BIOLOGICAL AND ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES. With NEW CONTOUR CHUCKS, two independently working sets of slim self-centered jaws permit, for the ...
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GL50 À BENCH GLASS LATHE for professional

or occasional


This unit Is durable a n d compact requiring only 2 ' χ 3 ' bench a r e a . . . can hold tubing from 0-64 mm through spindle a n d up to 6 " o.d. on the ex­ clusive contour chucks. Complete, ready to operate.

Price $ 6 7 5 . 0 0

IDEAL FOR PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES A With NEW CONTOUR CHUCKS, two independently working sets of ^ slim self-centered jaws permit, for the first time, chucking and c e n t e r i n g of a v a r i e t y of shapes and sizes. GL50 FLASK HOLDER W with asbestos covered Steel Fingers. Universal self-center­ ing; permits mounting in head or tailstock up to 6 " o.d.; accepts blowhose and swivel. BURNER CARRIAGE holds lathe f i r e or one or t w o hand torches.




will be a signal of 0.001 megacycle per second = 1000 cycles per second, which is in the audio range. This beat, or heterodyne frequency, can be measured with a precision of one cycle per second or better by comparing it with the output of a variable audio frequency oscillator. Thus, heterodyning permits a high frequency signal to be greatly re­ duced in frequency by a precisely known amount, with a consequent improvement in the sensitivity with which small changes in the original frequency can be detected. Sen­ sitivities of 1 p.p.m. are common with this technique, and parts per billion and better have been ob­ tained. The frequency comparison of the beat signal with the audio generator is very conveniently obtained by observing the Lissajous figures pro­ duced on an oscilloscope when one of these signals is introduced on the horizontal deflection plates, while the other is introduced on the vertical deflection plates.

HELIERTOWN, PA. Circle No. 7 on Readers' Service Card

O t h e r T y p e s of

Low absorbency protection water absorption by weight is less than 0.20% in Â8 hours


The preceding summary is not in­ tended as a comprehensive treat­ ment of the subject of oscillators. Many useful circuits have not been mentioned, and much important de­ tail has been left out of the dis­ cussion of those few circuits which have been included. The principal objective has been to show the role played by oscilla­ tors in present-day analytical work, to make clear some of the basic principles involved in the generation of sustained oscillations, and to call attention to a few of the unique potentialities of these devices for the solution of experimental prob­ lems. Bibliography


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42 A



Evans, R. N., Porter, C. B., "Experi­ mental Basic Electronics," McKnight and McKnight Publ. Co., Bloomington, 111., 1958. Ladd, M. F. C , Lee, W. H., Talanta 4, 274 (1960). Miiller, R. H., Gannan, R. L., Droz, M . E., "Experimental Electronics," Pren­ tice-Hall, New York, 1942. Rider, J. F., "The Oscillator at Work," John F . Rider Publ., Inc., New York, 1940.