A.J.P. Martin Honorary Symposium - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

A.J.P. Martin Honorary Symposium. Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (11), pp 1152A–1154A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00288a759. Publication Date: September 1985...
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2:10 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS)—A Nondestructive, Surface Analysis and Depth-Profiling Technique. D. A. Stern, General Ionex Corp. 2:30 Time-Resolved Analysis of Fermentation Broths Using FTIR Spectroscopy. L. J. Wachter, Mattson Instruments, Inc. 2:50 Analysis of Gas-Phase Metal Cluster Reaction Product Ions. J. E. Campana, Naval Research Laboratory 3:10 Comprehensive Analysis of Toxic Chlorinated Dioxins and Dibenzofurans Using Low- and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. D. R. Hilker, New York State Department of Health 3:30 Deconvolution of Spectra. J. G. Dodd, Colgate University 3:50 Small-Spot ESCA Applications. L. Salvati, Perkin-Elmer

Ronald Belcher Memorial Award The publisher of Talanta is instituting a Ronald Belcher Memorial Award in commemoration of Belcher's outstanding contributions to analytical chemistry and to international relations and understanding, his interest in student welfare, and his continued association with Talanta from his conception of the journal in 1957 until his death. The award will be a travel grant of $1000 to enable a young analytical scientist to undertake travel abroad; it will be made in alternate years, starting in 1986. Candidates may be of any nationality but must be under 30 years of age at the time of application. Applications can be submitted by candidates themselves or on their behalf by a sponsor (e.g., department head or research supervisor). Applications must be submitted by the end of the year preceding the award and must include a brief curriculum vitae, a short statement of the purpose of travel and the places to be visited, a testimonial of ability, and a recommendation from a senior research worker. Applications for the 1986 award should be sent to either R. A. Chalmers, Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, Old Aberdeen, Scotland, or to J. D. Winefordner, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611, U.S.A. They must be received before Dec. 31, 1985.


Preparative-Scale HPLC

Chaired by J. Cazes, Varex Corp. 1:30 Scale-up of Analytical HPLC to Preparative. R. Hartwick, Rutgers U 2:00 Optimization of Experimental Conditions in Preparative HPLC. H. Colin, Varex Corp. 2:30 Optimization of Resolution and Loading Capacity in Preparative Chromatography of Proteins. F. Régnier, A. Tice, W. Kopaciewicz, Purdue U 3:00 Preparative HPLC Isolation and Identification of Phospholipids from Lecithin. W. J. Hurst, R. M. Sheeley, and R. A. Martin, Jr., Hershey Foods Technical Center 3:30 Preparative Reverse-Phase Chromatography of Natural Products. R. D. Sitrin, J. J. Dingerdissen, and P. DePhillips, SmithKline & French

Mettler Award in Thermal Analysis The North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) requests nominations for the 1986 Mettler Award. This award consists of a certificate, a $1000 honorarium, and a travel allowance of $400 to the 15th NAT AS meeting Sept. 21-24, 1986. The award recognizes and encourages work in and distinguished service to the field of dynamic thermal analysis, including but not restricted to thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, and effluent gas analysis. A nominee must have performed outstanding service in the field of dynamic thermal analysis or performed outstanding creative work in the creation of or refinement of measurement techniques of generally wide interest during the preceding five years. Nominations should include a description of the accomplishments of the nominee that are relevant to the Mettler Award. Nominations will be accepted through Dec. 31, 1985, and the award will be announced by April 1, 1986. Nominations should be sent to Ruth Whitaker, 1986 NAT AS Awards Chairman, Monsanto Research Corp., Mound Facility, P.O. Box 32, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342. A.J.P. Martin Honorary Symposium A symposium was held in Urbino, Italy, in May 1985 to mark the 75th

Computers in the Laboratory Current Practice and Future Trends

J o s e p h G. L i s c o u s k i , Editor Digital Equipment Corporation Spotlights the computer revolution with descriptions of state-of-the-art automation for the lab. Explores what is being done today and protects areas where the revolution is headed. Evaluates the use of robots for routine sample preparation and discusses the use of graphic displays to make information easier to understand. Looks at analyzing information in data bases, modeling from experimental data, and surviving the flood of data from modern chemical instrumentation. Shows how to effectively extract useful information from volumes of data. Conveys the breadth of computer usage in chemistry and the gains to be made with their use. CONTENTS Robots and Robotics in the Lab · General Lab Data Management and Specific Lab Needs · Applying Database Management in the Analytical Chemistry Lab • Planning an Approach to Lab Automation · Network and Communications · Introduction to Graphics · Chemists and Computers in the Corps of Engineers · Computer Generation of Structure-Effect Relationships from Text Data Bases • Coping with the Information Explosion Provided by Modern Chemical Instrumentaion · The Universe is Stochastic and Nonlinear Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Computers in Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 265 128 pages (1984) Clothbound LC 84-18518 ISBN 0-8412-0867-0 US & Canada $34.95 Export $41.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 14 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card.

News birthday of A. J.P. Martin. Martin is an honorary professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, and he was the 1952 corecipient of the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention of partition chromatography. In acknowledgment of his many important contributions to chromatography, Martin was awarded an honorary doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Urbino. Three other awards were also presented during the opening ceremonies of the symposium:

W . A . E . McBryde of the University of Waterloo was the guest of honor at a reception held by the Chemical Institute of Canada on June 4, 1985. He is pictured being presented with a gift from Shier Berman on behalf of his colleagues and friends. The gift, reflecting his recent activities in the history of chemistry, was a rare copy of Henry Croft's "Course of Practical Chemistry," published in 1 8 6 0 . He also received a scroll a n nouncing the creation of the McBryde Medal to be awarded annually under the administration of the Analytical Division of the Canadian Society of Chemistry for significant work advancing analytical chemistry done in Canada by a worker under the age of 4 0 . The first medal will be awarded in 1 9 8 6 . Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund endowing the medal can send contributions payable to "The W . A . E . McBryde Fund" to D.A. Brisbin, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3 G 1 , Cana-

• The Chromatography Society presented A.J.P. Martin Awards to Arnoldo Liberti, professor at the University of Rome and director of the Italian Institute for Air Pollution, and to Charles Edward Roland Jones, past chairman of the Chromatography Society. • The Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society presented an award to Franco Poy, vice-president of DANI S.p.A., for his contributions to the development of gas chromatography instrumentation.

McBryde (left) and Berman da. Nominations for the medal should be directed to Arthur Chow, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2 N 2 , Canada.

1985 meetings are listed in the January-June and August issues.

Call for Papers

1985 Symposium on Preparative Liquid Chromatography Washington, D.C. May 12-14, 1986. The symposium will include invited and contributed lectures, communications, and posters as well as an exhibition of equipment for preparative HPLC. Abstracts should be submitted before Nov. 15, 1985, to Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, Md. 21793 (301-898-3772).

Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL




• ASTM Annual Meeting—Practice of Chromatography. Oct. 6-9. Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: Katherine Schaaf, ASTM Standards Development Division, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (215-299-5529) 1986 • Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. Jan. 3-10. Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. Contact: Ramon Barnes, Department of Chemistry, GRC Towers, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003 (413545-2294) • International Symposium on Preparative and Scale-Up Liquid Chromatography. Jan. 15-17. Paris,