Allied Chemical

Allied makes ammonium nitrate solutions in two con- centrations: NFS-83 contains 83% pure NEUNO3 in water; NFS-50 is a 50% solution. These solutions h...
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NFS. IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL SOURCE OF NH NO Allied makes ammonium n i t r a t e solutions i n t w o concentrations: NFS-83 contains 83% pure NEUNO3 i n water; NFS-50 is a 50% solution. These solutions have been used as a medium f o r ore extraction. They have become a basic r a w material f o r the manufacture of Ammonium salts, explosives, medical gases, aerosol propellants, fluid catalysts and other chemical processing agents. They may well be the most

practical answer f o r some o f your processing problems. Let Allied's technical service group help you evaluate NFS-83 and NFS-50. They can b r i n g to you a wealth of application experience t h a t goes back to 1936 when the first commercial shipment of N i t r o g e n Solutions was made. Meanwhile, w r i t e for information and prices. Shipments are made i n tank car lots f r o m Hopewell, Va., South Point, Ohio or Omaha, Nebr.

Allied You can't equalize experience

Allied Chemical Nitrogen Division

E t h a n o l a m l n e s · Ethylene Oxide · Ethylene Glycols · U r e a · F o r m a l d e h y d e · U. F. C o n c e n t r a t e — 8 S · A n h y d r o u a A m m o n i a » A m m o n i a L i q u o r · A m m o n i u m Sulfate · A m m o n i u m Nitrate · S o d i u m Nitrate · M e t h a n o l · N i t r o g e n Solutions · N i t r o g e n T e t r o x i d e · Fertilizers tc F e e d S u p p l e m e n t ·

· Department NF 1-10-2 · 40 Rector Street, New York 6, New York