Air pollution - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Jun 15, 1987 - Donald L. Fox. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (12), pp 280–294. DOI: 10.1021/ac00139a015. Publication Date: June 1987. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Anal. Chem. 1987, 5 9 , 280 R-294 R (87J) Dhanesar, S.C.; Poole, C. F. Anal. C h m . 1983, 55(9), 1462-1465. (88J) Sultanov, N. T.; Arustamova, L. G.; Musaev, K. M.; Markaryan. K. G.; Kambarov, Yu. G.; Atlas, V. V. U.S.S.R. SU 1122966 (CI. GOIN31/08), 7 Nov 1984, Appl. 3,614,315, 1 Jul 1983. (89J) Singliar, M.; Revus, M. Petrochemla 1985, 25(1), 1-10, (9OJ) Yancy. J. A. J. Chromatogr. Scl. 1989, 23(8),370-377. (9IJ) Keane, J. M.: Brown, D. C.; Fry, R. C. Anal. Chem. 1985, 57(13), 2526-2533. (92J) Barrett, P.; Pruszkowska, E. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56(1 I), 1927-1930. (93J) Ng, R. C.; Kaiser, H.; Meddings, B. Spactrochim Acta, Part B 1985, 406(1-2), 63-72. (94J) Teeter, R. M. Mass Spectrom. Rev. 1985, 4(1), 123-143. (95J) Uchida, K.: Noguchi, H.; Inoue, T. JSAE Rev. 1985, 18, 22-27. (96J) Khots, M. S.; Nekhamkina, L. G.; Belan, G. B.; Polyakova, A. A. Zh. Anal. Khim. 19114, 39(8),1482-1485. (97J) Hilliard, L. A. Anal. Proc. (London) 1985, 22(7), 210-211. (96J) Higashi, T.; Imasaka, T.; Ishibashi, N. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56(12), 20 10-20 13. (99J) Gardiner, D. J.; Bowden, M.; Daymond, J.; Gorvin, A. C.; Dare-Edwards, M. P. Appl. Spectrosc. 1984, 38(2), 282-284. (IOOJ) Neveu, M. C.; Stocker, D. P. NASA Tech. Memo. 1985, NASA-TM87002, E-2547, NAS1.15:87002. 25 pp. Avail. NTIS. (101J) Carangelo. R. M.; Solomon, P. R. ACS Div. FuelChem. Prepr. 1986, 37(1),152-161. (102J) Gaffney, J. S.;Kelly, T. J.; Tanner, R. L. U.S. Pat. Appi. US 500,106, 14 Sep 1984, Appl 1 Jun 1983; 10 pp. Avail. NTIS Order PAT-APPL-6500 106. (103J) Vincent. A. L.; Robinson, J. R.; Ginkel, E. R. US. US 4526755 (Cl. 422-90; G01N27/04), 2 Jul 1985, Appl. 351,328, 22 Feb 1982; 5 pp. (104J) Karlik, M.; Krofta, J.; Kucera, Z. S b . Vys. Sk. Chem-Techno/. Praze, Anal. Chem. 1983, H18. 29-40.

(105J) Jarmell, S. Proc.-Coal Test. Conf. 1983, 3rd, 19-23. (106J) Hellwig, G.; Bauser, H.; Chmiel, H. Ger. Offen. DE 3,413,135 (CI. G01N27/22), 17 Oct 1985, Appl. 6 Apr 1984 14 pp. (107J) Schauwecker, P.; Frueh, P. GIT Fachz. Lab. 1984, 28(9), 746, 748, 750-751. (108J) Rouan, J. P.; Foulatier, R.: Vovelle, C. J. Phys. E 1984, 17(7), 562-563. (109J) Blazso, T.; Bocz. L.;Gyalog, G.; Ferenczi, S. Hung. Teljes HU 31,413 (CI. GOlN27/12), 28 Apr 1984, Appl. 81/3,441, 4 Apr 1978; 9 pp. (llOJ) Crambes, M. Eur. Pat. Appl. EP 115,987 (Cl. GOIN29/02), 15 Aug 1984, FR Appl. 83/1,427, 31 Jan 1983; 15 pp. (111J) Ciais, A.; Variot, G. Collect. Colloq. Semin. (Inst. F r . Pet.) 1984, 40(Caract. Huiles Lourdes Residus Pet.), 222-227. (112J) Zharov, V. P.; Gomenyuk, A. S.;Pyasetskii, V. 8.; Tokhtuev, E. G. Zh. Spektrosk. 1983, 39(6), 1029-1035. (113J) Shaw, R. W.; Howell, H. E.; Mamantov, G.; Wehry, E. L. Anal. Chem. Symp. Ser. 1984. 19(Anal. Spectrosc.), 37-42. ( l l 4 J ) Chin, T. G.; Alston, A. US. US 4543819 (CI. 73-64.2; GOlN7/14), 1 Oct 1985, Appl. 543,446, 19 Oct 1983, 9 pp. (115J) Sakurai, T.; Mizuno, H.; Shibata, Y. Ger. Offen. DE 3412704 (CI. GOIN22/00), 11 Oct 1984, JP Appl. 83/60,396, 6 Apr 1983; 28 pp. (116J) Roffey, R.; Nilsson, H.; Olofsson, G. Report 1984, FOA-C-40189-B4Pt-1, 37 pp. Avail. NTIS. (117J) McCoy, R. W.; Wolf, T.; Fritz, G. T.; Marmion, D. M. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1984. 22(10), 425-431. (118J) Hines, W. J.; Hefley, C.; Sattler, F.: McIver, G. Oper. Sect. Proc.Am. Gas Assoc. 1983, D357-D361. (119J) May, W. E.; Brown-Thomas, J. M.; Chesler, S.N.: Guenther, F. R.; Hilpert, L. R.; Parris, R. M.; Richie, K. L.; Wise, S. A,; Hertz, H. S. Pac. Northwest Lab ., [Tech. Rep .] PNL -SA 1983, PNL -SA - 11552, Adv. Tech. Synth. Fuels. Anal., DE83-015528, 381-404.

Air Pollution Donald L. Fox Department o f Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 I

This review is extracted from the literature from late 1984 to December 1986. A major source of information was Chemical Abstracts Selects: Pollution Monitoring. In addition journals related to air pollution and environmental chemistry were surveyed. The organization consists of two major divisions: gaseous methods, which have single letter designations after reference numbers, and aerosol and particulate methods, which have two letter designations after the reference numbers. It was not possible to have subdivisidns for every compound and only some species are discussed individually. Analytical techniques may be applied to several compounds.

GASES Books and Reviews. Graedel et al. have authored a book on sources and occurrences of atmospheric chemical compounds (1A). Receptor modeling techniques in environmental chemistry are discussed by Hopke (ZA). The 6th edition of Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric contaminants was edited by Lioy and Lioy (3A). A number of review articles have appeared in the scientific literature in the past two years including general reviews on air pollution monitoring (4A-I2A), atmospheric chemistry (13A),kinetics of gas phase degradation (14A),receptor models (15A),and transport and transformation of organic pollutants (16A). Gas sampling by impregnated filters, solid substrates, and porous polymers was reviewed (I7A-ZOA). Passive sampling methods were reviewed for ambient monitoring and personal exposure monitoring (21A-23A). Two reviews presented discussions of chemiluminescence techniques for NO, species (24A,25A). Murano described the use of ion chromatography in air pollutant analysis (26A). The rapid introduction of laser-based techniques in the early 1980s has resulted in the appearance of several review articles (27A-32A). Other spectroscopic techniques reviewed were 280 R


lidar (33A),correlation spectroscopy (34A),and atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectroscopy (35A). Reviews on specific compounds appeared for SOz (36A),peroxyacyl nitrate (37A, %A) halocarbons (39A, 40A),formaldehyde (41A-45A), malodorous compounds (46A), and organic compounds (47A-50A). Calibration Methods. Witham and co-workers developed a dynamic gas and aerosol test atmosphere generation system which is capable of producing several test streams simultaneously (1B). Yanaka and Oizumi reported on a simple test gas generator based on stainless steel capillaries (2B). An N205 calibration source was based on a solid crystalline sample at 192 K. By volatilization and dilution, mixing ratios of 1 L/min were achieved (3B). Restelli and Cappellani reported a simplified calibration technique for IR-laser systems based on comparison of signals of a trace gas and a calibration gas (4B). Flanagen investigated statistical techniques to improve accuracy and precision by increasing the size of the calibration data point ensemble (5B). Alvarez described the role of NBS standard reference materials in improving the quality of environmental measurements (6B). Performance audit reports for US ambient monitoring programs are now available (7B). Hydrocarbon SRMs have been used for QA/QC programs for ambient air monitoring (8B). A repository of 14 gaseous organic compounds in compressed gas cylinders has been established by the US Environmental Protection Agency. These audit cylinders have been used for hazardous waste incinerator tests (9B) and ambient monitoring programs (IOB). Harkov et al. described QA procedures for measurement of nearly 50 gaseous and particulate phase noncriteria pollutants (11B).

Ozone. Ray et al. developed an ozone instrument that uses chemiluminescent dyes in various solvents. Their system using eosin Y in ethylene glycol compared favorably with a com0 1987 American Chemical



Donald L. Fox Is Rotand Dkemn of mS A t and lndusmal Hygiene Program In the Department 01 Envlronmmal Sciences and Englneemg. Unkersky 01 N& CarOUna at Chepl Hill. He receked his F'h.D degree In chemistq horn Arizona State Unkersny. Hk research and teaching l n t e r e ~ include t~ atmospheric photochemical aerosol lormal b n P~OCBSSBSinvolving organics and nitrogen oxides and suMlr dioxide. He is a mem ber of the American Chemical Society and the Alr PollUtbn Control AssocIBtlOn. Curr e m he is on sabbatical leave wlh the 01ti- 01 me ~epw~ ~ ~ i ~~teac nr et t a01 ~ Defense lor Envkmment in Washington, CC.

with preconcentration techniques and gas chromatography (4E). Peroxybenzoyl nitrate was determined by aqueous hydrolysis to benzoate ion followed by ion chromatography with UV detection (5E). Knop and Arnold described the use of airborne active chemical ionization mass spectrometry for HNO, distribution profiles (6E). Lindqvist described HNO, collection on a diffusion denuder coated with AI,(SO,),. The HNO, was thermally desorbed as NO, and subsequently reduced to NO and analyzed by GC PID (7E). Several studies have compared diffusion denu er HNO, systems with filters (8E-IOE) and tunable diode lasers (IOE). Eatough et al. concluded the HNO, collection efficiency of tungstic acid diffusion denuders was affected by atmospheric water vapor ( I I E ) . One other study by Ferm (22E) used sodium carbonate as the surface coating for HNO, diffusion denuders. Ferm also reported on the use of sodium carbonate coated diffusion tubes for collection of HNO, but significant interferences occur from PAN (I3E, 24E). Pith and co-workers reported a comparison study of HNO, measurements by absorption method, differential absorption spectroscopy, and a nylon cartridge-chemiluminescence NO, technique (15E, 16E). Braman and De la Contera developed sources of HNO, and HNO, in air by means of room-temperature oxalic acid sublimation onto solid NaNO, and KNO,, respectively (17E). Free Radicals. Zellner and Haegele used a pulsed laser system to monitor OH radicals (IF). Schmidt and co-workers also investigated pulsed dye laser induced fluorescence for monitoring OH radicals in a test system (2F). H,O, measurement techniques based on enzyme-catalyzed fluorescence were reported (3F, 4F). Heikes et al. reported airborne measurements of H,O, SO,, and 0,from the surface up to 3000 m (5F). Mihelcic et al. described a cryogenic system for sampling of ambient radicals by matrix isolation. The trapped radicals were determined by electron spin resonance (6F). S u l f u r Dioxide. A chemiluminescence method for SO, was developed based on SO, enhancement of the reaction of luminol with NO,. A limit of detection of 0.3 ppb was reported (IC).A spectrophotometric SO, method using p-aminoazobenzene measured SO, concentrations in the range of 0.0515 fig/m3 (2G). Lang et al. reported a technique for SO, based on the reaction of SO:- and Hg2+(3C). A piezoelectric crystal detector utilizing a Hg displacement reaction was described for the determination of SO, in air in the ppb range (4G). Prior to the conductometric detection of SOz,a succinic acid trap was used to remove NH, (5G). Dasgupta and co-workers developed a porous membrane annular diffusion denuder for sampling SO, (6C). A 1,Bdiene coated solid sorbent was used for SO, collection. SO, was thermally desorbed upon heating (7G). Researchers found no significant differences between SOz-containingair samples collected in a buffered formaldehyde solutions stored at 5 O and room temperature for 530 days. Analysis was by modified West-Gaeke method (8G). Paffrath presented photometric methods for the absolute calibration of sulfur dioxide and nitric acid analyzers (9G). Zhang et al. reported less that 10% error due to SO, conversion on quartz fiber filters (IOC).Japar and Brachaczek demonstrated artifact formation from sulfur dioxide on nylon filters. The conversion efficiency is dependent on the relative humidity (r.hJ; it ranged from 4 m/s, the theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement, but the theory overestimatesthe sampling Virns evaluated the efficiency at low wind speeds (8"). effect of wind speed on the sampling efficiency of conventional Mamane aerosol samplers in a wind tunnel system (9"). and No11 investigated large particles (>5 pm) in the eastern United States. Samples were collected with a modified high-volume rotating impactor. After mass measurements, samples were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (IO"). A stainless steel and A1 cutting jig was designed to produce 70 equivalent sections from a glass fiber high-volume filter (11"). Spicer et al. described a thermal decomposition/chemiluminescence method for determining NO3- in atmospheric matter (1.2"). Crouch et al. investigated the direct thermal desorption of organic compounds from Teflon filters followed by gas chromatographic analysis (13"). LITERATURE CITED GASES

Books and Revlews (IA) Graedel, T. E.; Hawklns, D. T.; Claxton, L. D.; Atmospheric Chemical Compounds: Sources, Occurrence, and Bioassay, 732 pp, Academic Press: Orlando, FL (1986). (2A) Hopke, P. K.; Receptor Modeling in Envlronmefital Chemistry, 319 pp. John Wiley and Sons: New York, NY (1985). (3A) Lioy, P. J., Lioy, M. J. Y., (Eds.); Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluatbn of Atmospheric Contaminants. 6th Ed , 515 DO, . . Am. Conf. Gov. Ind. Hva.: .Cincinnaii, OH (1983). (4A) Fox, D. L.; "Air Pollution," Anal. Chem. 57(5), 223R-238R (1985). (5A) Melcher, R. G.; Peter, T. L.; Emmel, H. W.; "Sampling and sample preparation of envlronmental material," Top. Curr . Chem. 134 (Anal. Probl.) 59-123 (1986). (6A) Guillemin, M. P.; "Air contamination exposure measurements of organic solvents-past and present," Scand. J . Work, Environ. Health ll(Suppl. 1) 33-43 (1985). (7A) Mishra, U. C.; "Air pollutants and their monitoring," Curr. Pol/ut. Res. India 1-13 (1985). (EA) Sadasivan, S.; Mahadevan, T. N.; "Modtoring for pollutants in air and rainwater," C u f f . Pollut. Res. India 39-58 (1985). (9A) Rao, M. V. R. K.; "Recent advances in air quality monitoring techniques," Chem. Age India 35(10), 707-10 (1984). (10A) Munoz Camacho, E.; Paz Castro, M.; Sanchez Sanchez, M.; Losada del Barrio, J.; "Measurement of air pollution 1. Basic concepts and general aspects," Ing. Quim. (Madrid) 18(207), 85-92 (1986). (11A) Sanchez Sanchez, M.; Losada del Barrio. J.; Munoz Canacho, E.; Paz Castro, M.; "Measurement of air pollution 3. Determination of gases," Ing . OUim. (Madrid) 18(209), 79-86 (1986). 12A) Mouvier, G.; "Chemical analysis and atmospheric research," in Euroanal. 5 ,Rev. AnalChem., [Conf.] 5th 1984, 167-82, Hulanicki, A,, (Ed.); Akad. Kiado: Budapest, Hungary (1986). 13A) Perner, D.; "Atmospheric chemistry," SCOPE 25 (Appraisal Tests Predict Environ. Behav. Chem.) 19-56 (1985). 14A) Barnes, I.; Zabel, F.; "Degradation in the gas phase," SCOPE25(Appraisal Tests Predict Environ. Behav. Chem.) 57-79 (1985). 15A) Hopke, P. K.; "The use of chemometrlcs in appointment of air pollution sources," TrAC, Trends Anal. Chem. (Pers. Ed.) 4(4), 104-6 (1985). 16A) Cohen, Y.; "Organic pollutant transport," Environ Sci. Techno/. 20(6), 538-44 (1988). 17A) Hlawiczka, S.;"Impregnated filters in studies on gaseous pollution of air." Gaz, Woda Tech. Sanit. 58(7), 179-81 (1984). (18A) Ferrari, E.; Rolla, A.; Baldassarri, L. T.; "Determination of organic substances in air: adsorption on soliis, and thermal desorption, and desorption with solvents," Riv. Combust. 38(1), 15-18 (1984). (19A) Rao, N. V. R.; Sriram, M.; "Porous polymers in monitoring air pollution," J . Sci. Ind. Res. 45(3) 124-32 (1986). (20A) Brookes, 6. I.; "Sampling and gas chromatographic mass spectrometric analysis of the atmosphere for public health investigation," J . Assoc. Publlc Anal. 22(1), 13-18 (1984). (21A) Namiesnik, J.; Gorecki, T.; Kozlowski, E.; Torres, L.; Mathieu, J.; Passive doslmeters-an approach to atmospheric pollutants analysis," Sci. Total Environ. 38, 225-58 (1984). (22A) Brown, A. H.: Cox, P. C.; Purnell. C. J.; West, N. G.; Wright, M. D.; "The applicability of passive sampling techniques to the analysis of specific vapors in ak," In Identif. Anal. Org. Pollut. Air, Keith, L. H., (Ed.) 37-50, Butterworth: Boston, MA (1984). (23A) Spengler, J. D.; Soczek, M. L.; "Evidence for Improved ambient air quallty and the need for personal exposure research." Environ. Sci. Techno/. 18(9), 268A-280A (1984). (24A) Maeda, Y.; "Measurement of air pollutants by chemiluminescencemethod," Kankyo Gijutsu, 15(7), 512-17 (1986). (25A) Stedman, D. H.; McElwee. D. L.; Wendel, G. J.; "Chemiluminescence in air pollutant monitoring," in Gas-Phase Chemi/umin. Chemi-Ioniz. Fontijn, A,. (Ed.) 345-55, North-Holland: Amsterdam, Neth. (1985).


AIR POLLUTION (26A) Mwano, K.; "Analysis of atmospheric samples by ion chromatcgraphy," Kankyo Gljutsu 15(7), 506-11 (1986). (27A) Schmidtke, G.; Kohn. W.; "Spectroscopic trace gas and pollution measuring techniques," TM, Tech. Mess. 52(6), 242-6 (1985). (28A) Omenetto, N.; "Laser-fluorescence techniques," Comm . Eur . Communities, [Rep .] Ew18754, 329-50 (1984). (29A) Restelli, 0.; "Long-path measurement of atmospheric trace gases by infrared absorption techniques," Comm. f u r . Communities, [Rep . ] EUR 8754, 279-99 (1984). (30A) Shi, B.; "Environmental pollution detection by laser optoacoustic spectroscopy," Huanjln Wuran Yo Fangzhi, 7(4). 39-42 (1985). Etsin, I.S.; "Monitoring of molecular trace components (31A) Gorelik, D. 0.; of the atmosphere by laser spectroscopy," Zh. Anal. Khim. 39(11), 1925-44 (1985). (32A) Zelinger, 2.; "Optoacoustic detection of laser infrared signals in gases," Chem. Lisw 80(7), 873-90 (1986). (33A) Varey, R. H.; "The principles of Mar," Comm. f u r . Communltles, [Rep.] EUR 8754, 123-42 (1984). (34A) Sandroni, S.; "Monitorlng of distributed emissions by correlation spectrometry," Comm Ew. Communities, [Rep . ] EUR 8754, 259-77 (1984). (35A) Mitsui, Y.; "Detection of parts per trillion amount of contaminants," Kenchku Setsubl to Haikan Koji 24(6), 79-83 (1986). (36A) Guillot, P.; "Joint European campaigns on remote sensing of atmospheric pollution,'' Roc.-AfCA Annu. Meet. 78th(Voi. 2) 85-18.1 10 pp (1985). (37A) Hoioubek, I.; "Organic nitrates in the atmosphere," Ochr. Ovzdusi 17(4), 53-7 (1985). (38A) Schurath. U.; Kortmann. U.; Glavas, S.; "Properties, formation and detection of peroxyacetyi nitrate," Comm. f u r . Communities, [Rep .] EUR 9436, 27-37 (1984). (39A) Yoskioka, M.; "Analysis of atmospheric halocarbons by GCMS," Kankyo G!iutsu 15(7), 500-5 (1986). (40A) Tominaga, T.; Makide, Y.; "Ultratrace analysis and behavior of haiocarbons in the atmosphere," Kankyo GYutsu, 13(5), 400-6 (1984). (41A) Light, E. N.; "Evolution of testing methodology for atmospheric formaldehyde in the home environment," A&. Chem. Ser. 2lO(Formaldehyde) 67-82 (1985). (42A) Gammage, R. B.; Hawthorne, A. R.; "Current status of measuLement techniques and concentrations of formaldehyde In residences, Adv. Chem. Ser. 21O(Formaldehyde), 117-30 (1985). (43A) Ho, M. H.; "Generation of standard gaseous formaldehyde in test atmospheres," A&. Chem. Ser. 2lO(Formaidehyde), 193-214 (1985). (44A) Matsumura, T.; "Analytical methods of formaldehyde in air," f f M 18(3), 2-15 (1985). (45A) Pickard, A. D.; Ciarks, E. R.; "The determination of traces of formaldehyde," Taianta 31(10A), 763-71 (1984). (46A) Yasuhara, A,; "Analysis of malodorous compounds," Bunseki (6), 381-6 (1986). (47A) Holton, G. A,; Taimage, S.S.; Hoffman, F. 0.; "Importance of identifying organic pollutants in air," in Identif. Anal. Org. follut. Air, 3-11, Keith, L. H. (Ed.), Butterworth: Boston, MA (1984). (48A) Earp, R. F.; Cox, R. D.; "Identification and quantitation of organics in ambient air using multiple gas chromatographic detection," in Identif . Anal. Org. follut. Air Keith, L. W., (Ed.), 159-69 (1984). (49A) Purnell, C. J.; Walker, R. F.; "Methods for the determination of atmospheric organic isocyanates. A review," Analyst 110(8), 893-905 (1985). (50A) Eatough,,D. J.; Hansen, Lee D.; "Organic oxysuifur compounds in the atmosphere, R o c . - A K A Annu. Meet. 77th (Voi. 1) 84-16.3 18 pp (1984). Calibration Methods ( l e ) Witham, C. L.; Gunderson, E. C.; Anderson, C. C.; Lappel, C. E.; "Dynamic gas and aerosol test atmosphere generation system," J . Aerosol Sci. 15(3), 361-7 (1984). (28) Yanaka, T.; Oizumi, T.; "Method for preparation of a standard gas using a stainless steel capillary," Niigata -ken Kogai Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku 9, 5-7 (1984). (38) Fahey, D. W.; Eubank, C. S.;Huebler, G.; Fehsenfeid, F. C.; "A calibrated source of nitrogen oxide (N,O,)," Atmos. Environ. 19(11), 1883-90 (1985). (48) Restelli, G.; Cappeikni, F.; "Calibration technique for IR-laser secondderivative monitoring of some trace gases in tropospheric air," Appl. Opt. 24(16), 2480-1 (1985). (58) Flanagan, J. 8.; "Examination of calibration precision calculation and protocols for air monitoring data," in Roc.-Natl. Symp. Recent Adv. fdlut. MOnit. EPA/600/9-84/019, 198-204 (1984). (6B) Aivarez. R.; "The role of NBS standard reference materials in quality assurance of environmental measurements," ASTM Spec. Tech. Pub/. 887(Qual. Assur. Environ. Meas.), 346-59 (1985). (78) Lampe, R. L.; Parr, 8. F.; Pratt, G.; Dowler, 0. L.; Mitchell, W. J.; "National performance audit program ambient air audits of analytical proficiency-1983," €PA 180014-84-077, NTIS fB85- 138204 64 pp (1984). (8B) Crist, H. L.; Rook, H. L.; "Appilcation of volatile organic reference materials to ambient air monitoring measurements, EPA-600/D-84-163, NTIS PB84-210095 16 pp (1984). (9B) Jay,anty, R. K. M.; Cooper, S. W.; Decker, C. E.; Von Lehmden, D. J.; "Evaiuatlon of parts-per-billion organic cylinder gases for use as audits during hazardous waste trial burn tests," J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc. 35(11), 1195-200 (1985). (lOB) Westberg. H.; Lonneman, W.; Hoidren, M.; "Analysis of individual hydrocarbon species in ambient atmospheres: techniques and data vaiidity," in Identlf. Anal. Org. follut. Air 323-37, Keith, L. H. (Ed.), Butterworth: Boston, MA (1984). (1lB) Harkov, R.; Lioy, P. J.; Daisey, J. M.; Greenberg. A,; Darack, F.; Bozzeili, J. W.; Kebbekus, B.; "Quality control for noncriteria air pollutants:

results from the ATEOS project," J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc. 38(4), 388-92 (1988). Ozone (1C) Ray. J. D.; Stedman, D. H.; Wendei, G. J.; "Fast chemiluminescent method for measurement of ambient ozone,'' Anal. Chem. 58(3). 598-600 (1986). (2C) Houdret, J. L.; "Calibration and intercalibration of analyzers of nitrogen oxides and ozone by gas-phase titration,'' follut. Atmos. 108. 111-17 (1985). (3C) Marichev. V. M.; Mltsei, A. A.; Ippoiitov, I.I.; "Analysis of potential possibilities of l i r probing of gases of the atmosphere by differential absorption. 11. Probing of ozone and water vapor." Deposited Doc, 1983, VINITI 6734-83, 20 pp. (4C) Broweil, E. V.; Ismail, S.; Shipley, S. T.; "Ultraviolet DIAL measurements of ozone profiles in regions of spatially inhomogeneous aerosols," Appl. Opt. 24(17), 2827-36 (1985). (5C) Trakhovsky, E.; "Ozone amount determined by transmittance measurements in the solar-blind ultraviolet spectral region," Appl. Opt. 24(21), 3519-22 (1985). (6C) Bergshoeff, G.; Lanting, R. W.; Van Ham, J.; Prop, J. M. G.; Reijinders, H. F. R.; "Spectrophotometric determination of ozone in air with indigo disulfonate," Analyst 109(9), 1165-9 (1984). (7C) Poetzi, K.; "Method for the absolute calibration of ozone measuring devices," Staub-Reinhak. Luft 45(4). 181-3 (1985). Nitrogen Oxldeo (1D) Torres, A. L.; "Nitric oxide measurements at a nonwban eastern United States site: Wallops instrument results from July 1983 GTE/CITE mission," J. Geophys. Res., D : Atmos. 90(D7), 12875-80 (1985). (2D) Drummond. J. W.; Volz, A.; Ehhalt, D. H.; "An optimized chemiluminescence detector for tropospheric nitric oxide measurements," J . Atmos Chem. 2(3), 287-306 (1965). (3D) Kondo, Y.; Iwata, A.; Takagi, M.; Matthews, W. A.; "Balloon-borne chemiluminescent sonde for the measurement of tropospheric and stratospheric nitric oxide,'' Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55(8), 1328-32 (1984). (4D) Fahey, D. W.; Eubank, C. S.; Hubier, G.; Fehsenfeid, F. C.; "Evaluation of a catalytic reductive technique for the measurement of total reactive odd-nitrogen NO, in the atmosphere," J. Afmos. Chem. 3(4), 435-68 (1985). (5D) Zafiriou, 0. C.; True, M. B.; "Interferences in environmental analysis of nitric oxide by nitric oxide pulse ozone detectors: a rapid screening technique," fnvlron. Sci. Technol. 20(6), 594-96 (1986). (6D) Wendei, G. J.; "Development and application of a luminol based nitrogen dioxide detector," Univ. Microfilms Int. DA85 12534 207 pp (1985). (7D) Braman, R. S.; De la Cantera, M. A,; Han, Q . ; "Sequential, selective hollow tube preconcentration and chemiluminescence analysis system for nitrogen oxide compounds in air," Anal. Chem. 58(7), 1537-41 (1986). (ED) Grosjean, D.; Harrison, J.; "Response of chemilurnlnescence NO, analyzers and ultraviolet ozone analyzers to organic air pollutants," fnviron . Sci. Technol. 19(9), 862-5 (1985). (9D) Kosmus, W.; "Summation method for monitoring nitrogen oxides,'' I n t . J. 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X-ray Techniques (1GG) Harrison, R. M.; Sturges, W. T.; “Physicochemical speciation and transformation reactions of particulate atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur compounds,” Afmos. Environ. 18(9), 1829-33 (1984). (2GG) Tanninen, V. P.; Hyvarinen, H. K.; Grekula, A.; Kaiiiomaki, P. L.; “Experimental improvements in analysis of aerosol samples by x-ray powder diffraction,” J. Aerosol Sci. 16(5), 373-8 (1985). (306) Iwatsuki, M.; Tiiiekeratne, S. P.; Fukasawa, T.; Fukasawa. T.; “X-ray analysis of airborne particulates collected by an Andersen Sampler. Compound and elemental distributions vs. particle size of laboratory particulates,” Environ. Sci. Technoi. 18(11), 818-22 (1984). (4GG) Anseimo, V. C.; Rios, J. J.; “Preparation of standards on glass fiber filters for x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy,” Proc . - A K A Annu. Meef. 77th(Vol. 3) 84-52.8 12 pp (1984). (5GG) Post, J.; Buseck, P. R.; “Quantitative energy dispersive analysis of lead halide particles from the Phoenix urban aerosol,” Environ. Sci. Techno/. 19(8), 682-5 (1985). (6GG) Sturges, W. T.; Harrison, R. M.; Dams, R.; “Development of a technique for the determination of lead and bromine in atmospherlc particles by x-ray fluorescence,” Afmos. Environ. 19(9), 1495-502 (1985). (7GG) Hayasaka, T.; Shibata, Y.; Inoue, Y.; Hayashi, H.; Kuroasawa, Y.; “Comparison of atomic absorption spectrometry and energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence method for determination of metals in suspended particulate.” Kawasaki-shi Kogai Kenkyusho Nenpo (12), B l 2 (1985). ( 8 F ) Hayasaka. T.; Shibata, Y.; Inoue, Y.; Hayashi, H.; Kurosawa, Y.; Determination of multielements in suspended particulate matter by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry,” Kawasaki-shi Kogai Kenkyusho Nenpo (12), 13-23 (1965). (9GG) Yamamoto. 0.; Dohdoh, K.; Kataoka, M.; Kodani, S.;Nakamoto, K.; Ishikawa, T.; Kyooka, H.; “Determination of heavy metals in airborne dust by x-ray fluorescence analysis,” Hiroshlma -shi €/sei Kenkyusho Nenpo (4), 82-6 (1985). (1OGG) Dmitriev. M. T.; Fradkin, B. I.; “Copper determination in the environment by x-ray fluorescence,” Gig. Sanff. (6), 51-2 (1986). (IlGG) Keteben, P.; Knoechel, A.; “X-ray fluorescence analysis with totally reflecting sample holders (TRFA). Multielement analysis of slze-fractlonated alrbwne dust samples,” Sfaub-Reinhaff. Luff 45(4), 175-8 (1965). (1206) Rokosz, M. J.; Ark, B. E.; Belitz, R. K.; “An XRF method for the analysis of atmospheric aerosol and vehicular particulate deposits on fil-

A I R POLLUTION ters," Adv. X-Ray A m i . 28, 177-84 (1985). (13GG) Hansson, H. C.; Nyman. S.; "Mlcrocomputer-conirolM two size-fractionating aerosol sampler or outdoor environments," Environ. Sci. Technoi. lQ(ll), 1110-15 (1985). (14GG) Boni, C.; Braga Marcazzan, G. M.; Caruso, E.;Cereda, E.; Readaelli, P.; "Combined PIXE, RBS and NRA analysis of aerosol particulates," Nuci. Instrum. Methods Phys., Res., Sect. 8 BI5(1-6), 382-5 (1986). (15GG) Martinsson, B. G.; "Investigatlon of particle elastic scattering analysis as a complementary technique to PIXE for aerosol characterization," Nuci. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B B15(1-8), 636-42 (1986). Other Spectroscopy (1")

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(5KK) Fogg, T. R.; "Absorption of gases by cellulose fiber cascade impactor surfaces," Atmos. Environ. 20(8), 1633-4 (1986). (8KK) Chen, B. T.; Yeh, H. C.; Cheng, Y. S.; "A novel virtual impactor: calibration and use," J. Aerosol Sci. 18(4), 343-54 (1985). (7KK) Chen, B. T.; Yeh, H. C.; Cheng, Y. S.; "Performance of a modified virtual impactor," Aerosol Sci. Technoi. 5(3), 369-76 (1986). (8KK) Terabe, M.; "Study on uniform collection of suspended particulate matter by FSK-type cyclone low-volume air sampler," Kanagawa -ken Taiki Osen Chosa Kenkyu Hohoku 2 6 , 100-4 (1984). (9KK) Hayasaka, T.; Yoshda, K.; Inoue, Y.; Hayashi, H.; Kurosawa, Y.; "Study on uniform collection of suspended particulate matter by FKS type cyclone low volume air sampler," Kawasaki-shi Kogai Henkyusho NenDo (ii), 42-8 (1984). (IOKK) Saltzman, 8. E.; "Generalized performance characteristics of miniature cyclones for atmospheric particulate sampling," Am. Ind. Hyg. AsSOC. J. 45(10), 671-80 (1984). (1IKK) Baron, P. A.; "Calibration and use of the aerodynamic particle sizer (APS 3300)," Aerosol Sci. Technoi. 5(1), 55-67 (1986). (12KK) Lieback, J. U.; Bauer, H. W.; "Suitable grain-size fractionation of suspended particulate material from an air-hygienic viewpoint," Staub Reinhalt. Luff 44(5), 221-5 (1984). (13KK) Raunemaa, T.; Hautojarvi, A.; Pihkala, P.; Hannikainen, M.; "An automated tape-collectlon system for precise aerosol analysis," J . Aerosol Sci. 16(4), 269-72 (1985). (14KK) Raes, F.; Reineking, A.; "A new diffusion battery design for the measurement of sub- 20nm aerosol particles: the diffusion carrousel," Atmos. Environ. lo(?), 385-8 (1985). (15KK) Shaw, G. E.; Nuclepore filters as diffusion screens: effect of barrel-shaped pore distortions," J. Aerosol Sci. 16(4), 307-13 (1985). (16KK) Scheibei, H. G.; Porstendoerfer, J.; "Penetration measurements for tube and screen-type diffusion batteries in the ultraflne particle size range," J. Aerosol Sci. 15(6), 673-82 (1984). (17KK) Cheng, Y. S.; Yeh, H. C.; "Analysis of screen diffusion battery data," Am. Ind. hyg. Assoc. J. 45(8), 556-61 (1984). PM,


(ILL) Rogers, C. F.; Watson, J. G.; Mathai, C. V.; "A Size Classifying Isokinetic Aerosol Sampler designed for application at remote sites," €PA I 60019-841079 Proc.-Nati. Symp. Recent. Adv. Poiiut. Monit. Ambient Air Stationary Sources. 9-1 1 (1984). (2LL) Purdue, L. J.; Rodes, C. E.; Rehme, K. A.; Holland, D. M.; Bond, A. E.; "Intercomparison of high-volume PM, samplers at a site with high particulate concentrations,'' J. Air Poiiut. Control Assoc. 36(8), 917-20 (1986). (3LL) Lundgren, D. A.; Hausknecht, B.; Burton, R. M.; "Mass distribution of large ambient aerosols and their effect on PM-10 measurement methods," EPAl60019-84l019 Proc.-Nati. Symp. Recent. Adv. Poiiut. Monit. Ambient Air Stationary Sources 28-32 (1984). (4LL) PEDCO-Environmental Specialists, Inc.; "Estimating PM, and FP background concentrations from TSP and other measurements," U. S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Off, Air Qual. Plann. Stand., [Tech. Rep.] EPA45014-84-027 75 pp (1984). (5LL) Ortiz, C. A.; McFarland, A. R.; "A 10-pm two-stage inlet for sampling indoor aerosols," J. Air Poliut. Control Assoc. 35(10), 1057-60 (1985). (6LL) Prodi, V.; Beiosl, F.; Mularoni, A,; "A personal sampler following I S 0 recommendations on particle size definitlons," J. Aerosol Sci. 17(3), 576-7, 579-81 (1986). (7LL) Dunwoody, C. L.; "Rapid nltrate loss from PM, filters," J. Air Poiiut. Control ASSOC. 36(7), 817-18 (1986). (8LL) Highsmith, V. R.; Bond, A. E.; HOwes, J. E., Jr.; "Particle and substrate losses from Teflon and quartz filters," Atmos. Environ. 20(7), 1413-17 (1986).

Fitter Propertles (IMM) Daisey. J. M.; Ailen, C. F.; McGarrity, G.; Atherholt, T.; Louis, J.; McGeorge, L.; Lioy, P. J.; "Effects of filter type on the organic composition and mutagenicity of inhaiable particulate matter," Aerosol Sci. Technoi. 5(1), 69-80 (1986). (2MM) Sawatarl, K.; "Sample filters and dissolution methods for differential determination of water-soluble chromium(V1) and chromium(II1) in particuiate substances," Ind. Health 24(2), 111-16 (1986). (3MM) Dolske. D. A.; Schneider, J.; Sieverifig, H.; "Trace element passthrough for celluiose filters when used for aerosol collection." Atmos Environ. 18(11), 2557-8 (1984). (4MM) Spurny, K. R.; "On the filtration of fibrous aerosols," Sci. Total EnvirOn. 52(3), 189-99 (1986).


Other (INN) Klein, F.; Ranty, C.; Sowa, L.; "A new examination of the validity of the principle of beta radiation absorptlon for determination of ambient air dust concentrations," J. Aerosol Sci. 15(3), 391-5 (1984). (2") Kim, C. S.; Eldridge, M. A.; Lewars, G. A,; "Gaseous interference to performance of a quartz crystal aerosol mass monitor." J. Aerosol Sci. 1514). 473-82 11984). (3")' Fraser, R.'S.; Kaufman, Y. J.; Mahoney, R. L.; "Satellite measurements of aerosol mass and transport," Atmos. Envkon. 18(12). 2577-84 (1984). (4") Johnson, D. L.; Davis, B. L.; Dzubay, T. G.; Hassan, H.; Crutcher, E. R.; Courtney, W. J.; Jaklevic, J. M.; Thompson, A. C.; Hopke, P. K.; "Chemical and physical analyses of Houston aerosol for interlaboratory comparison of source apportionment procedures," A t m s . Environ. 18(8), 1539-53 (1984). (5") Shaw, R . W., Jr.; Smith, M. V.; Paur, R. J.; "The effect of sampling frequency on aerosol mean values," J. Air Poiiut. Control Assoc. 34(8), 839-41 (1984). JALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 1987


Anal. Chem. 1987. 59. 294R-308R Cam. S.H.: "lntsmal mlatsncy checks a8 p r t ot a data mlidBnon pocaori fachembl mnSrn&S in ambient pa~culatesampk; ASTM spsc. T&. Publ. 8117(ouSl. ASSW. Enwon. Meas.). 89-99 (1985). (7") Habennan. S. A,: LBosma. P. J. J.: Willeke. K.: "Sire cla~sMca1IOn of fIberS and iSometric particles keeping each fraction airbwne." Am. Ind. Wg. Assoc. J . 45(9). 598.602 (1984). (8") Armbruster. L.: Zebsl. G.: "Theoretical and experimental studies fa determining me aerosol Sampling efficiency of annular slot probes." J . Aerosol S d . 1614). 335-41 (1985). (9") Vrins. E.: Hokchreuder. P.: Ter Kuile. W. M.: Van Nieuwland, R.: 06BSbUrg. F.; Alderliesten. P.: "Atmosphericinfluences on the sampling elf+ ciency 01 BBToSOl samplers for large windbane particles.'' J . AerOsISd. 1713). 302 (1986). (6")

IlONN) Wmem. Y.: NOH. K. E.: '"Charactwkatbnof lergs partick at a w a l site in me eastern united states: mass dismbmbn and individual particle analysis." A m . Envkon. lO(4). 611-22 (1985). 111") Williams. R. W.: Forehand. L. R.: Killough. P. M.: "Preparation 01 unitwm glass fiber hi-uol finer sectlons using a stainless steel and aluminum cuning jii." A m s . Envkon. 20(7), 1505-6 (1986). (12") Spicer. C. W.: Joseph. 0. W.: Schumacher. P. M.: "Detennmatbn01 nitrate in atmospheric particulate maner by thermal deComposltion and chemiluminescence."Anal. Chem. 57112). 2338-41 (1985). (13") Crouch. R. L.; Hawiey-Fedder. R. A.: Parsons. M. L.: Karasek. F. W.: "Preiiminsry e v s l ~ ~ t l o01n mermal desorptiangs chromstqraphicanalysis of airborne particulate maner on dichotomous liners.'' J . Chromefcg. 30311). 53-60 (1984).

Surface Characterization Gary E. McGuire Tektronix, Incorporated, P.O. Box 500, Beauerton, Oregon 97077

This review follows the format of the previous review (641) and covers surface characterization as discussed in earlier reviews (637-640). Tables are used extensively in order to summarize the material being reviewed. The abbreviations used for the various characterization techniques are shown in Table I. The technical literature appearing during the last two years since the last review is covered, as has been the practice. References begin in January 1985 and end in November 1986.

METALS Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel. The applications of surface characterization to iron, cobalt, and nickel and their alloys are shown in Table 11. There continues to be significant interest in chemisorption of elemental and molecular gases to specific crystal orientations of these metals. In addition, there has been a growing interest in activated or modified surfaces. For example, the interaction of CO with clean and sulfur modified Fe(100) surfaces has been investigated with XPS and TDS (369).Investigation of the CO adsorption as a function of sulfur coverage on the Fe(100) surface indicated that sulfur reduces the CO dissociation by blocking the sites for dissociated carbon and oxygen atoms. AES and XPS were used to study the enhanced CO adsorption and dissociation on potassium-activated cobalt foils (610). Sulfur-activated (205,206,229) and potassium-activated (379)Ni(100) were studied by a variety of tools including AES, TDS, UPS, XPS and WF measurements. The increasing availability of a wide variety of surface analytical tools has resulted in multitechnique analysis of most materials.

an, E. MSQI*e la E n g M n g Wnager of

Cwsplay Peripheral Products. SI Tekvmlx. Inc. k% cunenl respOnSibWs lmlude the development of MIW display and hardcopy matwiala. He has DYW 15 years Of expri-

ence In the development and application Of MIW analvtlcai techniques. Reylously with Texas Instruments. he did research on SUIlace chsractwlatbn techniques investlaat-

mi" films and metaiilstbn systems used h Um mkr(lBiecvmics industry. He is editM of Jwmal Of E k h o n SpecWoscopv. Serbs Edna 01 Noyes Publicanons m SemiWnductor Materials. and a member of the e d n ~ l a ih a r d of The Jounal 01 Vacuum Science and Techmfqy. He is a member of the Executive Comminee fa the Elechonie Materials and R m e s s e s Division of the American Vacuum Society. 8s well 8s being a member of the Executive Camminee for the Electronic Materials DivisIMl of the Electrochemical Society He a150 SBWVBI on the R q r a m Comminee of the International Conferenceon Metallurgical

Table I. Abbreviations AEAPS AES APS AR

Auger electron appearance potential spectroscopy Auger electron spectroscopy appearance potential spectroscopy angle-resolved Ab change in work function ELL ellipsometry EELS electron energy loss spectroscopy EMP electron microprobe analysis ESD electron stimulated desorption ESR electron spin resonance EXAFS extended X-ray adsorption fine structure EXFAS extended fine Auger structures FEM field emission microscopy FIM field ion microscopy IPS inverse photoemission spectroscopy ISS ion scattering spectroscopy IR infrared LEED low energy electron diffraction NRA nuclear reaction analysis PE photoemission PIXE particle induced X-ray emission RBS Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy RHEED reflection high-energy electron diffraction SAM scanning Auger microscopy SEM scanning electron microscopy STM scanning tunneling microscopy SERS surface enhanced Raman scattering SIMS secondary ion mass spectroscopy spin polarized SP SPPD spin polarized photoelectron diffraction SPIPE spin polarized inveme photoemission TDS thermal desorption spectroscopy TEM transmission electron microscopy UHV ultrahigh vacuum UV photoelectron spectroscopy UPS XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XRD X-ray diffraction XRF X-ray fluorescence WF work function



294 R


Segregation of impurities and constituents of multicomponent systems to surfaces is another area of growing interest illustrated by Table 11. For example antimony segregation to the surface of F e S b alloys has been studied over the temperature range from 450 to loo0 OC through a combination of techniques including XPS, AES, and LEED (55, 70,408, 431,607). 0 1987 American Chemical Society