ALKATERGE - C oil-soluble wetting agent - C&EN Global Enterprise

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oil-soluble wetting agent


Just 1/2S Of 1% Of AMcaterge-C — that's all it takes to reduce the interfacial tension b e t w e e n n-hexane and w a t e r to one d y n e per centimeter. In mineral o i l , 0 . 1 % reduces the interfacial tension t o a p p r o x ­ imately one to two dynes per centimeter. That's why A l k a t e r g e - C is such a successful oil-soluble wetting a n d auxiliary emulsifying agent. It's a sort o f chemical l e v e r — m a k e s it easy f o r the emulsifying agent to d o its job. This striking effect o n interfacial tension suggests many applications in connec­ tion with lubrication, extraction, and impregnating operations.

(of commercial-grade material)

Molecular and Equivalent Weights

350, approx.

Coefficient of Cubical Expansion (20° to 30°C). . 0.0008 per 1°C O.0004 per 1°F Distillation Range at 3 mm of Mercury 194°C to 310°C Solidification Point —36°C, approx. Surface Tension of Saturated Aqueous Solution·. less than 40 dynes/cm Inferfacial Tension against Water of c 0 . 1 % Solution in Mineral Oil 1 to 2 dynes cm

This non-volatile, a m i n e - t y p e compound reacts with acids to form salts and soaps which a r e themselves emulsifying and wetting agents. Salts of the mineral and l o w e r aliphatic acids a r e water-soluble. W i t h the higher f a t t y acids, A l k a t e r g e - C forms oil-soluble soaps. These salts a n d soaps have been used as wetting agents a n d penetrants in metal cleaners a n d in the processing and impregnating of textile a n d p a p e r products.

Flash Point, Cleveland Open Cup


Solubility in Water Less than 0.002% by weight in Mineral and Vegetable Oils Miscible in Organic Solvents Miscible with naphtha, benzene, kerosene, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol, butanol, and most other organic solvents.

A ! k a t e r g e - C also has many uses b a s e d on its acid-accepting a n d surface-active properties. It is an effective anti-foam agent, especially when used in conjunction with mineral o i l , a n d it is also an excellent pigmentgrinding assistant in mineral oil vehicles.

S P E C I F I C A T I O N S OxGZoline Content

(tentative) 7 0 % by weight, minimum

Specific Gravity, 25U/25°C

W e w i l l gladly furnish y o u with a sample and a d d i t i o n a l d a t a upon r e q i ' c - t o n your company i e t t e r h e a d .

Nitrogen (Kjeldahl) Color, Gardner Scale Appearance



Methanol 4424



15 maximum Clear, free from suspended matter



0 925—0.931 3.80—4.10% by weight




17 EAST 4 2 n d STREET, NEW YORK 1 7 , ΪΜβ Υ·

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Crystalline Riboflavin C H E M I C A L