agricultural chemistry. - ACS Publications

Review of American Chemical Research. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. The Amounts of Readily Water-Soluble Salts Found in Soils under Field Conditions...
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AGRICULTURAL CH EM1 STRY. The Amounts of Readily Water-Soluble Salts Found in Soils under FieldConditions. BY F. H. KIXG. Sa'mc~,18, pp. 343345.-By drying the soil sample at 110' to 120' C., a s for moisture determinations, it was found possible to obtain 68.85 per cent. more NO,, 62.38 per cent. more HCO,, 62.42 per cent. more HPO,, 244.32 per cent. more SO,, 287.9 per cent. more S O , , 54.15 per cent. more Ca, and 109.03 per cent. more Mg readily soluble in water than from the frrsh field sample. T h e chief cause for this difference isassigned to the physical conditions produced by drying. T o illustrate the work being done in the Bureau of Soils, a table is given showing the amounts of readily water-soluble salts to a depth of 4 feet in a Kisconsin loam soil, unfertilized and also fertilized in different ways. The following table gives the data for the untreated soil, the figures representing parts per million of dry soil. READILYWATER-SOLUBLE SALTS ISJANESVILLE LOAM. Surface foot.

................... 2 8 . ; ~ .................. 138.00 I I g . . ................ 42.28 S O , ................. 36.32 H PO, ............... 37.60 SO, ................. 222.50 HCO, ............... 64.00 C1 ................... 2 . 0 0 SiO, ................. 3j.11 K Ca

Second foot.


Fourth foot.


13.36 j6.25 33,94 4j.44 29.40

27.84 53.00 33.28


96.00 34.24 46.88 18.40 17S.00






12.00 2.00





17.20 19j.m


The Artesian Waters of South Dakota. BY J. H. SHEPARD. S. Dah. Agr. Expt. Sta. BuZl. No. 8 r , pp. 43-62.-Analyses of 30 samples of artesian waters, made for the purpose of determining their fitness for domestic use and irrigation purposes, are reported and the effects of the different salts found in them upon the human system and upon soils and plants are discussed at considerable length. H. W. LAWSON.

Progress of the Beet-Sugar Industry in the United States in 1902. U. S.Dejt. Agr. Rep. No. 7 4 , pp. 221.-The report of the special agent, C. F. Saylor, shows a steady progress in this industry. At present, there are 55 factories in the United States capable of producing a total of 328,104 tons of sugar per annum. Twenty-one of the factories are located in Michigan. T h e total amount of sugar produced in 1902 was 218,405.85 tons. California led with a production of 79,271.79 tons, followed by Michigan with a production of 52,589.91 tons. The author reviews the history of beet-sugar production in the United States and discusses the feeding-value of sugar-beet pulp and many other ques-

Agricultu ru 1 Chemistry.


tions of general interest in connection with this industry. Articles o n beet seed and insect enemies of sugar-beets are also included in this publication. H. W. LAWSON.

Rennet Enzyme as a Factor in Cheese Ripening. BY L. L. VANSLYKE, H. A. HARDING A N D E. B. HART. N . Y. (State) Agr. Exjt. S f a . Bull. No. 333, pp. 6j-g6.-The agencies believed t o take part in the normal ripening of cheese are acids, enzymes in the milk, an enzyme in the rennet extract, and bacteria. The object of the work reported in this bulletin was to study the proteolytic action of the rennet enzyme as far apart as possible from t h e other agencies mentioned. The enzymes present in the milk were destroyed by heating to 8j0 to 98’ C. Bacterial growth was prevented by the addition of 3 to j per cent. of chloroform by volume. T h e power of prompt coagulation by rennet was restored to the heated milk by the addition of calcium chloride or carbon dioxide. The experimeiits were planned to show the action of rennet enzyme in cheese-ripening in the presence and absence of acid and also with and without salt; the action of rennet extracts of different ages and of con~n~ercial pepsin 011 casein ; the action of rennet extract in cheese and on paracasein dilactate in coniparison with conimercial pepsin; and the action of rennet extract in cheese containing bacteria. “ I n the case of every experiment made, there was little or no digesting action by either rennet enzyme or commercial pepsin in the absence of acid, while the action was marked in the presence of acid. I n the absence of acid in cheese, no paracasein lactate is found and little or no proteolysis occurs ; in the presence of acid in the cheese, paracasein monolactate is formed and digestion takes place, the rennet ferment being the active agent. T h e ability of rennet enzyme to convert paracasein into soluble nitrogen compounds appears to depend upon the presence of acid, resulting in the formation of paracasein nionolactate. Rennet enzyme and commercial pepsin act essentially alike in forming soluble nitrogen conlpounds, when compared with each other in the case of cheese, milk and paracasein dilactate. In the case of both rennet enzyme and commercial pepsin, the chemical work performed by the ferments is confined mainly to the formation of the paranucle’in, caseoses and peptones, while only small amounts of amides are formed, and no ammonia. Rennet enzyme is really a peptic ferment. Salt, in the proportions found in normal cheese, appears to have little effect upon the action of rennet enzyme in cheese-ripening. T h e experiments on this point are, however, not regarded as conclusive. The abnormal conditions present in many of the experiments, such as pasteurized milk, calcium chloride and chloroform, mould tend, if they had any effect a t all, to decrease the digestive action of rennet enzyme. Our results, therefore, may properly be regarded as representing the minimum effect of rennet enzyme



of’ Americaii

Chtnzical Resetzrch.

in cheese-ripening. The digestive actiori of rennet enzyme does not appear to extend to the forniation of compounds that produce the flavor of cheese. ” H. U 7 . LAWSON.

Arsenical Insecticides. BY G. E. COLBY. Cal. Agr. E-qt. Sfa. Bull. A‘o. 151,38 pp.-Analyses are given of 1 2 8 samples of Paris green. Of the gr samples examined after the taking effect of the State lam7 fixing a maximum permissible coutent of free arsenious oxide at + per cent. and a niininiuni of total arsenious oxide at jo per cent., q j samples weie fouud objectionable. Methods of examination are discusscd, the author concluding “ that the examination of Paris green, both a s regards the physical and chemical tests, is not as obscure a matter as was formerly claimed by some chemists.” Of the comniercial substitutes for Paris green examined, such as paragrene, gray arsenoid, etc., few were passable as regards free water-soluble arsenious oxide. Paragrene contained 1 9 . 3 1 per cent. of calcium snlphate. Laurel green contained jo per cent. of calcium sulphate and 2 0 . 2 per cent. of calcal-eous sand. White arsenoid contained 2 7 . 6 4 per cent. of free arsenious oxide. Farmers are warned against the indiscriminate use of these substitutes. T h e author recommends the extensive trial of home-made arsenicals (compounds of lead and arsenic and of lime and arsenic), especially the lead compounds &hen large quantities are required. Directions for the preparation of these arsenicals are given. H. W.LAWSON. PATENTS. APRIL 7, 1903. 7 2 4 , 4 1 6 . Edward EI. Amet, Waukegan, Ill. Assignor to Stereopticon and Film Exchange, Chicago, Ill. Heating gas. Acetylene 2 8 , oxygen 33, and nitrogen 17 parts. 724,477. Carl Hitzl. Brooklyn, N. Y. Crystallization. A heavy sugar syrup is niade with additions of alcohol and flavoring matters, and the mixture introduced into a heated bottle which is gradually turned over so as to cause the liquid to coat every part of the inside, on which it crystallizes. 724,503. Edward C. Rice and Henry F. Monk, Cripple Creek, Colo. Solder for aluminum. Mercurous chloride 19,magnesium chloride 15, zinc 1 2 , and cadmium nine and one half parts. 7 2 4 , 5 5 3 , Charles E. Davis, Chicago, Ill. Preserving food. .1continuous current of electrolyzed air is caused to play on the food in a closed chamber, while the gases of said air are in a nascent state. They niay be combined with the vapors of fused oil, turpentine, etc.