which has led me to work at Novartis, as a researcher abroad in Switzerland and to my current position as a PhD candidate at Stanford University (Wender Lab, Department of Chemistry). This class was a truly a transformative experience, and it still stands out as being the single most important experience in my academic career. –Andrew Raub, ACR class of 2007 ACR was the best class I took in high school, and I learned more in that class than I did in many undergraduate classes. By offering students more than just a letter grade, ACR engages students on a higher level, [providing] open-ended challenges and the resources to explore. The courage to face these challenges stays with me to this day as I research how to advance surgery through new technology. I am now finishing my first year in Stanford’s Bioengineering PhD program, researching robotic heart surgery. --Jake Sganga, ACR class of 2009 As extreme as it sounds, ACR was the only class that truly prepared me for my classes in college. In the transition from high school, academic hand holding vanishes in an instant. ACR taught me to discover my own unique solutions to unique problems. Most importantly, ACR made me realize how thrilling solving real problems can really be. --Spencer Anderson, ACR class of 2013, Computer Engineering major at Univ. of Washington

These student testimonials let me know that the ACR program has been as meaningful for students as it has been for me. Clearly, the opportunity to pursue research while still in high school inspires students and leads to future success in STEM fields. The remainder of this chapter will discuss what ACR is and how it is implemented, but the biggest question, “Why initiate a research program?”, is embodied in the feelings of excitement and satisfaction engendered in both students and teacher. 35 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Advanced Chemical Research: Course Structure The Advanced Chemical Research class (ACR) at Laguna Beach High School (LBHS) has been in existence for nine years. The course typically enrolls 20-28 students per year (approximately 10% of the graduating class). Nearly all ACR students are 12th graders, though a few talented 11th graders have taken ACR (most of whom re-enrolled in ACR as 12th graders). Prerequisites for ACR include Honors Chemistry in the 10th grade and a Physics class (regular or AP level) in the 11th grade. The students enrolled in ACR typically are bound for competitive 4-year colleges. Although most ACR students rank in the top 25% of graduating seniors at LBHS, there are also a handful of technically skillful students who rank in the bottom half of their class. These practical-minded students are often very valuable contributors in the hands-on ACR environment. Note: The Student Outcomes section of this chapter highlights the experiences of Jack C., a low-ranking LBHS 2013 graduate who is experiencing considerable success in college. Students coming into ACR have already experienced a rigorous 1st year curriculum in Honors Chemistry. In Honors Chemistry students learn how to perform unscripted labs, design simple experiments, and detect likely sources of experimental errors. H. Chem students also gain a strong foundation in stoichiometry. A summer assignment prior to starting ACR provides students with a college-level review of solution chemistry and reaction stoichiometry (reading and problems assigned from Zumdahl’s Chemistry textbook (1)). The fall semester of ACR includes three 6-week training projects that introduce students to techniques in organic chemistry and biochemistry. The first project is the isolation of caffeine from Diet Coke. In this project, students are given the challenge of isolating at least 10 mg of caffeine from 150 mL of soda (according to the Diet Coke label, there are 19 mg caffeine in 150 mL of soda). The second project is the synthesis of organic esters. Students typically synthesize one ester using a mineral acid catalyst (the Fischer esterification) and then synthesize a second ester using other methods, such as the use of rare earth catalysts (e.g. Yb(III)) or acid anhydrides. The third project is the partial purification of beta-lactamase enzyme from ampicillin resistant E. coli. Each of these projects requires students to learn a plethora of new, sophisticated techniques, including UV-vis spectroscopy, chromatography, NMR, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In order to instruct students in the proper ways to employ these techniques, the course instructor has created a vast library of videos (available through Youtube channel ACR92651). Students access an instructional video upon their initial use of an instrument and can review the video whenever a refresher on methods is needed. Use of video instruction has greatly enhanced the speed and quality of student data acquisition. Instructional videos typically include a brief theoretical background describing how the method/machine works, as well as detailed instructions for proper procedures, safety precautions, and common “rookie” mistakes to avoid. The ACR92651 channel has over 250,000 cumulative views, suggesting that science students beyond the LBHS community are also making use of these instructional videos. 36 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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During the second semester, each student team works on a single project for 18 to 20 weeks. Second semester projects are authentic research--investigations that will add to the collective knowledge of the scientific community. The goal of each group is to obtain publishable data. Many ACR projects build upon the work done by previous years’ classes—expertise gained by a particular group of students is passed on to the next year’s students through careful documentation, including written papers and photo/video logs. The carryover of a project from one year to the next enables the pursuit of highly ambitious projects. The two peer-reviewed papers published by ACR students (see below) each represent work done over a 3-year period. Examples of past and current projects include: • • • • • •

Detoxification of ethidium bromide using TAML catalysts (2013 publication in the Journal of Chemical Education (2)) Creation of a synthetic antivenom using molecularly imprinted polymers (2013 publication in Chemical Communications (3)) Investigation of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in molecularly imprinted polymers Protection of peptides from proteolysis by incorporation into polymeric nanoparticles Development of a peroxide-based solar water sterilization system for use in developing nations Development of an electrochemical bacterial sensor

A summary of the techniques incorporated into each of the 6-week training projects is shown in Table 1. The sophistication of ACR student projects has been promoted by the mentorship of chemistry professors at UC Irvine and UC San Diego, who have provided project ideas, problem-solving discussions, technical support, and morale boosts. The NMR and Mass Spectrometry directors at UC Irvine have provided access to their state-of-the-art analytic facilities. These partnerships with university scientists have provided ACR students with a wealth of opportunities, enabling them to tackle projects that rival those of advanced undergraduates. University scientists who have lent support to ACR include: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Prof. Andy Borovik, Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Prof. Ken Shea, Polymer Chemistry, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Prof. Reg Penner, Electrochemistry, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Prof. James Nowick, Organic Chemistry, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Prof. Bruce Blumberg, Cell Biology, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Dr. John Greaves, Mass Spectrometry Director , Univ. of Calif. Irvine Dr. Phil Dennison, NMR Director, Univ. of Calif. Irvine Prof. Betsy Komives, Enzymology, Univ. of Calif. San Diego Prof. Nathan Gianneschi, Peptide Dynamics, Univ. of Calif. San Diego Prof. Liangfang Zhang, Nanoparticle Design, Univ. of Calif. San Diego Prof. Keith Woerpel, Organic Chemistry, New York University Prof. Terry Collins, Green Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon Univ. 37 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Table 1. Advanced laboratory techniques introduced during each of the 6-week training projects pursued by students during the fall semester. By the end of the fall semester, students have learned a large number of analytical techniques, providing an adequate “toolbox” for the authentic research projects they pursue in the spring semester.

ACR Group Structure and Leadership All work in ACR is done in groups of three or four students. In the first semester, teams are chosen by the course instructor, who reshuffles the groups for each 6-week training project. Each team has a designated leader who is responsible for planning daily experimental work. During the fall semester, leadership is rotated among suitable individuals, with the intent of identifying those students who will be most effective leading a team for the second semester. Group leaders work harder than their teammates—they read primary literature, search online for relevant prior work, and discuss concepts in depth with the course instructor. Ideal 38 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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leaders learn how to delegate tasks to obtain maximum productivity from group members. Group leaders for the second semester are designated by the course instructor, and each leader chooses his/her team by “drafting” an individual from those who have yet to be selected (similar to picking teams for dodge ball). After this drafting phase, the course instructor may alter team rosters to ensure that each team has the balance of skills needed for success. Since these teams will work on a project for the entire semester, strong leadership is vital. Many ACR alumni state that the leadership skills they developed during the second semester made them exceptionally well-prepared for college-level science courses.

Continuing Education—The ACR Alumni Network Many ACR alumni have returned to LBHS to share their experiences in college and beyond. Over the past several years, at least six ACR alumni have given seminars describing their undergraduate and graduate-level research to current ACR students. This seminar series has been very valuable to ACR students, providing a glimpse of “what comes next”. At least 5 ACR alumni are currently pursuing PhD degrees in STEM fields, providing role models for current ACR students. There is an ACR Alumni group active on Facebook, and many ACR alumni are part of the instructor’s LinkedIn network. The involvement of alumni in the education of current high school students is a model that has great merit, mirroring the multi-level “families” of scientists that exist in university research labs.

Laboratory Equipment The high level of experimental work undertaken by ACR students necessitates a rich supply of instrumentation. Grant monies from a variety of sources (see following section) have enabled the acquisition of high quality instruments as summarized below. Each major piece of equipment acquired has opened up new possibilities for research projects. The Laguna Beach High School research lab includes • • • • • • • • • • •

Analytic HPLC with C18 column (Agilent 1220) Computer Interfaced UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (ThermoFisher Evolution 300) Stand Alone UV-Vis Spectrophotometers (2) (Genesys 10S) Nanodrop Spectrophotometer (ThermoFisher) Fluorometer (Thermo Scientific Lumina) Microcentrifuge (Fisher) Benchtop swinging bucket centrifuge (Hettich Rotofix 4000) Refrigerated centrifuge (Marathon 2000) Incubator-Shaker (Southwest Science Mini Incushaker) Lyophilizer Analytical balances (2) 39 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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• • •

TLC viewing chambers with UV lamps (2) Rotary Evaporator (Heidolph) Gel electrophoresis equipment (BioRad)

Sign-up sheets are employed for heavily used pieces of equipment to provide equitable access to these instruments. With the use of instructional videos for each instrument, students are usually able to collect data, but will often require help interpreting their data. A large fraction of the course instructor’s classroom time is spent teaching students how to interpret and analyze the data they have collected. Trips to UC Irvine (about 25-minutes away) allow access to higher level instrumentation, including NMR and Mass Spectrometry. All students are introduced to NMR during the fall semester training projects, and some groups will make use of NMR and Mass Spec during the spring semester. Typically, the instructor and selected students will travel to UCI to collect data once a month during the spring semester.

Financial Considerations: Sources of Funding For a school seeking to develop a new research program, identification of funding sources will determine the scope of science that can be tackled. ACR was initiated with a $7,000 grant from the Laguna Beach Educational Foundation, and since then has received grant support from a wide variety of educational foundations. The course instructor has actively pursued funding opportunities, typically writing for 1 to 3 grants per year. The success rate for these funding requests has been high; only three proposals have failed to receive funding. Typically, preparation of a grant proposal requires 6 to 8 hours of time. Although this is a significant time burden, the preparation of a proposal can be an enjoyable exploration of scientific goals (and dreams). Grant funding obtained by the ACR program is summarized in Table 2. In addition to educational foundation grants, corporate sponsors and parental contributions can greatly help to develop an ambitious research program. ACR parents typically donate a total of ~$2,000 per year, which is a significant fraction of the $5,000 to $10,000 annual operating budget. To economize, the instructor has often purchased used equipment on EBay, which often offers price reductions of more than 75% (compared to new). It may also be possible to receive “handme-down” equipment from local colleges and universities.

Advanced Chemical Research: Student Outcomes A primary goal of the ACR program is to encourage students to pursue careers in STEM fields. Two end-of-year surveys of ACR students have been taken, the 40 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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first in 2012 and the second in 2015. Data from these two surveys show that 75-80% of ACR graduating seniors intend to major in STEM fields (Table 3). When asked specifically how the ACR class influenced their intended career path, a vast majority of students indicated that the course encouraged them to consider a STEM career (Table 4). These statistics suggest that the ACR program enhances the number of LBHS graduates who go on to major in STEM fields. Surveys of ACR alumni provide statistical data on the fates of ACR students after graduation from LBHS. A survey of ACR alumni in 2015 showed that 75% of respondents are pursuing or have completed a degree in a STEM field (Table 5). ACR alumni have earned STEM degrees at many of the most competitive colleges in the nation, including MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Cornell and UC Berkeley.

Table 2. Major sources of extramural funding for the ACR program. Grant proposals written by the course instructor were submitted to these funding agencies to acquire instrumentation such as HPLC, UV-Vis, centrifuges, etc. Supplies and consumables (~$3500 per annum) are funded by the Laguna Beach Unified School District.

41 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Table 3. Survey data acquired from ACR students at the end of their senior year in high school. The data show that 78% of ACR graduates intend to major in a STEM field.

Table 4. Survey data acquired from ACR students at the end of their senior year in high school. The data show that the ACR program motivates students to consider a career in STEM fields.

Taken together, the statistics from current ACR students and ACR alumni provide strong evidence that the course inspires students to embark upon and complete STEM degree programs. Free response survey data suggest that the real-world applications of science emphasized in ACR inspire many students to follow a STEM career path. ACR was extremely helpful with providing me with the information about how chemistry is important. Without the understanding of current research that is going on, I would not have considered a career in chemistry. Anonymous Chem. Eng. major, ACR class of 2013

42 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Without ACR, I would not have known what pursuing a STEM education and career would entail. I think it is critical to give high school students that exposure before they enter college. I am very grateful for the exposure I gained in ACR. Vesta Goshtasbi, UC Berkeley Chemical Biology major, ACR class of 2012.

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[ACR] helped excite me to work with science and math and realize its real world applications. Anonymous Elec. Eng. major, ACR class of 2012 ACR taught me to think out of the box, and this problem-solving mindset has helped me tremendously in college. Also, ACR revealed to me the pros and cons of research. This is helpful because I know that I enjoy research and definitely want to get involved in environmental research as an undergrad. ACR also taught me how to lead a team and utilize each team member efficiently. This has proved to be very helpful in several group projects I’ve completed in college. Anonymous Chem. Eng. major, ACR class of 2013.

Table 5. Survey data acquired from ACR alumni indicating their undergraduate majors. The data show that 75% of ACR alumni have earned or are currently pursuing Bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields. Of the survey respondents, 24% majored in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or Biochemistry.

43 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Jack Crawford is a student whose story exemplifies the power of a research class to unlock hidden potential. Jack (ACR class of 2013) is currently pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering at Montana State University. Ranked 171 out of 268 students in his graduating class at LBHS, Jack’s only A’s in high school academic classes were earned in Chemistry. Jack describes his ACR experience as follows: ACR was a life changing class for me, and really the only thing I did in high school that helped prepare me for college. In ACR, we learned how to solve our own problems and teach ourselves things, two VERY important things to know in college. In high school, as long as I attended class, I would be able to learn more than enough to pass the tests, whereas in college, as in ACR, a lot of the learning is done outside of school. Jack has thrived At Montana State University, earning a place on the Dean’s List in Fall 2015 with a 3.53 GPA while taking courses in statics, materials science, differential equations, circuits and computer coding. In summer 2016, Jack will be working as an intern with McCarthy Building Companies as they construct the McCarran Airport International Terminal Expansion in Las Vegas. Jack’s formidable talents were not nurtured in traditional high school classes. ACR may have been the first class in which the question, “When am I going to use this stuff” had an obvious, immediate answer. It is gratifying to see that Jack’s ACR experiences inspired a drive to learn that has led to academic success in college. Further evidence supporting ACR’s ability to inspire and groom students for success in STEM fields can be seen in the large number of prizes and awards collected by ACR alumni, examples of which are listed below. • • • • • •

Andrew Raub, ACR class of 2007: UC San Diego Deans Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Melissa Lenker, ACR class of 2009: Cornell University Hunter R Rawlings III Presidential Research Scholar Casey Finnerty, ACR class of 2009: UC Berkeley Paul Plouffe Award for Integration of Science and Engineering with the Humanities Samantha Piszkiewicz, ACR class of 2010: Caltech Bibi Jentoft-Nilsen Memorial Award for leadership and contributions to student life Jason Zide, ACR class of 2011: Univ. of Southern Calif., 1st Place Winner in the 2014 Infiniti Performance Engineering Academy talent search Natalie Pueyo, ACR class of 2011: President of UC Davis Robotics Club

Some high school and college instructors believe that an AP Chemistry class or its equivalent is required for students to be well prepared for college-level chemistry. The data gathered from ACR alumni argue against this belief. As shown in Table 6, nearly 90% (64 out of 73) of ACR alumni took at least one chemistry class in college. These students performed admirably, with 88% earning an A or B in general chemistry. Although fewer alumni took an organic class (28 out of 73), their success rate continued to be very high, with 86% earning an A 44 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

or B in organic chemistry. These statistics demonstrate that a capstone class that emphasizes real-world, laboratory problem-solving can be excellent preparation for success in college chemistry classes.

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Table 6. Grades earned by ACR alumni in general chemistry and organic chemistry classes. The data show that ACR graduates are remarkably successful in college chemistry courses, with 88% earning grades of A or B in general chemistry and 86% earning grades of A or B in organic chemistry.

Survey data show that ACR alumni felt exceptionally confident in the laboratory portion of their college chemistry classes. Alumni also suggested that ACR taught them how to “think outside the box” and develop meaningful insight in the topics they studied. My experience in ACR made me a beacon of light in my labs, with many of my peers constantly asking me for help. Andrew Palmer, Cornell University, Elec. Eng. major, ACR class of 2011 ACR has taught me to question the right things, not simply “what” or “when”, but “why”. Why did we add this chemical? Why did does this reaction occur? This pursuit of “why” has led me to a deeper understanding of not only the material learned in class but also how that material applies to other concepts. ACR has been the most important scientific influence so far. It has cemented my interest in chemistry and the sciences. Anonymous Biochem. major, ACR class of 2014 In every other high school class, everything is presented in a problem/ solution format, which is quite unrealistic. Nothing is so black and white. ACR allowed me to start to come to terms with that, which is a valuable lesson intellectually and personally. The process of science became very real and beautiful to me - exploring ideas, realizing that some don’t work, 45 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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modifying accordingly, etc. In college I didn’t actually do any laboratory research, but I did do successful research in pure math - and I had no issue adjusting the research skills I learned in ACR from the concrete to the purely theoretical. --Michael Brown, ACR class of 2007, BSc. McGill Univ. Math/Computer Science 2012. I can honestly say that ACR has provided me more benefit in college than any other single class in high school. For in me in particular, the technical writing skills I developed during the writing of term research papers proved especially invaluable when writing numerous lab reports and technical documents in college. Also, developing a scrupulous eye for detail in an environment as forgiving as a high school classroom has allowed me to excel in every laboratory setting I have encountered. Brock Csira, UC Berkeley Mech. Eng. major, ACR class of 2013.

Conclusions The success of the Advanced Chemical Research program shows that engaging students in early research produces students who are competent, confident problem-solvers. By pursuing experimental projects, students develop skills that are crucial for STEM professions. ACR alumni are highly successful in college chemistry courses—they have not been shortchanged by “skipping” AP Chemistry. Most significantly, ACR alumni seem to have developed an aggressive attitude towards learning—they invent opportunities instead of waiting passively for opportunities to fall into their laps. The ACR program has evolved over its nine year existence to focus on sophisticated research projects using state-of-the-art equipment, but it had small beginnings in which students investigated limited problems (such as how to extract theobromine from cacao beans) using low tech equipment. A small research program could be initiated with just a few thousand dollars. Even if the research that students tackle is not “cutting edge”, students will learn valuable skills of experimental design, creative problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, and self-directed exploration. Focusing on real-world problems instead of pencil and paper exercises has tremendous value, and should be considered by all teachers who are interested in training future scientists. Certainly, developing a high school research program is not easily done in every high school. However, for those teachers who have a background in research and have the drive and perseverance to generate a supportive school community, a research program will almost certainly be a life-changing addition for teachers and students.

References 1.

Zumdahl, S.; Zumdahl, S. Chemistry, 6th ed.; Houghton Mifflin Co.: Boston, MA, 2003. 46 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.


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Pueyo, N. C.; Raub, A. G.; Jackson, S.; Metz, M. M.; Mount, A. C.; Naughton, K. L.; Eaton, A. L.; Thomas, N. M.; Hastings, P.; Greaves, J.; Blumberg, B.; Collins, T. J.; Sogo, S. G. J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 326–331. Piszkiewicz, S.; Kirkbride, E. A.; Nicolai Doreng-Stearns, N.; Henderson, B. R.; Lenker, M. A.; Tang, E.; Kawashiri, L. H.; Nichols, C. S.; Moore, S. C.; Sogo, S. G. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 5954–5956.

47 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.