Product Capsules
2 chimneys and 6-inch wicks. Central Scientific Co., 1708 Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, 111. 28A Spectrographs. Circle 25A-2 for cata log containing information on the Bausch & Lomb 1.5 meter stigmatic grating spectrograph. Also contains information on dual-grating spectro graph, Littrow spectrograph, LittrowEchelle spectrograph, and Echelle at tachment. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60925 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 25Α-2
The Big 3.. l a b o r a t o r y a n d hospital detergents t h a t
Spectrographs. The Baird-Atomic 3-meter spectrograph is a precalibrated instrument that permits all adjust ments to be made from the front con trol panel. Single reflecting surface minimizes light loss and light scattering. Circle 20A for complete information. Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 University Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. 20A
Standard For Research . . . solves the pressing problem of forming KBr Pellets Many insoluble materials, mixed with Potassium" Bromide, can be formed in a die under pressure into pellets or wafers for quantitative and quali tative analysis. The CLP supplies the pressure - up to 40,000 lbs., if needed. This specific use is only one of the ways this versatile laboratory assist ant meets the challenge of research and development. Some of the many uses are: \* Dehydrating ρ * Pressing out various oils, stéarines and waxes κ * Pressure filtering of thick fluids \* Compression tests k * Fatty acid determinations κ " Plastic molding, forming and blacking i ^ Embossing and forcing i