air pollution hazardous waste instruments - ACS Publications

QuietCat is a “tool free” catalytic converter for controlling NO,, CO, and nonmethane hydrocarbons from stationary engines. No tools are needed to...
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AIR POLLUTION NO, removal catalyst. CER-NOx I11 zeolite catalyst significantly improves the performance of CERNOx abatement systems, of which 150 now are in use worldwide. Operating temperatures with ammonia are 520 “C and temperature stability is 700 “C. The catalyst can be totally recycled into new catalyst. Atlas Minerals & Chemicals 113

types of dry particulate matter. United Air Specialists 117



Breathing a i r purifiers. Models 8390 and 8395 portable breathing air purifiers remove a variety of contaminants, tastes, and odors and meet s t a n d a r d s of NIOSH a n d OSHA. Containing no moving parts, the units have visual signals that indicate when disposable air purifier cartridges need to be replaced. Matheson Gas Products 114 Engine emission control. LoNOx QuietCat is a “tool free” catalytic converter for controlling NO,, CO, a n d nonmethane hydrocarbons from stationary engines. No tools are needed to gain access to the catalyst charge. Emission Control Systems 116

Substitute for hazardous cleaners. LIQUI-NOX detergent is a substitute for hazardous solvent cleaners such as trichloroethylene and certain alcohol-based solutions that require the use of protective devices. This cleaner reduces risk to laboratory personnel and the environment. Alconox 118 Petroleum absorbents. A wide variety of Oil Select Products absorb oil and other petroleum hydrocarbons while they repel water-based liquids. They come in various shapes to meet needs of most industries. Capacities are 9.4 to 116 gal. Direct Safety Company 119

Catalytic pollutant oxidation. Purzaust NOX catalyst technologies reduce NO, levels below 10 ppm, PRO catalysts resist poisoning by trace elements, and HDC catalysts destroy chlorinated hydrocarbons. Ask for “Catalytic Oxidation of Air Pollutants.” AlliedSignal 115

VOC removal. The BREEZE is a compact air stripping system that removes volatile organic compounds, radon, dissolved gases, and other contaminants from groundwater, drinking water, hazardous waste sites, and leaking storage tanks. VOC removal rates can reach 99.9%. AEROMIX Systems 120

Cartridge dust collector. DUSTHOG PORTA-HOG has low air-tocloth ratio and is rated at 1000 ft3/ min. It meets OSHA standards for removing welding smoke and many

Environmental monitor. Model 501-A automated, continuous gas chromatograph monitors large areas

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2666 Envimn. Sci. Technol., VoI. 27. No. 13, 1993

unattended. Applications include monitoring workplace exposure, leaks from tanks, and specific determinations of contaminants in chemical plants to ppb levels to meet EPA and OSHA requirements. HNU 121 Systems Gas analysis. MTI M200 micro GCs use gas chromatography to analyze gases at locations such as rooftops, landfills, swamps, sewers, and pilot plants. Applications include measuring VOCs in wastewater, monitoring stack gases, and sample screening. Minimum detection normally is 1 ppm. MTI Analytical Instruments 122 Conductivity detector. pGold HALL 2000 conductivity detector uses GC for environmental and quality control needs. It can be “tuned” for halogen-, nitrogen-, or sulfur-containing compounds such as pesticides and sulfur in fuel oils. Tremetrics 123 Opacity monitoring. Models 4000 and 4500 opacity monitors, made by Erwin Sick, meet and exceed EPA standards for measuring air opacity to help ensure clean stack emissions. The Model 4500’s measuring path is up to 65 A. Land Combustion 124 Toxics in ambient air. EnviroSpec 3000 analyzer monitors toxic and hazardous gases in ambient air at ranges from 1 ppm to 100%.Instrument can monitor up to 64 sample point locations and give an alarm to show where a preset limit is exceeded. ABB Process Analytics 125 Organic vapors. MSI-301 monitors accurately detect organic vapors such as benzene, ethylene oxide, and methyl bromide at levels well below those set by EPA and OSHA. They can sample as many as four components at up to four remote locations. Microsensor Systems 126 P u r g e - a n d - t r a p system. S.I.S. purge-and-trap system prepares samples for measuring VOCs in water and solid matrices, off-odors, and manufacturing byproducts. A variety of sample tubes can be used. Scientific Instrument Services 127 Indoor air monitoring. Type 1302 multigas monitor measures carbon monoxide, VOCs, and other such

0013-936x193/0927-2666$04.00/0 0 1993 American Chemical Society

gases in real time, to ensure that indoor air quality standards are being met. Bruel & Kjaer 128

engineering, and turnkey project management. Hydro Group 142


Toxic gas monitors. The MLD line of continuous toxic gas monitors detect CO, chlorine, formaldehyde, hydrazine, HCI, HCN, NO, NO,, and SO,. Digital readouts and dual alarms are featured. Interscan 129 PCB measurement. Immunoassay test kit can measure polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in soil quantitatively. Other immunoassay kits are available for measuring pesticides and industrial 130 contaminants. Millipore UST location. The SIR System-2 uses subsurface interface radar to help engineers pinpoint buried manmade sources of contamination, such as underground storage tanks (USTs), buried drums, and burial trenches. It also helps to map underground contamination plumes. Geophysical Survey Systems 131 Trace metal analysis. SpectrAA800 spectrometer uses atomic absorption (AA) to detect trace metal contaminants in air, body tissues and fluids, human and animal food and feed, and industrial areas. Device uses narrow-beam optics. Varian Associates 132 W - B measurement. Current Model 501 UV-Biometer is based on 20 years of experience in measuring solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation (290-320 nm). which is suspected of causing skin cancers. More UV-B may be striking Earth because of stratospheric ozone depletion. Solar Light 133 Nutrients in water. TRAACS 800 analyzer with TAOS software analyzes fresh- and sea-water samples for nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate, and ammonia at a rate of 80120 sampleslh. The automated system reduces time a n d cost per analysis; data are compatible with laboratory software systems such as CLP and LIMS. Bran + Luebhe 134

PUBLICATIONS Business and environment. “Business and the Environment: The Shape of Things to Come.” details the growing environmental pressures businesses will face. The article is in PRISM, Third Quarter 1993, p. 5. Arthur D. Little 135

Emissions monitoring. Software CEM is a predictive air emissions monitoring system (PEMS) that provides not only accurate measurements, but insight into the causes of emissions and suggested ways of reducing SO,, NO,, CO. and VOCs. Pavilion Technologies 143



TSCA.The TSCA Software database ifety products. Fisher Safety Pro ucts Reference Manual lists safe and industrial hygiene equipme such as spill control, protective clothing, air monitors, and ergonomic aids. Ask for Bulletin #1126C US. Fisher Scientific 138 Water instrumentation. Global Water catalog contains a comprehensive list of instruments and systems for determining water quality and treating water. Global Water 136 Analyzing organics. Environmental Literature Reference Guide lists gas chromatography applications such as measuring pesticides, herbicides, dioxins, triazines, and polychlorinated biphenyls. J&WScientific 137 Exposure assessment. Exposure Assessment Fundamentols, an EMF Studies Resource Paper describes the goals, tools, and strategies for assessing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). It provides hackground material and presents several key studies of occupational and residential exposure. Electric Power 139 Research Institute

SERVICES Gas handling safety. Fax system will provide information regarding the proper handling of compressed gases, specialty gases, and cryogens by printouts through a toll-free telephone line. More than 250 products 140 are covered. Airco Gases Waste management. Company provides many services in industrial waste management and material recycling. EnviroSource 141 Groundwater. Hydrogeologic consulting and engineering services cover water supply investigation, contamination assessment. remedial

details every chemical manufactured, imported, or sold in the United States, including those on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory-ahout 40 MB of data. Data are quickly found through a “hypertext engine.” SOLUTIONS 144 Software Environmental monitoring. EnviroMac, for the Macintosh computer, is used to collect and monitor environmental data and develop ways to reduce pollutant generation and energy consumption. The software also can control equipment to meet these goals. Price is $899. Remote 145 Measurement Systems

VOC and HC removal. A620 filter media is a “best available technology” for removing hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds from water. Retention times are sharply reduced. Midwest Environmental 146 Safety Supply Lead and VOC removal. ATC Sorbent reduces lead in tap water to nondetectahle levels and removes volatile organic compounds and the taste and odor of chlorine. It traps lead at pH levels as low as 5.0 with147 out leaching. Engelhard Algae control. Terbuthylazine now has EPA registration for use in controlling algae in chlorinated and nonchlorinated industrial water systems. It is an alternative to algal control products being withdrawn from the market for environmental 148 reasons. FMC Lake cleaning. Proprietary microbial formulations help curb algae blooms that come about because of lake eutrophication. Currently the cultures are being used to clean up an algal infestation in a 35-billion149 gallon lake. InterBio

Environ. Sci. Technol.. Vol. 27, No. 13, 1993 2667