The CLP supplies the pressure - up to 40,000 lbs., if needed. This specific use is only one of the ways this versatile laboratory assist ant meets the...
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2 chimneys and 6-inch wicks. Central Scientific Co., 1708 Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, 111. 28A Spectrographs. Circle 25A-2 for cata­ log containing information on the Bausch & Lomb 1.5 meter stigmatic grating spectrograph. Also contains information on dual-grating spectro­ graph, Littrow spectrograph, LittrowEchelle spectrograph, and Echelle at­ tachment. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60925 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 25Α-2

The Big 3.. l a b o r a t o r y a n d hospital detergents t h a t


Spectrographs. The Baird-Atomic 3-meter spectrograph is a precalibrated instrument that permits all adjust­ ments to be made from the front con­ trol panel. Single reflecting surface minimizes light loss and light scattering. Circle 20A for complete information. Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 University Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. 20A

Standard For Research . . . solves the pressing problem of forming KBr Pellets Many insoluble materials, mixed with Potassium" Bromide, can be formed in a die under pressure into pellets or wafers for quantitative and quali­ tative analysis. The CLP supplies the pressure - up to 40,000 lbs., if needed. This specific use is only one of the ways this versatile laboratory assist­ ant meets the challenge of research and development. Some of the many uses are: \* Dehydrating ρ * Pressing out various oils, stéarines and waxes κ * Pressure filtering of thick fluids \* Compression tests k * Fatty acid determinations κ " Plastic molding, forming and blacking i ^ Embossing and forcing i