AIME Honors Phillips - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Dr. Albert J. Phillips , v.p. and director of research for American Smelting & Refining, has been named to receive the James Douglas Gol...
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AIME Honors Phillips Dr. Albert J. Phillips, v.p. and director of research for American Smelting & Refining, has been named to receive the James Douglas Gold of the Medal American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME).

INDUSTRY Robert J. Byers joins Enjay Chemical plant, Baytown, Tex., as engineer in chemicals section. Ralph R. Hall transfers to Humble Oil & Refining at Baytown. Duane F. Huetter joins technical division. Thomas L. Carey elected v.p. in charge of production at Escambia Chemical Corp., Pensacola, Fla. Howard G. Carpenter appointed senior project engineer for Jacobs Engineering, Pasadena, Calif. William A. Foster promoted to senior paper specialist in paper chemicals section at Dow Chemical. Henry Frankel joins IBM, Burlington, V t , as a senior associate chemist. Richard E. Johnson and Lester T. Jones, Jr., join 3M Co., St. Paul, Minn. Dr. Thomas E. Johnston named a research chemist at Du Pont's Jackson lab. Dr. Harry Kaplan appointed senior planning analyst in operational planning section at General Aniline & Film, New York City. Dr. Johan R. Katz of Holland, who died in 1938, has been named to the University of Akron's Internation Rubber Science Hall of Fame. He was an early pioneer in the application of xrays to the study of the structure of rubber. 58


J A N . 31, 1966

William S. Kennedy, formerly executive v.p. of Snyder Co., forms and becomes president of manufacturers' representative firm, Kennedy Engineering Co., Tulsa. Leon J. Griffey and W. A. Ihbe named v.p.'s, the latter to have headquarters in Borger, Tex. Harold E. Kinne, Jr., named a West Coast sales representative for Geigy Industrial Chemicals, Los Angeles. Dr. Harvey G. Klein appointed technical representative in Washington, D.C., for American Cyanamid. Charles C. Kline named manager of employee relations at Sun Oil refinery, Marcus Hook, Pa. James I. Harper named superintendent of oil transfer and petrochemicals, and H. Robert Sharbaugh, superintendent of lubricating oil manufacture. Robert L. Lamberson named manager of newly created process development and control department of film operations at American Viscose. Dr. Albert K. Levine promoted to program manager for luminescent materials research at General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories, Bayside, N.Y. Anthony Loria and Dr. L. Karl Tong named senior research associates in Kodak research labs, in color photography. Dr. Jules Magder joins Princeton Chemical Research, Inc., Princeton, N.J., as group leader in catalysis. Joseph Puchalik, Aaron Rothwachs, John M. Ross, Richard P. Grimm, and Jorge Casado join as chemical engineers. Donald F. Mastick appointed director of research at Stauffer Chemical. Dr. W. Morgan Padgett II and Dr. Richard F. Schimbor join professional staff of Shell Development's Emeryville, Calif., research center. Dr. Raymond J. Pohl promoted from research chemist to research supervisor at Du Pont's Jackson lab, Deepwater, N.J. Berry Powell named director of re-

Larry W. Rampy joins special assignment program at Dow Chemical. Robert J. Russell named product engineer for armor products department of Norton Co.'s refractories division. Kenneth A. Schmidt joins R&D department of Elgin Softener, Inc., Elgin, 111. Robert W. Schramm named to newly created position of v.p.-chemical operations at Chicago & North Western Railway Co., Chicago. Andrew P. Senecal promoted to superintendent of Follansbee plant of Koppers Co. tar and chemical division, Pittsburgh. William J. Heitzer becomes assistant superintendent. Joseph T. Sincavage named assistant to technical director of film operations at American Viscose. Dr. Lynn H. Slaugh named research supervisor in organic chemistry and applications department of Shell Development, Emeryville, Calif. Arthur Smith, Jr., director of public relations at Dow Chemical, becomes general sales manager for the company in Seattle. He succeeds Fred R. Smith Armbruster, who has elected early retirement in order to enter a real estate management firm specializing in investments in and development of salt water frontage and sea view property. Albert K. Speier appointed v.p. of Goldmark Plastic Compounds, Inc., New Hyde Park, L.I., N.Y. Roger D. Spencer named director of marketing for glass division of Pittsburgh Plate Glass. W. F. Newton named to newly created corporate position of v.p.-marketing. Robert E. Widing named general manager of manufacturing, chemical division. Michael J. Stephenson joins staff of Oak Ridge gaseous diffusion plant as technical assistant, Union Carbide.

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Ronald D. Stockwell named director of chemical research at Roxbury Carpet Co., Saxonville, Mass. C. W. Streed promoted to engineering associate at Paulsboro lab of Socony Mobil Oil. Dr. Duane N. Sunderman named associate manager of physics department of Battelle, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. John F. Kirchner named a fellow in the physics department. Oliver B. Taylor named sales manager for Dixie Chemical Co., Houston.

ACS Award in the Chemistry of Milk sponsored by The Borden Company Foundation, Inc.

Bruce L. Larson

Leonard C. Torres named sales manager in analytical instrumentation division of Victoreen Instrument Co., Cleveland. Dr. B. M. Vanderbilt named associate scientific adviser in Enjay polymer labs of Esso Research & Engineering, Linden, N.J. Dr. Walter A. Herbst named senior research associate. He is head of burner fuels and asphalt section. John J. Heigl named a senior research associate in mechanical division. Alan Beerbower becomes senior research associate in products research.

More NAM Awards Additional NAM Honor Scroll winners from the chemical process industries (C&EN, Jan. 3, page 58) are a team on the renal program at Merck, Sharp & Dohme research labs: Dr. Karl H. Beyer, coleader and v.p. for life sciences; James M. Sprague, coleader and director of medicinal chemistry; John E. Baer, director of pharmacological chemistry; and Dr. Frederick C. Novello, research fellow. A team award was given to those in the manmade diamond program at General Electric: C. Guy Suits, team leader and v.p. and director of research; Francis P. Bundy, Dr. H. Tracy Hall, Dr. A. Lincoln Marshall, Anthony J. Nerad, Herbert M. Strong, Dr. Robert H. Wentorf. NAM also awarded an honor scroll to Dr. Kenneth Merland Taylor, manager of ceramics department at Carborundum Co., and to Keith D. Millis, assistant to manager of development and research at International Nickel. National Association of Manufacturers, under its Modern Pioneers in Creative Industry program, presented the scrolls in recognition of outstanding scientific contributions to modern industry. 60


J A N . 31, 1966

The 1966 recipient of the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Milk is Dr. Bruce L. Larson, associate professor of biological chemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana. The award, sponsored by Borden Co. Foundation, consists of $1000 and a gold medal. It was presented to Dr. Larson at the ACS winter meeting in Phoenix earlier this month by John H. McCain, v.p. of the foundation. Dr. Larson's research efforts have been concentrated on milk proteins. His earlier work was aimed at isolating and characterizing the proteins in milk. Noticing that some of these proteins appeared identical with certain blood proteins, he used radioactive tracer studies to determine which of the major proteins of milk came preformed from blood and which are synthesized in the secretory cells of the mammary gland. The award winner has successfully developed methods to culture the secretory cells of the bovine mammary gland in vitro in laboratory culture under controlled conditions. This feat is enabling Dr. Larson and other scientists to delineate some of the steps in the synthesis of certain milk proteins. Also of major significance is Dr. Larson's work in developing methods for accurately determining specific milk proteins. Initially, he developed electrophoretic methods for use with milk itself, and he has now worked out immunological procedures for analyzing very low concentrations of filactoglobulin and a-lactalalbumin. These procedures are now widely used to detennine these proteins both in milk and in other systems where the proteins are diluted.

Dr. Larson has published several review articles on the role of strontium-90 in milk. Written at the height of the controversy over strontium-90 fallout, the articles represent a major public service. They showed that even though milk is a major dietary source of strontium-90, people have acquired lower levels of strontium-90 in their bones from drinking milk than they have from consuming the average amount in other foods. This is because the deposition level of strontium-90 in human bone depends on the strontium-90/calcium ratio in the total diet averaged from all foods. Milk is high in calcium, thus has a low strontium-90/calcium ratio compared to the average of other foods, because the cow discriminates against stronium-90 in favor of calcium in the synthesis of milk. Dr. Larson received his B.S. from the University of Minnesota in 1948 and did his graduate work there under Dr. Robert Jenness and Dr. W. F . Geddes (deceased). The problem selected by Dr. Larson for his dissertation—elucidating proteins in m i l k launched his career in this area and set the stage for his many contributions to dairy science. After receiving his Ph.D. in 1951, Dr. Larson joined the staff of University of Illinois as an instructor. Under a Fulbright Award, he spent the last half of 1965 in Argentina lecturing and carrying out research at the National University of Cordoba. Currently Dr. Larson is devoting his attention to protein synthesis in the secretory cell of the mammary gland— both the changes in the cell as it begins to synthesize milk and the synthesis of milk itself.

ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry sponsored by Witco Chemical Company, Inc., Foundation

Walter H. Stockmayer

Dr. Walter H. Stockmayer, professor He pursued his study of branched of chemistry at Dartmouth College, is molecules still further, and in 1949 the 1966 recipient of the ACS Award published a comprehensive theory of in Polymer Chemistry. He was given the dimensions of these molecules. the award at the ACS winter meeting This theory later proved to be a stepin Phoenix, Ariz., during which he adping-off place for determining, by dressed the Division of Polymer light-scattering, the degree of branchChemistry on the dielectric properties ing in polymers. It is also pertinent of polar polystyrenes in dilute soluto determinations of polymer branchtions. The award, sponsored by ing by viscosity measurements. Witco Chemical Co., Inc., FoundaLater Dr. Stockmayer and Dr. Martion, is accompanied by $1500 and a shall Fixman investigated the hydrocertificate. It was presented by Max dynamic properties of branched moleA. Minnig, president of Witco. cules. These properties also had to Dr. Stockmayer has had a definite be understood before branching could influence in the world of polymer be determined by viscosity measurechemistry-much more so than would ments. at first be apparent from an examinaDr. Stockmayer's other contribution of his published papers. (He has tions to polymer science cover a wide published about 60 papers and range. Measurements of polymer inwritten five chapters in various teractions by light-scattering techbooks.) But he has spread his ideas niques, measurements of copolymerifreely among polymer chemists zation kinetics and of the solution throughout the country. And though properties of copolymers, and studies many of his ideas have proved fruitof heat capacity of chain polymer ful, he has made no effort to obtain crystals are but a few of these contricredit and often has been unwilling to butions. His work on chain polymer accept it when offered. As one of crystals is finding wide use in studies his colleagues puts it, comparing of crystal formation in the precipitaDr. Stockmayer's visible accomplishtion of polymers from dilute solution. ments to his influence, "His published Dr. Stockmayer was educated at work is only the visible part of an MIT, studied at Oxford as a Rhodes iceberg." scholar, and returned to MIT for his His first contributions to polymer Ph.D. in 1940. chemistry were papers on the properHe taught at MIT and Columbia ties of branched and cross-linked University, then in 1961 became propolymers. He extended the work of fessor of chemistry at Dartmouth. Dr. Wallace H. Carothers of Du Pont Dr. Stockmayer was a Guggenheim and Dr. Paul J. Flory (now at Stanfellow in 1954-55, and was an invited ford) to include solutions to problems lecturer at the Faraday Society, Loninvolving gel formation and molecular don, in 1958. He was awarded the weight distribution of molecules Manufacturing Chemists' Association from monomers with multifunctional College Chemistry Teaching Award in groups. 1960.

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