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ADVANCES. SYMPOSIUM. AND OTHER TECHNICAL BOOKS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 1155 16th Street, N.W./Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Reaction Engineering Reviews Hugh M. Hulburt, Ed. Eight reviews cover topics of interest in chemical processing: the catalytic muffler and coal gasification; and chemical reaction engineering: kinetic models in heterogeneous catalysis; contacting effectiveness in trickle bed reactors; physical processes in chemical reactor engineering; industrial process models; multiplicity, stability, and sensitivity of states in chemically reacting systems; and oxidation reaction engineering. Advances in Chemistry Series No. 133 contains the fifty-one contributed papers covered by these reviews.

Zeolite Chemistry and Catalysis

Industrial and Laboratory Nitrations

Jule A. Rabo A comprehensive overview of all important aspects of zeolite catalysis in terms of structure, chemistry and mechanism, and technology. Thirteen chapters cover: origin; IR studies of surfaces; stability and ultrastable zeolites; salt occlusion in zeolite crystals; ESR studies; diffusion; hydrocarbon transformations; cracking catalysts; shape selective catalysis; hydrocracking; isomerization, and other industrial processes. 796pages. Cloth. (1976) $65.00

Lyle R. Albright and Carl Hanson, Eds. Ten chapters emphasize various aspects of the chemistry and mechanism of nitrations, including oxidation and /pso-nitration side reactions. Six chapters discuss the chemistry and physical transfer steps between phases. Eight chapters cover plant operation — improvements, safety features, and new operations. And the final chapter is devoted to vapor phase nitrations.

237pages. Cloth. (1975)$27.95 Chemical Reaction Engineering—II Hugh M. Hulburt, Ed. Fifty-one contributed papers are organized around functional aspects which appear in many types of reactors. Emphasis is on specific current processes and reaction types; direct process applications; kinetics and mechanisms; design models and optimal policies of operation; and oxidation reaction engineering. 698pages. Cloth. (1974) $39.95

Chemical Reaction Engineering Kenneth B. Bischoff, Ed. Ten reviews survey the state of the art and present research on fixed bed reactors, polymerization kinetics and reactor design, fluidized bed reactors, optimization of reactor performance, physical phenomena and catalysis in gas-solid surface reactions, two-phase and slurry reactors, catalyst deactivation, industrial process kinetics, stability, control, transient operation, and biochemical reactions. 685 pages. Cloth. (1972) $27.50 Homogeneous Catalysis—II Denis Forsterand James F. Roth, Eds. Twenty papers concentrate on new types of catalysts, new insights into reaction mechanisms, and new major commercial processes. Catalytic reactions discussed include hydroformylation, hydrocarboxylation, hydrogénation, carbonylation, cyanation, olefin oxidation; asymmetric catalysts, and others. 331 pages. Cloth. (1974) $22.50 Sulfur Removal and Recovery from Industrial Processes John B. Pfeiffer, Ed. Sixteen chapters form a consolidated reference source of sulfur removal and recovery methods concentrating on recovery techniques from sources other than power plant stacks. Emissions from smelter gas streams and Claus units are discussed, and seven scrubbing processes are described. Companion volume is No. 140. 221 pages. Cloth. (1975)$16.95 New Uses of Sulfur James R. West, Ed. Fourteen papers detail novel uses for the sulfur from increased emission standards. Applications include fertilizers, foams, coatings, construction materials, pavements, and battery cells. The companion volume is No. 139. 236pages. Cloth. (1975) $17.95

Chemical Technology Handbook Guidebook for Industrial Chemical Technologists and Technicians Robert L Pecsok, Kenneth Chapman, and Wade H. Ponder, Eds. The latest information on every aspect of laboratory work — from research assignments to calculating and reporting results. Specific topics cover first aid, protective equipment, fire safety, toxic chemicals, radiation and electrical hazards, compressed gases, notebooks, calculations, data interpretation, drawings and diagrams, tools and equipment, specifications testing, and chemical literature. 215pages. Cloth. (1975) $12.50 Removal of Trace Contaminants from the Air Victor R. Deitz, Ed. Sixteen chapters provide critical and in-depth coverage of air pollution characterization and removal. The collection stresses interactions among particulates and gas phase contaminants; pesticides; occupational contaminants; cigarette smoke and aerosol filtration; sulfur dioxide; trace gas adsorption; nitrogen oxides; and high ozone concentrations. 207pages. Cloth. (1975) $17.25 New Industrial Polymers Rudolph D. Deanin, Ed. Twelve papers on ten new industrial polymer families with emphasis on chemistry, processing, properties, and suggested applications. Plastics without petroleum; polyimides; copolycarbonates; polyethersulfone; radial block thermoplastic rubbers; and polyphenylene sulfide. 179pages. Cloth. (1974) $12.50

357pages. Cloth. (1976) $20.45

Petroleum Derived Carbons Marvin L Devineyand Thomas M. O'Grady, Eds. Thirty-one chapters give a complete overview of the field: introduction and business outlook; refinery processes; fabrication and manufacturing techniques; mesophase transformations and properties; carbon fibers; carbon black formation mechanisms; electrical and thermal properties of carbon and graphite; and coal derivatives. 463pages. Cloth. (1976) $27.95

Hydrocracking and Hydrotreating John W. Ward and Shaik A. Qader, Eds. The book looks at varied aspects of hydroprocessing including reaction paths and kinetics, product distribution and characterization, and the advantages of various catalysts. Ten chapters closely examine catalyst effects; influence of chain length; raffinate hydrocracking; condensed ring aromatics; alkylbenzenes; in situ shale oil; desulfurization of risids; and more. 168pages. Cloth. (1975) $16.50

Halogenated Fire Suppressants Richard G. Gann, Ed. Fifteen papers examine the basic processes occurring in inhibited flames and deduce mechanistic elements for suppressing fires by halons. The chapters review bulk flame inhibition studies, describe studies of chemically and dynamically different flame-halon systems, review the current state of the pertinent kinetics, and attempt to gather, model, and interpret previous data. Halons 1301, 1211, and 2402 are discussed. 453pages. Cloth. (1975) $24.00

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