Air Pollution Effects on Plant Growth

INDEX. A. Absorption, COo. Acetylated sterol glycosides (ASG). Adenylate status, total. Air pollutants, phytotoxic. Air quality standards, U.S. ambien...
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Downloaded by on May 24, 2018 | Publication Date: June 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1974-0003.ix001

A Absorption, COo Acetylated sterol glycosides (ASG) Adenylate status, total Air pollutants, phytotoxic Air quality standards, U.S. ambient Ambient ozone concentrations Amino acid analyses uptake utilization (ASG), acetylated sterol glycosides Atmospheric pollutants, secondary Β Bifacial lesions Binding site Bioenergetics of plant systems, impact of ozone on the

2 80 108 88 124 22 2jj 130 80 129


D Destruction of membrane semipermeability Digestion, cyanogen bromide Discolorations, ozone-induced Dithiothreitol ( D T T )

2 32 106

g g g4 qq 2 24 24

g 24 94 72

F Fatty acid changes induced by ozone .... Ferredoxin Flecking as a symptom of ozone injury Free-space washing Free sterols (FS) Fumigation period

6 44 4 4

Index of ozone injury Inhibition of photosynthesis by phyto­ toxic air pollutants Injury index of ozone physiology of plant pigmentation in plant to plants, mechanisms of ozone Interaction, plant-environmental Interactions, plant-plant

97 115 97 94 94 76 1 48

Leaf tissue, effects of ozone on the ultrastructure of 83 Lesions, bifacial 2 Linolenic acid 66, 80 Lipid metabolism 79 in ozone injury to plant membranes, role of potassium and 58 peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid-malonyl dialdehyde (MDA) to meas­ ure 81 Luciferin-luciferase assay 108 Lysozyme, reaction of ozone with 22 Lysozyme, reduction of ozonized 32

γ« J2Q

m Malonyl dialdehyde ( M D A ) to measure lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid Mechanisms of ozone injury to plants .... Membrane role of potassium and lipids in ozone injury to plant semi-permeability, destruction of ultrastructure Metabolite pools of plants, ozone-induced alterations in Metabolite pools in roots Mitochondria

40 51 88

76 130 80 83

Ν Nerst-equation response Net photosynthesis rate Nitrate reduction, effects of ozone on ....

59 115 48

Ε Electron flow in isolated chloroplasts, inhibition of Electron flow, photosynthetic Envelope, chloroplast Environmental interaction, plantEnzyme activities of plants, ozone induced alterations in Enzyme-substrate complex



C Canopies, plant Carbohydrate uptake Cell permeability effect of ozone on plant Chloroplast envelope Chloroplasts, inhibition of electron flow in isolated C 0 absorption Complex, enzyme-substrate Cyanogen bromide digestion

G Gel electrophoresis Genetic variability on plant tolerance, effect of Growth, effects of chronic ozone exposures on plant Growth, soil conditions vs. plant H Humidity, relative



j 1

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Dugger; Air Pollution Effects on Plant Growth ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.

81 76 58 9 83



Downloaded by on May 24, 2018 | Publication Date: June 1, 1974 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1974-0003.ix001

Nucleotide uptake Nutrition, plant Ο Ozonation, physiological damage to seedlings following Ozone on the bioenergetics of plant systems, impact of concentrations, ambient exposures on plant growth, effects of chronic fatty acid changes induced by induced alterations in metabolite pools of plants discolorations physiological reactions pigment changes injury flecking as a symptom of index of to plants, mechanisms of to plant membranes, role of potas­ sium and lipids in with lysozyme, reaction of on nitrate reduction, effects of plant susceptibility to on sulfhydryl (SH) groups in leaves, effect of on the ultrastructure of leaf tissue, effects of Ozonized lysozyme, reduction of Ozonolysis Ρ (PAL), phenylalanine ammonia lyase .... Palisade parenchyma (PAN), peroxyacetyl nitrate Parenchyma, palisade Period, fumigation Permeability cell destruction of membrane semieffect of ozone on plant cell Peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid-malonyl dialdehyde ( M D A ) to measure lipid Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) .... Photoperiod Photosynthesis by phytotoxic air pollutants, inhibition of ....·. Photosynthesis rate, net Photosynthetic electron flow Physiological damage to seedlings following ozonation Physiological reactions, ozone-induced Physiology of plant injury Phytotoxic air pollutants inhibition of photosynthesis by Pigment changes, ozone induced Pigmentation in plant injury Plant canopies environmental interaction growth, effects of chronic ozone exposures on

16 5

128 106 22 44 73 40 94 95 95 76 97 76 58 22 48 102 78 83 32 23 48 77 1 77 83 9 9 8 81 1 48 1 115 115 99 128 95 94 88 115 95 94 117 1 44





Plant (continued) injury, physiology of injury, pigmentation in membranes, role of potassium and lipids in ozone injury to nutrition plant interactions susceptibility to ozone systems, impact of ozone on the bioenergetics of Plants, mechanisms of ozone injury to .... Poa annua Pollutants inhibition of photosynthesis by phytotoxic air phytotoxic air secondary atmospheric Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) Potassium and lipids in ozone injury to plant membranes, role of Potassium pump (PPO), polyphenol oxidase Protein synthesis inhibition

94 94 58 5 50 102 106 76 3 115 88 129 48 58 58 48 143

R Rate, net photosynthesis Reactions, ozone-induced physiological Reduction of ozonized lysozyme Reflection coefficient Relative humidity Roots, metabolite pools in S Salt transport Secondary atmospheric pollutants Seedlings following ozonation, physiological damage to Semi-permeability, destruction of membrane (SG), sterol glycosides Soil conditions vs. plant growth Standards, U.S. ambient air quality Status, total adenylate Sterol glycosides (SG) Substrate complex, enzymeSusceptibility to ozone, plant Sulfhydryl (SH) groups in leaves, effect of ozone on

115 95 32 18 4 51 18 129 128 9 80 4 124 108 80 24 102 78

Τ Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) -malonyl dialdehyde (MDA) to meas­ ure lipid peroxidation Tissue, effects of ozone on the ultrastructure of leaf Tolerance, effect of genetic variability on plant Total adenylate status

6 108

U Ultrastructure, membrane U.S. ambient air quality standards Utilization, amino acid

83 124 130

68 81 83

W Washing, free-space Water transport

Dugger; Air Pollution Effects on Plant Growth ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1974.

130 16