Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry, Volume 4

Rrooklrp, Sru. York. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and. Radiochamistry, Volume 4. Editpd by H. J. Ed/etrs and .4. G. Shorpe, University Chemical Lnl...
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BOOK REVIEWS thoughtful help is the listing of the n : m w and addresses of the 124 publishers. The authors recognize certain limit;%tians: only reviews published in English, French and German are listed. "... Many borderline books on physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and biochemistry-as well as some textbooks ..." are not included. Articles on the history of o r ~ n n i c chemistry, should beincludrd. To test the utility of the text, randumlychosen titles were checked: furorans (one listing), electron spin resonanre and electron resonance spectroscopy (three), Diels-Alder and Diene Synthesis (eight), Grignard Compounds and Grignard Reactions (nine), and Phosphorus Cmnpounds (twenty-two). This book should find its wag inh, personal libraries of researchers, teachers, mxl ~ t u d e n t sas a helpful, one-spot source of rcviews un organic chemistry. ERNESTI. BECKER Polytechnic Institute of R~oobl?jn Rrooklrp, Sru. York

Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochamistry, Volume 4

Editpd by H. J. E d / e t r s and .4. G . Shorpe, University Chemical Lnlmratory, Camhridge, England. Academic Press, Inc., S e w York, IRR'?. viii 344 pp. Figs, and tables. 16.5 X Zi.5 cm. $11.


The fourth volume in this series of review articles deale with a numhrr of interesting topics, written authoritativ~l?and in goad style: Condens~dPho~phntes and Arsenates, by Erich Thilo; Olrfill, Acetylen~ and r?-Allylic Complexes of Transition Metals, by R. G. Goy m d B. I,. Shaw; Recent Advances in tho St,ereachemistry of Nickel, Palladium, and Platinum, by J. R. Miller; The Chemistry of Polonium, by K. W. Bagnall; The ESP of Xuclear Magnetic Resonance in Inorganic Chemistry, by E. L. \lu?tbertiw and W D. Phillips, and Oxide Mrlts, by J. I). MaeRenzie. The latest vah~muof the series is good but does not, in the opinion of bhis reviewer, come up to the high level set by the other prrvious volumes There seems t o be s tendency to move somewhat in the direction of more highly specialized topics, sugp&ing ~it11c.r that inarennie chemistry is runninp out of interesting braxd topifs, or the wlitora were not as astute in their selection of topics as in thc past. I do not hrliwe t,hpformer possihility for a minotr. The reviews hy Muetterdi~sand Phillips an NMR and Thilo on Condensed Phosphates and Arsenates sre c l ~ ~ a r l s superior, and i t would be well rort,h while bo huy this hook for these two topics nlolw



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