Agrochemical Fate and Movement - ACS Publications - American

66. Figure 1. Map of the Sacramento River Hydrologie Basin. .... II), showed that molinate has greater water-solubility, lower soil adsorption, and hi...
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Chapter 4

Use of Laboratory, Field, and Watershed Data to Regulate Rice Herbicide Discharges 1



Lisa J.Ross ,D. G.Crosby ,and J. M. Lee 1

California Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, 830 Κ Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Department of Pesticide Regulation, 1020 Ν Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Of approximately 188,000 ha of rice grown annually in California, greater than 90% are located in the Sacramento Valley. An estimated 682,000 kg of molinate and 306,000 kg of thiobencarb have been used for weed control infloodedricefieldsof this region during a single rice growing season. In the early 1980s, frequent fish kills in agricultural drains and the presence of these herbicides in the Sacramento River, a source of city drinking water, led to their regulatory control in rice field discharges. Development of use restrictions relied on their physical properties, including aqueous solubili­ ties, soil adsorption coefficients, and Henry's Law constants. However, due to differences in degradation rates observed in laboratory and field studies, field data were ultimately employed to develop control strategies. Subsequent monitoring in the Sacramento River watershed was conducted to assure that water quality objectives were met under various river flow conditions and use patterns.

Hydrology. California's Central Valley is hydrologically divided into two regions: the southern San Joaquin River watershed and the northern Sacramento River watershed. The Sacramento River watershed is over 70,000 km in area, and comprises about 17% of the land mass of California (i). The Sacramento River is over 515 km long, and stretches from Mount Shasta and the Modoc Plateau in the north, through the fertile Sacramento Valley, to the San Francisco Bay-Delta to the south (Figure 1). The Sacramento Valley 2

© 2000 American Chemical Society

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Figure 1. Map of the Sacramento River Hydrologie Basin.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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supports a diverse agricultural economy: rice, fruit and nut trees, tomatoes, corn, melons, and sugar beets are some of the major commodities (2). Rice Production and Herbicide Use. The Sacramento Valley is the primary area of rice production in California, where over 90% of approximately 188,000 ha is located (5). In this region, rice is grown in flooded, mostly laser-leveled fields. The low percolation rate of clay and hardpan soils in this region make them ideal for rice production. Because downward movement of water is reduced, retention of flood waters on field during the hot, dry growing season is facilitated. Sufficient water supply and good water management practices are critical factors in rice production to maintain weed control, nutrient levels, and crop vigor. The water level within afieldis regulated by a series of removable boards placed in weirs built into levees that separate the rice paddies. Excess water is discharged from thefieldsinto a network of agricultural drains, sloughs, and streams which reach the Sacramento River and eventually the San Francisco Bay-Delta. California, and the United States in general, has the highest yielding rice producing acreage in the world (4). This high productivity is due largely to the technology available to the American grower in areas of land preparation, fertilization, irrigation water management, and weed control. Various weed species including sprangletop (Leptochia fascicularis), smallflower umbrellaplant (Cyperus difformis) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa crusgalli) are common problems in the Sacramento Valley. Barnyard grass at an average density of 10.7 plants/m in aricefieldmay reduce yields by as much as 25% (5). Therefore, weed control is economically important toricegrowers. Various methods such as cultivation during seedbed preparation, water management strategies, weed-free rice seed, and fertilizer management are all important components of a weed control program. However, because these methods are only partially effective (6) for weed control, herbicides, particularly molinate (S-ethyl hexahydro-1 H-azepine-1 -carbothioate) and thiobencarb (S-[4-chlorobenzyl] Λζ N-diethylthiocarbamate), are used extensively. An estimated 682,000 kg of molinate and 306,000 kg of thiobencarb have been applied to rice in the Sacramento Valley in a single growing season (Table I, 7). 2

Rice Herbicides in the Sacramento River Watershed. As a result of high herbicide use and the discharge of rice field water into surface drains and streams, both molinate and thiobencarb have been detected in various reaches of the Sacramento River Watershed. About 50% of the rice acreage in the Sacramento Valley drains into the Sacramento River along a 105-km stretch between the city of Colusa and the confluence with the Feather River (Figure 1). Ricefielddrainage may supply between 15 and 30% of the water in the Sacramento River during the rice growing season from May to September (8). The Sacramento River is a natural habitat for manyfishspecies including salmon, trout, striped bass, catfish, and carp. Agricultural drains also provide habitat for fish and wildlife and are an important part of this watershedfroma natural resource perspective. Further downstream, the Sacramento River is a source of drinking water for the city of Sacramento. Studies have documented that rice herbicides are present seasonally in water, sediment, and biota of this watershed (8). Concentrations as high as 697 ^g/L of molinate and 170 μg/L of thiobencarb were found in the Colusa Basin Drain in the early 1980s. In addition, maximum concentrations detected in the Sacramento River reached 27 and

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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6.0 /Wg/L, respectively. Biological monitoring during this time period revealed that extensive fish kills observed in the Colusa Basin Drain were due to molinate (9-10). In addition, taste complaints received by the city of Sacramento in May and June of 1981 and 1982, were attributed to thiobencarb sulfoxide in drinking water, generated by chlorination of the parent compound (8,11-12). The Need for Regulation. In response to the fish kills and taste complaints, scientists from several state agencies and research institutions participated in a cooperative effort to mitigate these problems and develop a regulatory strategy. A number of tasks had to be accomplished prior to the effective implementation of use restrictions: (1) information about the environmental fate and movement of molinate and thiobencarb under field conditions was needed to develop options for limiting their discharge from the field, (2) action levels associated with the consumption of drinking water that contains molinate and thiobencarb had to be established, (3) water quality goals for the protection of aquatic life had to be determined, and (4) use restrictions had to be developed. Watershed monitoring was also conducted to determine if restrictions on use effectively reduced residues in the watershed to meet the action levels and water quality goals. In this chapter we will focus on the laboratory and field data used to develop use restrictions and on watershed monitoring to emphasize the need for using the appropriate scale of research to resolve issues concerning the movement of agrochemicalsfromtheir intended target areas.

Dissipation and Persistence of Rice Herbicides Environmental dissipation and persistence are a function of a pesticide's physical and chemical properties (13). The physical properties, as determined in the laboratory (Table II), showed that molinate has greater water-solubility, lower soil adsorption, and higher vapor pressure and Henry's Law constant than does thiobencarb. The Henry's constant (H), which is the ratio of vapor pressure to aqueous solubility, is a measure of the potential of a chemical to volatilize from water into air (an H value below about 10" atm m /mole indicates non-volatility). The soil adsorption coefficient is a measure of the tightness of the chemical's binding to soil. The somewhat higher H value of molinate suggests that it would volatilize more readily than thiobencarb, while the latter's greater adsorption coefficient indicates somewhat tighter binding into soil and sediments. In a flooded rice field, the partitioning of molinate is predicted to be primarilyfromwater into air, while that of thiobencarb from water into soil. The environmental breakdown of the herbicides is based on their chemical reactivity. As both molinate and thiobencarb are esters, hydrolysis represents one possibility, and microbial degradation in soil is another. In addition, lack of ultraviolet absorption by solutions of either chemical in distilled water above the cutoff of sunlight energy (about 290 nm) suggests that photodegradation would not be significant. The practical use of physical and chemical properties is complicated by the range of differing values already existing in the literature. However,fieldstudies present a somewhat different picture. While the trend of the predicted partitioning is correct, the rates are not those expected. Soderquist et al. (14) 7

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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69 measured a field half-life in water of as little as 2 days (Figure 2) and estimated that 85% of the total molinate dissipation could be due to volatilization. Ross and Sava (15) found that 9% ofthe applied molinate volatilized on the day of application, and an estimated 34% volatilized during the 4-day water holding period and estimated a water half-life of about 4 days. Crosby (16) reported a field half-life in water for thiobencarb of 5 to 7 days after water concentrations peaked (Figure 2), and based on laboratory data, considered that volatilization also would be a significant route of thiobencarb loss. However, Ishikawa (17) found that the addition of soil to an aqueous solution of thiobencarb reduced thiobencarb volatilization, presumably due to adsorption. Ross and Sava (15) found that less than 1% of the thiobencarb applied to a ricefieldvolatilized on the day of application, and that this amount represented over 60% of the total amount volatilized during the 4-day period following application. Such information shows that the volatilization of thiobencarb, although measurable, is not a major component ofthe compound's dissipation in field water, while volatilization can dominate molinate's dissipation. Another difference betweenfieldand laboratory data lies in the degradation routes. Although aqueous photolysis appears to be unimportant for degradation using laboratory data (Table II), sunlight proved to be a major factor for herbicide breakdown in field water. Soderquist et al. (14) found that natural "photosensitizers," such as tryptophan present in field water, caused the photodegradation of molinate to molinate sulfoxide and sulfone with a half life of 10 days, with eventual degradation to hexamethylenimine and ethanesulfonic acid. Draper and Crosby (18) demonstrated that the actual cause of degradation was highly reactive hydroxyl radicals generated in field water by sunlight. In addition, they observed the indirect photo-oxidation of thiobencarb to its sulfoxide, pchlorobenzaldehyde, and ultimately to p-cholorobenzoic acid with a half-life of 6 days (Figure 3); this indirect photolysis has been reviewed by Mabury and Crosby (19). Knowledge ofthesefielddissipation half-lives proved essential to the development of a regulatory control strategy for rice herbicides in surface waters. Thefieldhalf-life of molinate ranged from 2 days to as long as 5 days (14,15,20,21), and that of thiobencarb from 2.5 to 9 days (15,16,22), strongly depending upon temperature, sunlight intensity, wind speed, and depth of water (20, 23,16). These half-lives were important for the determination of an appropriate field strategy, but as water temperatures could vary from 20° to 35°C over the course of a single day, and sunlight intensityfromnone (night) to very intense (noon), considerable variation in persistence had to be expected and tolerated.

Regulation Action Levels and Water Quality Goals. In response to detections of molinate and thiobencarb in the Sacramento River, the California Department of Health Services developed primary action levels for molinate and thiobencarb (Table III). These action levels were the initial step in developing maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) to protect human health and were based on the no observable effect levels for the most sensitive species. The action levels, developed for a 10 kg child who consumes one liter of water a day, were 20 and 10 μg/L for molinate and thiobencarb, respectively (24). In addition,

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Table I. Use of major rice herbicides in California (kg, active ingredient) in 1982,1988, and 1995. 1982









M C P A , dimethyl amine salt















Herbicide Bensulfuron-methyl

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Source: California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Use Reports, Sacramento, CA

0» 0


* 2


' 4


i 6


I 8

Time After Max. Cone, Days

Figure 2. Dissipation rates for molinate and thiobencarb in rice field water.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Table II. Physical and chemical properties of molinate and thiobencarb. Property



Solubility at 20°C (mg/L)



7.5 χ ΙΟ"

Henry's Law Constant (atm m /mole)

1.5 χ 10"

2.5 χ ΙΟ"

Soil Adsorption (Koc)



Aqueous Photolysis t Vi (days)



Indirect Photolysis Field Wi (days)

10 reference 14

6 reference 18

Hydrolysis, pH 5-9 t Vi (days)



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Water Persistence Field 154 (days)

2.9 xlO"



Vapor Pressure at 25 °C (Pa) 3


2-5 references 14,15,20,21


2.5-9 references 15,16,22

A l l values are from reference 27, except where indicated. A l l measurements made in the laboratory, except where indicated.



Figure 3. Reactions of hydroxyl radicals with thiobencarb.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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72 a secondary action level of 1 yUg/L for thiobencarb was developed to protect the taste of tap water consumed in the city of Sacramento. This action level was determined by correlating the number of taste complaints with concentrations of thiobencarb in the Sacramento River. The final MCLs were developed in 1988 and were 20 and 70 A*g/L, respectively. The action level for thiobencarb was lower than the final MCL because missing data required the Department of Health Services to use a large safety factor until the data were acquired. The California Department of Fish and Game recommended aquatic guidelines of 90 and 24 jUg/L (instantaneous maxima) for molinate and thiobencarb, respectively, in 1983 (Table III, 24). These water quality goals were based on the no observable effect concentrations for the most sensitive aquatic species tested at that time (24,25,26). These values were each lowered by one half in 1987 because they were believed to have an additive effect when present together. Limiting Pesticide Input to the Environment. At the time molinate and thiobencarb became an issue in surface water, water holding times were 4 and 6 days, respectively. Water holding times were a traditional practice to promote product efficacy. The holding time for thiobencarb was longer than for molinate because thiobencarb takes longer to dissolve from the granular formulation. Because molinate is relatively short-lived in rice field water, water management strategies which increase the residence time on the site of application were used to control off-site movement. Thus, growers using molinate were instructed to retain water on the field for a prescribed period of time, or contain it within a recirculating system prior to discharge into the watershed. The prescribed holding period was increasedfromthe original 4-day hold to 8 days in 1984 and 14 days in 1988 (Table IV). In contrast, the strategy to mitigate thiobencarb was different than for molinate because it is more persistent in ricefieldwater and the secondary action level was low (1 Mg/L). Chevron Chemical Company (the manufacturer of thiobencarb at the time) established a sales limitation, limiting sales to 1.81 million Kg of formulated thiobencarb in the Sacramento Valley, enough to treat about 40,470 ha, in 1984 (Table IV). This amounted to a 40% reduction in salesfrom1982. It was hoped that a sales limit, leading to decreased use, would result in a reduction in concentrations detected in the watershed. In 1987, the sales limit was increased to 2 million Kg, but thiobencarb usage was restricted to areas with minimal amounts of water discharge to the Sacramento River. These areas, upstream of the city of Sacramento, were using water conservation practices, such as recirculating systems or ponding, which minimized water discharge to the Sacramento River. By using such practices, one water agency was able to reduce molinate and thiobencarb discharges by 95% from 1985 to 1986.

Watershed Monitoring: Were the Goals Met? Watershed monitoring was conducted to determine the effectiveness of use restrictions originally set in place in 1984. Water samples were collected annually during May and June, the peak period for rice herbicide applications, at a number of sites in the watershed.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Table III. Regulatory goals. Fish and Wildlife


Human Health



90 Mg/L


20 Mg/L



45 Mg/L


No Change

24 jUg/L




Thiobencarb Revised

1983 70 μg/L

Secondary Action Level to Protect Taste of Drinking Water



1988 1983

Table IV. History of restrictions on the use of molinate and thiobencarb. Year


Molinate Holding Period (days)

Holding Period (days)

Sales Limit (ha)





























8,094 a



a. Use restriction currently in effect in 1998.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.



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Water discharge information was also collected at certain locations. Data presented are for two sites: (1) the Colusa Basin Drain near the town of Colusa and (2) the Sacramento River at the city of Sacramento's water treatment facility (Figure 1). The data are displayed as concentrations compared with action levels and water quality goals (Figures 4 and 5). Colusa Basin Drain. Concentrations of both herbicides are consistently higher in the agricultural drains than in the main stem of the Sacramento River (8). Prior to establish­ ment of use restrictions, the maximum molinate concentration in the Colusa Basin Drain was 697 μg/L in 1982 (Figure 4,10). In this year, an estimated 28,000 fish were killed in the Sacramento River watershed due to excessive molinate exposure. With extension of the 4-day holding period to 14 days, peak concentrations at this site decreased to 89 Mg/L in 1988, and no fish kills attributable to molinate were reported after 1983. Thiobencarb concentrations in the Colusa Basin Drain also peaked in 1982, at 170 μgίL· and then fell to 1.0 μg/L in 1988 (Figure 4). Water quality goals for molinate for the protection of fish and wildlife were originally set at 90 ^g/L in 1983 (Table IV). This goal was met more consistently in the Colusa Basin Drain when the water holding period was increased to 14 days (Figure 4). In 1987 the goal was lowered to 45 /^g/L, since molinate and thiobencarb are believed to act additively and occur together in surface water during the rice season. To meet this goal, the holding period was eventually increased to 28 days in 1992, however peak concentrations exceeded this goal in two of the past 6 years. After initial dramatic reductions in concentrations, longer holding periods had little additional influence on peak concentrations in the Colusa Basin Drain. Water quality goals for thiobencarb were originally established at 24 ,ug/L in 1983 and reduced to 12 μg/L in 1987 (Table IV). Since the goals were established, they have been met in all but 2 years (Figure 4). The sales limitation proved effective for controlling thiobencarb residues in surface water, while the addition of a 30-day holding period in 1987 did not appear to promote further reductions at this site (Figure 4). i

Sacramento River. In Sacramento River water, a maximum molinate concentration of 13 μg/L was observed in 1982 and declined to 4.8 ^g/L in 1988, while thiobencarb concentrations fell from 6.0 to 0.21 μg/L between 1982 and 1988 (Figure 5). The MCLs to protect public health and the water quality goals to protect fish and wildlife were met in all years in the Sacramento River at this site. The secondary action level for thiobencarb to protect the taste of tap water was exceeded during the initial years of the regulatory program (Figure 5). Therefore, drinking water was treated with potassium permangate to remove thiobencarb sulfoxide. However, since implementation of a 30-day holding period in 1987 for thiobencarb, the secondary action level has not been exceeded, nor has the city received any taste complaints.

Conclusions While the physical and chemical properties of pesticides, as measured in the laboratory, have an important and necessary place in the prediction of pesticide movement and

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 4. Peak molinate and thiobencarb concentrations in the Colusa Basin Drain. Arrows indicate when new use restrictions were implemented.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 5. Peak molinate and thiobencarb concentrations in the Sacramento River. Arrows indicate when new use restrictions were implemented.

In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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77 environmental fate, they alone are not sufficient for the establishment of regulatory measures. Environmental factors such as water temperature, ultraviolet intensity, and wind speed affect pesticide persistence, so measurements from actual field applications assume major importance in the development of control strategies. Even with this information, one must expect variability that will depend on the timing and location of field experiments; a fairly narrow range of persistence values is the best that can be expected at this stage of our knowledge. This means that pesticide halflives should be obtainedfromas many field trials or commercial applications as possible, although data from small field plots are generally all that are available. Once the pesticide comes into general use, thefinalstep is to monitor residue levels in local bodies of water for comparison with health standards or other criteria, followed by further restrictions on environmental input to the extent necessary to achieve compliance. This ideal may not be possible to attain in a single growing season, but repeated "titration'Of environmental concentrations against regulatory standards should result in residue levels that are fair to both the growers and the public.

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In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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In Agrochemical Fate and Movement; Steinheimer, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.