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Advertising Rate Information CLASSIFICATIONS Positions open and academic positions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student and national affiliates, retired members. Issuance: Published weekly every Monday. Closing Date for Classified Ads: Standard Set Ads—Thursday, 10 a.m. 18 days preceding publication date. Display Ads—Monday, 2 weeks preceding publication date. No extensions. Cancellations must be received U days in advance of publication date {except legal holidays.) ACS MEMBER RATES "Situations Wanted"advertisements will be classified by the chemical field designated by the members. If not designated, placement will be determined by the first word of the text submitted. EMPLOYED MEMBERS "Situations Wanted" advertisements placed by employed ACS members and affiliates are accepted at $6.60 a line per insertion, no minimum charge. State ACS membership status and email to [email protected]. UNEMPLOYED & RETIRED MEMBERS Unemployed members and affiliates, members and affiliates under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days, and student members and affiliates who have not found employment two months prior to graduation may place free advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN on a biweekly basis (maximum 18 insertions each calendar year). Retired members who are looking for part-time employment, and who have applied for retired status with ACS may place free advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN on a monthly basis (maximum 6 insertions each calendar year). The "Consultant Section" is reserved for retired members only. To place an ad: Advertisers must include their name, address, daytime telephone number, ACS membership number, and details of their unemployment upon submitting a request. Use a direct-mail address and/or phone or fax number for a quicker response. Send copy for free ads to American Chemical Society, Department of Career Services, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; fax (202) 872-4529. Copy will not be accepted by phone. All requests will be confirmed via mail. For more information, call (800) 227-5558 ext. 6208.

EMPLOYER AD PLACEMENT Non-Display Line Ads are $62 net per line; $620 minimum. One line equals approximately 50 characters and spaces, centered headlines equal approximately 32 characters, bold caps, and spaces; all in 7-point type. For an additional $100, your print ad will appear on for 4 weeks. Display Ads: For rates and information call Matt McCloskey at (610) 964-8061 or goto www. TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED AD: Email ads to [email protected]. Do not include any abbreviations. C&EN will typeset ads according to ACS guidelines. All ads must be accompanied by either a purchase order number or a credit card number and a billing address. Purchase orders must allow for some degree of flexibility and/or adjustment. CONDITIONS In printing these advertisements ACS assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective emptoyees or responsibility of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised or those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. ACS considers a l l users of this section obligated to acknowledge all replies to their advertisements. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Employment in countries other than your own may be restricted by government visa and other policies. Moreover, you should investigate thoroughly the generally accepted employment practices, the cultural conditions, and the exact provisions of the specific position being considered. Members may wish to contact the ACS Office of International Activities for information it might have about employment conditions and cultural practices in other countries. • Various state and national laws against discrimination, including the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, physical handicap, sexual orientation, or any reason not based on a bona fide occupational qualification. • These help-wanted and situations-wanted advertisements are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

PHYSICAL SCIENTIST U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ENERGY PROGRAM, DENVER, CO The USGS invites applications for a full time isotope specialist position in the field of Energy Resource Assessment and Research in Lakewood, CO. Please review the announcement for detailed requirements. Applications (resume and application questions) for this vacancy must be received on-line via the USGS Online Automated Recruitment System (OARS) Before midnight Eastern Time (Washington, D.C. time) on the closing date of this announcement. If you fail to submit a complete online resume by the closing date, you will not be considered forthis position. If you have questions contact Tina Garcia at 303236-9569 or [email protected]. The OARS system can be accessed at The announcement number is: CR-2006-0241. The salary range is $45,615 - $66,150 per annum depending upon qualifications. The closing date is: June 30, 2006. The USGS is an Equal Opportunity Employer

SENIOR MANAGER PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, TRONOX LLC. Position requires a Bachelor of Science degree in a relevant scientific or engineering discipline, plus a minimum of 15 years relevant experience; an MS or PhD qualification is highly desirable. This position requires an experienced manager from within a Technical or R&D organization that can demonstrate a proven record of successful project management and outcomes. Previous experience within this role from industries such as coatings, plastics, paper, pigments and surface sciences is preferred. Knowledge and experience with processes that facilitate creativity and innovation together with a disciplined approach to project execution will be viewed as an advantage. The successful candidate will provide strategic agility, management excellence, motivational leadership and metrics for measuring work effectiveness in the development and improvement of titanium dioxide products. Tronox offers a very comprehensive benefits package. Qualified candidates should submit resumes and salary expectations in confidence by e-mail to: All resumes submitted Must include job posting number TRX05-040 to be considered. No Phone Calls Or Agencies, Please. Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V 40 hr/week.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Position available for organic chemist to validate and implement procedures for multi-step synthesis of small molecule organic compounds and peptides. Use standard analytical techniques and instrumentation (TLC, HPLC, MS, NMR) to determine purity and identity of chemical compounds. Good organization and communication skills and ability to work both independently and in a team environment are essential. Requires BS or MS degree in chemistry or organic chemistry plus 1-5 years productive lab experience. Send resume and letter of interest to [email protected].





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Quality Jobs, Quality Chemists


C & E N / J U N E 2 6 , 2006


SENIOR LECTURER, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - The Department of Chemistry of Johns Hopkins University has an opening for a non-tenured Senior Lecturer to run the Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory course beginning in the Fall 2006 semester. Summer appointment for teaching the organic chemistry laboratory and/or lecture courses is also possible. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry. Please submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching experience, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Professor John P. Toscano, Chair, Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-2685. Johns Hopkins University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity employer, and actively encourages interest from minorities and women.


We are looking for TALENTS A leading R&D service partner of pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical companies from around the Globe, ChemPartner Investment Holding Limited is looking for talented individuals to lead our fast growing team of Scientists. Our latest endeavor includes the inauguration of two multi-million dollars research and development facilities in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park. This brings the total available floor-space for our team of 500+ research scientists to 250,000 square feet. Opportunities are available in the area of Medicinal Chemistry, Process Chemistry, Combinatorial Chemistry, Quantitative Biology, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Analytical Development and Formulation,cGMP manufacturing. We offer competitive compensation packages to qualified individuals with 5+ years of industrial work experience. For more information about us, point your browser to

More than the opportunity of a lifetime. The opportunity to improve life. Why are nearly a third of Boston Scientffic's new hires referred by current employees? Exceptional opportunities to grow and advance - and to help improve millions of lives with new medical technologies. Just ask Marilee, an employee whose father was treated with a Boston Scientific innovation. Senior Manager - R&D~Polymers - req. #13016 Sr. Scientist - Materials Analysis - req. #15373 Sr. Scientist - AFM Analysis - req. #15374 For career opportunities in Massachusetts and around the world, visit,


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C&EN Special Employment Feature

ACS Salary and Employment Survey Issue Date: August 7th Space Deadline: July 24th

Bonus Distribution • ACS Fall National Meeting Contact Matt McCloskey at 610-964-8061 or [email protected] to place your recruitment ad WWW.CEN-0NLINE.ORG

Scientist I, Process Chemistry, R&D Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, and a world leader in the biotech industry, Millennium Pharmaceuticals is seeking a Scientist for our Process Chemistry R&D department (PCRD). Scientists in PCRD design, adapt and execute manufacturing processes and purification methods for supplying clinical trials with new small molecule pharmaceuticals. The group is also involved in making material to support safety and bioavailability studies. Process scientists rigorously examine all reaction parameters and invoke traditional chemistry methods or newer technologies like computational design, automated optimization or statistical analysis, producing a safe, efficient and scalable chemical synthesis program. The position requires a PhD in Synthetic Organic Chemistry or equivalent and 0-3 years of experience in R & D (Process Chemistry Research or engineering background preferred), or a Master's in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and a minimum of 3 years of experience. Candidates must demonstrate technical expertise, scientific creativity, and the capacity to think independently and work collaboratively. Postdoctoral work may substitute for experience, and we will consider non-PhDs with superior capabilities. Please apply online at Millennium is an equal opportunity employer committed to discovering the individual in everyone.

AVA\ M I L L E N N I U M Breakthrough science. Breakthrough medicine.

C & E N / J U N E 2 6 , 2006




DIRECTOR OF BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA The University of Minnesota seeks an internationally recognized scientist/engineerforthe position of Director of the BioTechnology Institute (BTI). The University is strongly committed to research in biotechnology, and the new d i r e c t o r is expected to provide a strong vision that w i l l form the basis for developing and coordinating biotechnology research involving life science and engineering disciplines at the University. The BTI has a twenty year history at the University of Minnesota (see for details), and has recently been named home to the Presidential initiative on Biocatalysis (see http://www. The new Director of BTI will take a leadership role in the President's Biocatalysis Initiative and substantial, recurring, resources w i l l be provided for this purpose. The new Director w i l l also provide leadership in leveraging existing resources such as the Biotechnology Resource Center, the NIH Biotechnology training grant (see http://www.bti.umn. edu/btitraining.html), and interfacing with related initiatives, such as the University's Institute for Renewable Energy and the Environment (http://www1.umn. edu/iree/j. The successful candidate for this position must have Ph.D. (or equivalent) in biological, chemical or physical sciences, orengineering, and have recognized accomplishments in inter/multi-disciplinary research. The director w i l l hold a tenured position in an appropriate department in eitherthe College of Biological Sciences, the Institute of Technology, or the Medical School. He or she w i l l be expected to maintain an active, externally-funded research program and w i l l have a laboratory in the BTI. The appointee w i l l have a s u b s t a n t i a l record of research a c c o m plishment and be a recognized intellectual leader in their chosen area of research. Individuals working in academia, industry, or government are encouraged to apply. Applicants must include a cover letter, current CV, and the names and contact information for three r e f e r e n c e s . A p p l i c a t i o n s and i n q u i r i e s s h o u l d be addressed to: Michael J . Sadowsky, Chair, Search Committee, BioTechnology Institute, U O Gortner Labs, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, Phone: 612-624-2706. Applicants are encouraged to send application materials by email to: Sadowsky® Evaluation of applications by the search c o m mittee w i l l begin on July 15 and w i l l continue until the position is filled. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (2 POSITIONS) a v a i l a b l e immediately. Duties: conduct research on the development of novel fluoride-releasing dental composites, design and synthesize monomers, separate and analyze synthesized products, formulate and characterize dental composite resins, operate and maintain experimental equipment, supervise and assist s t u dents and graduate students, and other related work. R e q u i r e m e n t : The RA3 p o s i t i o n r e q u i r e s a Ph.D. degree; the RA2 position requires a MS degree or a BS degree w i t h two years experience, both in Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry or Polymer Materials. Strong background and skills in organic synthesis, separation, LC/MS, FT-IR and NMR are desirable. Send CV and three letters of reference to Dr. Xiaoming Xu ([email protected]), Department of Comprehensive Dentistry and Biomaterials, LSUHSC School of Dentistry, Building 3110, Room 208, 8000 GSRI Road, Baton Rouge, LA 7 0 8 2 0 . LSUHSC is an EOE/AA employer.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The Center f o r S t r u c t u r a l Biology at UIC seeks a Research Coordinator to oversee and maintain various types of biochemical/biophysical instruments (including calorimeters, an analytical ultracentrifuge, and f l u orimeter), including user training. This individual would also assist with the maintenance and service of high field NMR spectrometers, including refilling cryogens, regular performance assessments and troubleshooting the e l e c t r o n i c s console if needed. B a c h e l o r ' s Degree is required. Two years research-related experience and experience in a University setting are pref e r r e d . A background in electronics (including the operation of an oscilloscope) and radio frequency power is highly desirable. For fullest consideration, submit a resume along with the names and contact information of three references, by August 1, 2006 to: B. Ramirez Center for Structural Biology (M/C 669) University of Illinois at Chicago 900 S. Ashland Chicago, IL 60607 UlCisanAAEOE


EXPERIMENTAL NANOMATERIALS CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry at the University of New Mexico invites applications and nominations for an open-rank faculty position in Experimental Nanomaterials Chemistry. This is a probationary appointment leading to a tenure decision or may be tenured depending on the successful candidate's qualifications. Complete i n f o r m a t i o n is posted at Faculty P o s t i n g s ( For best consideration, applications should be received by September 1, 2006. The position w i l l remain open until filled. UNM is an EEO/AA employer/educator and a renowned minority serving institution.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) To place a Situations Wanted Ad please send your ad via e-mail to [email protected] or if you have any questions, please call 1-800-227-5558 ext. 6208. ANALYTICAL GPC AND TREF EXPERT Seeking relocation opportunity to Gulf Coast, [email protected]

THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY of The University of Chicago invites applications for a renewable nontenure track (one to three year) appointment, at the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer, that w i l l carry responsibility for the management and supervision of the undergraduate organic laboratories. It is expected that this person (with a Ph.D. in a suitable branch of chemistry) w i l l take an active part in the design of laboratory curriculum and experiments. Rank and length of initial term w i l l be contingent on qualifications. Qualified applicants should submit a c u r r i c u l u m vitae, and arrange for two or more letters of recommendation to be sent to Michael D. Hopkins, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 5735 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 54

THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY at the University of Alabama at Birmingham seeks applications for a Non-Tenure Track Research Professor. Applicants must have considerable expertise in drug discovery, biophysical chemistry, and structural biology. The succ e s s f u l candidate m u s t have a Ph.D. in m e d i c i n a l chemistry with broad experience in high-throughput screening and biophysical studies on protein-ligand interactions. Candidates must have an established nationally-competitive e x t e r n a l l y - f u n d e d research program that w i l l be compatible and synergistic with existing research thrusts in the Department of Chemistry and the UAB biomedical research community. Applications w i l l be considered beginning July 1,2006. Applications past that date w i l l be considered until the position is filled. Candidates should submit an application letter, c u r r i c u l u m vitae, and summary of current research support. Names and contact information for three references should be included. Graduate transcripts should be available upon request. Electronic submissions are encouraged and should be sent to: ([email protected]). Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply. UAB is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


ANALYTICAL CHEMIST PHD Analytical Chemist seeks analytical testing, consulting or engineering project work. Contact Patrick Rundhaug at par@paranalytical. com or (520) 664-3577 and No job too s m a l l or too complicated.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) PH.D. BIOCHEMIST Broad t e c h n i c a l experience in Research, Development, scale-up (400 liters GMP), t r a n s f e r to m a n u f a c t u r i n g of c o a g u l a t i o n / c l i n i c a l chemistry reagents, serum calibrators/controls, immunoassay reagents within small/large company environments, [email protected].

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PH.D. CHEMIST/CHEMICAL ENGINEER 10+ y e a r s experience: specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ionic liquids, m o n o m e r s , polymers, enzymatic synthesis, energetic materials. Development, scale-up, contract manufacturing, international technology transfer. Patents. Call Greg (661)860-0024, e - m a i l : [email protected].

ORGANIC PH.D SYNTHETIC CHEMIST 8+ years industrial experience in developing specialty chemicals for oil and gas industry, especially a s t anti-corrosion p r o d u c t s . ! Extensive experience in design, synthesis, s c a l e - u p , t manufacturing support and process improvement for oil field chemicals. Many publications/patents (40+). E-mail: [email protected], tel. (281-)480-6970, or (2811-639-1311. PH.D. ORGANIC/ORGANOFLUORINE CHEMIST Multisteps design & synthesis and t r o u b l e shooting in organofluorine and hetercyclic molecules synthesis from miligram to kilograms; drug developing experience, seeks organic synthesis oriented medicinal or biomedicinal position or postdoctor. Email:gator2004@ ORGANIC CHEMIST Seeking position or postdoc in Academia/lndustry/Govt. More than 5 years experience in synthetic organic chemistry with medicinal and biochemical knowledge. 4 years experience in analyti c a l c h e m i s t r y . Contact: 650 799 8459, gbarba2@

OTHER FOOD TECHNOLOGIST/RESEARCH CHEMIST/CHEM ENGINEER Ph.D.: Experience (10+ ) in food and pharmaceutical industry, in method and process development: Food analysis, safety/authentication; process d e v e l o p m e n t , o p t i m i z a t i o n , s c a l e - u p , cGMP/GLP issues. Interdisciplinary, creative, organized, strong problem solver. Email:[email protected] GERMAN TRANSLATION SERVICE Timely translation from German into English of all kinds of technical documents, articles, patents, etc. by native German. T e l / Fax: (610) 650-0428, [email protected]. VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR F o r m e r Faculty member and (early retired) industrial chemist seeks teaching o p p o r t u n i t y . Taught advanced inorganic, organometallic chemistry, spectroscopy, chemistry for non-science majors; graduate and undergraduate research. Extensive industrial product development experience, patents, [email protected]. PH.D. OLIGONUCLEOTIDE CHEMISTRY Excellent t r o u b l e s h o o t e r w i t h extensive R & D e x p e r i e n c e in D N A / R N A / P N A / A n a l o g u e synthesis. Seeking short and long t e r m consulting assignments. Familiar with a l l types of O l i g o n u c l e o t i d e Synthesis p l a t f o r m s , chemistries and puritification. Email: astro93@gmail. com. POSTDOC POSITION Seeking postdoc research position in University/Govt./lndustry. More than two years, experienced Ph.D organic/chemist. Proven record in synthesis of s m a l l organic molecules/peptides using solution/solid phase chemistry. Familiarity to organic synthesizer/HPLC/MS/IR/NMR, computer skills, ras [email protected] 505-507-5681.


WATER TREATMENT POLYMERS Industrial production of specialty polymers... Polyelectrolytes... Discover growth opportunities for global marketplace. Call 1519 725 5348.

BIOCHEMISTRY BS with Distinction in the Major. Team player, leader, detail oriented, experienced in the lab lesp. HPLC). Proven record of dedication and drive. Willing and able to learn easily, rapidly. Interested in any Biology or Chemistry position on the East Coast. [email protected], Frame.

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SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) POLYMER TECHNOLOGY Retired chemist versed in multi-disciplinary technologies for varied polymer insulation and coatings applications. Electrical insulation readability in newand aged equipment. Testing, polymer aging, diagnosticcs; physics, electrical engineering perspectives. Details on request. Adult education teaching, legal depositions. Insulationchem® COATINGS Development, scale-up, and problem-solving of WB and latex coatings forTrade Sales, Ind. Maintenance, OEM. Formulating, technical training, market analysis & strategy, expert witness. 30+ years experience in technology & management. F. Louis Floyd, Cleveland, Ohio, 216-525-0040, flfconsult@cox. net. CONSULTANT Polymers and adhesives, product development and market strategies for hot melts, epoxies, pressure sensitives and most other adhesive types. Extensive experience in the coating and converting of adhesives. Tel 978-476-1097, [email protected]. WHEN YOU SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT for publication or write an important report, are you uncertain about the English? I can help with grammar, syntax, clarity of meaning, organization. Will e-mail or U.S. mail to you details of service. E-mail: [email protected].




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