Air pollution - American Chemical Society

266-272. (26L) Nelson, J. K.; Getty, R. H.; Birks, J. W. Anal. Chem. 1983, 55, 1767. (27L) Parll, j. D.; Paul, D. W.; Green, R. B. Anal. Chem. 1982, 5...
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Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 223R-238R (21L) Bayer, E.; Llu, G. H. J . Chromatogr. 1983, 256(2),201-212. (22L) Wang, F. S.; ShanfleM, H.; Zktkls, A. Anal. Chem. 1982, 54 (II), 1886-88. (23L) Schuh, H. Erdoel Koble, Erdgas, Petrochem. 1983, 36 (a), 279-80. (24L) Drushel, H. V. J . Chromafcgr. Scl. 1983, 27 (E), 375-84. (25L) Helm H. M.; Klrchner, H. H. Richter, W. PTB-Mltf. 1981, 97 (4). 286-272. (26L) Nelson, J. K.; Getty, R. H.; Blrks, J. W. Anal. Chem. 1983, 5 5 , 1767. (27L) Parll, J. D.; Paul, D. W.; Green, R. B. Anal. Chem. 1982, 54 (12), 1969-72. (28L) Smlth, S. L.; Qarlock, S. E.;Adams, G. E. Appl. Spectrosc. 1983, 37 (2), 192-196. (29L) Yancey, J. A. ISA Trans. 1983, 22 (3), 33-41. (30L) Rose, K. J . Chromatogr. 1983, 259 (3), 445-452. (31L) Flory, D. A.; Blemann, K.; Barker, C. 011 Gas J . 1983, 87 (3), 91-98. (32L) Herzog, H.; Buddrus, J. Chromatographla 1984, 78 (I), 31-3. (33L) Norrls, T. A.; Rawdon, M. 0. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56 (II), 1787-69. (34L) Smith, R. D.; Feldsted, J.; Lee, M. L. Int. J . Mass. Spectrom. Ion PhyS. 1983, 4 6 , 217-20. (35L) Smlth, R. D.; Felix. W. D.; Feldsted, J. C.; Lee, M. L. Anal. Chem. 1982, 54 (II), 1883-1885. (36L) McNair, H. M. J . Chromatogr. Scl. 1982, 20 (12) 537-50. (37L) Combellas, C.; Bayart, H.; Jasse, 8.; Caude, M.; and Rosset, R. J . Chromatogr. 1983, 259 (2), 211-225. (38L) Sepanlak, M. J. U . S . Dept. Energy, Rep., IS-T-933, 1981, 155. (39L) Volgtman, E.; Wlnefordner, J. D. J . Ll9. Chromatogr. 1982, 5 (II), 2113-2122. (40L) Lai, E. P. C.; Su, S. Y.; Volgtman, E.; Wlnefordner, J. D. Chromatographla 1982, 75 (IO), 645-849.

(41L) Dorn, H. C. Anal. Chem. 1984, 56 (6). 747A-758A. (42L) Stolyhwo, A,; Colin, H.; Gulochon, G. J. Chromatogr. 1983, 265 (I), 1-18. (43L) Mowery, R. A. J . Chromatogr. Scl. 1982, 20 (12), 551-59. (44L) Krigman, A. I n Tech. 1983, 30 (IO), 34-40. (45L) Krigman, A. In Tech 1983, 30 (IO), 9, I O , 12, 16. (46L) Bajek, W. A.; Kuchar, P. J.; Remec, A. A. B. Hydrocarbon Process, Int. Ed. 1984, 63 (3), 77-81. (47L) Mitchell, P. G. Anal. P m . 1983, 20 (9). 464-467. (48L) Vlllalobos, R.; Senman, H.; Siemon, R.; Sallmlan, S. Adv. Instrum. 1983, 38 (1I), 439-55. (49L) Hartford, A., Jr.; Cremers, D. A.; Loree, T. R.; Qulgiey, G. P.; Radziemski, L. J.; Taylor, D. J. Proc. Spie-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 1983, 411, Electroopt Instrum. Ind. April, 92-6. (50L) Moody, Stephen E.; Nelson, Leonard Y.; Grynberg, Jack J., Eur. Pat. EP 72, 222 (CI.G01N21/39), 18 Feb. 1983, US Appl. 290,824,07 Aug 1981. (51L) Apffei, J. A.; McNalr, H. J . Chromatogr. 1983, 279, 139-44. (52L) Slngh, J. J.; Sprinkle, D. R. Scl. Tech. Aerosp. Rep. 1983, 27 (21). (53L) Chemlcalweek 1983, 732 (5). 58. (54L) Can. Chem. Process 1983, 67 (4), 26-27. (55L) Slegwarth, J. D.; LaBrecque, J. F. Oil Gas J . 1982, 80 (51), 64-69. (56L) Osborne, J. E. I n Tech 1983, 30 (io), 49-51. (57L) Wright, C. Chem. Eng. 1983, 90 (12). 18. (58L) Oil Gas J . 1983, 87 (27), 82. (59L) Jones, C., In Tech 1982, 29 (e), 51-54. (60L) Huber, L. Dtsch. Ges. Mlneraloelwlss Kohlechem. el'., Compend 1982-3, 308-9. (61L) Dlctor, R. A,; Bell, A. T. Eng. Chem., Fundam. 1984, 23 (2), 252-256. I

Air Pollution Donald L. Fox Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina a t Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

This review covers the. literature from late 1982 to October 1984. A major source of information was Chemtcal Abstracts Selects: Pollution Monitoring. In addition journals in the areas of air pollution and analytical chemistry were surveyed. The organization consists of two major divisions: gaseous methods, which have single letter designations after reference numbers, and aerosol and particulate methods, which have two letter desi nations after the reference numbers. It was not possible to ave subdivisions for every compound and only some species are discussed by techniques used for their analysis. This somewhat arbitrary division was not mutually exclusive; therefore material on hydrocarbons, for example, appears in several sections in GASES and AEROSOLS.


GASES Books and Reviews. Cheremisinoff (1A) authored a book on air and particulate matter instrumentation and analysis. Albai es et al. compiled a book on the chemistry and analysis of hyfirocarbons in the environment (2A). A new book on the identification and analysis of organic pollutants in air was written by Keith (3A). Reviews included general reviews (4A-7A), laser techniques (8A, 9A), lidar (10A-12A), FTIR (13A), remote sensing (14A, 15A), and spectroscopy (16A, 17A). In addition review articles appeared on radicals (18A, 19A), toxic substances (20A), GC/MS techniques (21A), mass spectroscopy (22A), gas chromatogra hy (23A, %A), NO, speciation (%A) and passive monitoring k6A). Calibration Methods. Permeation devices using Teflon membranes and tubing were developed for generating a broad range of concentrations (IB). Stellmack and Street describe Teflon permeation devices for high-pressure gases (2B). The operating characteristics of several gas flow meters were discussed (3B). Development of a dynamic dilution system for SO auditing was reported (4B). Wright et al. (5B)describedthe performance audit program for comparing vendor and auditor analytical resulta for 23 certified reference material batches of CO in N . Agreement was within 0.5 relative % . Samimi (6B)showedsignificantwall absorption occurred when 0003-2700/85/0357-223R$06.50/0

using a closed loop calibration system formed by connecting two MIRAN-IA IR as analyzers in series. Solvents with lower vapor pressure ha greater losses. Ozone, Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) systems were described for the measurement of O3and other gases. Two systems using CO lasers and airborne platforms were discussed (IC, 2C). third airborne system (3C) operational from 280 to 1064nm permitted measurementsof 03,SO2,NO2, water vapor, tem rature, pressure, and aerosol backscattering. Comparisons wigin situ ozone measurements show agreement within -5 ppb. Brassington reported a ran ing technique based on photoacoustic spectroscopy (PADART. This system may be used to detect gas leaks in industrial plants (4C). A long-path IR laser was developed for measurement of O3in field studies (5C). Performance test results and comparative data for federally designated reference and equivalent methods for O3 were reported by Sexton et al. (6C). O3was measured in air by the ozonolysis of 1,l-diphenylethylene. This method was sensitive and specific with no interference from SO2 and techniques were described to prevent NO, interference (7C). Problems associated with effects of altitude/pressure changes in chemiluminescencemethods for O3(8C-11C) and NO, (11C) were reported and methods for correction were discussed. A galvanic AgI solid-state sensor was developed for monitoring O3and NO2in the 1ppb to 0.5ppm range. This system is nonspecific for O3 and NOz (12C). Nitrogen Oxides and Acids. Tunable diode laser systems have been developed and applied for measuring trace concentrations of NO, NO2,and HN03 (ID, 20) and other gases (30-50). Webster and Grant (6D) have conducted laboratory tests of tunable diode lasers using topographic targets with a sensitivity for NO2 of 5 ppm/m. Suggested applications included measuring leaks from industrial, waste disposal, and other hazardous situations. Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) techniques for NO (70) and NO2 (8D, 9D)were reported.



@ 1985 American Chemical Society

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A thermal lens spectroscopic system has been developed (100) and improved (110)for continuous measurement of NOz with a detection limit of 5 ppb. Bures and co-workers (120) used a self-scanned photodiode array for laboratory detection and measurement of NOz by dispersive spectroscopy. Benoit (130)investigated the use of atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectroscopy to measure NOz and SOz. Negative thermal ionization mass spectroscopywas discussed as a method for measurement of NO2 (140). ChemiluminescenceNO, techniques were reported. Stedman and co-workers (150) have developed a luminol-based chemiluminescent NOz detector to measure parts-per-trillion concentrations. Interference by O3 was eliminated by modification of the inlet system and the luminol solution. Delany et al. (160) improved a commercial NO, detector with a larger reaction chamber, a faster vacuum pump, and a prereactor. The modified instrument had a detection limit of 0.1 ppb with a response time of -3 s. Volz and Drummond (170) developed a sensitive chemiluminescent detector using 0, for determining NO and NOz with detection limits of 5 and 10 ppt for a 200-s integration time. Collection of NOz by various media for subsequent analysis was the subject of several articles. Triethanolamine was used as the basis for passive NOz diffusion samplers (180-200) and collection filters (210). The effect of reduced atmosphere pressure on a diffusional sampler was H,S > thiophene with detection limits of 0.1, 0.3, 4, and 12 pph (44. Bingemer developed a method for preconcentration and subsequent GC and flame photometric analysis of reduced S gases from the atmosphere. Mid-Atlantic samples showed M e a Concentrationsfrom 2 to 44 ng of S/m3 0. Halogens and Halocarbons. Cheplen and co-workers ( I K ) have reported an analytical method for free chlorine in the nresence of ammonia. Chlorine S collected in an aoueous soluiion of 2,6dimethylphenol and the subsequent chiorination product is determined by gas chromatography. Aoyama and Yashiro ( 2 K ) determined free rhlorine by collection of 0.2% sulfamic acid solution, followed by a barbituric acid method. Detection limim were 0.034.04 pph for 60-min samples collected at a flow rate of