Alcatel Vacuum Products

optimum system performance. Send for Bulletin 105-80. Alcatel offers application assistance and maintenance from service locations throughout the Unit...
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Single source convenience and responsibility for all your high vacuum needs. Here's how! Choose f r o m Alcatel's c o m p l e t e line of high vacuum t e c h n o l o g y e q u i p m e n t w i t h proven reliability and backed by w o r l d w i d e sales and service.

H e l i u m leak detectors Ultra-sensitive performance, combined with exclusive single point tuning for extremely simple operation. Three models to choose f r o m : ASM-10 portable leak test station; ASM-51 with manual t h r o t t l i n g ; ASM-52 with automatic sequencing. Available with a 3-mass option for pushbutton selection of H i , He3, Ηβ4 for nuclear and cryogenic applications. Send for Bulletin 102-80

Direct drive ^ · mechanical pumps The international standard for reliability and quality with over 20 models to choose from. Standard Series (3.2 to 1 50 cfm) for general needs; Hermetic Series (7.0 to 40 cfm) for precious gases; Chemical Series (3. to 90 cfm) for corrosive gases. Send for Bulletin 100-80

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Turbomolecular "

pumps Exclusive design featuring air bearings and dynamic seal to elim inate the need for a backing pump and possible oi backstreaming 120 and 450 l/sec. models provide silent, vibration free operation. Send for Bulletin 104-80 C o m p l e t e line of standard vacuum accessories Full range of standard traps, fittings, couplings, etc. sim­ plify installation and assure optimum system performance. Send for Bulletin 105-80

Crystal d i f f u s i o n pumps and p u m p i n g systems The new generation offering out­ standing performance with ultra-low —ibacks treaming, Alcatel ,ΜΕΛΛ ^ \ high pumping . \ speed, and •t low base pressure. J S E HB r Also avail­ ^•Ίί'ΧΓ able as a component or complete •» pumping station. Send for Bulletin £ « 103-80

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Alcatel offers application assistance and maintenance from service locations throughout the United States and the world. Write or call for our free descrip­ tive brochures, price, and delivery infor­ mation to Alcatel Vacuum Products, 60 Sharp Street, Hingham, MA 02043. Telephone: 617-337-7910.



Roots pumps and p u m p i n g systems Available as a component or as a pack­ aged pumping system. Simple design and rugged construction provide long, trouble-free operation. Alcatel offers several designs to match specific application requirements. Send for Bulletin 101-80



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Systems Inc . New York. Ν Υ

In Canada: Canadian Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. 2755 de Miniac, St. Laurent, Montreal H4S Ί Ε5 12 Berryman St., Toronto, Ontario M5R 1 M6 In Europe: C I T - Alcatel High Vacuum Division 33, Rue Emeriau - 75725 Paris Cedex 1 5 (France) Worldwide sales and service: 19 agencies on four continents

See these and other Alcatel high vacuum products at Booth 1026 & 1028, Pittsburgh Conference; and Booth 407, SSE ' 8 1 . CIRCLE 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD