Al(2P){SiH4} - American Chemical Society

Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSS IAI. Received April 22, I988. Weakly bound complexes between CHI and metal atoms in their ground electronic states (GS) h...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 110, 6888-6890


tables of positional and thermal parameters, bond distances and angles, and hydrogen atom positional and thermal parameters, and information concerning diffraction experiments with twinned crystals of AgOTeFS(CH2C12)(10 pages); table of observed and calculated structure factors (16 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

The AI( 2P)(SiH4]Complex and the Photoreversible Oxidative-AdditiodReductive-Elimination Reaction: AI(2P)(SiH4]irt HfiiAIH Michael A. Lefcourt and Geoffrey A. Ozin* Lash Miller Chemistry Laboratory University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSS IAI Received April 22, I988 Weakly bound complexes between CHI and metal atoms in their ground electronic states (GS) have proven to be difficult species to detect and characterize by either gas-phase or matrix-isolation techniques.' One would anticipate that the longer, weaker SiH bonds of SiH4 and the existence of low-lying empty 3d-orbitals would open up favorable electronic/structural channels for enhanced interactions with G S metal atoms compared to its lighter congener CH4. In this communication we report spectroscopic and a b initio quantum chemical details for the A1(2P)(SiH4)complex which support this view as well as information on the photoreversible oxidative-addition/reductive-elimination reaction: Al(2P)(SiH4}e H,SiAlH

On depositing A1 atoms into progressively doped SiH4/Ar mixtures at 12 K, passing from neat Ar to neat SiH4, one notes in the optical spectrum a smooth transformation from narrow A1 atom 2S 2P (340 nm), 2D 2P (293,288,280 nm) excitations to a situation displaying broad, structured absorptions around 450-350 and 280-245 nm (Figure 1A-D). The substitution of SiH4 for SiD4 caused significant narrowing of these two broad features on the order of -475 and 150 cm-l for the low- and high-energy absorptions, respectively (si1ane:argon = 1:10, Figure IC), implicating a silane complex as the species responsible for the Al/SiH4 optical spectrum. The corresponding EPR spectra of Al/SiH4 and Al/SiD4 strongly support this view. In brief, the axial A1(2P) hyperfine sextet observed in solid Ar at 12 K (27Al, Z = 5/2, natural abundance 10096, Figure 2A) on progressively doping with increased concentrations of SiH4, is replaced by the dramatically distinct EPR spectra depicted in Figure 2 (parts B, C-i, and D). Since the differences exhibited within this group are very small relative to the change observed upon initial doping (si1ane:argon = 1:100, Figure 2 (parts A to B)), it is reasonable to postulate a 1:l stoichiometry for the proposed A1(2P)iSiH4}complex assuming that a statistical dispersion of the SiH4 in Ar exists upon matrix formation. The participation of SiH4 in the species responsible for these EPR spectra is demonstrated by the narrowin of the observed A1 hyperfine lines in Al/SiD4 matrices; &/&il = 0.307 (Figure 2C-ii) consistent with the optical results described above. In concert with the EPR spectral diagnostics, spin Hamiltonians including axial and orthorhombic magnetogyric tensors, 27Al hyperfine and 'H/2H superhyperfine tensors, were employed to computer-model the EPR transitions of the different C,, C , and C, A1(2P)(SiH4}geometries in attempts to simulate the experimental spectra. Excellent best-fit simulations2 (omitting con-







(1) (a) Ozin, G. A. Merhone Activation on Single Metal Atom Sites; Gas

Research Institute Methane Activation Conference Rocoedings, Houston, TX, 1985. (b) Trammel, G. T.; Zelda, H.; Livingston, R. Phys. Rev. 1958,ZZO(3), 630. (c) Bowman, M.; Kevan, L. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1975, 30(2), 208.


200 300 4d0 560 660 760 8dOnm Figure 1. UV-vis spectra (12 K, -6 pg total metal; 1:104dilution in host). * indicates band due to AIz: (A) N / A r deposition spectrum. (B) Al/(l:100 SiH,/Ar) deposition spectrum. (C) (-) AI/(l:lO SiH4/Ar)

deposition spectrum, (---) AI/( 1:lO SiD4/Ar) deposition spectrum, AI/(l:lO SiH4/Ar) after photolysis at 400 nm (20 nm fwhm) for 1 1 min. (D) A1/SiH4 deposition spectrum. (-e)

tributions from paramagnetic 29Si;I = 1/2, natural abundance 4.7%) could be obtained for each of these Al(SiH4Jinteraction schemes (Le., Figure 2C-i) including in the spectra the presence of superimposed trace amounts of isolated SiH3 radicals: gll= 2.004, g, = 2.006, All = 17 MHz, and A , = 23 MHz (cf. ref 3). Preliminary a b initio quantum chemical calculations4 favor the C, geometry similar to the three-center



bonding schemes in known hydrosilyl complexes of certain Crand Mn-containing organometallic compounds determined by (2) Fitting programs written by Lozos, G.; Hoffman, B.; Franz, C. Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Versions of these programs exist at the Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (3) (a) Raghunathan, P.; Shimokoshi, K. Spectrochim. Acto 1980, 36A, 285. (b) Morehouse, R. L.; Christiansen, J. J.; Gordy, W. J . Chem. Phys. 1966,45, 175 1. (4) (a) MONSTERGAUSS software package written by: Peterson, M. R. Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, and Poirier, R. A. Department of Chemistry, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. (b) 3-21G split-valence basis-set: Binkley, J. S.; Pople, J. A.; Hehre, W. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1980, 102, 939. (c) Spin-restricted HartreeFock method: Kato, S.;Morokuma, K. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1979, 65, 19. An extensively modified version was adapted for MONSTERGAUSS. (d) Geometry optimizations, optimally-conditionedgradient method: Davidon, W. C.; Nazareth, L. Argonne National Laboratories Technical Memos 303 and 306, Argonne, IL.

0002-7863/88/1510-6888$01 .SO10 0 1988 American Chemical Society

J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 110, No. 20, 1988 6889

Communications to the Editor







3383 jd83 Q Figure 2. EPR spectra (12 K, -50 pg total metal; -1:104 dilution in host). indicates bands due to trace CH3 radical impurity, and * indicates bands due to trace SiH, radical: A. AI/Ar deposition spectrum; g,,,g,, and AI hyperfine splittings shown as stick spectra are qualitative. B. Al/(l:100 SiH,/Ar) deposition spectrum. C.i. (-) Al/(l:lO SiH,/Ar) deposition spectrum; (---) computer simulation for A1(ZP)(SiH4) employing the C, model 1-proton orthorhombic interaction. R M S = 0.030. g values and AI hyperfine splittings are shown as qualtitative stick spectra (see text for best-fit parameters). ii. Al/(l:lO SiD,/Ar) deposition spectrum. iii. AI/( 1:10 SiH4/Ar) after photolysis at 400 nm (20 nm fwhm) for 90 min. D. Al/SiH4 deposition spectrum. 3183

XRD.S On these grounds we report the results of the excellent orthorhombic fit obtained for this model of the A1(2P)(SiH4] complex: g, = 1.999, gz N g3 = 1.982; A,(Al) = 117, A2(A1) = 88, A3(AI) = 77 MHz; A,(H) = 13, A2(H) = 18, A3(H) = 16 MHz, as well as the calculated atomic spin-densitied pA1(3p) = 80.1, p~l(3S)= 0.4, pH(1S) = 1.1% (cf. Al/CH4:’ p ~ l ( 3 P )= 93.2, p~l(3S)= 0.5%; Al/Ar:* pd(3p) = 98.3, p~l(3S)= 0.5%). A dramatic decrease in the A1 atom 3p spin-density is observed on passing from Al/Ar to A1/SiH4, approximately 3.5 X larger than the effect from Al/Ar to AI/CH4. In A1(2P)(SiH4Jonly -82% of the unpaired spin-density can be accounted for by the A1(3s/3p) and the H( Is), implying that most of the remaining 18% is residing on the silicon. It should be stressed however that these values are approximate due to the method of their determinatione6 Additional support for the identification of the G S AI(*P){SiH,} complex stems from its photochemical conversion to the insertion product H3SiAlH. This transformation (hv = 400 nm, fwhm = 20 nm)? is clearly seen by the loss of AI(2P)(SiH4)optical and


( 5 ) Schubert, U.; Miiller, J.: Alt, H. G.Organometallics 1987, 6,469. (6)Calculated via the method of Morton, J. R.; Preston, K. F. J. Magn. Reson. 1978, 30, 577.





li osx

4200 G


Figure 3. Expanded field EPR spectrum recorded at increased gain showing photolysis product resonances. Separated central region absorptions are due to unreacted Al(*P)(SiH,} and correspond to the spectrum shown in Figure 2C-iii. (-) Al/(l:lO SiH,/Ar) after photolysis at 400 nm (20 nm fwhm) for 90 min. (---) computer simulation for nonlinear H3SiA1H (orthorhombic, C, symmetry) RMS = 0.067. g values and AI hyperfine splittings are shown as qualitative stick spectra (see text for best-fit parameters).

EPR spectral signatures and their replacement by product absorptions (Figures lC, 2C-iii, and 3), together with the concomitant evolution of IR absorptiocs at 2116, 1784, and 842 cm-I, which show identical growth patterns and characteristic isotope shifts to 1522, 1300, and 628 cm-’, on substituting SiH4for SiD4. Of particular note is the striking similarity of some of the EPR/IR/optical properties of the A1(zP)(SiH,) photoproduct to those recently reported for H3CAIH.’*I0 The EPR spectra for both molecules correspond to orthorhombic species displaying single A1 atom hyperfine and single hydrogen superhyperfine splittings: g, = 2.006, gz = 2.003, g3 = 2.002; AI(A1) = 890, A2(A1) = 753, A3(AI) = 717 MHz; A,(H) N A2(H) A3(H) = 62 MHz for H3SiAlH, and g, N gz = 2.002, g3= 2.000; A1(AI) = 880, A2(A1) = 723, A3(Al) = 712 MHz; A,(H) = 157, Az(H) = 146, A3(H) = 154 MHz for H3CA1H.” High level ab initio calculations (6-31G**)12 yield bond angles at the AI atom of 118.80’ and 118.35O for H3SiAIH and H3CAlH, respectively. Characteristic v, and 6, IR frequencies for the SiH3 and CH3 groups, and bound AlH vs modes for both molecules are in agreement with accepted organic and inorganic compilations.13J4 Reductive-elimination by broad band photolysis (520 nm, for H3SiA1H, cf. 550 nm for H3CAlH7) manifests itself in each of the spectroscopies employed showing photoreversibility to be inherent to both systems. The important differences in electronic and bonding architecture between the two molecules are most pronounced in the EPR (observed and simulated spectra shown in Figure 3 for H3SiAIH) (7)Parnis, J. M.;Ozin, G.A. J . Phys. Chem. 1988, accepted for publication. (8) Calculated from Al-hyperfine data in the following: Ammeter, J. H.; Schlosnagle, D. C. J . Chem. Phys. 1973, 59, 4784. (9) 450-W Xe arc lamp (Osram) in an Oriel housing coupled to a IO-cm water-filled IR filter cell and an Oriel 7240 monochromator delivering 50-100 pW emm2at the sample. (10)Parnis, J. M.; Ozin, G.A. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 1699. (11) Error in gvalues: f0.001;error in A values: i l MHz. If the two lowest ener y absorptions at 520,305 nm are associated with the 2A’(*) 2A’(u) and f A’(*) 2A”(r) transitions of H3SiA1H,this would imply to a first approximation that g, g, > g, and gz.3 g, = g,. g3 g,, g, 2 g,, N g, based on the HOMO-LUMO 2A’(r) 2A”(*) transition beiig associated with the 550-nmabsorption of H3CAlH. (12)6-31G**polarized basis-set: Hariharan, P. C.; Pople, J. A. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 16, 217; Theo. Chim. Acta. 1973, 28, 213. (13) Maslowsky, E., Jr. Vibrational Spectra of Organometallic Compounds; Wiley: New York, 1977. (14)Nakamoto, K. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds; 3rd ed.; Wiley: New York, 1978.





J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 6890-6891

where increased 27Alhyperfine splittings for H,SiAlH results in a decrese in pA1(3p)to 62% from the 65% found in H3CAlH and a concomitant decrease in proton superhyperfine interaction results in a drop of almost 7% (1 1% to 4.4%) in pH(1s). The pA(3s) value of 20% remains the same. As mentioned before, such values are approximate.6 Similar to the A1(2P)(SiH4)complex the "missing" spin density is believed to reside on the Si atom of the SiH, group.










Acknowledgment. The generous financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is greatly appreciated. The award of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (M.A.L.) is deeply appreciated. Valuable computational assistance from Dr. Douglas McIntosh and Dr. Mike Peterson with various aspects of the EPR simulations and a b initio calculations are gratefully acknowledged.



A Concise Route to the Calicheamicin-Esperamicin Series: The Crystal Structure of a Core Subunit Samuel J. Danishefsky,* Nathan B. Mantlo, and Dennis S.Yamashita Department of Chemistry, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut 0651 1

liberating 1 from the arene, the amenability of 1 to annulation via dilithium salt 2, and the feasibility of installing the trisulfide moiety from Y. The variation which we explored here is one where Y corresponds to a spiroepoxide, generated by the elegant chemistry of Adler and B e ~ k e r . ~ . ~Compound ~.~ 6 available by reduction (LiAIH4) of 5* when oxidized with sodium periodate in THF-H20

Gayle Schulte Yale University Instrumentation Center New Haven, Connecticut 0651 1 Received June 7, 1988 The goal of synthesizing the antitumor antibiotics esperamicin'" and calicheamicin1b*2is one which will engage the attention of synthetic organic chemists for some time. In addition to addressing the challenge intrinsically posed by these omate systems, synthesis can be used to generate simpler variants which might mimic the quite extraordinary DNA cleaving properties of the drugs. The ultimate goal is the identification of compounds with greater margins of therapeutic usefulness. A synthesis of a system containing an enediyne and a bridgehead olefin was accomplished by Schreiber and Kie~sling.~ A recent disclosure by Magnus and Carter provided the first simulation of the cycloaromatization chemistry of a synthetically derived enediyne, related to these antibiotics? We have begun an investigation of the enediyne antibiotics with a view toward total synthesis and medicinal chemistry. A direct rhrust which leads in a few steps to an extensively functionalired core ensemble is now possible. Moreover, the first crystallographically derived structural information on a prototype system has thus become accessible. Our results are described herein. A central element of our strategy was the use of a benzenoid matrix to contain the functionality of the eventual cyclohexenone substructure of the natural products. At a strategic point, the system 1 would be exposed. The ketoaldehyde (Y undefined) would be merged with the previously described (Z)-dilithioenediyne Z5 Crucial to success would be a productive choice of Y in structure 1. The selection must harmonize the ease of (1) (a) Golik, J.; Dubay, G.; Groenewold, G.; Kawaguchi, H.;Konishi, M.; Krishnan, B.; Ohkuma, H.; Saitoh, K.; Doyle, T. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1987, 109, 3462. (b) Lee, M.; Dunne, T.; Siegel, M.; Chang, C.; Morton, G.; Borders, D. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1987, 109, 3464, 3466. Zein, N.; Sihha, A. M.; McGahren, W. J.; Ellestad, G. A. Science (Washington,D.C.)1988,240, 1198. (2) The revision in stereochemistry at C,, in calicheamicin from that

initially publishedlb was suggested in a personal communication by Dr. M. Lee of the Lederle group. (3) Schreiber, S.L.; Kiessling, L. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988,110, 631. (4) Magnus, P.;Carter, P. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 110, 1626. (5) Danishefsky, S.J.; Yamashita, D. S.; Mantlo, N. B. Tetrahedron Lett., in press.

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l 6

afforded 7 (65% overall yield). Reaction of 7 with the DessMartin periodinane gave a 70% yield of 8.9 Mesylation of 7 (MeS02C1; Et3N) afforded 9. Seco systems 10, 12, and 14 were obtained in good yield by the monoaddition of dilithioenediyne 2 to compounds 8,9, and 7, respectively. Compounds 10 and 12 as well as their silylated derivatives 11 and 13 failed to undergo cyclization in the desired sense after treatment with lithium diisopropylamide. The product arising from 12 was the 7-oxanorbomene derivative 16. A remaining possibility to be screened was one in which cyclization would be attempted on an enediyne aldehyde of the type 15. However, we were unable to reach this compound by oxidation of 14. Success was achieved by an adaptation of the Comins concept of in situ aldehyde protection.1° Treatment of starting ketoaldehyde 8 in THF a t -40 O C with lithio N-methylanilide generated what we surmised to be the corresponding lithio a-aminoalkoxide adduct. Administration of 2 equiv of dilithioenediyne (6) Adler, E.; Brasen, S.;Miyake, H. Acta Chem. Scand. 1971, 35, 2055. Becker, H.; Bremholt, T.; Adler, E. Tetrahedron Lett. 1972, 41, 4205. (7) (a) Berchtold, G. A.; Sher, F. T. J . Org. Chem. 1977, 42, 2569. (b) Corey, E. J.; Dittami, J. P. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1985, 107, 256. We note that the stereochemical course of the addition of dilithio salt 2 to compound 15 parallels that observed for a related process in this reference. (8) McMurry, J.; Erion, M. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1985, 107, 2712. (9) Dess, D. B.; Martin, J. C. J . Org. Chem. 1983, 48, 4155. (10) Comins, D. L.; Brown, J. D.; Mantlo, N. B. Tetrahedron Lett. 1982, 23, 3979. Comins, D. L.; Brown, J. D. J. Org. Chem. 1984, 44, 1078.

0 1988 American Chemical Society