Air Products and Chemicals, Inc

Air Products andChemicals,. Inc., P.O. Box 538, Allentown, PA. 18105. (215) 481-8257. In Europe, call or write Air Products Limited,. Hersham Place, M...
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Even if everyone had the same quality specialty gases, our delivery would still make us different. There's a lot more to being a quality supplier than making a consistently high-quality product. It's also being able to deliver that product consistently on time. Sure, we pioneered computercontrolled gas blending, and today our purity analysis is among the most advanced in the industry. Our analytical techniques include surface spectrometry with SIMS/ ISS capability for cylinder and piping materials. But all of this would mean nothing without a delivery system equally sophisticated.

Our computerized order entry network makes processing your order fast and easy. Your requirements arrive from one of our seven strategically located specialty gas facilities or one of 84 stocking points, nationwide. If you'd like to know more about how different we really are, put us to the test. Pick a specialty gas with really tough specs. One you need in a hurry. Then let us show you what delivering quality is all about. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., P.O. Box 538, Allentown, PA CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD

18105. (215) 481-8257. In Europe, call or write Air Products Limited, Hersham Place, Molesey Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey Ktl2 4Rz, England, (Oil) (44) (932) 249200. ©Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1985

Quality delivered on time, time after time.