Allied Chemical

for B&A BORON. TRIFLUORIDE. In the vast world of industrial chemistry, many organic synthesisreactions can be efficiently cata- lyzed by BF3.What's mo...
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There's a world of uses for B&A BORON TRIFLUORIDE In the vast world of industrial chemistry, many organic synthesis reactions can be efficiently catalyzed by B F 3 . What's more, this versatile catalyst will help cut production costs, increase yields and improve end products. As America's leading producer of boron trifluoride, General Chemical has pioneered research and production of this "workhorse" catalyst. We were the first to introduce the concept of shipping BF ; , in complex form for ease in handling. Today our fleet of tank cars and tube trailers makes various complexes as well as the compressed gas immediately available in large commercial quantities. For complete technical data on the properties and uses of these efficient catalysts, write for the free bulletins listed at right.

Title Code No. Boron Trifluoride, Compressed Gas DA-34691 Boron Trifluoride, Compressed Gas Handling Information TB-34691 Boron Trifluoride Dihydrate DA-34671 Boron Fluoride Complexes with Nitrogenous Compounds DA-3469-NIT-1 Boron Fluoride Complexes with Oxygen-Containing Compounds DA-3469-OXY-1 Boron Trifluoride, Ether Complex, Tech DA-34711 Boron Trifluoride, Monoethylamine Complex, Technical DA-34661 Boron Trifluoride, Phenol Complex, Technical DA-34681

B A K E R & A D A M S O N " Fine Chemicals


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