All roads lead to Texas Gulf...largest sulphur supplier in the world

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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All roads lead to Texas Gulf... largest sulphur supplier in the world.

And all roads lead back to you from our Texas Frasch and solid sulphur. We've got enough to assure you of an mines, our sulphur recovery plants in Wyoming and Can- uninterrupted supply—this year, next year, every year, ada, and our network of regional liquid sulphur terminals. Equally important, we deliver to your unloading station, in Roads of all kinds—highways for tank trucks, steel rails the tonnage you want, on the day you want it. If there's a for tank cars and hoppers, highways of water for ocean way to serve you better—Texas Gulf will find it. tankers, seagoing barges, freighters, and river barges. Few things you buy today offer sulphur's high value at We've got facilities—the know-how to find the most H F V | such a low cost. With a never-ending search f o r economical way to reach you—and a reputation for on- R f i K greater reserves, TGS is insuring an adequate time delivery. • £ ? • s u P P l y ° f sulphur for your needs tomorrow. Texas Yes, we've got the world's largest supply of liquid E L J J I Gulf Sulphur Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York,