65 on Readers' Service Card. PCR'S MASS SPEC KIT ... Phone: 904-376-7522. Liqui-Nox and ... local Laboratory Supply Dealer. ALCOTABS. ALCOJET...
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no detergent cleans as clean as ALCONOX

PARR Series 4500

Convenient b e n c h - scale units p r o v i d e c o m p l e t e facilities for applying heat and pressure t o any chemical r e a c t i o n . O n e a n d t w o liter sizes.

Pressures to 2000 psig.

Temperatures to 350° C.

except LIQUI-NOX

• Automatic temp, control. •

Available in all principal corrosion resistant alloys.

Ask for Specification 4500

PARR I N S T R U M E N T 211 Fifty-Third St.


Moline, Illinois 6 1 2 6 5

Circle No. 65 on Readers' Service Card

Liqui-Nox and A l c o n o x . . . advanced cleaning products that prove all detergents are not alike. In our own labs they are tested, compared, improved, made to be consistently superior to any other detergent available. TOTAL CLEANING POWER—for glassware, porcelain, metals, plastics SEQUESTERING—high efficiency in hard or soft water WETTING—reduce surface tension for effective, thorough rinsing NON-CORROSIVE—safe for any material SOLUBLE—dissolve completely in hot or cold water—no residue MILD—baby-gentle to the hands


ALCONOX—Powder detergent for manual cleaning or ultrasonic washers.. .Theworld's biggest seller! LIQUI-NOX—Liquid detergent for manual cleaning or ultrasonic washers . . . Phosphate-free! Ideal for tissue culture or Bio-Chemical Laboratories. ALCONOX and LIQUI-NOX for the cleanest clean! A n d w e ' l l p r o v e i t . W r i t e t o d a y f o r FREE s a m p l e s a n d a n a l y s i s c h a r t . Y o u ' l l c o n v i n c e y o u r s e l f t h a t no d e t e r g e n t c l e a n s as c l e a n a s A l c o n o x ( e x c e p t L i q u i - N o x ) . C o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l L a b o r a t o r y S u p p l y Dealer.

PCR'S MASS SPEC KIT provides a series of perfluorinated alkyl triazines with molecular weights up to 1185 permitting their use as standards up to m/e 1500 by the peak matching technique. Also included are standard lots of PFK and Heptacosafluorotributylamine. Eight fluorocarbon standards Catalog No. 01 18723 01

2 grams each $215.00

For more information call or write PCR, Department 68-4, P.O. Box 1466, Gainesville, Florida 32601. Phone: 904-376-7522


ALCO TABS Detergent tablets for syphon-type washers

ALCO JET For machine washing

ALCONOX Powder detergent for manual cleaning

LIQUI-NOX Liquid detergent for manual cleaning

ALCONOX INC. 215 PARK A V E N U E SOUTH NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 Circle No. G on Readers' Service Card


4 1 , NO. 4, APRIL 1969


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