Alpha Olefin Sulfonates - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: January 16, 1967. Copyright © 1967 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Announcing a brand new class of surfactants

Alpha Olefin Sulfonates

BIO-TERGE* AS-40B. BIO-TERGE AS-80B (40% active bead) (80% active bead) Here is a real breakthrough in detergent chemicals. The advantages of our new BIO-TERGE alpha olefin sulfonates over present LAS surfactants are considerable, as you will note: • Biodegradable . . * no hedging, the new alpha olefin sulfonates are "third generation" detergents and are really biodegradable. • Mildness . > . mild enough for the finest cosmetic. No more alkyl benzene sticky feel, no more kerosene odor. • Foaming and Detergency... Excellent. Better than LAS, particularly in cotton detergency. • Non Hygroscopic . . , Free flowing formulations—even 80% active beads (BIO-TERGE AS-80B)~~ with no anticaking adulterants added. • Stability and Compatibility . . . for hard water, acid, alkali, heat and soap. • "Plug-In" . . . New formulations not required. Tests show you can substitute directly in LAS formulas. • Odor. , . Another-distinct advantage; odor is mild or nil. The new BIO-TERGE A.O.S. are exclusive Stepan products, made possible by our exploratory research efforts and made practical by our patented SOa film reactor production. Write for your special bubble bath sample. Mild enough for bubble bath, outstanding for all detergent uses. Or send in your order for commercial quantity . . . if B I O - T E R G E isn't everything we say it is, we'll refund your money. Stepan Chemical Company Edens & Winnetka, Northfield, Illinois, Telephone: 3 1 2 - 4 4 6 - 7 5 0 0