“Experts” Preparation of Asphalt for Duc- tility Test - ACS Publications

Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894-96, Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1895; Chemist, Mathie- son Alkali Works, Saltville, ... Hudson River Works, Gen. Chem. Co., 1902-03...
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Vol. 18, No. 8

Factory Management. Fellow A. E . E. E . , mem. A. S. M . E., Am. Chem. SOC. Mem. Los Angeles Bar. Attorney in Courts of California, and in Federal Courts. GROSVENOR, WILLIAMMASON,60 E . 41st St. New York, N. Y . Cons. Chemist, Factory Engr.; b. *** 1S73; B.S., Polytechnic Inst., 1893, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894-96, Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1895; Chemist, Mathieson Alkali Works, Saltville, Va., 1896; engr. and asst. treas., Ampere Elec. Co., 1899; asst. supt. Gold St. Works, Gen. Chem. Co., 1901; asst. supt. Hudson River Works, Gen. Chem. Co., 1902-03; asst. mgr., investigation dept. Gen. Chem. C o . , 1903-04; supt. Contact Process Co., Buffalo, N . Y., 1906: cons. work since 1905; engr. and treas., George F. Wescott Co., 1907.*** Expert in important patent cases, chemical and physico-chemical, vegetable glue, flotation of ores, manufacture of stencils. Author: “Calculations for Dryer Design,” chapters on sulfuric and nitric acids in Rogers’ “Industrial Chemistry,” various papers on manufacture of metallic magnesium, on use of patent system and gen. subjects. Mem. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Soc. Chem. Industry, Am. Chem. SOC.,Am. Electrochemical soc.***

In the same way asphalt may be prepared for the melting and float tests. A . KRAEFF


should be replaced by “Drops per minute of water required per minute t o produce the desired concentration =




Apparatus for Preparing Vapor-Air Mixtures of Constant Composition *** Correction Owing t o a n apparently misleading statement in a n article under this title by Yant and Frey, THIS JOURNAL,17, 692 (1925), “Drops per minute of water required to maintain 1.00 per cent vapor =

Editor of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: It was with great pleasure t h a t I read your editorial entitled “Experts” in your M a y issue. Too many cases of late have made the expert witness appear t o be somewhat of a joke, with those on one side of the case swearing to one thing and those on the other swearing t o the opposite. The suggestion that a group of expert witnesses be approved by t h e courts, and that these, and only these, be allowed to appear before the courts, is most excellent. But even so, I do not think t h a t the matter will be entirely rectified until the courts refuse to sanction the calling of expert witnesses by the parties of the trial. Being human, the huge fees given some of these experts is bound to warp their judgment t o a certain extent. I somehow feel that, should the judge call in, say, three approved experts t o sit with him during the trial for the purpose of sifting and analyzing the technical testimony, of personally examining the witnesses if necessary, and of making such tests as are needed t o reach a decision, many of the present difficulties would automatically solve themselves. The fees paid would be set by the courts in each case. This seems t o me t o be the more logical way t o cure the present ludicrous condition and one that would place the expert in a more satisfactory light. FRANCIS W. GLAZE UNITEDSTATESNAVALSTATION ISLANDS CAVITE, PHILIPPINE June 7,1926

o’ooy; LM,”

page 693, second column, line 7,

0.000406 LM

1 (1 -desired fractional concentration The apparatus as’originally designed and used was for a 1.00 per cent concentration or under, in which case the quantity



was not significant. How1-desired fractional concentration ever, we have learned of two instances where the apparatus is used for higher concentrations, in which case the correction is necessary. W. P. YANT BUREAUOF MIXES EXPERIMENT STATION PITTSBURGH, PA. June 26, 1926 ~~


The Glycol Ethers and Their Use in the Lacquer Industry-Correction In my article under this title, THIS JOURNAL,18, 669 (1926), occur errors in the structural formulas for a-butylene and Bbutylene oxides on page 672. The correct formulas are as follows: CHz







CHs &Butylene oxide






a-Butylene oxide

On page 671 the following formula shows the correct way in which the molecules of water split out of three molecules of glycol to form triethylene glycol:

Preparation of Asphalt for Ductility Test


Editor of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: The usual tedious method for preparing asphalt briquet for ductility test by pouring the melted material into the mold placed upon a n amalgamated brass plate has been modified by the writer through the use of glue-sized paper. A sheet of bond paper 10 by 15 cm. is given a coat of glue made by dissolving 30 parts of glue in 100 parts of water. One coat is sufficient t o fill the paper and give a smooth surface. After the glue is dried, the mold is placed on the paper and the two side pieces of mold are covered with two matched stripes cut out from the glue-sized paper. The material t o be tested is melted and then poured into the mold in the usual way. After the material has cooled and the surplus is cut off,the two side pieces of mold are removed and the mold with paper is immersed in water for 10 t o 15 minutes until the glue is dissolved, The paper may then be easily stripped off from underneath as well as from the sides of asphalt briquet. Any adherent glue may be removed by washing the briquet with clean water.

CHz :OH:


...... i

CHz i .OH

..: ::.:

CHzO : H


. .

CHzO: H \




Calendar of Meetings American Ceramic Society-Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, Pa., August 30 t o September 2, 1926. American Chemical Society-72nd Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., September 6 t o 11, 1926. 73rd Meeting, Richmond, Va., April 12 to 16, 1927. American Electrochemical Society-Fall Meeting, Washington, D. C., October 7 t o 9, 1926. American Gas Association--8th Annual Convention and Exhibition, Atlantic City, N. J., October 11 to 15, 1926. Second National Symposium on Organic Chemistry-Columbus, Ohio, December 29 t o 31, 1927.