Alltech Associates, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Alltech Associates, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (15), pp 955A–955A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00142a736. Publication Date: August 1987. ACS Legacy Archive...
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MEETINGS Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection. A. G. Ewing, R. A. Wallingford, P. J. Curry, Jr., Pennsylvania State U High-Sensitivity Detection of Biologically Important Compounds Through Precolumn Labeling Techniques and Microcolumn LCLaser-lnduced Fluorescence. S. Beale, Indiana U Indirect Fluorometric Detection for Anion Exchange Open-Tubular LC. W. Pfeffer, E. S. Yeung, Iowa State U Laser Fluorescence Detection for Capillary LC and Electrophoresis. V. L. McGuffin, Michigan State U Laser Scanning for Total Column Detection in Capillary Column LC. J. C. Gluckman, U of Vermont On-Column Electrochemical Detection for OpenTubular LC. R. Kennedy, J. White, J. W. Jorgenson, U of North Carolina Optical Detection in Micellar Electroklnetic Capillary Chromatography. M. J. Sepaniak, A. C. Powell, A. T. Balchunas, U of Tennessee High-Current and Magnetically Altered Plasma Devices Arranged by Richard Sacks Arc Plasma in a Magnetic Field as a Source for Spectrochemistry and Plasma Chemistry. V. Vukanovic, Rochester Institute of Technology Design and Characterization of a Quadrapole Ion Storage Device for Elemental Analysis. M. Blades, B. Daigle, U of British Columbia, Canada Design and Initial Characterization of a Magnetically Influenced Imploding Thin-Film Plasma. J. M. Goldberg, R. A. Allston, K. P. Carney, U of Vermont Interferometric-Schlieren-Spectroscoplc Observations of Magnetically Influenced Analytical Spark Discharge. D. M. Coleman, V. Majidi, Wayne State U Modulation of Commercial Hollow Cathode Lamps by a Magnetic Field In a Magnetron Configuration. R. D. Sacks, M. Matties, U of Michigan Spatially and Temporally Resolved Studies of a Magnetically Confined Laser-Induced Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure. J. M. Goldberg, K. J. Mason, ύ of Vermont Microscopy and Microspectroscopy Modular Approach to Sampling Versatility in FTIR Microscopy. G. Ressler, J. A. Reffner, R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech, Inc. Diffuse Reflectance with an FT-IR Microscope. C. R. Friedman, J. A. Reffner, J. P. Coates, Spectra-Tech, Inc. Interpretation of Spectra Obtained by FT-IR Microspectroscopy. J. A. Reffner, C. Friedman, Ν. Β. Colthup, Spectra-Tech, Inc. Microscopy Using the New Robust and Low-Cost Mlchelson 113 FT-IR. F. L. Baudais, H. Buijs, G. Vail, J. N. Bérubé, G. Tremblay, Bomem, Inc. Rapid Asbestos Characterization by Micro-FTIR. J. H. Workman, M. H. Jubara, J. E. Stroble, Technical Services Group Reflectance and Transmittance IR Microscopy of Polymeric Materials: Resolving the Complexities. K. Krishnan, S. L. Hill, P. Stout, W. Stach, Bio-Rad Laboratories Analysis of Pigments and Related Components from Ancient Manuscripts by IR Microspectroscopy. J. E. Katon, M. V. Orna, P. L. Lang, Miami U Origin and Present State of Analytical Microspectrometry. V. J. Coates, Manometries, Inc. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of IR Microspectroplc Data. R. L. Barbour, D. G. Cameron, Standard Oil Co.

New Dimensions in Raman Spectroscopy Arranged

by Terry Gustafson

Formation of Molecularly Specific Sites in Skeletonized Monolayers: A Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Study. J-H. Kim, T. M. Cotton, R. A. Uphaus, C. C. Leznoff, U of NebraskaLincoln Raman Microprobe Examination of Silicon Carbide. P. J. Codella, General Electric Raman Spectroscopy of Serine Proteases. M. Pelletier, Proctor & Gamble Co. Recent Advances in Far-UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy. B. S. Hudson, U of Oregon Resolution-Enhanced Raman Spectra of Proteins. H. Susi, D. M. Byler, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy—A New Physical, Analytical, and Biophysical Technique for Studies of Excited States and Molecular Structure. S. Asher, U of Pittsburgh Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Surfaces and Homogeneous Catalysts Arranged

by Tom Apple


C NMR of Amines Adsorbed on 8-Mo2N. G. W. Haddix, J. A. Reimer, A. T. Bell, U of California Methylamine Adsorption on Zeolite Observed by NMR. W. M. Ritchey, D. G. Cory, Case Western Reserve U NMR Spectroscopy of Xenon and Organics Adsorbed on Heterogeneous Catalysts. C. Dybowski, D. Barabino, L. Haffelbring, N. Bansal, C-J. Tsiao, C. Tirendi, U of Delaware NMR Studies of Catalyst Poisoning by Phosphorus. T. Root, U of Wisconsin Vanadium NMR of Fuel-Cracking Catalyst Additives. V. Bell, P. Schubert, Englehard Corp. Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Arranged

by Joseph Caruso

Analysis of Ultrapure Acids by ICP/MS Isotope Dilution. P. J. Paulsen, J. R. Moody, National Bureau of Standards Applied and Fundamental Investigations in Plasma-Source MS. G. M. Hieftje, G. H. Vickers, D. A. Wilson, W-H. Hsu, D. M. Chambers, Indiana U Automated Multielement Analysis by ICP/MS. R. C. Hutton, C. T. Tye, A. M. Eaton, VG Isotopes Detection of Halogens as Positive Ions by Helium MIP/MS with Applications to GC. P. G. Brown, J. A. Caruso, T. M. Davidson, H. Mohamad, G. Alaman, U of Cincinnati Direct Analysis of Saline Waters by ICP/MS. Experimental Data of Some Interference Effects. J. B. Brenner, J. Garbarino, H. E. Taylor, Geological Survey of Israel Expanding Earth Sciences with ICP/MS or ICP/ MS on the Rocks. A. R. Date, Y. Y. Cheung, A. E. Davis, M. E. Stuart, British Geological Survey ICP/MS: Ready for the Real World? G. L. Beck, G. G. Brumbaugh, Teledyne Wah Chang Albany Multielement Microsample Analysis by ETV/ ICP/MS. A. L. Gray, J. G. Williams, U of Surrey, U.K. Analysis of Electronic Grade Acids by ICP/MS. E. Pruszkowski, Perkin-Elmer Corp. Use of Ar-N 2 Mixed Gas ICPs for ICP/MS. G. Horlick, J. Lam, U of Alberta, Canada Polymer Characterization: The State of the Art and Beyond Arranged

by Kelsey Cook

Applications of Photophysics to Problems In Polymer Physics. C. W. Frank, Stanford U Characterization of Thin Polymer Films by IR

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