Alcoa Activated Alumina measures moisture in U 2 H 4 . . .
as little as .1 ppm.
New Diacon Analyzer will detect and record moisture., then switch to a dryer or any system you want to use. The measuring element of American Meter Company's new Diacon Moisture Analyzer contains only 1/15 oz. of Alcoa® Activated Alumina. Yet it will accurately detect moisture in the partsper-million range in such unsaturated hydrocarbon streams as ethylene, butadiene and butylène; and in a wide variety of normal saturated hydrocarbon streams. Users say that Diacon is the first instrument that successfully measures moisture in unsaturated liquid hydrocarbon streams. Alcoa F-1 Activated Alumina was selected as the ultimate standard in determining moisture content because of its uniform particle size and consistency of response. For the most efficient commercially available desiccants in unsaturated hydrocarbon service, investigate Alcoa's Activated Aluminas. Whether you use desiccants by the ounce or by the carload, we'll help you determine the precise type and grade of Alcoa Activated Alumina for your application. Please send for our Gas and Liquid Dehydration Questionnaire. Aluminum Company of America, 917-K Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219.