Alpha Olefin Solution - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Alpha Olefin Solution. Bob York takes problem-solving personally. Bob is Unit Supervisor at Chevron's Cedar Bayou plant. He is responsible for the purity and quality of every cut of alpha olefin produced here. He is also responsible for every customer. That's a dedication that turns 8-hour days into 24. Bob wouldn't have it any other way. Bob came to Chevron right out of the University of Texas at Austin, where he received his BS in Chemical Engineering. For 11 years, he has confirmed Chev© 1988 Chevron Chemical Co.

ron's commitment to alpha olefin customers. A commitment that began when production began in 1965. His hard work and long hours have helped keep Chevron on the leading edge of the alpha olefin learning curve. His dedication goes a long way toward explaining how we produce a pure and linear product in the widest range of options— 11 separate cuts from C-4 through C-30+. It also explains why, when we decided to expand our Cedar Bayou plant, we looked to Bob to be a part of the Expansion CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Project Team. Because just like hundreds of alpha olefin customers, we knew where to go for answers. If you'd like to know more about Chevron alpha olefins, call a Chevron Account Manager at 1-800-231-3260. In Texas, call 713-754-4271. Or write Chevron Chemical Company, Attention: Sales Manager— Alpha Olefins, P.O. Box 3766, Houston, Texas 77253. Telex 762799.


Chevron Chemical Company