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air pollution hazardous mat eri als instruments - ACS Publications

tus furnishes 60 min of breathing protection to workers in hazardous or toxic atmospheres. Apparatus is. NIOSH-certified. Biomarine. 101. Indoor air p...
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AIR POLLUTION Breathing protection. The BioPak60 self-contained breathing apparatus furnishes 60 min of breathing protection to workers in hazardous or toxic atmospheres. Apparatus is NIOSH-certified. Biomarine 101 Indoor air pollution control. “High-tech” method is used t o clean and treat heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems that could otherwise be sources or conduits of polluted air. Clean Air Systems 102 Low-NO, burners. Company offers its ISC line of burners designed to reduce NO, emissions without costly boiler modifications or additional pollution control equipment. Peabody Engineering 103

Safety and Health Administration approval. Racal Health and Safety 104

HAZARDOUS MATER IALS Destruction of toxic organics. “Silver Bullet” is a new electrochemical process that destroys a variety of toxic organic materials i n waste streams. The system uses a silverbased catalyst. IC1 105 Mercury spill control. Mercury Spill Control Station helps clean up mercury spills in laboratories and workspaces. Mercury can be vacuumed u p and absorbed without any contact with workers. Lab Safety Supply 106

VOC control. Fluidized-bed continuous carbon adsorption system controls volatile organic carbon (VOC) vapors with safer operation and lower operating costs, from 35 standard ft3/min (scfm) to more than 100,000 scfm. Use of air or nitrogen as stripping agent removes the need to treat wastewater. Kreha 107

INSTRUMENTS Ozone in air monitor. The TG800KA portable battery-powered ozone detector continuously monitors ozone at levels below 0.1 ppm. The detector can work for as long as 30 hours and weighs less than 1 lb. CEA Instruments 108 Particle counter. Model 3761 condensation particle counter uses an odorless, nontoxic, nonflammable working fluid to detect particles as small as 0.02 pm in concentrations of 0-1000 particles/cm3. TSI 109 Respiratory protection. Air-Vest 1 and Air-Vest 1 7 respiratory protection systems combine respiratory protection with a personal cooling vest, which can cool supplied air by as much as 45 “F. Company says systems have NIOSH a n d Mine

PAH aerosol analyzer. Model PAS 1 oooi photoelectric aerosol sensor measures polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air indoors and outdoors in real time and is sensitive to ng/m3. Altech Systems 110

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Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their release directly to Environmental Science and Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St., LV.W.,Washington, DC 20036.

1688 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 25, No. IO,1991

Shallow well sampler. GEOGUARD shallow well sampler can work as deep as 26 ft to collect samples for measuring nongas parameters. It purges before sampling and can work from a car battery, gel battery, or an AC source. American SigmaGeoguard 111

UV sampler. Lambda 2 ultraviolet UVivis autosampling system allows unattended analysis and quality control for up to 137 samples. Software is built in. Perkin Elmer 114 Toxic gas alarms. The mini Pac nondisplay devices will give an alarm when H,S, CO, SO,, or NO, are detected in the workplace. They can be worn on a belt or shirt pock117 et. National Draeger

H,S in wastewater. Model 722R/ 500 measures hydrogen sulfide in wastewater on line, unattended, to levels of ppm. Houston Atlas 118 Workplace air monitoring. Atmos 1000 uses Fourier transform infrared to measure trace levels of gases and vapors in the workplace. Device is designed to reduce effects of known interferences and eliminate calibration drift effects. Nicolet Instrument 119 Sample concentration. The 810 Series systems automate thermal desorption of air sampling tubes or solids and sparging of trace components from liquid samples. System is used with GC or GC-MS and is designed to prevent GC column overload. Envirochem 120 Wastewater samplers. Model TC-2 wastewater sampler is designed for use with effluent and raw sewage. It features continuous flow and natural turbulence and is easy to clean. 123 Sonford Samplers Soil gas sampling. Soil sample collection device for Vapor Trace soil gas surveys is a proprietary device that eliminates cross contamination. It “sees” surfaces that have not been contaminated previously. 125 Tracer Research

0013-936X/91/0925-1688$02.50/0 C 1991 American Chemical Society

sories, and products for environmental analysis. Ask for catalog from PE XPRESS. Perkin Elmer 131

PUBLICATIONS UST and piping. Total Solutions newsletter is available free for anyone interested in the latest developments concerning underground storage tanks and associated piping. Updates on EPA regulations are a major feature. Total Containment 132 Environmental risk reporting. A 48-page book contains presentations from a workshop, Environmental Risk Reporting: T h e Science a n d t h e Coverage, a part of the AAAS Meeting, New Orleans, 1990. Lehigh University 133 Impactor sampler. The Marple 290 is the only personal sampler that can measure respirable, thoracic, and inspirable particulate masses simultaneously. Developed under NIOSH contract, it can measure dusts down to 0.5 pm. Andersen Instruments 126 Water quality measurement. MPM4000 MiniLAB collects data o n dissolved oxygen, ammonia, pH, salinity, lead, and chloride simultaneously with a single probe. Solomat 127

NO, analyzer. Pro-NOx 2000 continuously monitors NO, emissions in exhaust gases from combustion processes. It can be used as an in situ analyzer, but is easily moved to different locations. Land Combustion 128 Hydrocarbon analyzers. Models 23-500 and 23-700 total hydrocarbon gas analyzers continuously measure hydrocarbon gases in a gas stream and can measure engine effic i e n c y a n d c a r b o n b e d breakthrough. Sensitivity is 0.03-19,999 ppm reported as CH, in N,. GOWMAC Instrument 129 pH tester. Shirt-pocket-sized pHep PLUS pH tester measures pH to an accuracy of kO.1. It features automatic temperature compensation and two-point calibration. Hanna Instruments 130 Biotechnology products for analysis. Company offers full line of biotechnology instruments, acces-

Vinyl recyclers. Updated directory, Directory of Companies Involved in Recycling of Vinyl (PVC) Plastic, gives names, addresses, and phone and fax numbers for U.S. companies. The Vinyl Institute 134 Estuaries and coastal waters. Periodical, Coastlines, covers topics concerning U.S. estuaries and nearcoastal waters. Vol. 1,No. 6 discusses nonpoint pollution, the new government wetlands manual, and the San Francisco Estuary Project. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay 135

Biogenic gas analyses. Company offers real-time detection of biogenic gases associated with the degradation of subsurface contaminants, for assessing redox conditions, carbon conversion rates, and bioremediation progress. Interphase 136 Water quality analysis training. Company is offering free training workshops on environmental testing and water quality analysis. Ask for Literature 4158. Hach 137 Air pollution testing. Employeeowned company provides comprehensive air pollution testing services. Ask for 1991 brochure. Entropy 138 Environmentalists Engineering services. Company offers full line of services in environmental engineering, groundwater, asbestos, industrial hygiene, a n d design and development of thermal systems for destructing hazardous waste. Benchmark Engineering 139

SOFTWARE Audits. AUDIT-PC Version 1is a PC software package for hazard assessment studies. It covers audits, safety reviews, and checklists of industrial systems, and assists in complying with OSHA process safety management regulations. PrimaTech 140 Material safety. MSDS Express software is designed for any industry that must keep Material Safety Data Sheets for hazardous chemicals on its premises available at all times. ImageTrak Software 141

STANDARDS Leachate toxicity. Standards are available for EPA’s Toxicity Characteristics Leachate Procedure, for use w i t h a p p l i c a b l e EPA m e t h o d s . SPEX 142 Multicomponent organics. EPAcertified standards are available for multicomponent solutions consisting of benzene a n d four related compounds. Other multicomponent organic standards also are available. NSI Environmental Solutions 143 Standards for EPA methods. Comprehensive line of organic analytical standards is available for use with EPA Methods Series 500, 600, and 8000. AccuStandard 144 High-purity standards. Catalog lists large line of standards, many of which can be used for analyzing environmental contaminants and satisfying the requirements of various EPA methods. Crescent Chemical 145 Gas standards. Company has available gas standards for the precise measurement “of a variety of air emissions.” Request Form #6931. Liquid Carbonic 146

WATER TREATMENT Washwater recycler. Water Saver WS-55 allows film processors to recycle 95% of washwater and reduce silver levels below the EPA limit of 5 ppm. Company also manufactures silver recovery systems. Agmet Resource Recovery 147 System testing. New respirometry system provides testing and process modeling data on biological wastewater treatment systems “in onetenth the time of currently existing 148 processes.” The ERM Group

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 25,No. IO, 1991 1689