trol.” Gives theory and application of. pH control; illustrates and describes full Taylor line including light-weight comparators. W. A. Taylor and ...
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Product Capsules

Basic to Dependable Lab Ware-VITREOSIL

AVAILABLE I N : Box of 3 lbs $ 1.95 Case of 12 b x - 3 lbs. e a . 1 8 . 0 0 4 5 lb. Drum of 2 5 lbs 4 2 lb. Drum of 5 0 lbs D u m of 100 l b s . . . 4 0 lb. Dium of 3 0 0 l b s . . . 3 7 lb. IMiiihtK Higher on Pacific Coast)

Colorimeters. Full information avail­ able on differential colorimeter that pro­ vides complete color measurements in less than 30 seconds. Manufacturers Engineering & Equipment Corp., 10 Sunset Lane, Hatboro, Pa. 83A-2 Comparators. Circle 74A-1 for hand­ book "Modern pH and Chlorine Con­ trol." Gives theory and application of pH control; illustrates and describes full Taylor line including light-weight comparators. W. A. Taylor and Co., 7306 York Rd., Baltimore 4, Md. 74A-1

Crucibles. Coors crucibles are avail­ able in a complete variety of sizes and styles. Circle 82A-2 for full data. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 82A-2 Cup Sink Drains. Brochure available on polyethylene corrosion-resistant cup sink drain. Available in 3" X 6" stand­ ard oval shape, drain is strong, resilient, impermeable and non-oxidizing. Amer­ ican Agile Corp., P. O. Box 168, Bed­ ford, Ohio. 52A-1

The most exacting needs of laboratories throughout the world are most eminently a n d successfully m e t b y Vitreosil ware (pure fused silica) produced to the high­ est standards of quality. Chemical purity, high re­ sistance to heat shock, un­ usual electrical resistivity, best ultra-violet transmis­ sion (in transparent quali­ ty) and low initial cost com­ pared to platinum are some features of Vitreosil fused quartz.

Desalters. Bulletin available on com­ pletely redesigned electro-desalter that provides a rapid means of removing un­ desirable ions. Research Specialties Co., 2005 Hopkins St., Berkeley 7, Calif. 6 9 A-1 Determinators, Carbon. 16-page cat­ alog available. Illustrates both carbon and sulfur determinators and complete line of accessory equipment. Harry W. Dietert Co., 9330 Roselawn, Detroit 4, Mich. 7 6 A-1

When you're ORDERING a Detergent— and BUYING Cleanliness

£pecijfl. ALCONOX for all hand washing operations: [ALCOJET for all machine washing operations. It's α fact that A L C O N O X is the largest selling hospital and labor­ atory detergent in the world. It's also a fact that ALCOJET, its J machine washing twin is fast 1 catching up to his famous brother's record. Your only real proof lies in trying them both. O r d e r t o d a y from your nearest distributor.

Determinators, Oxygen. Circle 24A for descriptive literature giving com­ plete information and price schedule on new, improved "Oxyator" that permits continuous operation in the determina­ tion of oxygen in metals. Ledoux & Co., 359 Alfred Ave., Teaneck, N. J. 24A

In addition to our unusually large stock of transparent and opaque, including glazed and unglazed cruci­ bles, evaporating d i s h e s , beakers, tubing and rods in all diameters and sizes, we offer prompt fabrication of special items.

Determinators, Particle Size. Sartorius "Sedibal" is cited as providing rapid, accurate, automatic determina­ tion of particle sizes from 1 to 60 μ. C. A. Brinkmann & Co., Inc., Brinkmann House, Cutter Mill Rd., Great Neck, Ν. Υ. 78A-1

Write today, giving full details of your re­ quirements or ask for illustrated bulletin. THERMAL AMERICAN FUSED QUARTZ C O . , INC. 18-20 Salem Street, Dover, New Jersey

Drying Please send illustrated bulletin or informa­ tion on

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Circle No. 70 A-1 70 A




on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A


and Calcining


Circle 26A-2 for bulletin, "Research and Pilot Plan Equipment for Drying and Calcining." The C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co., 6210 Harvard Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio. 26A-2 Electrobalances. Bulletin available on portable electrobalance cited as being immune to its environment. Weighings average less than a minute. Range of (Continued on page 71 A)

AVAILABLE I N : Box 5 Lb $ 3.00 Case (6 χ 5 Lb.).. 15.00 Drum 25 lb 45 Lb. Drum 50 Lb 42 Lb. DrymlOOLb 40 Lb. Drum 300 Lb 37 Lb. (Slightly Higher on Pacific Coast)


niionox853 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 3, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 70A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A