ALBERENE STONE - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 25, 2012 - ALBERENE STONE. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (7), pp 143A–143A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60200a858. Publication Date: June 1963. Copyright © 1963 ...
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MATERIALS Cesium Chloride

A new cesium chloride is especially prepared for ultracentrifuge separation of macromolecules. It has an optical density of 0.06 at 260 πΐμ in a 60% aqueous solution, in contrast with pre­ viously available material with an op­ tical density of about 0.70. GallardSchlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., 1001 Franklin Ave., Garden Citv, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 501 Tin Radioisotope Tin-119m, a radioisotope with high specific activity is newly available. It is widely used as a Mossbauer effect source, and the increased specific ac­ tivity extends its usefulness in this ap­ plication. Nuclear Science and Engi­ neering Corp., Pittsburgh 36, Pa. 502 Powdered Teflon A non-staining, dry-lubricating pow­ der, Fluoro-Glide 200, is available for use in laboratories as an aid in instru­ mental mechanisms. The material is white with a 10-micron average particle size, and offers the expected resistance to solvents and acids of Teflon prod­ ucts. The powder is supplied in a con­ venient squeeze bottle. Chemplast, Inc., 3 Central Avs., East Newark, N. J. 503

with the new prices. New England Nuclear Corp., Boston 18, Mass. 505 Radioactivity Standards

Four new radioactivity standards— calcium-45, chlorine-36, iodine-125, and cerium-139—are available from the Na­ tional Bureau of Standards. Five radium rock standards, krypton-85, and contemporary carbon for radiocarbon dating have been re-issued as standards. Calcium-45 (Sample No. 4942, $38) is issued as a solution of calcium chlo­ ride in hydrochloric acid and has a nominal activity of 8 X 104 d.p.s./ml. Iodine-125 (Sample No. 4944, $24) is issued as a 5-ml. solution with a nominal activity of 3 Χ 104 d.p.s./ml. Chlorine-36 (Sample No. 4943, $26) is supplied as a solution of sodium chlo­ ride in water, and has a half life of 3 Χ 105 years. Cerium-139 (Sample No. 4999, $32) is issued as a solid point source.

Krypton-85 (Sample No. 4935, $23) is supplied as 10 ml. of gas. Contemporary carbon is issued as 1 lb. of oxalic acid at a price of $4. Orders for radioactivity standards should be sent to Miss E. Zandonini, Radioactivity Standard Samples, Ra­ dioactivity Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. Hydrocarbon Standards

The American Petroleum Institute has announced the availability of two new hydrocarbon standard samples. They are: l-trans-2, cis-3, transAtetramethyl-cyclopentane and 1-methyl-3-ethyl-5-iert-butylbenzene. These samples are supplied as 5-ml. ampoules at $65 each. A full list of all available standard hydrocarbons may be ob­ tained by writing Beveridge J. Mair, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pe­ troleum Research Laboratory, Pitts­ burgh 13, Pa.

No surface glaze or coating

Sulfhydryl Kit A sulfhydryl kit is available which provides a battery of reagents useful for detecting sulfhydryl groups of vary­ ing reactivities in proteins. The kit contains one gram each of the follow­ ing: p-chloromercuribenzoate, iodoacetic acid, iodoacetamide, iV-ethyl maleimide, acrylonitrile, dinitrofluorobenzene, o-iodosobenzoic acid, S-carboxymethyl cysteine, S-carboxyethyl cysteine; 500 mg. of cysteinyl-succinic acid; 50 ml. of β-mercapto ethanol; 250 mg. of S-DNP-cysteine; and 10 g. of ethyl amine. Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., 1001 Franklin Ave., Garden City, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 504 C a r b o n - 1 4 and Tritium Compounds

Across the board reductions in prices of all carbon-14 and tritium labeled compounds have been announced. A new catalog, Schedule K, lists over 300 carbon-14 labeled compounds and more than 100 tritium labeled compounds

Alberene Stone has a surface that goes all the way thru



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3 5 , N O . 7 , JUNE 1 9 6 3
