Aerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes in a Fractured

Sep 1, 2009 - Brunswick, Fredericton NB, Canada, and CSIRO Land and. Water, Private Bag No. 5, Wembley WA 6913, Australia. Received March 3, 2009...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 7458–7464

Aerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes in a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer: Quantitative Assessment by Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) and Reactive Transport Modeling K A T H R Y N E . P O O L E Y , †,⊥ M I C H A E L A B L E S S I N G , * ,†,| T O R S T E N C . S C H M I D T , †,# STEFAN B. HADERLEIN,† KERRY T. B. MACQUARRIE,‡ AND H E N N I N G P R O M M E R §,1 Center for Applied Geoscience (ZAG), Eberhard-Karls University of Tuebingen, Sigwartstr. 10, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany, Department of Civil Engineering & Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, Canada, and CSIRO Land and Water, Private Bag No. 5, Wembley WA 6913, Australia

Received March 3, 2009. Revised manuscript received August 9, 2009. Accepted August 17, 2009.

A model-based analysis of concentration and isotope data was carried out to assess natural attenuation of chlorinated ethenes in an aerobic fractured bedrock aquifer. Tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations decreased downgradient of the source, but constant δ13C signatures indicated the absence of PCE degradation. In contrast, geochemical and isotopic data demonstrated degradation of trichloroethene (TCE) and cis1,2-dichloroethene (DCE) under the prevailing oxic conditions. Numerical modeling was employed to simulate isotopic enrichment of chlorinated ethenes and to evaluate alternative degradation pathway scenarios. Existing field information on groundwater flow, solute transport, geochemistry, and δ13C signatures of the chlorinated ethenes was integrated via reactive transport simulations. The results provided strong evidence for the occurrence of aerobic TCE and DCE degradation. The chlorinated ethene concentrations together with stable carbon isotope data allowed us to reliably constrain the assessment of the extent of biodegradation at the site and plume simulations quantitatively linked aerobic biodegradation with isotope signatures in the field. Our investigation provides the first quantitative assessment of aerobic

biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes in a fractured rock aquifer based on compound specific stable isotope measurements and reactive transport modeling.

Introduction Releases of dense chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) often cause substantial and persistent sources of groundwater contamination. In situ processes such as biodegradation, chemical transformation, dispersion, sorption, or volatilization determine the fate of chlorinated ethenes in groundwater (1) and need to be quantified when monitored natural attenuation is considered as a remedial approach. CHCs, especially the highly chlorinated solvents tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE), are biodegradable under highly anaerobic conditions via sequential reductive dehalogenation (1, 2). The less chlorinated CHCs, dichloroethene (DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC), can be oxidized in the presence of molecular oxygen by various aerobic bacteria (3, 4). A wide range of chlorinated solvents (including TCE) can also be biodegraded under aerobic conditions by cometabolic transformations (2, 5). While reductive dehalogenation has frequently been detected under field conditions (6-8), aerobic degradation of TCE is sparsely documented (9, 10). PCE, however, is generally not expected to degrade aerobically (1). Methods to assess natural attenuation at field scale may include monitoring of contaminant mass and/or contaminant and electron acceptor/donor concentrations over time, appearance of specific cometabolites and metabolic byproduct and/or enzymes, degradation intermediates and products, or specific analyses to identify the microbial populations present (11). However, the mere decrease of contaminant concentrations does not directly point to natural attenuation; and to detect and to provide proof of CHC degradation in aquifers remains difficult. Therefore, compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) has gained significant attention as a technique to assess both the occurrence and extent of in situ transformation of organic pollutants (12, 13). The method relies on the kinetic isotope fractionation effect during transformation reactions which produces an enrichment of heavy isotopes in the parent compound and a concomitant formation of isotopically lighter products. In contrast, nondegradative attenuation processes such as dilution are assumed not to significantly alter isotopic compositions (12, 13). Carbon isotopic fractionation during biological and chemical transformations of CHCs is a well-documented process, observed in laboratory experiments as well as in the field (8, 14-16). The extent of carbon isotopic fractionation between substrate and product and the amount of contaminant degraded can be quantitatively described using the Rayleigh equation (12-17) Rs ) Rs,0 f (R-1)

* Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. † Center for Applied Geoscience (ZAG). ‡ Department of Civil Engineering & Canadian Rivers Institute. § CSIRO Land and Water. ⊥ WorleyParsons, Infrastructure & Environment, 10240-124 Street, Edmonton AB, Canada. | BRGM, 3 avenue Claude Guillemin, BP36009, 45060 Orle´ans cedex 2, France. # Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, University Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 1, D-47048 Duisburg, Germany. 1 School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia. 7458




where Rs is the stable carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) at a fraction of substrate or contaminant remaining (f or normalized concentration of the residual contaminant ) ct/c0) at time t, Rs,0 is the initial isotopic composition of the contaminant, and R is the fractionation factor. The fractionation factor R is often expressed as the enrichment factor  (in ‰), where  ) (R - 1). Varying isotope enrichment factors for each (degraded) compound can be indicative of degradation pathways (18, 19). A compilation of isotope enrichment factors for various 10.1021/es900658n CCC: $40.75

 2009 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 09/01/2009

FIGURE 1. Map illustrating groundwater flow conditions and CHC contamination in the study area. The dashed line indicates the suggested location of a fault system. The pie charts indicate the total (size) and the relative CHC concentrations at selected monitoring well locations. specific biochemical conditions is provided in Meckenstock et al. (12). Significant differences in isotopic fractionation of chlorinated ethenes were also observed for abiotic processes with zerovalent iron from different iron sources (20). Dissimilar enrichment factors for different bacterial strain isolates, compared to an enrichment culture, reveal the inherent difficulties in predicting isotopic fractionation for undefined bacterial communities (21). While a qualitative assessment of degradation based on fractionation is always possible, the actual extent of in situ transformation may only be quantified from isotope ratios measured in the field, if an appropriate , valid for the site-specific conditions, is known. The Rayleigh model of fractionation, however, does not fully apply or is systematically biased in the case of parallel degradation pathways (22). Furthermore, it is (theoretically) valid only for well mixed systems and thus unsuited for those field sites where differential flow/transport is significant (17, 23, 24). To overcome these limitations numerical modeling approaches have been developed. They can account for heterogeneous flow and transport, aid in the identification of relevant degradation pathways (25, 26), and provide information on the relative rates of intermediate degradation steps (27-29). For example, one-dimensional (1D) simulations of PCE degradation were used to demonstrate how the incorporation of isotope data may improve the efficiency and accuracy of determining reaction rates and concentration profiles (25). Using a two-dimensional (2D) Lagrangian approach, Abe and Hunkeler (23) demonstrated systematic errors of the Rayleigh model for the quantification of biodegradation and estimation of first-order rate constants for varying reactive transport parameters including plume width, reaction rate, and dilution via both longitudinal and transverse dispersion. To date, however, only a limited number of field-scale reactive transport applications exist (29, 30) which link observed and simulated isotope enrichment to the occurrence of organic contaminant degradation. The present study uses a reactive transport modeling approach to simulate the isotopic enrichment of CHCs observed at a complex field site (31). The field-scale model was used to simulate the transport and degradation of both the organic contaminants as well as their transformation products. The transformations included multiple, redoxdependent degradation pathways of which each potentially exhibits distinct fractionation behavior. The objective of this work was to assess the usefulness of a reactive transport-

based modeling approach for the integrated interpretation of contaminant concentration and isotopic field data. Specifically, our goal was to quantitatively elucidate degradation of chlorinated ethenes at a field site where aerobic biodegradation of TCE was suspected.

Material and Methods Field Site. The site is located in an urban area in southwestern Germany, industrialized since the 19th century (31). The general groundwater flow and contamination patterns at the site are summarized in Figure 1. Carbon isotope signatures of PCE from wells in a downgradient sequence (Br1W to B42) were indicative for the association with a distinct contaminant source (31, 32). A chlorinated ethene plume, containing PCE, TCE, cis-DCE, and VC, was detected upstream of this area and a former chlorinated solvent aboveground storage tank located near well GWM1 was identified during the present study as being the most plausible source for the contamination. The tank was located alongside others containing petroleum and waste oil, which may have potentially served as a primary energy source during both reductive dechlorination and aerobic, cometabolic degradation of chlorinated ethenes. In the Br1W to B42 series wells TCE and cis-DCE exhibited a strong fractionation while the isotope signatures of PCE remained constant (31). Additional information concerning the contamination source is available in the Supporting Information (SI). The site is located in fractured Keuper rocks that are overlain by a few meters of artificial fill and Quaternary deposits. The geological units at the site (“Gipskeuper”) are characterized by a high gypsum content and alternating sequences of marl, a lime-rich mudstone, claystone, and dolomites. The local hydrogeology comprises several hydrostratigraphic units including the two aquifers (“Dunkelroter Mergel”, DRM, and “Bochinger Horizont”, BH) where the contamination was detected. However, the majority of the contaminant mass remained in the upper aquifer (DRM), a claystone containing thin layers of lime-rich mudstone with a dense network of fine, connected fissures. Measured concentrations of geochemical indicators (Table SI-1) show aerobic conditions to prevail in this part of the aquifer (31). A hydraulic connection between the DRM and the BH aquifer has been attributed to faults and fractures within the formation (32). In our reactive transport models the hydrogeological features of the DRM aquifer were represented by extracting the hydrogeological properties from a calibrated VOL. 43, NO. 19, 2009 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 1. Concentration and Isotope Data for CHCs in the Downgradient Series Wells mean δ13C [‰]


concentration [µg L-1] 5400 1200 3600

concentration [µmol L-1]



33 9.1 37



-27.5 -10.3 -21.2

480 23 180

2.9 0.18 1.9



-27.5 -12.8 -22

110 8.3 58

0.66 0.063 0.60



-27.2 3.5 -12

270 5.4 27

1.6 0.041 0.28



-26.9 4.6 -11

230 4.7 20

1.4 0.036 0.21



-26.9 9.8 -6.2

200 3 12

1.2 0.023 0.12



-27 14.6 -3.9

210 2.4 8

1.3 0.018 0.083

3D flow model, which took into account the flow fields and hydraulic influences of the deeper BH aquifer. Chemical and Isotope Analysis. Concentrations of CHCs were analyzed by headspace GC-MS. Compound-specific stable carbon isotope analyses were performed using a gas chromatograph-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry system (GC/IRMS). Online coupling of purge-and-trap sample extraction to the GC/IRMS enabled accurate and highly sensitive (as low as 2 µg/L) determinations of δ13C values of CHCs (33). CHC concentrations from wells in the focus area are provided in Table 1. In the following, DCE refers to cis-DCE, the dominant form of the two DCE isomers detected at the field site and is assumed to originate exclusively from reductive dechlorination processes. Occasionally trans-DCE was found, but always at concentrations 1 order of magnitude lower than cis-DCE. Based on concentration data obtained during two sampling periods between April and September 2004, and between April and June 2005, steady-state groundwater flow and contaminant transport were assumed. The April 2005 observations were chosen for model calibration in this study because this was the most complete data set. Model-Based Data Analysis. Differences in the reaction rates between lighter and heavier isotopes, and hence kinetic isotope fractionation, can be simulated using numerical modeling approaches (23-26, 28-30, 34). In the present study, the multicomponent reactive transport model PHT3D (35) was used for one- and two-dimensional simulations of transport, degradation reactions, and corresponding isotopic changes. In the model the transport and reaction kinetics of two different isotopologues of the C2 compounds was simulated. We treated the 12C-12C and 13C-12C isotopologues of each CHC compound as separate species (see Table SI-2). Due to their low abundance, 13C-13C isotopologues can be neglected and were not included in the model simulations. 1D Simulations. One-dimensional (1D) simulations were initially undertaken to explore and identify potential biodegradation pathways. In this initial phase, well GWM5 7460



(Figure 1) was used as the location for the upstream model boundary. In GWM5 a relatively high concentration of cisDCE was found, an intermediate of reductive dechlorination of PCE or TCE. The locations of the downgradient wells were set such that the travel time to these wells correlated with those computed by particle tracking results derived from the 3D flow model. The full details of the model setup and properties are given in the Supporting Information (Table SI-3). Based on the review of potential degradation pathways of chlorinated solvents (1, 2, 36, 37) and the geochemical and redox conditions at the site (31), an aerobic direct mineralization and a sequential anaerobic pathway were identified as the two most likely degradation pathways (Figure SI-1). Although generally aerobic conditions were observed, some doubt existed as to whether the documented contaminant concentration decreases could indeed be attributed to aerobic degradation. First, the sampling wells were fully screened and therefore samples represent a mix of water compositions (including redox states) from a potentially geochemically stratified aquifer, and, second, the aquifer may not be considered a homogeneous system but rather a system with interactions between fractures, fissures, and rock matrix, with potential for dual-domain behavior and therefore two distinct redox conditions within the same control volume (38). Due to this uncertainty, reactive transport modeling scenarios initially considered both potential pathways, something that could not be investigated with a traditional Rayleigh equation approach. Based on the review of existing reaction models for chlorinated ethenes (4, 6, 29, 39, 40), a first-order degradation rate model was employed to quantify the transformation reactions for both the aerobic and anaerobic reaction network. The principal assumption for the 1D model was that simulated data were reasonably representative of the 3D contaminant plume, as would be the case with an infinitely wide source and/or negligible transverse dispersivity, RT, and a contaminant concentration that is distributed evenly with depth. Underpinned by measured time series of piezometric heads from the site and regionally (32), the flow field was assumed to be at steady state. Given the estimated relatively short travel time (157 days) between the source and the most downgradient well the reactive transport processes could also comfortably be assumed to be at steady state. Stoichiometric calculations indicated that the complete aerobic degradation of TCE would have only a minor impact on the ambient oxygen concentrations, and thus redox changes within the model domain were not simulated. To quantify biodegradation reactions via isotope fractionation we initially employed published -values from microcosm experiments (see Table SI-4 for a compilation of literature values). 2D Simulations. To examine the effect of hydrodynamic dispersion on contaminant concentrations and isotope signatures, and to assess the influence of a range of potential source widths, 2D simulations were also conducted (see SI for model details). Using the same hydraulic parameters as those used in the 1D model, the upgradient extent of the model domain was shifted to well GWM1 to include the source zone in the model domain. The length of the model was therefore extended to a total length of 650 m.

Results and Discussion 1D Simulation of Field Isotopic Enrichment. For the reductive dechlorination scenario measured concentrations of PCE, TCE, and DCE from well GWM5 (Table 1) were used to define the composition of the contamination source (Table SI-2). Two different PCE degradation rate constants, 0.00080 d-1 and 0.0080 d-1, were investigated in combination with an enrichment factor, , of -5.2‰ (16, 29). TCE degradation rate constants were varied between 0.020 and 0.40 d-1 to

a very low PCE degradation rate constant of 0.00080 d-1, δ13CTCE was only slightly more sensitive to the TCE degradation rate (Figure 2). The simulated δ13CTCE in the most downgradient well, B42, was approximately -18‰, which is significantly less enriched than observed in the field (Table 1). In this scenario, the carbon isotope ratio of TCE is, at any snapshot in time, governed by the equation that describes an infinite reservoir of substrate relative to product generation (41) δ13CProduct ) δ13CSubstrate + ε

FIGURE 2. Simulation results for the 1D anaerobic PCE degradation scenario. The isotope fractionation factors employed for PCE, TCE, and cis-DCE were -5.2, -13.8, and -20.4‰, respectively. Red and black lines represent cases in which the PCE degradation rate constants were set to 0.008 d-1 and 0.0008 d-1, respectively. The solid and dash-dotted red lines indicate cases where the TCE degradation rate constant was set to 0.2 d-1 and 0.4 d-1, respectively while the rate constant for cis-DCE was 0.06 d-1 in both cases. The dotted, dashed, and dash-dotted black lines indicate cases where the TCE degradation rate constant was set to 0.02 d-1, 0.04 d-1 and 0.06 d-1, respectively, while the rate constant for cis-DCE was 0.025 d-1 in all three cases. investigate how δ13CTCE evolves in a reductive dechlorination scenario (Figure 2). The enrichment factors employed for PCE, TCE, and cis-DCE (Table 2) were selected from the literature (16); see Table SI-4 for ranges. Initial values for the rate constants were estimated and then varied during model calibration. Assuming a PCE degradation rate constant of 0.0080 d-1, which can well describe the observed PCE concentrations, the corresponding TCE degradation rates had to be very high (rate constant ∼0.4 d-1), relative to PCE degradation rates to reproduce the TCE concentrations observed in the downgradient series wells. This is because the observed PCE concentration was 1 order of magnitude higher than that of TCE (Table 1). Under these conditions, the evolution of δ13CTCE is governed solely by the evolution of δ13CPCE, independent of the reaction rate of TCE. Even for


At the lower PCE degradation rate, the simulated DCE concentrations and isotope data agreed with the field data better than those of TCE (Figure 2). However, the DCE degradation rate constant required to match field observations was 30 times higher than that of PCE, at 0.025 d-1. For reductive dechlorination this is very unlikely because PCE is the more oxidized species. From these simulation results it was concluded that the reductive dechlorination pathway was inconsistent with the measured TCE fractionation in the downgradient wells. An additional scenario was studied for the lowest-reported enrichment factor for reductive dechlorination of PCE (-0.4‰ (19)), in combination with enrichment factors of -13.8‰ for TCE (16) and -13.7‰ for cis-DCE (29), and a PCE dechlorination rate constant of 0.014 d-1. This scenario investigated whether TCE concentrations and the corresponding isotope signature could be matched more easily with a less pronounced enrichment during PCE degradation. However, in this case the observed data could also not be reproduced satisfactorily (Figure SI-2). To simulate aerobic degradation, the biodegradation rate constants and isotope enrichment factors were both varied and optimized to match observed concentrations and carbon isotope signatures, respectively (Figure 3). PCE, TCE, and DCE were all initially assumed to be present in groundwater near GWM5 with source concentrations (Table SI-2) and isotope signatures estimated via regression-optimization. PCE was assumed to be recalcitrant under oxic conditions (36). An optimized fit with the observed data was easily achieved for this aerobic scenario because both TCE and DCE are mineralized and the degradation processes therefore proceed independently of each other. For degradation rate constants of 0.020 d-1 for TCE and 0.027 d-1 for DCE, and for purely advective transport (longitudinal dispersivity RL ) 0 m), the estimated enrichment factors were -11.9‰ and -6.2‰, respectively (Figure 3). Variations of RL during the

TABLE 2. Degradation Rate Constants and Enrichment Factors Tested in the Various Reactive Transport Modeling Scenarios chlorinated ethene species

enrichment factor for PCE, TCE, and cis-DCE [‰]

degradation rate constants [d-1]


-5.2 -13.8 -20.4 -5.2 -13.8 -20.4 -0.4 -13.8 -13.7

0.0080 0.20 and 0.40 0.060 0.00080 0.020, 0.040,and 0.060 0.025 0.014 0.40 0.060

aerobic degradation (1D)


N/A -11.9 -6.2

0 0.020 0.027


aerobic degradation (2D)


N/A -15 -7.2

0 0.015 0.023


scenario reductive dechlorination (1D)

corresponding figure 2 2 SI-3




FIGURE 3. Simulation results for the 1D aerobic degradation scenario. Degradation rates for TCE and cis-DCE were 0.020 and 0.027 d-1, respectively. The corresponding isotope fractionation factors were -11.9 and -6.2‰, respectively. PCE was assumed not to degrade. Longitudinal dispersivity equal to 0.5 m. Circles represent measured values. calibration, up to a value of 10 m, showed a relatively minor effect on the simulation results. 2D Simulations. To study the influence of transverse dispersive processes on the interpretation of the field data, the 1D model was modified and extended to two dimensions. In the absence of detailed information on the geometry of the source zone located near GWM1, several scenarios with a range of source widths were investigated, all in combination with varying horizontal transverse dispersivities (RT), and using the observed PCE concentrations as constraints. In contrast to the 1D simulations, the underlying assumption was that the sampled wells may or may not be located directly

on the plume’s centerline. The results of the source width variations (Table SI-5 and Figure SI-3) demonstrate that the range of possible widths extends to around 6 m at the most, for a reasonable range of transverse dispersivity values. A source width of 4 m, RT of 1 m, and RL of 10 m produced simulation results that closely matched the measured PCE concentrations. These values were adopted for the subsequent 2D simulations, which investigated the reactive transport of TCE in more detail. In these simulations degradation rates and enrichment factors were again varied, while the measured concentration and isotope values served as constraints. For the best-fitting scenario, presented in Figure SI-4, the rate constant estimates were λTCE ) 0.015 d-1 and λDCE ) 0.023 d-1, while the corresponding enrichment factors of the reactions were -15‰ and -7.2‰, respectively. The effect of dispersion can be seen clearly by plotting the simulation results along the plume centerline, as shown in Figure 4, together with the corresponding concentration and isotope signatures for the no-dispersion case (equivalent to 1D) and the nonreactive 2D case. Both reactive simulations exhibit the same isotopic changes, implying that for the firstorder degradation rate model used in this study transverse dispersion has no effect on the isotope signature at the centerline of the plume (24). However, off the centerline, the simulated isotope signatures of the compounds TCE and cis-DCE are slightly affected by transverse dispersion in that δ13C gradually increases the more offset a measurement point is from the centerline of the plume (Figure SI-4). The model-based estimate of the enrichment factor of -15‰ for aerobic TCE degradation is within the range of previously reported enrichment factors for aerobic TCE degradation (-1.1 to -20.7‰). This range, however, is based on only two reported studies, each using an isolated bacterial strain under controlled laboratory conditions. The more negative of the previously reported enrichment factors was found by Barth et al. (42) for aerobic cometabolism of TCE by the toluene-degrading strain, Burkholderia cepacia G4. The second study by Chu et al. (43) involved aerobic,

FIGURE 4. Comparison of 2D model (along the plume centerline) and field results. The model is based on calculated enrichment factors, adjusting TCE and cis-DCE degradation rates to suit regression-optimized concentrations and isotope signatures. Solid lines represent the results of the 2D reactive simulations with dispersion, dotted lines represent 2D nonreactive simulations (with dispersion), dashed lines represent 2D reactive simulations without dispersion (equivalent to 1D transport), and the circles represent measured values. 7462



cometabolic TCE degradation, which was facilitated by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, while growing on methane. A much less negative enrichment factor of only -1.1‰ was determined. It was suggested that the disparity between the results was due to the different catalytic characteristics of the particular degrading enzymes. If this was true, the more negative isotope enrichment, as observed in this study, might also be representative of the mixed, in situ microbial conditions at the field site. The same study by Chu et al. (43) also yielded the only previously published  value for aerobic cis-DCE degradation, reporting a negligible factor. Implications for Field Sites. The results of this study provide evidence for the occurrence of aerobic degradation of the chlorinated ethenes TCE and cis-DCE under natural field conditions. Previously, aerobic TCE degradation has only been documented for laboratory-scale experiments and as a cometabolic process (39). Also, isotopic fractionation due to aerobic TCE degradation has so far only been studied for two particular strains of bacteria and never for a naturally occurring, mixed culture present in an aquifer. Fractionation due to aerobic DCE degradation is even less well documented. This study may present the first field-based, mixed aerobic microbial enrichment factor for these compounds, as well as being the first model-based determination of such an in situ enrichment factor. In this study the model-based data interpretation allowed for an efficient investigation of alternative reaction pathway scenarios and other factors that influence CHC concentration patterns (e.g., source geometry, dispersion) and corresponding isotope signatures. While the anaerobic scenarios required a numerical approach to quantify the carbon isotope signature of the daughter products TCE and DCE, the (final) aerobic scenario could also have been assessed with the Rayleigh equation. Possible errors related to the enrichment factors presented here, besides sampling and analytical errors in the concentration and isotope measurements, may result from the simplifying assumption of first-order degradation behavior and from ignoring vertical geochemical gradients within the investigated aquifer. For the CHC concentration range seen in this study and the corresponding limited oxygen demand of the degradation reactions, it appears that (intrinsic) reaction kinetics rather than the supply of oxygen was rate limiting, which allowed us to neglect the simulation of oxygen transport and utilization. This may not apply to other cases, where oxygen demand is more substantial and degradation reactions may also be transport-limited.

Acknowledgments We thank Tu ¨ binger Grundwasser-Forschungsinstitut (TGF, University of Tuebingen) for providing site-specific hydrological input data and the larger-scale 3D flow model, and Janek Greskowiak for his comments on the manuscript. K.P. also thanks the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for scholarship support through the International Post Graduate Studies in Water Technology (IPSWaT) program.

Supporting Information Available Further background information on model setup and properties, a compilation of laboratory-derived enrichment factors, results of additional simulations, and additional information concerning the contamination source. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://

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