Allied Chemical

A DEVICE FOR MINE BLASTING employs nitrogen tetroxlde and a hydrocarbon as the explosive mixture. It consists of an unpartitioned container holding...
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new ways to solve problems — with chemicals

NEW HEAVY-DUTY LIQUID DETERGENT FORMULAE mixtures of triethanolamine, nonionlc surfactants and carboxymethyl cellulose — have shown better cotton detergency under test than the more usual phosphate-alkylaryl sulfonate liquid mix­ tures, and have exhibited a washing action equal to that of heavy-duty powders. Liquids have these advantages over powders: (l) no dust; (2) can be packaged in metal or glass containers which do not become soggy; 13) dissolve readily in hot or cold water; (4) take up less space because of high density. A RECENTLY DEVELOPED INSECT REPELLENT designed specif­ ically to shoo horn flies away from cattle, is reported to contain an ethylene oxide-orthocyclohexyl phenol condensation product as the active ingredient. A DEVICE FOR MINE BLASTING employs nitrogen tetroxlde and a hydrocarbon as the explosive mixture. It consists of an unpartitioned container holding frozen nitrogen tetroxlde, a separate body of frozen hydrocarbon and a detonator. A hole Is bored in the solid composite and the device is placed Inside. The contents of the container are melted, tetroxlde mixes with hydrocarbon, and the detonator explodes the mix. NEW HYDRAULIC FLUIDS take advantage of the stability, solvent properties and desirable temperature characteristics of ethylene glycol. Formulations include: a magnetic fluid com­ posed of 60-90$ iron particles and 10-40$ of a liquid hydrocarbon containing up to 5$ ethylene glycol; a transmission fluid for automobiles consisting of 50$ water and 50$ ethylene glycol plus additive traces; a hydraulic pressuretransmitting fluid made up of 5-30$of a poly­ ethylene glycol lubricant, 5-30$ of a liquid soap and 40-90$ of ethylene glycol solvent. D e p t . AP 4-10-1

4 0 Rector Street, N e w York 6 , Ν . Υ .

A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N O N T H E S E D E V E L O P M E N T S CAN BE O B T A I N E D FROM N I T R O G E N D I V I S I O N . I N S O L V I N G YOUR P R O B L E M S - W I T H C H E M I C A L S - R E M E M B E R T H A T N I T R O G E N D I V I S I O N IS Y O U R BEST SOURCE FOR: e t h a n o l a m i n e s · ethylene oxide · ethylene glycols · urea · f o r m a l d e h y d e * U.F.Concentrate-85 · anhydrous a m m o n i a * a m m o n i a liquor · a m m o n i u m sulfate * sodium nitrate m e t h a n o l · nitrogen solutions · nitrogen tetroxide · fertilizers a n d feed s u p p l e m e n t s For further information, circle numbers 41 A-1, 41 A 2, 41 A-3, 41 A4 on Readers' Service Card, page 129 A

VOL. 49, NO. 4


APRIL 1957

41 A