Single source convenience and responsibility for all your high vacuum needs. Here's how! Choose f r o m Alcatel's c o m p l e t e line of high vacuum t e c h n o l o g y e q u i p m e n t w i t h proven reliability and backed by w o r l d w i d e sales and service.
H e l i u m leak detectors Ultra-sensitive performance, combined with exclusive single point tuning for extremely simple operation. Three models to choose f r o m : ASM-10 portable leak test station; ASM-51 with manual t h r o t t l i n g ; ASM-52 with automatic sequencing. Available with a 3-mass option for pushbutton selection of H i , He3, Ηβ4 for nuclear and cryogenic applications. Send for Bulletin 102-80
Direct drive ^ · mechanical pumps The international standard for reliability and quality with over 20 models to choose from. Standard Series (3.2 to 1 50 cfm) for general needs; Hermetic Series (7.0 to 40 cfm) for precious gases; Chemical Series (3. to 90 cfm) for corrosive gases. Send for Bulletin 100-80
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Turbomolecular "
pumps Exclusive design featuring air bearings and dynamic seal to elim inate the need for a backing pump and possible oi backstreaming 120 and 450 l/sec. models provide silent, vibration free operation. Send for Bulletin 104-80 C o m p l e t e line of standard vacuum accessories Full range of standard traps, fittings, couplings, etc. sim plify installation and assure optimum system performance. Send for Bulletin 105-80
Crystal d i f f u s i o n pumps and p u m p i n g systems The new generation offering out standing performance with ultra-low —ibacks treaming, Alcatel ,ΜΕΛΛ ^ \ high pumping . \ speed, and •t low base pressure. J S E HB r Also avail ^•Ίί'ΧΓ able as a component or complete •» pumping station. Send for Bulletin £ « 103-80
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Alcatel offers application assistance and maintenance from service locations throughout the United States and the world. Write or call for our free descrip tive brochures, price, and delivery infor mation to Alcatel Vacuum Products, 60 Sharp Street, Hingham, MA 02043. Telephone: 617-337-7910.
Roots pumps and p u m p i n g systems Available as a component or as a pack aged pumping system. Simple design and rugged construction provide long, trouble-free operation. Alcatel offers several designs to match specific application requirements. Send for Bulletin 101-80
of CitCom
Systems Inc . New York. Ν Υ
In Canada: Canadian Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. 2755 de Miniac, St. Laurent, Montreal H4S Ί Ε5 12 Berryman St., Toronto, Ontario M5R 1 M6 In Europe: C I T - Alcatel High Vacuum Division 33, Rue Emeriau - 75725 Paris Cedex 1 5 (France) Worldwide sales and service: 19 agencies on four continents
See these and other Alcatel high vacuum products at Booth 1026 & 1028, Pittsburgh Conference; and Booth 407, SSE ' 8 1 . CIRCLE 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD