alpha olefins - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: May 24, 1965. Copyright © 1965 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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..alpha can tailor the properties of your polymers with these high-purity raw materials

Today, polymer properties can be modified to suit your needs with use of high-purity alpha olefins. Polyethylene and polypropylene are examples of polymers being "broadened." However, widespread use of alpha olefins has been handicapped by the need for commercial production. But now Gulf will soon be shipping

multi-million-pound quantities of nalpha olefins from its new plant at Cedar Bayou, Texas —olefins of consistently high quality, made by ethylene polymerization. If you're a plastics manufacturer interested in producing new and better polymers, investigate the Gulf "family" of alpha olefins. The C 4 to C2o ma-


terials offer a remarkable range of high-purity monomers and may prove to be the basis of your most success­ ful new polymer. For more information on how you can take advantage of this new source of supply, write Petrochemicals De­ partment, Gulf Oil Corporation, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York,

New York 10019. Sales Offices: New York / Pittsburgh / Houston / Chicago / London/Tokyo. Gulf η-alpha olefin products include: Butene-1 Dodecene-1 Fractions Hexene-1 Tetradecene-1 C6-Ci0 Octene-1 Hexadecene-1 C12-C16 Decene-1 Octadecene-1 Ci6-C2o Eicosene-1 C22-C20 World's Finest Petrochemical Products.