alphabetical list of advertisers - ACS Publications - American

35, NO. 9, AUGUST 1963 · 133 A. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS ... T h e I n s t j t u t e 0f Petroleum ..... free to phone or write for recommenda...
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GLASS COLUMNS Packed coiled glass columns of any length and diameter for a n y chromatograph. Where inertness is important use a glass column—at metal column prices.

PRESS-PAR A complete self contained unit for efficiently packinçi and de-packing GC columns in minutes. PRESSPAK quickly pays for itself in time and material saved. Complete Vt" unit


Attachments for packing and depacking 1/8" and 3/16" columns available at extra charge.


P» %o« TUed:

Analytical Grade Ion Exchange Resins? (Prepared from Dowtix Resins) ASK FOR PRICE LIST AM


1919—1963 LaMotte Chemical Chestertown, Maryland U.S.A. Specialists in Colorimetric Techniques Reagents—Standards—Comparators Send for illustrated Controls Catalog Dept. A C

YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT of Chemicals and Materials for sale and/or Wanted can carry YOUR MESSAGE to the readers of the leading workmagazine for instrumentation, control, and analysis.

Rates on Request ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Advertising Office: 430 Park Avenue

Nev/ York 22, Ν . Y.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Ace Glass, Inc 40 Heller Creative Advertising Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc 109:111:113 Walter L. Schump The Alberene Co 46 G. M. Basford Co. Aloe Scientific, Div. of Brunswick 18 Frank Block Associates Alpha Scientific Laboratories, Inc 57 American Optical Co 78 Gelia and Wells, Inc. Analytical Abstracts 115 Analytical Engineering Laboratories, Inc 135 Russell Hersam Applied Physics Corp 117 Charles Bowes Advertising, Inc. Atomic Accessories, Inc 81 J. B. Rundle

Barber-Colman Co., Industrial Instruments Div 63 E. R. Hollingswoi'th & Associates, Inc. Bausch & Lomb, Inc 59:102:119 Wolff Associates, Inc. Beckman Instruments, Inc. Scientific-Process Div 66 69:120:121 Spinco Div.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lrwin Wasev, Ruthraufr & Ryan, Inc. „ ,. „ " . . _. ., Bendix Corp., Cincinnati Div. 43 MacManus, Tohn & Adams, Inc. > ^ D-JI'I rn, James G. Biddle Co 94 The Roland G. E. UUman Organization, Inc. S. Blickman, Inc 62 1. M. Kesslinger & Associates Brinkmann Instruments, Inc 45 The Shaller-Rubin Co. Inc. Briscoe Mfg. Co 56 The Southard Co. Inc. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc 76 Creamer, Trowbridge & Case, Inc. Brooks Instruments Co. Inc 110 Benn Associates Buchler Instruments, Inc 30 Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc.

Fischer & Porter Co The Harry P. Bridge Co. Fisher Scientific Co Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.

44 58:83

General Electric Co., X-Ray Dept Klau-Van Pietersom-Dunlap, Inc. Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc.. . Evans Type-Art Gow-Mac Instrument Co George Homer Martin Associates

118 130 60

Hamilton Co. Inc 123:127:120:131 Swain/Mealer, Inc. W. A. Hammond Drierite Co 44 The Harshaw Chemical Co 22 Harshaw Scientific, Div. of the Harshaw Chemical Co 90 Gerald K. Heller Co.. 48 R. & L. Advertising Agency, Inc.

Industrial Instruments, Inc Lescarboura Advertising, Inc. j t u t e 0f Petroleum » - i T l l . Instrumentation Associates, Inc A D N o r b e c k C o . Inc. , _, T Isomet Corp Larry Alpaugh Λί Άι1 η ^Λττγ Ρ %

106 94 Λ .-, 42

T h e I n s t , t

K k

' " Mf8·



Ίηι^ 104C

I n c

1 7 : 9 4

Lab-Line Instruments, Inc 104B Caffe Ltd. Laboratory Construction Co 1()8:IBC Valentine-Radford, Inc. Laboratory Equipment Corp 124 Jones & Taylor, Inc. Leeds & Northrup 46 John B. Ferguson, Jr. Limit Research Corp 35 Arthur B. W. Toft, William Hill Field Advertising 5 L KB Instruments, Inc Agency, G B r u c e W e s t Advertising J n c. Loenco, Inc 110 Writing & Advertising, Inc. 126 L o o m i s Engineering & Mfg. Co Gordon A. Pihl & Associates

Cahn Instrument Co 29 Haas, DeGrasse, Zimmerman Canal Industrial Corp 7 G Bruce West Advertising Agency, " Th .£. Carborundum Co 48 The Rumnll Co. Inc. Fred S. Carver, Inc 40 J. C. Bull, Inc. Chemical Materials Catalog 128 Persons Advertising, Inc. „ . .„ „ ~, -j Macalaster Scientific Corp n o R o b e r t Hartwe11 Portez F* E'n'loe 'inc Cabine ~ , . ' . Mallinckrodt Chemical Works 19:20 T τ η - ΊΓ.Ατ1 Coleman Instruments, Inc 9., : 104B Inc. B u c h e n Advertising, a Hollander Advertising Agency ' . r> r j i^·»»· r* -*r?r* Manostat Corp., A Subsidiary ot Greiner Γ /'ΐ"? Γ Scientific Corp Falls Advertising Co. Fairfax, Inc. W H Curtin & Co. 102 M a s l e r A p p l i a n c e C o r p Robmson-Gerrard-McGary, Inc. Richard Allen Winter Advertisin% Matheson Coleman & Bell, Div. of the Matheson Co. Inc Leonard M. Sive δε Associates Delmar Scientific Laboratories 122 McPherson Instrument Corp D a v l s Hollander Advertising Agency Advertising, Inc. Me nec Distillation Produc's Industries, Div. of i J " \ & C°* I n , c \ V T h e Eastman Kodak Co 16 Robert Goodman Agency, Inc. The Rumrill Co. Inc. Mettler Instrument Corp Harold Cressingham Microchemical Specialties Co General Advertising Agency Millipore Filter Corp Eastman Chemical Products, Inc 10 Culver Advertising, Inc. Fred Wittner Co. Esterline Angus Instrument Co. Inc.. . 33 Caldwell, Larkin & Sidener-Van Riper, Inc ' The Nalge Co. Inc Wolff Associates, Inc. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp T. M. Mathes, Inc. F & M Scientific Corp 72:74 Richardson, Thomas δε Bushman, Inc. (Continued on page 134 A)

VOL. 35, NO. 9, AUGUST 1963


127 21

80 4 2

116 65 4 2

S 130 124

64 34

133 A

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS {Continued from page 133 A) Nelson Vacuum Pump Co Pacific Advertising Staff Nester & Faust Evans, Dill and Company Nuclear Enterprises, Ltd Fost?i Advertising, Ltd.

Porex Materials Corp Charles A. R a w s o n & Associates


Quinton Co Charles W. Hoyt Co. Inc.


32 112 52

Ohaus Scale Corp Robert M. Baldwin Co. Optovac, Inc Ad-Service, Inc.

114 126

Packard Instrument Co. Inc 12 Ross Llewellyn, Tnc. Parr Instrument Co 48:115 F. Willard Hills Penn-Chem Corp 128 Product Promotions Agency Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corp. 27 Reeds and Farris Pennsylvania Scale Co 52 The William B. Kamp Co. Inc. Perkin-Elmer Corp 49:99:OBC Gaynor & Ducas, Inc. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc. 47 Paul Klemtner & Co. Inc. Philips Electronics, Inc 100 Anders Associates Phoenix Precision Instrument Co 130 Braun and Miller Advertising Agency Photovolt Corp 71 The M. B. Pearlman Co. Picker X-Ray Corp 79 Gotham-Vladimir Advertising, Inc. Pioneer Plastics, Inc 130 T. Robert Fish Associates

Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc.. . . 77 James & Thomas Radiation Instrument Development Lab­ oratory, Inc 103 Albert Jay Rosenthal & Co. Radio Corp. of America 41:61 Al Paul Lefton & Co., Inc. Research Specialties Co 14 Hoefer, Dieterich & Brown, Inc. RGI, Inc 6 Garceau, Hargrave & McCullough, Inc.

Ε. Η. Sargent & Co 38:105 Fulton, Morrissey Co. Scientific Industries, Inc 53:75 Dan Jaffe Advertising, Inc. Scientific Products, Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp 70 Alex T. Franz, Inc. Ivan Sorvall, Inc 84 Arthur B. W. Toft, William Hill Field Advertising Spex Industries, Inc 98 Commercial Art Service Standard Scientific Supply Corp 46 Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc. C. H. Stoelting Co 53 Mandabach and Simms, Inc.

Talboys Instrument Corp 134 Alpaugh Advertising Techne (Cambridge), Ltd 124 Woolward Advertising, Ltd. Technical Measurement Corp 89 Culver Advertising, Inc. Technicon Controls, Inc 55 Mediad, Inc. Technilab Instruments 54 Edward Schaar Associates Texas Instruments, Inc _ 50 Robinson-Gerrard-McGary, Inc. Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Inc 98 Kniep Associates Thermolyne Corp 28 Howard H. Monk & Associates, Inc. Thermovac Industries Corp 56 M. B. Bmcker Co., Inc. Arthur H. Thomas Co 104:104C Tracerlab, Inc 101 Hepler & Gibney Vanguard Instrument Co Waldie & Briggs, Inc. Varian Associates Hoefer, Dieterich & Brown, Inc. The Victoreen Instrument Co Palm & Patterson, Inc.

96 26:82:122 31

The Welch Scientific Co 81 H. A. Hooker Advertising Agency, Inc. The Western States Machine Co 115 Clint Leap, Inc. Wilkcns-Anderson Co 93 Mandabach & Simms, Tnc. (Continued on page 135 A)




These 17 papers presented before the Sym­ posium on Inorganic Free Radicals and Free Radi­ cals in Inorganic Chemistry were sponsored by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry at the 142nd ACS Meeting in September 1962. They constitute the latest findings in this fast-developing area.

106 STIRRER • •

High torque a t l o w speeds. V a r i a b l e speed control.

Stepless speed control from GO lu GOOD ÎU'M tlnough U specially designed taper wound rheostat. Three shafts provide high torque at low speeds. Stirs oil at 60 RPM. Completely enclosed 1/50 H.P. Universal Bodine motor—115 V AC or DC. Clamp on heavy cast aluminum rheostat housing for support rods u p to %" diameter. Special swivel joint permits stirring without $R4C0 at any angle. Adjustable chuck. support stand Ο Ι or stirring paddle

T-LINE SUPPORT STAND # 1 10 heavy cast iron base with a 5 / 8 " χ 30" cadmium plated steel support rod that cannot work loose. Can accommodate jars u p to 18" in diameter. $1 100 Write for literature on our line of light and heavy duty stirrers.

Far from exhausting the subject of free inor­ ganic radicals, they aim to give a status report on what is believed will be an extremely active field of future chemical investigation. One of the best known inorganic free radicals, N02, is discussed in detail, as is also one of the most recently discovered, NF«. Thus, this book contains not only historical background material necessary to workers in in­ organic free radical chemistry but also reports or recent research of the utmost timeliness and significance. 175 pages.

Paper bound.

Price: $7.00

Order from :




I N S T R U M E N T C O R P .


Circle No. 136 on Readers' Service Card 134 A




Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington 6, D. C.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS {Continued from page 134 A) Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc.. . . 85 88 Bob Barriskill Advertising

Laboratory Supply Center Alltek Associates Bio-Kad Laboratories Briscoe Mfg. Co. Clark Microanalvtical Labnratorv George W. Gates Co. Instrument Society of Ame 'îca Laboratory Devices LaMotte Chemical Products Co. Macalaster Scientific Corp. Ν MR Specialties, Inc. Oxford Laboratories Penn-Chem Corp. Perkin-Elnier Corp. Petroleum Analytical Research Corp. Ivan Sorvall. Inc.



Advritising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications' 430 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 Calile



ANAKROM SUPPORTS inlO-MeshCuts! T h e A N A K R O M line of specially treated diatomaceous earth supports is offered in 10mesh cuts from 4 0 / 5 0 t h r o u g h 1 6 0 / 1 7 0 mesh to help you attain highest possible G C efficiencies. Five types are available: Untreated — Acid W a s h e d — Acid & Alcoholic Base W a s h e d — and V a c u u m Siliconized versions of both washed types. In addition to A n a k r o m , other commonly-used sup­ ports are available from A n a l a b s — including Teflon 6 * which also is supplied i n 10-mesh cuts for securing o p t i m u m efficiencies. 'Registered trademark, E. I. duPcnt de Nemours & Co., Inc.



SALES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas N. J. Koerwer, Advertising Sales Manager New York 10022 . . . Sam W. Percy, J. Barry Stanford, Clav S. Holden, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., 212fJ8S-SG0O Chicago 60602 . . . Eugene P. Eldridge, Reinhold Publishing Grip., I l l W. Washing­ ton St., 312-726-8497 Cleveland 44114 . . . Rodney D. Long (Cleve­ land Manager, Reinhold Publishing Corp.), East-Ohio Blclg., 1717 East 9th St., 216-771-4011 San Francisco 94105 . . . Morton McDonald, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 625 Market St., 415-297-5377 Los Angeles 90005 . . . George E. Halleman, Ir., McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 3727 W. 6th St., 213-387-5391 Seattle 98106 . . . T. H. Abney, McDonaldThompson, Inc., 1008 Western Ave., 206-623-3766 Portland 97201 . . . Francis M. Eaton, Mc­ Donald-Thompson, Inc., 2035 S.W. 58th Avenue, 503-222-1546 Denver 80203 . . . Robert H. Heidersbach, Mel G. Carlson, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 840 Lincoln St., 303-825-3325 Houston 77006 . . . Fraink I. Vickrey, Mc­ Donald-Thompson, Inc., 3217 Montrose Blvd., 713-529-6711 Dallas 75219 . . . C. Parker Harris, McDonaldThompson, Inc., 2727 Oak Lawn Ave., 214-521-1266 Tulsa 74114 . . . Max C. Nelson, McDonaldThompson, Inc., 2570 South Harvard, 918-742-9961 Great Britain and Western Europe . . . Brayton Nichols, The American Magazine Group, 44 Conduit Street, London W. 1, England Japan . . . Genzo Uehida, Bancho Koheki Co., Ltd., 5-5 Huyabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,Japan



Valentine Instrument Co.




STATIONARY PHASES The ANALABS line of over 200 specialty and general-purpose phases is believed to represent the most complete assortment avail­ able from one, convenient source. Included are a wide variety of specially synthesized polymers of varying degrees of polarity for advanced GC research. Other specialties are the highly polar neopentyl polyesters of adipic, sebacic, and succinic acids — plus XE60, the most selective of the silicone phases — for the analysis of steroids, sterols, bile acids, terpenes and other high molecular weight compounds.


ANALABS is your exclusive source of supply for ANASIL — a completely new and different S1O2 adsorbent developed specifically for ThinLayer Chromatography. Time after time, in direct comparison with conventional silica gel preparations, ANASIL has provided faster analyses with no sacrifice in separation efficiency. It is available either with or without binder — the latter being especially suited for the analysis of lipid and other complexes where the presence of binder interferes with normal migration of components.

COLUMN PACKINGS TO ORDER! All ANALABS phases can be purchased coated on Anakrom (and certain other supports, as well) in any standard mesh size and in any concentration. Each lot is pretested and a chromatogram kept on file. Also, Analabs will produce completely pretested and conditioned packed columns — glass, stainless steel, or copper — meeting your exact specifications for any instrument.




SOLID ADSORBENTS! ANALABS offers a number of popular solid adsorbents in the narrow 10-mesh cut to help you achieve optimum separations in Gas-Solid Chromatography. They include: Molecular Sieve types (4A, 5 A, 13X), silica gel, activated coconut charcoal, and activated alumina. All are available from 40/50 to 160/170 mesh.

Analabs is an authorized distributor of Hamilton Microliter Syringes. All models are available.



The ANALABS staff of experts is uniquely equipped to assist you in solving your chromatography problems. Whether the problem is relatively routine or highly complex, feel free to phone or write for recommendations. There's no charge . . . no obligation. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE CATALOG describing today's most complete line of chromatographic supplies and accessories.

ANALYTICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, INC. P.O. Box 5 2 1 5 Hamden 18, Conn. ATwater 8 - 3 4 0 0 Circle No. 139 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 35, NO. 9, AUGUST 1963


135 A