in solution transfer. Micrometer type dial enables control from 0 to 158 ml./min. ... MORE SEQUESTERING POWER! MORE EMULSIFYING EFFECT! QUICKLY ...
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NEW PRODUCTS Environmental Chamber Portable Model W-2-100+200 is designed for use on components, parts, and products undergoing vibration or shaker tests, and for other applications where it is impractical to bring the item to the test chamber. A 19-inch diameter insulated dome, connected to the mobile chamber with two flexible insulated hoses, fits over the unit. The temperature range is from —100° to

200° F., with a pull-down from maximum to minimum temperatures in 45 minutes, according to the company. The company adds that internal air circulation assures zero stratification throughout the entire range. The chamber is also available with other temperature ranges and hood styles, and with either air or water cooled refrigeration units. Webber Manufacturing. P-21


Chemically resistant metering pump is designed for precise volume control in solution transfer. Micrometer type dial enables control from 0 to 158 ml./min. The unit measures 9 by 10 by 7 inches over-all. Two other models have capacities of 0 to 100 ml./min. and 0 to 12.5 ml./min. Cole-Parmer Instrument and Equipment Co. P-22



Low background Autoscanner, Model 880, has a background of less than 10 c.p.m. in counting tritium, carbon14, and sulfur-35, according to the company. It is a 4-pi instrument and is completely transistorized. Vanguard Instrument Co. P-23

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Recorder control converts fixed span recorders to universal multirange instruments, with 15 voltage and current ranges. Full scale ranges of 10 mv. to 500 volts and 10 ^a. to 500 ma. in a 1-2-5-10 sequence are selected with a 10 mv. recorder. Input resistance: 100,000 ohms per volt with 10 mv. recorder, one megohm per volt with 1 mv. recorder. Output resistance: 1000 ohms or less. Cahn Instrument Co. P-24