ALLIS-CHALMERS - Industrial & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

May 25, 2012 - ALLIS-CHALMERS. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1961, 53 (11), pp 75A–75A. DOI: 10.1021/i650623a750. Publication Date: November 1961. Copyright ...
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ideas and news: at the

Chem Show. Booth 636

Filtration in depth is stressed in Sethco's new miniature filtration systems. Filtration of corrosive, sensitive, radio­ active, and expensive solutions is made more simple by incorporating Lucite, epoxies, PVC, polyethylene, polypro­ pylene, Teflon, Penton, Dynel, and Orion. Fittings of Haslelloy Β and C, Carpenter 20, and titanium make the equipment more rugged for the bulk of chemical solutions encountered in the industry.

larger units have trays in an in­ tegral unit which c a n be mechan­ ically removed and rotated for solids discharge or rotated inside the tank to discharge solids into a built-in sump for automatic removal or rcslurrying. Improved design of rotary sluicing filters is based on positive cake removal from leaves—cutting it off the surface for dry discharge a n d / o r sluicing for complete cleaning of the leaf surface. Flush surface of leaves and design a n d path of nozzle travel permit washing ex-cry square foot of filter area a t the same rate and pressure. Built by T. Shriver & Co., it c a n be furnished with bottom sump for cake removal as solids or slurry. Latest continuous centrifugal design by Baker Perkins is t h e S - l l . I t has the highest capacity per inch of basket diameter that Baker Perkins has yet achieved. I t shows the strong emphasis in the centrifugal field on getting more production for each equipment dollar.

See opjn MOTORS like this, straight from actual installations This is one of our SUPER-SEAL open motors. You'll see several of them at the show, taken from industry's most demanding installa­ tions. Key to their endurance is their POXEAL or SILCO-FLEX insula­ tion systems which make these motors practically impervious to moisture, dust, abrasives, and most other contaminants. See "veteran" SUPER-SEAL motors at the Chem Show. Or write Allis-Chalmers, Industrial Equipment Division, Milwaukee 1, Wis. A-1565

Get a first-hand look at these other A-C products: vibrating and gyratory screens · ELECTRI-CAND leakless pumps · ACAP adjustable pumps · new chemical pump line · TWINDUCER grinding mill drives · corrosion-proof pushbutton stations · new rubber-seated, pneu­ matically operated wafer valve. Tw'mducer, Eiectr't-Cand, ACAP, Silco-Flex, Poxea! and Super'Seot are Allîs-Chalmers trademarks.


(Continued on page 76 A) Circle No. 117 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 53, NO. 11 ·


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