Agitated egg albumin - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Beaten egg white will liquefy and mix readily with water if left to stand at room temperature for several hours. Keywords (Audience):. General Public...
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Agitated Egg Albumin Denaturation of egg albumin (egg white) by heating is sometimes equated with "denaturation" by heating.' However, beaten egg white, despite its similarity in appearance to cooked egg, will liquify if left to stand a t roam temperature for several hours. The solution which remains is free flowing and mixes readily with water. The principle binding medium for paints during the Middle Ages was glair2-egg white whipped to a froth and allowed to reliquify. Experiments involving simple tests on dissolved protein frequently call for solutions of egg white. Difficulties in pouring and diluting egg white can be overcome usirk this archaic method. 'Sewer, Spencer L., and Stoker, H. Stephen, "Chemistry, A Science for Today," Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1973, p. 400. 2Thompson, Daniel V., "The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting," Dover Publica~ tions, Inc., New h r k , 11f56, p. 50. Jeffrey C. Map Cambridge School Weston, Massachusetts 02193


I Journal of Chemical Education