Airco Industrial Gases

you're doing will work without a hitch. All of which is good for you because — whatever you're doing with your specialty gases and equipment—Airco...
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WE HAVE THE SOLUTIONS BEFORE YOU HAVE THE PROBLEMS. Making specialty and rare gases is a lot tougher than using them. That may be tough for us, but it's good for you. It's tough because our experts, like Frank Kramer, have to make sure every cylinder or other container of our pure gases and gas mixtures are exactly what we certify them to be. And we have to make sure they'll perform exactly as you expect them to perform. We have to make sure there are no trace heavy-metals in your electronics gases. We have to know your N O calibration gases are not polluted with excess NO2. And we want you to know that you will not get 0.12-ppm hydrocarbons in your 0.10 certified zero air. To do that, we use the same kind of instmmentation in our specialty gas production plants that you do in your facilities. Mass, emission, x-ray, infra-red and atomic absorption spectroscopy, flame ionization detectors, scanning and transmission electron microscopes, scanning electron microprobes,

x-ray fluorescence and, of course, gas chromât ographs. (We regard the gas chromatograph as a piece of production equipment, and we probably have more G C experience than most of our customers combined. ) In addition, we often set up the same equipment in the same application environment that you do just to make sure everything you're doing will work without a hitch. All of which is good for you because — whatever you're doing with your specialty gases and equipment—Airco people like Fran! Kramer have probably done it before. Hundreds of times over. We're happy to share our knowledge, experience and facilities—and even Frank — with you any time you like. Simply call or write our Specialty Gases and Equipment Dep Airco Industrial Gases, 575 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974. (201) 464-8100. Albion, M I (517)629-9161 Baton Rouge, L A (504) 383-1436 Chicago, I L ( 312) 468-4200 City of Industry, C A (21 3) 960-287 Houston, T X ( 713 ) 22 5-602 7 Phoenix, A Z ( 6 0 2 ) 273-1255 Pittsburgh, PA (412) 562-3723 Raleigh-Durham, N C (919) 549-06 Riverton, NJ (609) 829-7878 Santa Clara, C A (408) 247-5470 South Acton, M A (617) 263-7767 Vancouver, W'A (206) 695-1255