aldrich chemical co

CD-ROM usinq SpeciD Plus* software for Microsoft Windows. ... easy to use Windows ... IBM is a Registered Trademark of International Business Machines...
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Aldrich* FT-IR Libraries on CD-ROM with SpecID Plus peak search software for Microsoft*Windows" Identify unknown sample spectra quickly by locating matching spectra onscreen with the Aldrich condensed phase or vapor phase FT-IR libraries on CD-ROM using SpecID Plus* software for Microsoft Windows.

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How to Search. Point and click peak locations and intensities for an unknown spectrum into the display window with a mouse. Nujol regions are shown in the window for reference during peak selection.

'Vapor phase FT-IR Library5,010 spectra 'Condensed phase FT-IR Library10,607 spectra

View reference spectra on-screen that contain the specified peak/s and intensity/s.The field of possible matches is narrowed as additional peak locations are entered. • Condensed phase FT-IR Library on CD-ROM w/SpecID Plue Software 224,000-1 $1435.00 • Vapor phase FT-IR Library on CD-ROM w/SpecID Plus Software 224,003-6 $1435.00

Export spectra to other Windows software using the clipboard. *SpeclD and SpecID Plus do not enable data manipulation functions such as spectral subtract. System Requirements: IBM^omputer with 286 or greater processor; DOS version 3.31 or later; Microsoft Windows version 3.00 or later; 2MB RAM; hard disk with at least 1.5MB of free space; mouse; CD-ROM reader

NEW... SpecID peak search software for use with Aldrich FT-IR Library books


s version of the SpecID peak search softre has the same easy to use Windows jrface for peak and intensity selection as 3clD Plus described above, except that îrence spectra are not displayed on-screen i must be visually compared to those in the

,.e Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra

System Requirements: Same as above except CD-reader is not required.

C.J. Pouchert, Aldrich Chemical Aldrich FT-IR Books and SpecID peak search Three volume set of more than software combo 17,000 condensed phase and The Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Condensed vapor phase FT-IR spectra, arPhase, Vol. 1 and 2 and SpecID software ranged in order of functionality Z23.998-4 $770.00 and complexity.

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e Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase, I. 3 and SpecID software Z23.999-2 $870.00

SpecID peak search software only for use with The Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Condensed Phase, Vol. 1 and 2 Z23,997-6 $435.00 for use with The Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase, Vol. 3 Z24,002-8 $435.00


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