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Feb 16, 2009 - State ACS membership status and email to m_ [email protected]. The advertisements will be classified by the chemical field designated b...
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Positions open and academic positions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student and national affiliates, retired members. ISSUANCE

Published weekly every Monday.



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FE BRUA RY 16, 20 09

PH.D. MEDICINAL CHEMIST Lycera Corporation, a venture-backed start-up company developing a portfolio of novel anti-inflammatory compounds, is seeking a Ph.D. medicinal chemist with 7–12 years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry to initiate and lead an exciting new discovery project. Candidate must have significant medicinal chemistry experience including scaffold design, hit-to-lead optimization, and a demonstrated ability to deliver highquality clinical candidates. She/he must be focused, possess the ability to meet and exceed research goals and expectations, have outstanding communication and interpersonal skills, and a desire to work in a dynamic, team environment. Lycera offers a competitive compensation and benefit package. Please send applications and inquiries by February 27, 2009, to Tiffany Uchman at [email protected].

ACADEMIC POSITIONS ASSISTANT, ASSOCIATE, AND CHAIRED PROFESSOR OF CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department at the University of Akron seeks to fill three faculty positions by August 28, 2009. For two of the positions, which includes the Iredell Chair, we seek candidates with expertise in biomaterials, biochemical engineering, or biochemistry to expand our department’s breadth and depth in the areas complementary to and supportive of a regional move to form a BioInnovation Institute in Akron. The third position will strengthen the core departmental program by filling one faculty position in the broadly defined area of chemical engineering. Applicants should specify in their cover letter the position for which they are applying. Position 1 is the Iredell Chair. Exceptional candidates of any rank with the experience and record to establish a leading research program in biochemistry, biochemical engineering, or biomaterials are strongly encouraged to apply. Position 2 is for assistant or associate professor rank candidates with expertise in biochemistry, biochemical engineering, or biomaterials who seek to establish a research program in a growing successful engineering department. Position 3 is for assistant professor rank candidates who wish to establish a research program in an area relevant to the broad area of chemical engineering. All candidates are required to possess a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering or closely allied discipline. Desirable, but not required, is an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. Candidates for ranks above assistant professor should be eligible for tenure on appointment in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Duties for each position include teaching graduate and undergraduate level courses, supervision of MS and Ph.D. students, and management of a vigorous, self-reliant, externally funded, scholarly research program. Participation in faculty governance, professional service, and instructional support are also required for these full-time positions. The department presently has a diverse group of 10 faculty, 202 undergraduates and 49 full-time graduate students (28 Ph.D.). Research awards for the department during the past year were approximately $3 million. Applicants should indicate position/rank of application and submit a resume, teaching and research plans, copies of selected publications, and the names of three references to: Professor George Chase, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Search Committee, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325-3906, email: [email protected]. For guaranteed consideration, applications should be received on or before March 2, 2009. The University of Akron is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. For additional information visit ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST The National Center for Natural Products Research at The University of Mississippi seeks an Associate Research Scientist with extensive experience in the isolation and identification of constituents from various natural sources. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy or a relative field with strong skills in modern purification and analytical techniques as well as metabolite profiling. Experience with NMR, data manipulation, and multivariate analysis (HCA, PCA, and PLS-DA) is required. The job responsibilities include the establishment of metabolite databases for natural products. Applications must be submitted online through the Ole Miss jobsite at The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/ Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA Employer.


Department of Chemistry

Postdoctoral Researcher

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£30,594 pa

You will work with Professor P Andrew Evans on the development of new enantioselective metal-catalysed carbocyclisation reactions and their application to the total synthesis of biologically important natural products.

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You should have (or be about to obtain) a PhD in Organic/Organometallic Chemistry. We are particularly interested in targeting and attracting excellent, ambitious candidates with the relevant skills and high levels of achievement. The post is available for 1 year initially. Job Ref: R-569146/CE

Closing Date: 20 March 2009

For full details, or to request an application pack, visit or e-mail [email protected] Tel 0151 794 2210 (24 hr answerphone) Please quote Job Ref in all enquiries. COMMITTED TO DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY


Contra Costa Community College District

I]Z hjXXZhh[ja XVcY^YViZ ^h ZmeZXiZY id ]VkZ Vc ^ciZg" cVi^dcVaan k^h^WaZ gZhZVgX] egd\gVb ^c i]ZdgZi^XVa X]Z" b^hign#=VW^a^iVi^dcdgZfj^kVaZcihX^Zci^[^XVcYiZVX]^c\ ZmeZg^ZcXZ ^h gZfj^gZY# >c"YZei] ZmeZg^ZcXZ ^c VW ^c^i^d WVhZYbZi]dYYZkZadebZci!eVgi^XjaVganVii]Z^ciZg[VXZ WZilZZc fjVcijb X]Zb^XVa VcY XaVhh^XVa bdaZXjaVg YncVb^XhbdYZah!^h]^\]anYZh^gVWaZ#I]ZcZlegd[Zhhdg l^aa Xdcig^WjiZ id iZVX]^c\ ^c i]ZdgZi^XVa X]Zb^hign VcY e]nh^XVaX]Zb^hign#

Manufacturing/Industrial Technology Assistant Professor Los Medanos College - Pittsburg, California Final Filing Date: March 20, 2009 by 4:00 p.m. Starting Salary: $49,560 to $82,128 annually + benefits

Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California is seeking a full-time, tenure track Manufacturing/Industrial Technology Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2009 (mid- August). This assignment includes: 1) teaching Process Technology courses; 2) serving as the Process Technology program lead. This assignment will include both day and evening hours.

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Requires: an associate degree plus six years of industry experience in the petroleum, chemical or heavy manufacturing industry, OR a bachelor’s plus two years of industry experience in the petroleum, chemical or heavy manufacturing industry, OR the equivalent. make a change


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