all hands agree... there` - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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all hands agree ... there's nothing like the white magic of CAB-O-SIL® to make clear, no-drip dipping compounds Just a little bit of Cab-o-sil saves a lot of dipcoating dollars. 2 to 5% Cab-o-sil by weight, added to the liquid resin as a thixotropic agent, stops drainage prob­ lems cold. There's no drip, no draining, no loss of resin, at either high or low temperatures, even during application. Cab-o-sil permits a wider choice of resins, since it can usually thicken a low viscosity resin without risk­ ing the loss of the resin's wetting characteristics. Equally important, Cab-o-sil permits a wider choice of plasticizers or solvents, since flow properties are more easily regulated. Cab-o-sil is very easily dispersed and thoroughly

compatible with the liquid phase of any resin system.


And, it lets you maintain perfect clarity or brightness

Thixotropic, thickening, gelling agent— lubricating oils, greases, polyester resins, epoxy resins, plastisols, plastigels, or­ ganosols Suspending agent— paints Flatting agent — varnishes, lacquers, organosols, plastisols Reinforcing agent— rubber, silicone, latex film Anticaking agent — sulfur, insecticides Antislip agent—sol vent-base floor waxes Precoatingmaterial— reproduction paper Low temperature thermal insulation Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics — (See bulletin #cpha-1)

of color, depending on your needs, since it has no effect on resin transparency or on the tinting strength of coloring pigments. The coating is easily applied, and the finish is smooth and even. There's much more to the Cab-o-sil story. The end uses of this superfine "airborne" silica are still being explored. Here are some of the ways in which this immensely useful agent, with its superfine particle size (11.1 million billion particles per gram), its uni­ formly high purity (99.7%) and its chemical inertness, is being used today.

Please send D copy of bulletin #cpla-2 (Cab-o-sil in the Plastics Industry) Π free Cab-o-sil sample and other technical data checked

Technical data available: Minerals & Chemicals Div., CEN


( ) General Properties, Functions and Uses (#cgen-l) ( ) Cab-o-sil in the Rubber Industry (#crub-l) ( ) Cab-o-sil in Butyl Rubber (#crub-2)


( ) Cab-o-sil in Dipped Latex Films (#crub-3) COMPANY

125 High Street, Boston 10, Mass.

( ) Cab-o-sil in the Lubricating Grease Industry (#cgre-2) ) Aqueous Dispersions of Cab-o-sil (#cmis-2)


( ) A Flatting Agent for Varnishes (#cpai-3) ADDRESS

( ) Cab-o-sil in the Reproduction Paper Industry (#cpap-l) ( ) Cab-o-sil in Automobile Polishes (#cpol-l) ( ) Cab-o-sil in Parmaceuticals and Cosmetics (#cpha-l)