Alkaloids of Cassia Species. I. Cassine1 - American Chemical Society

A crystalline alkaloid, C19H37NO2, has been isolated from Cassia excelsa Shrad. and named cassine. The functional groups are identified as a hydroxyl ...
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Alkaloids of Cassia Species. I.

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R. J. HIGHET Section on Chemistry, Laboratory of Metabolism, National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, Maryland Received August 6, 1963

A crystalline alkaloid, C19H,,?ITO3, has been isolated from Cassia escelsa Shrad. and named cassine. The functional groups are identified as a hydroxyl group, a secondary amine, and a methyl ketone. Dehydrogenaand cleavage of ketone VI by a second-order Beckmann tion of cassine produces a 2,6-dialkyl-3-hydroxypyridine, rearrangement demonstrates the 2-alkyl group to be methyl. These observations and deductions from the n.m.r. spectrum show I11 to be the structure of cassine.

The presence of alkaloids in the American tropical legume Cassia excelsa Shrad. has been noted by investigators of the U. s. Department of Agriculture12 and an alkaloid characterized by crystalline salts has been isolated by Brazilian workers. Extracting the leaves and twigs of C. excelsa4 by conventional procedures yields a mixture of basic materials amounting to 2.9Oj, of the dry weight. A fraction of this proved to be soluble in hot hexane; concentrating the solutions under reduced pressure left a clear oil. An ethanolic solution of this material was acidified by hydrochloric acid and crystallized to provide a mixture of hydrochlorides. Repeated chromatography of the free bases eventually produced pure samples of two alkaloids, cassine and casselsine. Selected fractions were recrystallized as the hydrochlorides and,the pure bases regenerated and distilled. Pureicassine melted a t 57-58.5 ' and possessed a small but reproducible optical activity, [ a I z 6 D -0.6°.5 Analysis showed the empirical formula of C19H37?;02, a t least two C-methyl groups, no methoxyl groups, and an n'-methyl group; this last result, however, was eventually shown to be spurious (following). The infrared spectrum showed carbonyl. absorption (1720 cm.-l) appropriate to a ketone, and a peak (3530 cm.-') in the S H or OH region. The CH stretching region was free of any absorption not attributable to aliphatic groups, and the compound showed no intense absorption in the ultraviolet region. Acetylation of the base provided an 0,X-diacetyl derivative as a neutral oil, C&&11\-04,with infrared absorption a t 1725 and 1630 cm.-', and without OH or IYH peaks. Sodium borohydride reduced the base to a dihydro derivative, m.p. 53-57'. These derivatives and spectra identify the functional groups of the molecule as a secondary amine, a hydroxyl, and a ketone. Attempts to demonstrate the presence of a double bond failed. The molecule failed to absorb hy(1) Presented a t the 142nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N. J., September, 1962. ( 2 ) M. E. Wall, C. R. Eddy, J. J . Wallaman, D. S.Correll. B. G. Schubert, and H. S. Gentry, "Steroidal Sapogenins. XXVI." ARS-73-4, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Philadelphia, Pa., 1954. (3) 0. Goncalves de Lima, I. L. d'rilbuquerque, M. P. Machado, and G . P. Pinto, Rev. Ins!. Antibiot. Uniu. Recife, 1, 23 (1958); Chem. Abetr., 68, 22212 (1959). This material, named cassilisin, formed a hydrochloride of m.p. 155.8-157.5' and a hydrosulfate of m.p. 271'. I t has not been encountered in this study. (4) T h e author is indebted t o D r . Quentin Jones of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Plant Introduction Station, Beltsville, Md., for supplying this material from the department's garden in Miami, Fla. (5) Because the optical activity of the parent alkaloid is very small. the possibility must be considered t h a t the activity arises from a n impurity. However, N-methylcassine has a considerably greater activity ( [ a l6.5') ~ and t h e methiodide yet more ( [ a ] D 15.8O). It seems unlikely t h a t a n impurity could be retained in these transformations t o the extent these values imply.

drogen when stirred with palladized charcoal, and the diacetyl derivative was not affected by potassium permanganate in acetone. Evidently cassine contains a cyclic system. The n.m.r. spectrum of cassine (see Fig. 1) shows no protons with resonance a t low field, and confirms the absence of aldehydic or olefinic protons. The peak a t 6.55 corresponds to a single carbinol proton, showing the alcohol to be secondary. The peak a t r 7.95 might originate with a methyl ketone or an N-methyl group; the observations below demonstrate that the former possibility is correct. The only other methyl group visible is represented by a doublet centered a t r 8.98; it is, therefore, coupled with a single proton, and occurs in the group >CHCH3. Treating the base with hypoiodite solution produced iodoform and demonstrated the presence of a methyl ketone or carbinol. The ketone could be condensed with piperonal in the presence of alkali to give a piperovmax ~, nylidine ketone, m.p. 106-107.5', C Z , H ~ ~ - N O 1700 cm.-l. Since a Kuhn-Roth determination on this product showed reduced C-methyl content, it seemed likely that cassine contained a methyl ketone, rather than a methyl carbinol. The peak a t r 7.95 in the n.m.r. spectrum and that a t 1360 cm.-l in the infrared spectrum are consistent with this conclusion. In an attempt to condense the ketone with 2 moles of an aldehyde, cassine was heated in hydrochloric acid with benzaldehyde a t 120' to produce a compound whose ultraviolet spectrum corresponds to the monobenzylidine derivative; no absorption a t longer wave lengths characteristic of the bisbenzylidine derivative could be detected. This result implies branching a t the acarbon of the methyl ketone, which was substantiated by deuteration experiments. When cassine was equilibrated with deuteriomethanol in the presence of sodium methoxide, removed from the base, and reequilibrated with water, the product contained 3.7 atoms of deuterium, consistent with the existence of a group, -CHCOCH3. When cassine was heated a t 220' under nitrogen with palladized charcoal, it was converted to the optically inactive dehydro derivative, C19H31N02,m.p. 104105'. This compound shows the characteristic ultraviolet spectra of a 3-hydro~ypyridine~in neutral, acidic, and basic solutions, and retains the carbonyl absorption of the methyl ketone. The n.m.r. spectrum confirms the retention of the methyl ketone, and shows (6) 3-Hydroxypyridines are unusual among phenols in showing a hathochromic shift in both acid and base. I n particular, this phenomenon is not exhibited by 2- and 4-hydroxypyridines; cf. H. S. Mosher, "Heterocyclic Compounds," Vol. I , R . C. Elderfield, Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. N. Y., 1950, p. 442.



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pyridine and p-toluenesulfonyl chloride and the mixture refluxed with water to produce acetaldehyde, identified as its dinitrophenylhydrazone by paper chromatography in two systems. The a-amino oxime must, therefore, bear a methyl group to produce the acetaldehyde.

Figure 1.

a new peak a t r 7.50 corresponding to an aromatic methyl group. As the doublet a t r 8.98 is absent, it is clear that dehydrogenation has converted a methylpiperidine into the corresponding methylpyridine. At low field the spectrum shows a quartet of two protons, P and y on the pyridine ring. Thus the dehydrogenation product must be represented by one of the two alternative structures, Ia or Ib.









Structure Ia can now be recognized as the correct alternative. The structure of the side chain may be inferred from the following arguments. (1) The methylene group a to the ketone has been shown to be substituted, and the empirical formula precludes a ring structure. (2) The side chain is, therefore, branched and dehydrocassine must possess an asymmetric center. However, dehydrocassine is optically inactive. It is most likely, then, that the branching is CY to the ketone or to the piperidine ring, for such centers might well be racemized under dehydrogenation conditions. (3) The n.m.r. spectrum of cassine shows no methyl group other than the group on the ring and that of the ketone. Any other methyl groups must be obscured by the strong peaks of the methylene resonance. To possess a chemical shift near r 8.7 the methyl protons must be B to an unsaturated group or a hetero atom. The only such position common to cassine and dehydrocassine is a to the ketone, and the side chain most likely possesses the structure 1119and cassine is 111. The product of dehydrogenation must be represented by IV, while V and VI represent the WolffKishner product and its oxidation product.

Analysis of cassine had shown the presence of an Nmethyl group, and the n.m.r. spectrum with a peak a t r 7.95 is not inconsistent with this. However, the ready dehydrogenation . to .a pyridine without loss of a carbon atom, nor loss of the r 7.95peak in the n.m.r. spectrum, renders the presence of an N-methyl group in the original base impossible.' This conclusion was confirmed by a study of N-methyl derivatives of cassine. Treatment of cassine with methyl iodide or under Eschweiler-Clark conditions provided only impure products or starting material, but the base could be con0 verted to the tertiary N-methyl derivative, CzoH3eNOz, +CHz)sCH CH, by stirring an ethanolic solution of the base and formalI dehyde under .hydrogen, in the presence of palladized CHs charcoal. The oily N-methyl derivative formed a I1 crystalline hydrochloride, m.p. 110-111 ', [ C Y ] ~ 6 ~.5 D ', and a methiodide, m.p. 91-93', [ c Y ] ~ ~ 15.8', D whose Recently, Tichy and Sicher have demonstrated that analyses showed but one and two N-methyl groups,' the stereochemistry of 2,6-dialkyl-3-hydroxypiperidine respectively. systems is reflected in the infrared spectrum by the OH A method was now sought to reveal the substituent (9) I n particular, the n.m.r. spectrum eliminates the possibility of a t the a-position of the piperidine ring between the gem-dimethyl groups. which would produce a n unmistakable sharp peak a t hydroxyl group and the nitrogen atom of cassine by high field. The possibility of a methyl group B t o the nitrogen, such as a t C-19 in structure i, might be supported by the following arguments. A cleaving the molecule to recognizable products. When methyl group a to a nitrogen atom (%.e., C-18), as well as t h a t a to a cartreatment by sodium periodate and by lead tetraacebonyl group (C-20) may well be obscured by the broad methylene peak, tate failed to effect a cleavage, a second-order Beckmann rearrangement was chosen, for recent studiess have shown this to be an effective method of cleaving aamino oximes. The existing carbonyl group was eliminated by a Wolff-Kishner reduction of N-methylcassine i to produce a base which formed a crystalline hydrothe methyl doublet arising from the methyl group 19 to the nitrogen ((2-19). Chromic acid oxidation of chloride, m.p. 127-129'. I n dehydrocassine, the ring methyl ('2-18) produces the peak a t 7.50 while the material provided a ketone, isolated as the crystalthe methyl groups to the carbonyl (C-20) and a to the aromatic system line oxime, m.p. 166-168°, which was treated by ((2.19) are obscured. Both asymmetric centers (C-7 and C-15) are capable




(7) Analysis of 3-hydroxypiperidine itself under standard conditions produced a n N-methyl valueof 5 % ( C ~ H I I N O would require 15%). (8) Cf. (a) RI. F . Bartlett, D. F. Dickel, and W. I. Taylor, J . A m . Chem. S O C .80, , 126 (1958); (b) R . K. Hill a n d R . T. Conley, ibid., 89, 645 (1960): (0) C. A. G r o b , H . P. Fischer, N. Link, and E. Renk, Helu. Chim. Acta, 46, 1190 (1963).

of racemization during dehydrogenation. However, the possibility of a C-19 methyl may be excluded, since the chemical shift of a methyl group i3 to a nitrogen atom is actually near .I 8.9-9.0lO and (2-19 of i could not be obscured by the methylene resonance. (10) N. S. Bhacca, L. F. Johnson, and J. N. Shoolery, " N M R Spectra Catalog," Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif., 1882, Spectra No. 92, 296, and 302.






stretching frequency.118 In the all-cis systems, the most favorable configuration possesses the hydroxy group in the axial configurat,ion (cf. VII) favorable to hydrogen bonding. As a result, the hydroxyl absorbs a t a single frequency, about 100 cm.-' below the characteristic absorption of secondary hydroxyls, 3630 cm.-'. Other configurations show absorption from both free and hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl. The sole peak from the hydroxyl of N-methylcassine occurs at 3530 cm.-', and that of the Wolff-Kishner product (V) appears a t 3535 cm. -I, revealing the all-cis configuration. The stereochemistry of cassine, then, is that represented by I11 or its mirror image.

Derivatives of 3-hydroxypiperidines occur rather seldom in nature, but cassine is obviously closely related to carpaine (VIII). The stereochemistry of carpaine has been demonstrated to be all-cis also." The carbon skeleton of cassine contains the straight fourteen-carbon system of carpaine, with the addition of the group C-C-C-C. It seems reasonable to specu-


C late that the former system arises in nature from the condensation of acetic acid units and the latter from a mevalonic unit.11b Experimental12 Isolation.-Leaves of Cassia excelsa Shrad. (2.8 kg.) were extracted with 24 1. of 1% ethanolic tartaric acid at 50-60". The extracts were filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure to 3 l., diluted with 6 1. of water, and treated with 300 ml. of 2 N sulfuric acid. The acid solution was filtered, washed with trichloroethylene, and made basic with ammonia. This solution was extracted with chloroform and the organic layers distilled to dryness to leave 81.3 g., 2.9%. For more convenient handling this material waa dissolvcd in ethanol and diluted to 150 ml. A 50-ml. aliquot of this solution, corresponding to 27 g. of the crude extract, was diluted to 300 ml. with 1 N hydrochloric acid and extracted twice with benzene. The aqueous solution was made basic by 25 ml. of 50Yo sodium hydroxide solution and extracted three times with chloroform; the extracte were washed ( l l ) ( a ) M. Tichy and J. Sicher. Tetrahedron Letters, 511 (1962). (b) NOTE ADDEDI N PROOF.-Mass spectrometric studies of cassine and dehydrocassine have shown no peaks of m / e values greater than 297 and 291, respectively: if these values represent the true molecular weights, structures IIIVI must be altered by changing the number of methylene group8 in the side chain from 9 to 8.


with water and concentrated to dryness to leave a residue of 19.6 g. This was digested repeatedly with boiling hexane, leaving an insoluble residue of 6.5 g. The hexane solution was filtered and concentrated to dryness to yield 13.4 g. of a clear yellow oil. This material was dissolved in 100 ml. of ethanol and made acid by concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with 100 ml. of ethyl acetate, and scratched and chilled until a crystalline precipitate formed. Further crops could be obtained by concentratiug the filtrates and adding ethyl acetate. Thus a total of 6.0 g. of crystalline hydrochlorides was obtained. The free base, obtained by dissolving the hydrochlorides in ethanol, diluting with chloroform, adding ammonia, and washing the organic phase with water, waa chromatographed over 150 g. of silicic acid, eluting with chloroform with increasing concentration of methanol. The alkaloids were eluted chiefly by 3% and 5% methanolchloroform solutions. Fractions were converted to hydrochlorides and identified by infrared spectra in Nujol. Casselsine appeared first and could be recognized by peak8 a t 1010 and 950 cm.-l; cassine followed, showing peaks a t 1012 and 990 cm.-l. Material melting above 165' was collected as pure, the intermediate cuts being rechromatographed until pure materials were obtained. Thus, by repeated chromatography, 0.62 g. (o.06y0 of dry plant weight) of cassine hydrochloride and 0.56 g. (0.05%) of casselsine hydrochloride were obtained.13 Cassine hydrochloride crystallized from ethanol as clustered needles, m.p. 173-175'; '",:v: 3290, 1715, 1530, 1170, 1160,1010, and 990 cm.-l; ,A, 276 mp ( e 33). Repeated attempb to obtain satisfactory carbon analyses on carefully purified materials failed. Anal. Calcd. for C I E H ~ E N O ~ C, C ~ 65.60; : H , 11.03; neut. equiv., 347.9. Found: C, 64.83, 64.87; H , 10.91, 10.84; neut. equiv., 349, 351. Cassine was obtained by treating an aqueous suspension of the hydrochloride with ammonia and extracting with chloroform. Analytical material was obtained by distillation a t 90" (0.001 mm.), m.p. 57-58', unchanged by further chromatography; [ u ] ~ ~ -0.6") M [uI2"raa-1.7', [ ~ ] ~ ~ s s o - 3 (~8.0); .0' ~::23530,2930, 2860,2810 (ah), 1720, 1360, and 690 cm.-l. A n d . Calcd. for ClpH3?NOz: C, 73.26; H , 11.97; N-CHs, 4.85; G C H a , 9.64 for two; neut. equiv., 311.5. Found: C , 73.37, 73.34; H , 11.76, 11.84; N-CHS, 2.99; C-CHs, 8.70; neut,. equiv., 306. Cassine hydronitrate precipitated from dilute aqueous nitric acid and was recrystallized from ethyl acetate, m.p. 116-117'. Anal. Calcd. for C19H38Nz00:C, 60.93; H , 10.23; N, 7.48. Found: C, 61.12; H,9.91; N,7.58. Diacetyl Cassine.-Cassine (92 mg.) was heated with 10 ml. of acetic anhydride and 0.1 g. of sodium acetate on a steam bath for 1 hr., then added to 300 ml. of 1 N potassium bicarbonate, and stirred until no odor of the anhydride could be detected. The euspension was extracted with chloroform; the extract was washed with water, 1 A' hydrochloric acid and water, and was distilled to dryness to leave a clear oil of 125 mg. This was chromatographed over silicic acid, eluting with chloroform. The center fractions of the eluate were distilled a t 110' (0.002 mm.); vmax €725(broad), 1630, and 1250 cm.-l. Anal. Calcd. for C Z ~ H ~ ~ NC, O ~69.83; : H, 10.45. Found: C, 69.67; H , 10.61. Piperonylidinecassine was prepared in a centrifuge tube by treating a solution of 157 mg. of caasine and 180 mg. of piperonal in 1 ml. of ethanol with 1 mi. of 6 N sodium hydroxide a t room temperature. After 15 min., t h e solution was scratched and diluted with water until the product Crystallized. It waa centri(12) All melting points were observed on a Kofler microscope hot stage and are corrected. The author is indebted to Mrs. K. S. Warren for polarimetric and spectrophotometric data and to Mr. David Rogeraon for extractions of plant material. Rotations were measured in ethanolic solution on a Rudolph photoelectric spectropolarimeter with a 1-dm. tube. Ultraviolet spectra were recorded in absolute ethanol on a Cary Model 11 MS recording spectrophotometer. Infrared spectra were observed either on a Perkin-Elmer Model 21 or a Beckmann IR-7 double-beam spectrophotometer in chloroform solution, unless otherwise specified. We are indebted to Dr. E. D . Becker and Mr. R. B. Bradley of the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases for the n.m.r. spectra, which were obtained on a Varian-V-4300-2 n.m.r. spectrometer operating at 60 Mc. Frequencies were obtained relative to tetramethylsilane as a n ' internal standard by interpolation using the audio side-band technique. Analyses were performed by W. Manser of Zurich, Switzerland, by J. F. Alicino of Metuchen, N. J . , and by Micro-Tech Laboratories of Skokie, Ill. (13) The Characterization of casselsine will be described in a later publication.



fuged and the precipitate dried and crystallized from ethyl acetate to yield 101 mg. of m.p. 97-101". Several recrystallizations provided material of m.p. 106-107.5"; ~ 2::'3350, 1700, 1620, 1600, 1035, 1000, and 630 ern.-'; A,, 247 mp ( e lO,OOO), 297 (10,300), and 338 (18,800). Anal. Calcd. for C Z ~ H ~ I N O C, I : 73.10; H , 9.32; C-CH3, 3.39. Found: C, 72.63; H , 9.10; C-CH3, 3.46. Vigorous Condensation of Cassine with Benzaldehyde .-Cassine (6.1 mg.) was sealed in a tube with 27 mg. of benzaldehyde and 13.5 mg. of a 10% sodium hydroxide solution, and 0.2 ml. of ethanol, and heated 22 hr. a t 120". After cooling, the tube was opened, and the contents acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid and extracted with ether. The aqueous layer was made basic with ammonia and extracted with chloroform; the extract was washed with water and distilled to dryness to leave a residue of 6 mg. The ultraviolet spectrum showed only a peak at 287 mp. Tetradeuteriocassine was prepared by dissolving 9 mg. of cassine in 0.5 ml. of CH,OD and treating with a drop of 0.1 N sodium methoxide in CHIOD. After 30 min. the solution was distilled to dryness under reduced pressure, and the residue dissolved in ether, centrifuged, and the clear centrifugate distilled to dryness under reduced pressure. The infrared spectrum showed peaks a t 2260, 2220 and 2180 cm.-', with minor changes about 1360 cm.?; m.p. 57-59'. The material was distilled a t 100" (0.001 mm.). Anal. Calcd. for C I S H Z ~ D ~ N O 10.8yo ~ : atom excess deuterium. Found: 9.9170.'~ Dihydrocassine.-Cassine (112 mg.) was dissolved in 3 ml. of methanol and treated with 100 mg. of sodium borohydride in four portions. After the solution had stood 0.5 hr. it was made acid with hydrochloric acid, extracted twice with ether, made basic with 10% sodium hydroxide, and extracted twice with chloroform and twice with 4 : l chloroform-ethanol. The organic layers were concentrated to dryness and the residue acidified with hydrochloric acid and dried under reduced pressure, to leave 115 mg. of m.p. 161-170". Recrystallization from ethanol-ethyl acetate gave material of m.p. 173-176"; admixture of cassine hydrochloride lowered the melting point to 168-173". The infrared spectrum (potassium bromide) showed a sharp peak at 3400, broad absorption from 3000-2400 and no carbonyl absorption, and significant peaks a t 1540, 1380, and 1000 cm.-'. Anal. Calcd. for GgH4oXO2Cl: C, 65.20; H, 11.52; C1, 10.13; neut. equiv., 350.5. Found: C, 64.97; H, 11.20; C1, 10.57; neut. equiv., 346. N-Methylcassine was prepared by stirring 0.415 g. of cwsine, 117 mg. of 10% palladized charcoal, and 5 ml. of 30% formaldehyde in 30 ml. of ethanol under hydrogen for 4 hr. The solution absorbed 11 ml. of hydrogen. It was filtered, concentrated to 3 ml., diluted with water, and made acid with 6 hr hydrochloric acid. This solution was extracted with ether, made basic with ammonia and extracted twice with chloroform; the extracts were washed with water and concentrated to dryness under reduced pressure. The residue (403 mg.) was converted to its hydrochloride by concentrated acid. Drying provided a residue of 470 mg. of material of m.p. 107.5-109.5". Recrystallization from ethyl acetate produced material of m.p. l10.5-lll.5°. The infrared spectrum resembled that of cassine hydrochloride, with increased absorption a t 2700 cm.-', lacking the bands a t 1530 and 1015 cm.-', but retaining those at 3290, 1720 and 988 cm.-'; CY]^^^^^ 6.5", [ ( ~ ] ~ ~14", 4 3 ~[ c Y ] * ~ ~26" ~ o ( c 0.92). Anal. Calcd. for CpoH4oNO2Cl: C, 66.36; H, 11.06; C1, 9.80; NCHs, 4.15; neut. equiv., 362. Found: C, 66.03; H, 11.43; C1, 9.74; NCH3, 4.34; neut. equiv., 363. N-Methylcassine methiodide was prepared by allowing 230 mg. of N-methylcassine in ethanol solution to stand with 2 ml. of methyl iodide overnight. Evaporation of the solvents left a residue of 330 mg., which crystallized on trituration with ethyl acetate, m.p. 87-89". Crystallization from the same solvent S [ a I z 6 4 3 e 31.4", produced material of m.p. 91-93'; [ C Y ] ~ ~ U15.8", [ C Y ] ~ ~ 42.6', ~ ~ O [ C Y ] ~ ~ ~ Z69.7", O ( c 1.015); v:,": 3330, 1710 and 990 cm.-l. Anal. Calcd. for CSlH42NOJ: C, 53.96; H, 9.06; I , 27.14; NCH,, 6.44 for two. Found: C, 54.06; H , 8.70; I , 26.9; NCH3, 7.45. Dehydrocassine.-Cassine (0.84 g.) was heated with 278 mg. of 10% palladized charcoal under nitrogen for 30 min. a t 220". The waxy product was dissolved in ethanol, centrifuged, and the (14) Performed by Mr. Joseph Nemeth, Urbana, I11


supernatant diluted with water, acidified with hydrochloric acid, and extracted three times with benzene; the extract was washed with water and distilled to dryness under reduced pressure to leave a residue of 83 mg. The aqueous raffinate was made basic with ammonia and extracted twice with 4 : 1 chloroform-ethanol solution, which was washed with water and distilled to dryness under reduced pressure, leaving a residue of 577 mg. This WFIE chromatographed over a column of silicic acid; eluting with 1 % methanol in chloroform produced 297 mg. of dehydrocassine, m.p. 97". Recrystallization from aqueous methanol provided material of m.p. 104-105"; ~2223611 cm.-'; ~ ~ ~ ' 2 (broad), 6 0 0 1722, 1590, 1508, 1285 and 833 cm.-'; Amax 224 mp ( e 9180), 288 (6500); on addition of alkali the peaks shifted to 245 (12,600) and 311 (8600). An acid solution showed A,, 230 mp ( E 7450) and 301 (10,200). The material exhibited no optical activity between 589 and 370 mp with a maximum [CY]