General Chemical offers 2 New Brochures on SULFAN ... two new technical brochures General Chemical has revised and ... 40 Rector Street, New York 6, Î...
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NOW! General Chemical offers 2 New Brochures on SULFAN


stabilized sulfuric anhydride

To help you save on sulfonations, sulfations Sulfan offers more than 9 9 % available S0 3 in easy-to-handle liquid form "* nine times as much usable S0 3 as 1 0 0 % sulfuric acid '-''over three times as much usable S0 3 as 2 0 % oleum

Sulfan oxs

If you conduct sulfonations or sulfations, you'll want to study these two new brochures on Sulfan. Here is com""•*-**»». prehensive technical information on the physical and chemical properties of Sulfan and its principal chemical reactions. In these two new technical brochures General Chemical has revised and brought up to date the literature previously available on Sulfan. New information has been incorporated. Be sure to send for your copy of: "Reactions of Sulfur Trioxide" (20 pages) Covers reactions of SO:{ and its organic complexes (such as pyridine, dioxane, trimethylamine) with organic compounds to form sulfonates or sulfates. Although we have not attempted to give complete coverage of any particular reaction, you may be able to draw analogies respecting reaction rates, temperatures, solvents and other conditions which can lead to successful and economical methods of employing Sulfan in new applications.


"Sulfan" (28 pages) Compiled for those interested in sulfuric a n h y d r i d e for f u n d a m e n t a l research, product development 01 industrial production. Includes a description of the physical and chemical properties of Sulfan, correct procedures on handling and disposal, safety precautions, typical laboratory sulfonations, production of anhydrous HC1, fortification of spent acid with Sulfan and other helpful technical information.


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