Coast-to-Coast. Circle No. 33 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A. These newly-designed Lind berg units and acces- sories incorporate the latest ...
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Automatic Sulfur Titrator

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DK Automatic

Recording Spectrophotometer Widest wavelength plus near-infrared


W i t h the analyst's growing interest in t h e near-infrared region of t h e spectrum, it is significant that the Beckman D K Spectro­ photometer has been selected as the standard in producing near-infrared curves. T h e near-infrared region, from .7 to 3.5 microns, is proving valuable in many fields, and especially in rocket fuel investigations. In fuming nitric acid for example, detection and measurement of water content is critical because the presence of 1 % water sharply cuts burning efficiency. Beckman D K - 1 a n d D K - 2 are fully auto­ matic recording instruments. With operating versatility and a broad line of accessories for h u n d r e d s of research a n d quality control applications, they offer the widest wavelength range—185 mM to 3500 mM (.185 μ to 3.5M) — taking full advantage of ultraviolet and visible regions plus the important near-infrared. Ask your factory trained Aloe Representative for a demonstration. Write for bulletin 124.

ALOE SCIENTIFIC DIVISION OF A. S. ALOE COMPANY 5 6 5 5 K i n g s b u r y , St. Louis 1 2 , M o .

14 Fully-Stocked



Circle No. 33 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

Power Regulator


Sulfur Determinator

Input lïUti Transformer

Automatic Timer

'Sulfur-Carbon Determinator I

Carbon Determinator Flow Meter

These newly-designed Lindberg units and acces­ sories incorporate the latest efficiency features for rapid high temperature combustion of laboratory samples. Write for our Bulletin N o . T-1067 for c o m p l e t e details. Sold only through laboratory equipment dealers. Laboratory Equipment Division LINDBERG ENGINEERING C O M P A N Y 2 4 4 0 W . H u b b a r d St., Chicago 1 2 , Illinois Circle No. 83 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A V O L 3 0 , N O . 7 , JULY 1 9 5 8 ·

83 A